Flying Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease
My friend Kimberly (or Berly as she's known since there are a million Kimberly/Kymberlies around) turned forty Thursday and for her birthday milestone, she wanted to go skydiving. Since I loved it so much last time, I totally had to go.
I knew my brother Russell would also love it, so I told him that if he came, I would pay for part of his tandem since his birthday is Thursday. He said no, since he already had plans to go to Austin that weekend, but he called me Thursday morning and said that if I was still going, he'd like to come, which really made me happy; I just love my brother.
About fifteen people ended up going out, including Katie and Chris, though only seven of us jumped.
We were supposed to jump around 11:00, but, as far as I can tell, having a reservation with a large group of tandem jumpers doesn't really make a difference. There's usually a limited number of tandem masters (I think it was three today) and videographers, so there's no way to go through a large group quickly; you simply have to be split into several groups.
We still probably would have been gone by early afternoon except for the crappy weather. Since you obviously can't skydive in the rain or with lightning or anything else like that. They had to keep stopping the plane, so we didn't actually get in the air until around 4:45.
Russell and I rode up in the same plane along with a girl from his firehouse. I never really worry about myself too much when jumping, but Russell was jumping before me and I must admit it was a little scary watching him approach the door and jump out. He's my kid brother, you know?
Finally, it was my turn and I was a little nervous when we got to the door, but much less so than this time. I enjoyed the freefall a little more this time, I think because I didn't have a videographer, could concentrate more on looking around as opposed to at the camera, and also knew a little more what to expect.
As always, though, floating down after the chute pull was my favorite part. The time, Elio, my tandem guy, removed my goggles for me, so I was seeing the ground without the kind of crappy plastic being in the way. He also let me pull on the chute's handles which allowed me to steer us through the air.
I can't believe how much I love doing this. Since Russell enjoyed the hell out of his jump too, I'm hoping we can start working on our certifications together next year. I really don't want to have to go through all the classes and training alone.
Shame it's such a damn expensive hobby. Anyone want to give me about $6,000 for training and gear? lol
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Sounds like you had a repeat of what we went through last weekend, what with all the waiting. Gah.
It's a shame you don't live closer -- we could do the certification together! Move to Philly. Come on!
BTW, do things still look good for you coming to visit next month?
Posted by mac at September 4, 2005 04:33 PM
"We were supposed to jump around 11:00, but, as far as I can tell, having a reservation with a large group of tandem jumpers." ... ??? I think something is missing there, but can't figure out what.
Glad you had such a good time!
FYI - Southwest had cheapish flights to Philly from Hobby airport a week or two ago. Not sure if you saw the commercials or not.
Posted by Christine at September 5, 2005 11:39 AM
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But I Don't Know Anyone Named Ruby!
While "The Five Stages of Properly Pissed" is funny, nothing is funnier or more true than Larry Miller's "The Five Levels of Drinking". (Don't be a dick; right click and "Save As...")
Not that I've ever gone through these stages or anything. Especially not Tuesday night, right, Irfy?
.: 50 words at 02:00 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Oh man, and this time I mean it.
Posted by at September 2, 2005 11:55 PM
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Hives, Hives, Stay Away!
I'm back at Elaine's housesitting while she visits Kenny up in Washington.
Since the last time I was here I got the worst case of hives ever, I'm hoping we're right in thinking it was her pillows, which I have safely moved off the bed. I've even taken a Zyrtec already.
Of course, thinking about hives is making me itch which is making me paranoid that I've got them after being here like an hour. I'm so neurotic.
Anyway, cross your fingers that the hives stay away. I'm skydiving again Saturday and tomorrow's the monthly Geek Gathering, so I'm too busy to spend it swollen up like someone beat me badly about the face.
.: 116 words at 09:43 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It - Summer 2005 Edition Delay
I totally suck.
The latest Burn It CDs were supposed to be mailed this week, but I haven't even got the lists together, much less sent them to anyone so they can mail them out.
Tomororow, though, I am totally going to send them out. This means the date will have to be moved, so the new date to mail your CDs will be Monday, September 19th.
I'll mention all this in your e-mails, but if you've been wondering what's up, yeah, I just have had all this other shit to do (read partying like a rockstar and then going to bed the next night at like 6:30 to make up for it), but I swear we're going to get caught up.
.: 122 words at 01:08 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Happy last day of August from your Secret Blogger! I'm glad to see I'm not the only procrastinator.. uh..
... person who's way behind in the house ;-) Anyway, a goodie box
left from somewhere (althought I'm not sure from where) via post for you yesterday, & is on its way as fast as those little men in blue shorts & knee socks can carry it. I had lots of fun tonight shopping for you for later, too -- hope you like it! (um.. them)
Posted by Secret lil' ol' me at August 31, 2005 10:35 PM
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Doesn't Anyone Want to Help Me Out?
Okay, people, I only need one more completed sign up over at and then I can claim my $275 in cash. There's even tons of instant credit offers!
Doesn't anyone want to help me out? Pretty please? I'm so close!
Update: woot! Someone did an instant offer, so it looks like I should be good to go! For some reason it's not allowing me to pick my bonus gift, but I've e-mailed their tech support, so hopefully I'll hear something soon. Yay!
So, does anyone want to sign up for now? I only need two more - one for the regular gift and one for the bonus. ;-)
.: 110 words at 08:12 PM in $entry_cats="Participation, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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