Signed Stephen King!
I can't believe it, but I just ordered Borderlands 5 from Borderlands Press.
What's so exciting about this is that it's a short story anthology with twenty-five contributors including David J. Schow, Bentley Little, Tom Piccirilli, Gary Braunbeck, and, unbelievably, Stephen King!
The thing that has me jumping up and down is that it's signed by all twenty-five contributors! I am the biggest Stephen King fan, but I don't own anything of his signed. It was a little expensive ($75), but cheap considering how many incredible authors are in it (and Stephen King!).
The guy I ordered from says he expects it to sell out within the hour, so I'm glad I ordered it!
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i never completed Rose Madder, though i'm so close to the end... and i can't remember the other books i have... i think i have Nightmares and Dreamscapes. what do you recommend as the best Stephen King book ever?
Posted by Kathy at July 2, 2003 11:45 AM
That is so cool. I love King. Lucky you. :)
Posted by kat at July 2, 2003 11:11 PM
That is so great! It is something you can keep forever!
Posted by Hunter at July 4, 2003 12:00 AM
Congrats girl!
Have a wonderful 4th (weekend).
Posted by gingersmack at July 4, 2003 09:16 PM
OMG! Sooooo jealous! I'm such a huge King fan, too. That's just awesome. Congrats!!!
Posted by skits at July 6, 2003 12:52 AM
Damn. I'd order one too, if I had the money.
Posted by Kevynn Malone at July 7, 2003 02:27 PM
Haven't heard from you in awhile - I hope all is ok with you. :)
Posted by Susan at July 9, 2003 08:07 AM
To whoever wants book recomendations by Stephen King or Bentley Little "IT" by Stephen King was really good, also the Dark Tower series if you like that kind of thing. By Bentley Little I recomend "The Return, The summoning, and The Association" I love Stephen King and he will always be my favorite, but Little really does have some scary books, and I have a real high shock tolerance....besides King is a fan of can't get much more praise than that.
Posted by Rick Knepel at September 3, 2004 01:04 PM
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I've been quietly lately. Maybe you've noticed how many days last month that I haven't blogged - a real rarity for me in the year and a half that I've had this site.
I'm not sure what it is. Why nothing makes me feel like talking or sharing. I think I've started to get a handle on the depression that was so bad (especially in April). While I've gotten past the "Life is so bad, I can't stand it," I can't seem to get to the "It's good and can improve" level.
I feel frustrated by everything. My weight's hit an all-time high since I lost fifty pounds about seven years ago. Even though I lost that much weight before, the twenty-five or thirty pounds that I need to lose now seems absolutely impossible.
I guess it's a combo of feeling loney (Steven works a lot later than me, so it's just me and the cat rattling around the house), feeling fat, and a general sense of ennui. Plus it's so fucking hot. Blah.
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I know just how you feel. You could have been describing me and my life (well except the too hot thing).
Hang in there. I've found that exercise (once I got past the hating it stage) really helped my mood/stress levels, and of course gets a start on the weight loss. Sometimes once you get some success with your weight, then it's not so hard to start with the other component (food).
Posted by Bev at July 2, 2003 07:25 AM
Keepy trying! I'm sure you can get through it and find your way to the happy side of life again. =) Remember, you only have to deal with one day at a time.
Posted by Nicole at July 2, 2003 10:40 AM
I have times like that too. I have gained back weight I lost before and now it seems doubly hard to lose. :-( I don't like that feeling. Hang in there, I'm pullin' for you.
Posted by Hey Lisa at July 2, 2003 11:48 AM
May and June were really difficult months for me, and I'm just pulling out of my depression, so I'm right there with you. Hang in there. Better days are ahead.
Posted by Angela at July 2, 2003 02:08 PM
You are not alone! I don't mean to sound like a cornball, but go get busy! (not like that) I went through hell the last year and I found I needed distractions. I volunteered, I took a French class, took a class at Second City. It helped me so much.
BTW...My quote for the last year has been from Winston Churchill who said..."If you are going through hell- keep going". Feel better!
Posted by Hunter at July 4, 2003 12:04 AM
I love the summer for the activities and warmth (except when it's this warm) but I hate it for the fact that I have to shed my sweats and big floppy sweaters so everyone can see that I spent the winter eating cotton candy in front of the pc.
Posted by Danelle at July 4, 2003 11:57 PM
Hang in there Kymberlie. Don't worry too much about posting, when the yen to types strikes again, we'll be here. Until then take care of you, and know that we love you tons and are here for you.
*big squishy hugs*
Posted by munin at July 5, 2003 06:57 PM
I'm on Lexapro for my "stress problems"... I can tell you it has made a real difference in my life. Before I went on it, I cried all the time and would just feel so tense and pissed off at the world. Now things that would have made me mad make me laugh at how stupid people are....
As for losing weight, I lost 15 pounds last year and say the hardest step is the first one! You can do it! I hope you get better!
Posted by The Sarcastic Journalist at July 5, 2003 08:22 PM
Wow, I am so glad that there are others out there who seem to have the daily struggles with weight that i do. I have recently been feeling like total shit because over the last year my weight has gradually crept back up...yuk, there is nothing like lying on your side in bed and feeling those sexy rolls...hehehe
Oh well at least its winter here, so I can cover my mass and work on it....
I hope things get better for you, dont let depression beat you, and depression really can be quite a good reality check cos in order to know the highs, you have to experience the lows.
Posted by MissV at July 7, 2003 09:29 PM
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Goodbye, Katharine
Katharine Hepburn died today. What an amazing woman she was. She will be missed.
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If you have never seen the movie, SUMMERTIME, you must. I think it is one of her best--one of my favorites. Yes, indeed, she will be missed.
Posted by Elaine at June 30, 2003 01:35 AM
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Just some random stuff that's on my mind:
- I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Friday and I quite enjoyed it. I agree with several people that the writing is simply not as magical (pardon the pun) as the first couple, but all in all, it was a great book. Lots of good coming of age stuff in there and I just had to see what was going to happen next. Hope we don't have to wait three years for the next one.
- An eBay auction pair of shoes that I have been drooling over for a week ends in forty minutes. If they go up much more, I won't be able to bid on them. Who are the ends that bid on auctions before the last few minutes, driving up the price? Don't they know these are my shoes?
- I watched 44 Minutes on FX this weekend. It's the story of those two guys who held up a bank in North Hollywood in 1997 wearing kevlar body armor armed with AK-47s. They left the bank firing over 2,000 rounds injuring over thirty people, most of them police officers. The movie was great, though I felt such rage that people can legally own weapons like sniper and assult rifles. It's just so fucked up. I really do recommend seeing this movie, though. Really good.
- We rented Die Another Day this weekend and it was pretty entertaining (though a lot of it was highly unrealistic). At least it didn't have Denise Richards in it. I really can't stand her.
- I've had thirty people sign up for Burn It - The Summer Edition already. Since we only had about forty people last time, I think this one's going to be even bigger. Come and sign up!
- The cat is so cute running around with her little fur mouse in her mouth like it's actual prey.
- Man, how can it be Monday almost already? I am so glad Friday is a holiday.
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