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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: January 12, 2003 - January 18, 2003
Weird Questions
I don't know if it's just me, but ever since I was in high school people always felt that I must know everything. I would get asked weird shit everyday from, "Do you know where the janitor's closet is?" to "Why are chuches built with such big ceilings?"
It's true that I am a font of useless information, but I swear, I must get five questions a day on both this blog and on Picture Fish of the most random variety. I post a picture of seahorses, I get asked,
"Where can you buy seahorses because I want to raise them?" I ask if anyone has heard of a certain type of jewelry and I get several people asking me to supply them with more information on the jewelry.
It's obvious that these people aren't your typical blog readers and probably aren't that Internet savvy, but sometimes I just get annoyed at all the random cries for help.
For pity's sake, read the post, realize I don't raise seahorses, am not a jewelry manufacturer, and ask the RIGHT people these questions. Damn!
.: 182 words at 09:25 PM in $entry_cats="Rants, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I know what you mean! I am addicted to my bread machine. I broke down and bought one because I cannot get dough to rise properly in this *drafty old barn* we live in.
I sometimes post favorite bread machine recipes on my blog (in fact, I just did), and even if I go out of my way to say *don't ask me how to make this without a machine, I don't know*...I STILL get e-mails asking me this question!
I also get a lot of cat-care questions that I can't answer. Just because I have so many kitties, that does not mean that I know about all kitty ailments! I am NOT a veterinarian!
Posted by Christine at January 18, 2003 09:54 PM
Do you have the number to 411? bwaa ha ha ha ha! :)
Posted by susan at January 18, 2003 11:17 PM
Uhhhmmmm, so if I needed these questions answered, who could do it for me then? *ducks*
Posted by robyn at January 19, 2003 04:02 AM
It could be worse... you could be the one asking the questions! At least this way, you know that other people think you have it all figured out. Next time send them over to stupidquestions.org - where there aren't stupid questions!
Posted by Kristal at January 19, 2003 06:08 PM
How fast does a swallow fly? *grin* And dammit, where can I get seahorses from!?!?
Posted by Ren at January 19, 2003 06:34 PM
I think you look too nice and all-knowing. That must be it. *sagenod* On the other hand, I am nice and all-knowing, but I never get any stupid questions, or questions at all. Could also have to do with my exceptionally cruel spam filter.
Oh, and by the by, your comment windows have no scrollbars in Netscape 7.0 for Mac (and possibly other browsers)... Not that it matters, can always select with the mouse and mark content until you hit the form, but not all might know how to do that. ;)
Posted by Torgny at January 19, 2003 06:57 PM
But, but, but ... you TOLD me that you knew everything and I believed you! Damn! Now who will be my bevy of useless information if it isn't you?
Can I still call you if I ever make it on to "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"?
(Now feeling guilty for asking the other Christine what bread machine she has...)
Posted by Christine at January 20, 2003 02:45 AM
OMG! I get the same type of insane questions asked in the comments section of my on-line photo albums at Fotki. For example, I have a photo of the courthouse Downtown. I have now had 3 questions asking me about various court-related issues!! Two of them *after* I added a comment that the picture was just a picture of the building and thet I could offer no other advice!
Posted by cybertoad at January 21, 2003 01:14 AM
How long could a person live on vaginal juices?
Posted by Tabetha at June 29, 2003 12:41 AM
Posted by at September 23, 2003 07:54 PM
You must be uber classy. I was trying to find the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
Posted by Tea at October 8, 2003 03:30 PM
Who in the world lives on vaginal juices and why would they want to?
Posted by Belynda Bates at October 27, 2003 01:51 PM
where do i post a new question??? i want to know if the question "do you have the number?" is like asking someone if they are gay? like "are you friends with dorothy?" or "do you ride the bus?" can anyone help me????
Posted by iloverba at November 3, 2003 11:00 AM
People always say life is hard...... but compared to what???
Posted by clark at November 30, 2004 07:55 PM
we're wondering if the anatomy of male midgets or samll people are the same size as regular guys or are theysizable to the individual??????
Posted by ash and Meg at December 2, 2004 12:48 PM
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Everybody's Working For the Weekend
Yesterday was one of those great work days where nothing went wrong, no fires arose that had to be extinguished, and nothing needed to be done. A leisurely paced, wonderful day.
I met Jeanna at the mall after work and we went and say Catch Me If You Can. I really liked it and it had to have had the best opening credits sequence I've ever seen in a movie. The music was wonderful as well. Very retro and cool.
Afterward we went to dinner and Jeanna commented on how the spark is still left in our relationship, which is so true. We're best friends in the truest since of the word and if there's one person that I never grow tired of talking to, it's her. Steven always tells me that it's difficult for women to be true friends and why that may be true for some, it's not for us.
I spent almost the whole day sleeping, which was decidely lovely, and I've been hankering to play Civilization: Call to Power for a couple of days, so despite a long To Do List, that's what I'm going to do.
I also won $25 in a poker tournament and Steven's getting ready to make the pina coladas. Could the day be any better?
.: 216 words at 07:24 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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How I got here is insignificant, since I probably can't even trace for myself the path that led me. Do know two things: A)I'm a beginning blog user and internet savvy enough to not ask you how to raise seahorses (although, it would be neat if you knew) and B)Finally I have found someone with the same opinion as my own about the beginning of Catch Me If You Can. There really wasn't something I could put my finger on, but for some reason I just thought the whole opening sequence was damned cool as well.
It's amazing how clicking links arbitrarily will always somehow lead you to something you didn't know you were looking for.
Posted by sps at January 19, 2003 02:18 AM
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This is kind of a cool idea. Swappingtons lets you list things that you don't want any more (books, CDs, DVDs) and in turn for sending the item off, you get points. With those points you can then trade for something you want.
I know I have a few duplicate DVDs and a bunch of duplicate paperbacks, so this might be a good place to get rid of them. If you sign up, please list kymberlie as your referrer. I've currently got a perfect copy of Reservior Dogs up for trade (or just e-mail me and make me a monetary offer).
.: 101 words at 03:38 PM in $entry_cats="Participation, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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ooo...I'm gonna go check it out. If I sign up, I'll definitely put you on as my referrer. :D
Posted by skits at January 17, 2003 06:48 PM
omg, I was just cleaning my the kids videos and was wishing there was something like that...too cool :)
Posted by DianeG at January 18, 2003 07:43 PM
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To Do List 011703
I am getting stuff done, but more stuff keeps coming up. Time to update the To Do List!
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To Do List
- Get my list to N by Monday evening
- Make "To Be Read" List
- Make nominations for The Photobloggies
- Download mail (already up to 200 messages in less than five days)
- Reorder sidebar
- Add Show/Hide Everything that Jenn wrote for me (Thanks, Jenn!)
- Skin Changes
- Clean up hard drive and consolidate folders
- Clean out any excess files from server
- Move all mail at home to Outlook
- Get a CSS template from CSS Coloring Book to use here
- Implement the On This Day plug-in
- Look into the MT Macros plug-in and more than likely install it
- Start taking more photos again
- Make sure new I Wish, You Wish submissions are added (continuous)
- E-mail Heather the list of books we talked about
- E-mail Justin
- Return pants to Old Navy
- Level up Ibocea (my EverQuest character) to at least level 41
- Start PolishIt.com
- Make two new skins - one out of the card that Jeanna sent me last year and one out of this picture
- Make an exercise mp3 list for when I StairMaster
- Organize all my mp3s
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.: 195 words at 12:40 PM in $entry_cats="To Do Lists, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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It took forever to load here, thought it was a blank blog and went off to get the mail, but the wait was worth it. Sat down and suddenly appeared this awesome picture! Nice blog.
Oh, we need DSL or cable modem here! Not available here yet. And, I like
the font on your heading. Lovely place you have here.
Posted by meg at January 17, 2003 02:58 PM
You know I just have to be nosy and ask ... what sort of list are you making for N? (I could write out all my guesses on this, but you know ... in case he's reading, that might not be wise!)
Posted by Christine at January 20, 2003 02:49 AM
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Changes To Changes
I forgot to mention last night, but I made some changes to Changes - Turning a New Leaf.
I am obsessed with domain names (probably why I have ten of them), so I couldn't let Changes stay on a sub directory. Unfortunately, turning over a new leaf is not a new concept and almost every derivation of it was already registered. Fortunately, TurningANewLeaf.com was not, so I dropped "Over" from the title and now Changes has a slightly new name and its own domain. Be sure to check it out.
.: 92 words at 11:36 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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It looks gorgeous! That photograph is fantastic.
Posted by Su(zi)e at January 17, 2003 12:37 PM
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Two in a Row
What can I say? I'm weak, so I made an order for the second day in a row from my Amazon.com Gold Box.
I was offered Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Second Season on DVD for about $10.00 off. This is another one of those shows that I knew I would love, but never got around to watching. I guess I'll get to finally see it now. :-)
.: 71 words at 12:09 AM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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So are you going to watch season 2 before season 1? I guess I did; I started watching reruns of season 2 right before season 3 started, and only saw season 1 when it came out on syndication years later. :giggle: So if you have questions, you know where to come... I'm kinda a buffy authority ;) tee hee!
Posted by kristine at January 17, 2003 03:33 AM
Yay! See, this is what comes of reading via RSS feeds. ;) I didn't come through your front door to know you'd decided this already.
Posted by Lisa, Gal of Unix at January 17, 2003 06:49 AM
you have to get all caught up now, Kymberlie!!! you need to watch Season 1 before Season 2.. and then buy Season 3... because it's out, too.
let's just say that the gals at the Bite Me blog (me and miss Kadyellebee up there included) are those with Buffy authority. LOL :D
and you can stop by my other blog for scoop as well. i've been a fan since day one! :)
Posted by Kathy at January 17, 2003 12:10 PM
I bought this from my gold box the day before you! :) I've got third season already, but I want to watch them all from the beginning, so I still need first season. If I don't get it for my birthday, then I'll buy it after that.
Posted by Brandy at January 18, 2003 07:17 AM
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Should I or Shouldn't I?
In my Amazon Gold Box I just got offered Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Complete Second Season on DVD for $10 off.
I have never seen Buffy, but everything I've heard about it indicates that I would love it. Now I have an hour to decide: should I or shouldn't I buy it? Hmmm.
.: 55 words at 11:28 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Buy it! Of course, this message comes to you too late. Buffy is a lot of fun.
Posted by Lisa, Gal of Unix at January 17, 2003 06:48 AM
I would vote YES on that one (though I see you went for it already). I just got "into" Buffy last season and have been trying to catch up via reruns - it isn't easy. The DVDs will help you a lot. Who knows, you may even want to watch the new shows too!
Posted by Promo at January 17, 2003 07:57 AM
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Blogrolling Question
I changed my blogroll so that it would only display ten random blogs (that list was getting so long). I know I've seen sites that have "Launch the whole list" on them, but I'll be damned if I can remember which ones. Anyone know if there's a way to launch all links without creating a links page?
.: 57 words at 11:46 AM in $entry_cats="I'm Looking For...., ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i made an HTML page that pops up in a new window using the "backup" feature of blogrolling. It adds the BR automatically I think... I have to update the HTML every time I add a new blog but it works... I just made it a new template in my MT so when I update my blog I update my reads.
Posted by Mandie at January 16, 2003 05:25 PM
Darn it, I'm sorry that ping sent 3 times. Pings don't seem to be wanting to go to you lately, or at least they don't seem to want to leave my "URLs to ping" box. That's the second time this week I've had that happen! Sorry!!!
Posted by kristine at January 16, 2003 09:26 PM
I have an HTML pop-up that lists out my full Blogrolling list, while my blog only displays 26. Let me know if you need the code and I can dig it up for you.
Posted by Christine at January 20, 2003 02:55 AM
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Why Do I Care?
Today my boss was amazed that I get worked up over stuff like CEDAW and Roe v. Wade. He can't understand why things like that are a major issue to me. Steven echoes the same sentiments and I can't make them see why.
All I can say is read The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. That book has had the most influence on my views on things like abortion and on how women are treated throughout the world. It's the reason I am so vigilant for anything that can threaten my rights.
Say I overreact, say I don't see the big picture, say I shouldn't concern myself with things that don't necessarily involve me. Say what you will, but it's a slippery slope. Lose one right and maybe another and where does it stop? I cannot help but concern myself with these things.
.: 144 words at 01:12 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'm with you...great book. I also agree with the right to choose. Not sure if I could have made that choice, but I want the ability to decide myself.
Posted by daisy at January 16, 2003 07:58 AM
I agree also, I want my rights...the right to choose is a big one for me and always has been. I have been in some tough places and had to make tough choices throughout my life, but I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't been ABLE to choose. :) Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll have to look into that one!
Posted by Crystal at January 16, 2003 08:18 AM
What a wonderful book that was. I finished it, then flipped right back to the first page of it and started reading it again.
The thing is, while it's a fictional story that stretches a pre-existing attitude until its scale is so grand as to encompass the whole nation (I don't believe, in the novel, that the entire world shares the same set of values as the country in which Offred lives)...it's still not so far from a viable, real future.
It only takes one major sort of slip to change all kinds of rules. That's why yes, we need to keep on top of things...and yes, we need to make sure those rights aren't taken away from us, no matter what our acutal opinion is on the matter.
The book scared me. But that's only because I believe it could happen. Could.
Posted by Crinkle at January 16, 2003 08:52 AM
I haven't read that book, but I'll definitely check it out. It sounds like something I'd enjoy. Did you catch the editorial in the NY Times about Prez Bush's views on abortion (or maybe his party's view) and women's rights? If not, I have a copy of it on my site right here if you're interested. :)
Posted by Eli at January 16, 2003 12:04 PM
I have read that book o many times. It is truly a great read, though the topics that are brought up are quite stark.
Kymberlie, I know what you man. It worries me when our rights become too controlled. I always fear the worst and wonder what the next step will be. I don't think that this can be considered 'over reacting'
If you lose part of your rights, and you become complacent, where does it end? What rights will you lose next?
Posted by munin at January 16, 2003 06:05 PM
I totally agree with you. Not only is The Handmaid's Tale an excellent book, it is a rather frightening reminder of what COULD happen if enough people decide to "mind their own business" and turn their backs on what is going on. Laws affect EVERYONE....so everyone should be concerned...Great post! :)
Posted by Tricia at January 16, 2003 09:38 PM
You may need to read more about what CEDAW means to American sovereignty. It goes against everything our country was founded on. Did you realize CEDAW calls for legalization of prostitution?
CEDAW Fact Sheet
Posted by Jason at January 17, 2003 07:28 AM
In response to "Eli's" comments on the 16th... I can only say that hearing all of the pro-death voices, rising up in offense to the protective measures (for unborn children)that are being taken by the Bush administration...HA!!! I couldn't be more pleased than to witness the scramble by your sort to maintain the legality of "open-season" on unborn babies. if you are truly looking for an enlightening view point on the abortion battle, look for the movie entitled "The Silent Scream".
After all, who are we to toss around our opinions on the right to abort when we aren't the victims?
Posted by Meg at February 11, 2003 10:56 PM
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Right Out of The Box
I ordered the first item out of my Amazon.com Gold Box today.
I was offered Twin Peaks - The First Season (Special Edition) DVDs for $5.00 off. While I never got to watch the show, knowing what the types of things that I like, I have always thought that Twin Peaks would be right up my alley. A few gift certificates later and the first season is mine for a mere $5.00 and change. Now, does anyone have the pilot they can loan me?
.: 84 words at 11:49 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Ooooohhhhh...I LOVE Twin Peaks! I think you will enjoy it, too!
One of the things that Mike brought into the marriage is a boxed VHS set of the entire series. We also have the pilot (also on VHS), which we'd be happy to lend to you.
Let me know if you want me to send it to you...I still have your address from the postcard exchange, and can get it out to you right away.
Posted by Christine at January 16, 2003 10:17 AM
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Reasons For Love #14
Every Wednesday those who are involved in a relationship with somebody share a few (simple but significant) reasons for their love. Please keep in mind that this does not have to be a romantic relationship. It can be about a parent, a sibling, a friend, a co-worker, your kid, your dog, whatever.
Stop in here to join the notify list, see who else has left their reasons, and to be added to the blogroll. Also, feel free to save the button below to your server and link it to http://www.neuroticfishbowl.com/reasons.html

I love Jeanna, my best friend, because...
- We survived the Titanic disaster together
- I sent her the link to the Periodic Table of Haiku and she e-mailed me back in haiku for the rest of the day
- No one appreciates my odd quirkiness like she does
- She enjoys saying "Jackmonkey!" as much as I do
- She is the most fun to be around whether we're just hanging out, watching a movie, or walking along the beach
- No one else can understand my bouts out paranoia and insanity as much as she does
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Jackmonkey! (I have to temp tomorrow. I'm getting some practice in...)
Posted by Christine at January 16, 2003 12:15 AM
first time in... comments up on my blog. :)
Posted by beth at January 16, 2003 11:37 AM
Mine are up!
Posted by Jennifer at January 16, 2003 11:56 AM
My reasons are up! ;) Have a good week!
Posted by Erica at January 16, 2003 01:49 PM
better late than never.....
Posted by martie at January 16, 2003 06:14 PM
did my first one!
Posted by aithne at January 16, 2003 07:03 PM
Just posted my first one :)
Nice idea, to think about good things!
Posted by Kristal at January 17, 2003 09:50 AM
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Money, Money, Money!
Woo hoo! I just did my taxes online and I'm getting like $500 back! Much better than when I had to pay a bunch of money last year (I owed on my six months of unemployment).
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now... if Oregon would get it's act otgether and finish voting... I could do mine!
Posted by amancay at January 16, 2003 01:16 AM
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It's a Group Thing XLV
To celebrate my new fitness/exercise blog Changes: Turning a New Leaf, (soon to be on its own domain) today's "It's a Group Thing" term is:
A Conflab of Weightwatchers
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How About We Call It "Here's My Real Agenda" Day?
Oh my fucking god. Bush declares National Sanctity of Human Life Day.
Bush, who has supported various abortion restrictions, called on all Americans on Sunday to "reaffirm the value of human life and renew our dedication to ensuring that every American has access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
What the fuck? Can this administration make their stance on women any clearer? If Bush really thinks that "(e)very child is a priority and a blessing, and I believe that all should be welcomed in life and protected by law," he is even more of a nutcase than I thought.
I am seriously beginning to think that this is the year that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
How much longer as a country can we survive with this man as president? How many civil liberties and freedoms must we lose? How I wish I could be unconcerned with all of this and just live my life. How I wish I could just stick my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist.
.: 176 words at 05:46 PM in $entry_cats="Notable News, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I am seriously beginning to think that this is the year that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
Count on it, dear. Maybe not this year. Maybe not until he is winging his way through his second term (if he is inflicted on us for a second term). But you'd better believe that a part of his (mostly) unspoken agenda is to find a way to get rid of legal abortions in the U.S. preferably without having to personally take any of the political fallout for it.
Which is why he probably won't move on it until his second term. At that point, he won't have to worry about getting re-elected.
It's also why he was through hissy fits when his nominations for the federal bench kept getting stalled in a Democratic-controlled Congress. He's stacking the bench with nice Conservatives so that he'll have plenty to choose from when he gets to nominate somebody.
Oh, yes, my dear. It's definitely coming.
Posted by Dawn at January 15, 2003 07:50 PM
Duhbya's attitude (and his appointment of John Ashcroft as Attorney General) was a big part of why Mike had a vasectomy shortly after the wedding. We had decided that kids were not for us, but we feared that if birth control failed, we might find ourselves without a choice in the matter.
That was OUR choice. However, I feel for women who don't want babies NOW, but might want them someday. Permanent sterilization is not the answer for them. And they are the ones who are gonna get fucked, big-time, if they get pregnant once Row vs. Wade gets overturned.
I can only pray that Duhbya will take after his daddy, and be a one-term president. He is not only stupid, he is dangerous.
Posted by Christine at January 15, 2003 08:02 PM
People, please, calm down. Time for the Voice of Reason to step in here. Roe vs. Wade is not going to be overturned, nor will Bush be pushing for it. In fact, the balance of the Court won't be shifting because it is highly unlikely we'll see the retirement of any of the liberal justices in the near future. Thus, the current ideological split will remain.
Second, new appointees to the federal bench are not likely nominees for the High Court, since Presidents want to be sure of the ideological bent before the nomination. And yes, though is no requirement they have served a tenure on the Federal Bench, it's almost certain that Bush already has his first nominee selected and waiting (Hint: He is serving in the White House as Chief Counsel as we speak.)
Finally, would you all please stop acting like Bush is a) stupid and b) dangerous. He has run his administration with a fair, even hand, fighting a war while leaving basic civil liberties virtually untouched. The only people with something to fear are those with something to hide.
Posted by The Voice of Reason at January 15, 2003 10:16 PM
But it does exist, and yes, it's clear there's an agenda. We can only hope that there is enough sense somewhere in the Justice System to keep us focused on the things that are really threatening our country, and leave the rights of women alone.
Posted by Amy at January 17, 2003 12:29 AM
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Changes - Turning Over a New Leaf
Some of you may remember my New Year's resolutions and noticed that quite a few of them had something to do with weight loss. I decided that I do really want to try and reach those goals, so I have created a new blog: Changes - Turning Over a New Leaf.
My hopes of making this resolution public is that it will motivate me to actively try and achieve it. I will be more inclined not to slack off and to StairMaster if I can write it down and feel better about myself. Plus, there's always the pressure of doing something if others know about it.
Feel free to drop by occasionally and leave a comment or two. I should be posting stats and probably pictures in the next couple of days.
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Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I have enjoyed surfing around your blog. Best of luck with the New Year's resolution.
Posted by Christopher at January 14, 2003 09:01 PM
Best of luck to you, Kymberlie!! I look forward to following your progress with you!
Posted by Catherine at January 17, 2003 07:36 AM
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How Do I Love Thee?
Since Robyn has declared that today is to be a Bloggin' Lovefest, I wanted to take a few minutes and let some people know how much I love them. I wish I could say something about everyone in the blogosphere, but alas, I just don't have days to wax poetic about them all. With that in mind, here are a few special bloggers (in alphabetical order) that I adore:
The Bran. Since I worship and adore her literally, how could I leave Bran off the list? I still remember when, just a few weeks into the blogging world, she e-mailed me and offered to make me a skin. I thought it was so sweet of her and have been part of her cult ever since.
Christine. The person who actually got me started in all of this crazy blogging nonsense. She helped come up with the domain, installed my MT, made the first skin, and hosted me. Well, after working together for a couple of years, it was the least she could do, right? ;-) Anyway, she's one of the few people that can actually appreciate the insanity in my life and I'm thankful for her.
Erika. I've always been impressed by Erika's blog and her wonderful designs. Her posts are always interesting (be they funny, sad, or just a bit nutty) and her blog was one of the ones that I've read since before I began my own. I appreciate her honesty, her warmth, and her friendship.
Kristine. There is so much I could say about the ever-wonderful Kristine. She has always patiently answered my MT questions and even IMed with me through my first upgrade. She is a kind, kind soul who took me under her wing and I am a better person for it. She is sweet, she is passionate, she is smart, she is funny, and no one could be a better person than her. Plus, she's the one who got me hooked on all those online tests. ;-)
Michele. I remember reading Michele at the time of the WTC disaster and her writing would usually move me to tears. Rarely have I met anyone would could write so well be it a funny post, a heart-wrenching post, or just an every day, run of the mill post. I even remember getting drunk and crying a bit over her spitting incident post because I was so proud of her. If I could be any blogger, I would probably wish to be her.
Sheila. Ah, my own little tart. Sheila sent me an e-mail mentioning that she had been watching my blog (and me) from afar and really enjoyed it. I can't remember the last time I felt so flattered. We know IM pretty regularly and she's always good for a bit of tartness to get me going in the morning. She has a penchant for pin-ups that is completely understandable and crafts some of the most gorgeous blogsets out of them (check out Tart Graphics if you don't believe me). She is witty and deliciously interesting and I just adore her.
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Awww sweetie, I love you too!!
Posted by michele at January 14, 2003 05:48 PM
GREAT list! Awwwwww... :-)
Posted by robyn at January 14, 2003 05:56 PM
Thank you, sweetie! It was fantastic to have lunch with you today and it helped me get a little closer to deciding which path to take myself. I'm glad you're blogging and loving it as much as I knew you would!
Posted by Christine at January 14, 2003 06:17 PM
Aww, what a great post! :) I'm so glad we are friends!!!
Posted by kristine at January 14, 2003 07:50 PM
*sniffle* thanks, hon! love ya, too. you's the mostest!
Posted by that tart at January 14, 2003 07:53 PM
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Classmates, I Don't Bite!
Every now and then I see a hit from my Classmates profile (Aw, look how cute I was in high school with my perm!), but I've only had like two people send me an e-mail (Hi, Heather and Holli!). It drives me a bit crazy.
If we went to school together and you bothered to go check out my blog, say hi. I rarely bite and I would probably love to hear from you.
.: 74 words at 01:23 AM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I did not go to High School with you. :P
I did, however, just add you to my Reads List, and I like to tell people when I do that. So there.
Posted by Crinkle at January 14, 2003 01:06 PM
wow, people actually use Classmates? i thought they just made banners!
Posted by mikey at January 14, 2003 01:15 PM
Happy Bloggin' Lovefest, Kymberlie!!
Posted by zuly at January 14, 2003 04:43 PM
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The Photobloggies
That cool cat Rannie has come through with yet another awesome project - The Photobloggies!
Since a photoblog category wasn't added to The Bloggies this year, Rannie decided to make an award just for them.
This is going to be tough. I can think of so many deserving sites to nominate (not even counting my own Picture Fish), that I am torn. Anyone else have that problem?
.: 70 words at 12:54 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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oh yes. I keep surfing photoblogs.org and everysite I come to has three other photoblogs I've never been to linked (and I've been to soo many photoblogs). It's just this massively overwhelming task. But so much fun for us photoblog addicts. :)
Posted by Cis at January 14, 2003 01:25 AM
me too! I'll have to print out the form and make notes while cruising around the web.
Posted by Lisa, Gal of Unix at January 14, 2003 08:34 PM
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Participation Positives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- I finally fixed all the issues with the archives over at I Wish, You Wish (it was driving me batty)
- My new blog is almost ready to launch and I love how it looks
- I had a divine lunch with Steven today (delicious food and Sting playing in the background)
- I'm a bit more enthused about some stuff I have to do at work
- I smell like chocolate
- Jeanna and I e-mailed each other haikus this morning and it was fun
- I love and am loved
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To Do List 011303
A lot of stuff was marked off on my last To Do List, so I think that means it's time for a new one.
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To Do List
- Make my Lovefest post
- Call credit card company
- FedEx survey Palm Pilot back
- Finish last few pages and things so that Changes: Turning Over a New Leaf can launch
- Update checkbook to reflect PayPal changes and any new checks
- Burn Sheila's CD
- Mail Sheila CD and calendar
- Clean up hard drive and consolidate folders
- Clean out any excess files from server
- Move all mail at home to Outlook
- Put Hallmark ornaments up for auction on eBay
- Replace "new" with "_blank" in header, footer, and template files
- Make header graphics home links
- Get a CSS template from CSS Coloring Book to use here
- Implement the On This Day plug-in
- Look into the MT Macros plug-in and more than likely install it
- Put new pictures into Picture Fish
- Start taking more photos again
- Make sure new I Wish, You Wish submissions are added (continuous)
- E-mail Heather the list of books we talked about
- E-mail Scott
- E-mail Justin
- Return shirt to Old Navy
- Level up Ibocea (my EverQuest character) to at least level 41
- Start PolishIt.com
- Make two new skins - one out of the card that Jeanna sent me last year and one out of this picture
- Make an exercise mp3 list for when I StairMaster
- Organize all my mp3s
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My One and Only Love
Sting's version of "My One and Only Love" has got to be one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. It's from the Leaving Las Vegas soundtrack and in case you've never heard it, it's the current mp3 download in my sidebar. Look under Music Selections to find it.
.: 50 words at 12:22 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Thank you for the download. I love this song. I love that movie.
Posted by Marie at January 13, 2003 11:13 PM
I may be an idiot (I'd like to think not) but I could not access the song to download. Granted I'm 29 and so a tad techno-stoopid, but I have been trying to figure out where the heck I was to click to hear Sting's My One and Only... I am trying to decide if we want to use as our first dance song at our wedding in Ocotober! So, please Help!
Posted by Kris at June 29, 2004 06:39 PM
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Weekend Wrap-up
I've been pretty quite this weekend. I spent most of yesterday on the couch watching things on the TiVo. I've also started my new project, Changes - Turning Over a New Leaf, and spent almost all of last night working on it. As soon as it's make skinnable, it should be ready to go.
I also played several tournaments over at Paradise Poker and managed to place second in almost all of them.
I also couldn't resist the siren song of The P22 Club any longer and signed up before I forgot to since the offer is only good until January 31st. I also bought the first season of 24 on DVD for Steven since his birthday is coming up.
All in all, it was a typical weekend. Spent a lot of time online and with Steven, played pool and poker, worked on my blog, and just generally relaxed. Shame it has to be Monday already!
.: 156 words at 08:54 PM in $entry_cats="Discovery Friday, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I can't wait to hear how the fonts are :) I think I'm gonna buy the ones I found the other day ... I just can't stop thinking about them!!!!
Posted by kristine at January 12, 2003 11:09 PM
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