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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: June 09, 2002 - June 15, 2002
Saturday Stuff
We just got back from dinner with my brother and parents (Dad's birthday was last week and Father's Day is tomorrow) and we're going over their house to play dominoes. I probably won't get to post about my trip until tomorrow, but everyone have a great Saturday!
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Hope your visit with the parents is pleasant! Get lots of sleep tonight!
Posted by Anne at June 15, 2002 10:32 PM
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Home Again
I'm back, but kind of tired, so I will be putting a post up tomorrow about the lovely spa trip. It was a great trip - both relaxing and productive. What more could you want out of a business meeing?
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I am glad you are home safe, and that you had such a productive AND relaxing time! :)
Posted by Tricia at June 15, 2002 08:48 PM
Wow, relaxing and productive! Your setting new and improved standards for business. I hope it cathes on... like a plague. LOL!!!!
Posted by Anne at June 15, 2002 10:34 PM
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I Feel Good
Christine and I are sitting in the computer room at our new client's resort and we are two happy chicas. She got an excellent stone pedicure and I got a full body massage. For the first time in days I don't hurt anywhere!
The client meeting went really well this afternoon and we are having another one tomorrow morning before we leave. Both us and the clients have come up with some good ideas to make their site more user-friendly and nice and everyone is very excited about the project. I hope everyone had a lovely Thursday!
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Glad everything went well... am jealous, insanely jealous! :-)
Posted by Anne at June 14, 2002 12:33 AM
That's so good - I'm glad you both feel pampered and its great that the meetings are going well. Happy Friday! :)
Posted by kristine at June 14, 2002 07:06 AM
screw the client; let's hear more about the spa!
Posted by mikey at June 14, 2002 05:32 PM
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Bye Bye, Baby!
Christine should be on her way over, so I am just about out the door. I will be back late Friday night, so every take care and wish me luck in the meetings!
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Thursday Threesome
Time for Deb's Thursday Threesome!
Onesome. Miss Scarlett, what makes your face turn red? Not much really if you mean literally red. I hardly ever blush. Steven, on the other hand, blushes easily and I love to tease him and make him blush.
Twosome. The Library. What books are a must in your opinion for a personal library? Everything by Stephen King for sure. My personal library is huge and would also include things like The Handmaiden's Tale by Margaret Atwood, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy books by Douglas Adams, The Outlander series by Diana Galbaldon, and tons of horror anthologies.
Threesome. The Lead Pipe. Ever have a plumbing related woe? Tell us all about it. Nope. ~crosses fingers~
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Leaving on a Jet Plane
Christine, Krista, and I are off to visit our new clients in Arizona tomorrow. It's been a bit of a week from hell (well, today was at least), so I am looking forward to my massage tomorrow night. I went to the chiropractor again today and he said it's not uncommon to be more sore today after the first alignment. I am feeling much better now and go back next Tuesday so maybe I'll get all of this straightened out (straightened out. Get it?) and start feeling human again. I'm off to shower and pack, so y'all be good while I'm gone!
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I seem to be more sore today than I was before seeing the chiropractor. As a matter of fact, last night I took a strong pain killer of Steven's so I could quit hurting and try and sleep. Is that normal? I go back to see him in three hours, so I'll be sure to mention it to him.
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I don't know if this is normal, but I would be concerned. My thoughts and prayers are with you! :-)
Posted by Christine at June 12, 2002 04:39 PM
It could be... Did you just start seeing a chiropractor? If so, it can take a while... several appointments before you are totally adjusted into the "right" position. It can also take a while for your body to get used to being correctly adjusted if it was used to being "out of whack" so to speak. Then again... mentioned it definitely, because it could be a pinched nerve also and that's REALLY BAD! :-) We go every other week as a whole family to the Chiro... it started as weekly visits though:-)
Posted by Anne at June 12, 2002 05:04 PM
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It's a Group Thing: Part XV
Since I finally went to go see a chiropractor about the neck and shoulder pain that I keep having, I think it's only fitting that today's "It's a Group Thing" term is:
A Crack of Chiropractors
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I went to the chiropractor this afternoon and he told me that I'm losing the curve in the middle part of my neck. It's probably why I've been getting headaches and always have pain in the right side of my neck. They put some heat and shocked the muscles and then he did a chiropractic adjustment which consisted of cracking all the bones in my neck and shoulders. Unfortunately he said I'm going to have to start sleeping on my back, so I hope it's something I can get used to. He said he was surprised to see my neck in this condition since I'm only twenty-seven, that it's more common in people in their mid-thirties and forties. He did say, however, that by coming now it should be easy to correct and shouldn't become a permanent condition. I go back tomorrow for another adjustment and he's going to teach me some exercises to help me.
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My wife has been seeing the back-cracker for a few months now. She started off seeing him 2 times a week. But, now her back is doing so well with the stretches he gave her to do that she only needs to go in when she thinks she needs to. Hope that's a little encouraging...
Posted by ML at June 12, 2002 08:08 AM
Did he say what had been causing this? That's kinda scary... but I'm glad that its all fixable :)
Posted by kristine at June 12, 2002 11:46 AM
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Yes I Am!
I was walking out to my car today to go to lunch when a guy passed me going the other way. He remarked, "Hot one," (we live in Houston and it's sweltering outside) and I had the urge to go, "Yes. Yes I am," since we all know I am a such a little hottie.
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yes. yes you are. ;)
Posted by kristine at June 11, 2002 03:24 PM
that's one thing I *don't* miss about Houston -- the heat. It's like breathing in a pizza oven.
Posted by that tart at June 12, 2002 06:31 AM
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Scary Dreams
I forgot to post this earlier, but I had nightmares again for the past few days, not an uncommon occurance with me. I woke up crying Sunday but couldn't remember what the dream is about, though I almost always remember them. I had a really scary one this morning and actually woke Steven up since I was trying to scream. In the dream I was laying on the ground and this cougar was standing on top of me walking from one side of my head to the other. The cougar was getting ready to eat my face and I didn't know if I should try and frighten it away by screaming or just be quiet. I guess I finally decided to scream because Steven said I was making strangled sounds and moving my head back and forth. What a way to start a Monday, huh?
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Omigod, what a horrible dream! Am so sorry. I did read somewhere that what you eat before you rest affects your dreams/sleep habits or if you are under undo stress, that causes nightmares as well. Hope these will pass!
Posted by felicia at June 11, 2002 02:00 PM
Sounds like a "Monday" thing to happen. At least Steven was right there when you actually woke up. Always a wonderful thing to wake up to, I'm sure, but especially comforting this past Monday. Don't you think? Hhhhmmm, wonder what the dream book says about cougars walking up and down you body? :-)
Posted by Anne at June 11, 2002 04:17 PM
That dream sounds super freaky, I know that nightmares are super scary cause that is all I have, I don't think I have ever had a good dream, but yours sounds like I would have scream my head off, first of all I love cats, and I don't think I could ever see a cat do that-but it was a dream-bye bye!!!
Posted by ~Lava*Lass~ at April 13, 2005 03:31 PM
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This-or-That Tuesday
Time for Christine's This-or-That Tuesday:
- Regular or electric/battery operated toothbrush?
- Shower or bath?
Shower, though I used to take a long bath every Thursday while Steven was at poker. I would listen to music and read; it was very relaxing. Maybe I should start that back up again. I can't get my hair clean in a bath since it's so long.
- Automatic dishwasher or hand-wash dishes?
Since it's just the two of us and we don't have a lot of dishes, we handwash. I don't think I've ever seen the dishwasher ran in the almost five years I've known Steven.
- Paying bills: online or write out checks?
For the most part, checks. I only pay one credit card online and that's because it's free to do so.
- Laundromat or your own washer/dryer?
We have our own, but don't ask me how to operate it!
- Electric or gas stove?
Electric, but again, don't ask me how to operate it. I have no domestic skills to speak of.
- Subscribe to magazines/newspapers or buy at newsstand?
- Alarm clock...music or buzzer?
Buzzer, though it's really Steven telling me to get up that makes me wake up.
- Go grocery shopping yourself, or order stuff to be delivered?
I always wanted to get the stuff delivered before Grocery Works went bankrupt, but Steven never liked the idea and since he buys the groceries, it was his call.
- On workdays...pack a lunch or eat out?
Eat out. I never bring a lunch.
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:-) Congrats on being #1 two weeks straight! :-) Thanks for playing!
Posted by Christine at June 11, 2002 12:25 AM
LOL! You are even less domestic than me! Tee, hee! :D Although, having a house is making me a little more domestic as I find myself trying to keep it neat and nice-looking now that 1) we have people over more often and 2) it's such a nice place to begin with I don't want it looking bad.
Posted by cybertoad at June 11, 2002 09:51 AM
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Just Rub Me
Christine and I just made our spa treatment appointments with the very elite resort that we are going to for our business trip. I am getting a full-body deep tissue massage. When I talked to the guy who scheduled my appointment he let me know that only male therapists will be available at the hour I chose. I've had about a dozen massages, but they've all been by females before. Personally, my motto when it comes to massages is this, "Male. Female. Alien. Goat. Whatever. Just rub me."
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you're in for a big surprise when you realize that he's rubbing both your shoulders and your lower back, all at the same time!
Posted by mikey at June 10, 2002 08:59 PM
Just rub me, damn it! Ahhhhh...
Posted by Christine at June 10, 2002 09:12 PM
Please don't 'rub' it in so much... mah ha mah ha
Posted by todd at June 10, 2002 09:46 PM
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Participation Positives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- I have my new shirt on from Victoria's Secret. It's a beautiful pink color and I love it
- The jeans I bought from Victoria's Secret not only fit, but they look really great on me
- I bought a nice "business casual" outfit (skirt, top, and shoes) to take on my business trip for under $50
- I have a chiropracter appointment tomorrow, so maybe my neck and back will feel better
- Our business trip is to a very elite resort and we get to pick a free spa service
- The book I'm currently reading, Casual Rex by Eric Garcia, is very funny and I'm loving it completely
- I worked very hard on that big engineering diagram and completed the front-end. I am proud of the work I did on it.
- I love and am loved
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you rock :) I'm so glad you got your diagram done and feel so good about it! Can I come in your suitcase to your business trip and get some spa service? ;) I promise I'd even be helpful :giggle: And way to go with the shopping trip - sounds like you made out GOOD!!! {{hugs}} to you!!
Posted by kristine at June 10, 2002 04:41 PM
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Monday Mission 2.23
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.23:
1. Do you have a side of the bed on which you prefer to sleep? Do you sleep on that side even when traveling or does it matter?
I tend to sleep on the (if you're laying in the bed) right side of the bed. I like to lay on my right side and I love to be spooned, so I usually sleep on that side even when we travel.
2. What is your favorite "Theme Park?" How come and when was the last time you were there?
I love Six Flags Astroworld and had a season pass all through middle school and high school. The last time I was there was last Halloween. Steven and I went, but he suffers from vertigo, so he only rode a few of the rides with me.
3. What is your most and least favorite thing about staying in hotels?
There are never enough pillows and they're too small.
4. Did you ever take family vacations that required looooooong car rides? Were siblings involved ("Stop touching me! Don't cross this line!)? Were the trips just unbearable or did you make up some "car ride games" to pass the time?
We used to look for Volkswagon bugs, though we never did the slug bug game. There was a giant electronic sign on the way to my grandparents' house, so we would also try and be the first to spot the sign.
5. With all the drilled peep-holes and spy-cams we hear about on the news, have you ever felt self-conscious about taking off your clothes in a hotel bathroom? Has wondering if someone was on the other side of that mirror on the wall above the dresser made you think twice about "gettin' busy?"
No, not really. We only stay in a hotel about once a year (The Bellagio in Vegas) and it's the furthest thing from my mind. Thanks for giving me something to be paranoid about! ;-)
6. Describe the most romantic vacation you have ever taken or if that does not apply ;) (), tell me about the worst vacation you have ever taken.
Probably the first time Steven and I went to Vegas together. I'd never been on a real vacation before, so that made it special. Plus Steven was more romantic and lovey-dovey than he'd ever been (we'd been dating maybe six months or so at the time).
7. (continued) After a full tummy and four days of sleep, I'd say I've never felt better. Since it is nearly noon, how about you come over and we'll hang out on the deck. I have a pool, hot tub and lotsa eats and drink. But feel free to bring whatever else you think we need! How should we spend this fine afternoon at the pool?
Steven needs to make us raspberry piña coladas and we need to bring lots of tunes. How about you bring the mp3 player and I'll bring a couple of thousand mp3s?
BONUS: Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?
I've got it, I get it, but never often enough. ;-)
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Jedi Knight, I Am!
Even though I didn't like the last movie very much, Jedis are still very cool (as long as they aren't whiny like "Annie").

:: how jedi are you? ::
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Guess what I am???

:: how jedi are you? ::
Apparently, a goodie two shoes!
Posted by Anne at June 10, 2002 12:14 PM
Ya, Anni may be whiney, but I am enjoying the storyline. Thus I enjoyed Episode 2. I didn't enjoy Episode 1, too much Jaja... it just ruined it for me. I'm not terribly fond of the frist movies either... the only one I enjoy watching (again) is Return of the Jedi. I can't help it I'm a sucker for the lusty stuff (loved Lea and Han the best), so I'm getting into Padamin & Anni's storyline. I kinda feel sorry for whiney boy... but I agree he should have been "handled" or "trained" by a stronger hand than OBI WAN... He needed to be taught more respect, patience and selflessness. Ah, but isn't that the whole point of the story! If only... if only... it shows the total falibility of mortal kind.
Posted by Anne at June 10, 2002 08:00 PM
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Happy Bithday, Daddy!
Today's my dad's birthday, and while I'm pretty sure he doesn't read my blog, I wanted to publically wish him a happy birthday anyway! Happy birthday, Daddy! I love you!
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Hassellhoff - The Video!
(I posted this over at PromoGuy's, but I thought I'd post it here too.)
Last week Ernie posted a link to David Hasselhoff's video of Hooked on a Feeling. For your entertainment, I thought I would give a running commentary of the video Mystery Science Theater 3000 style (be sure to watch it so you know what I'm talking about).
Okay, I get that he's dressing up like different cultures, but why does he have a mask on with his Eskimo suit? Is he trying to be Zorro the Eskimo?
Oh, baby! Make some more of the sincere rock star faces!
When he's in his Aussie outfit bouncing around, that feather looks like arrow out of his head. He must be a wild and crazy guy!
What's up with the dogs all over the place? Are they dauchsands? Are they his?
Speaking of weird background things, wtf are those little girls dressed up as angels supposed to add to the video?
Okay, he looks like a tool bouncing up and down.
There's those dogs again.
Wow! He obviously never needs a stuntman since he can do motorcycle tricks!
What the hell kind of mask is that? Is he an owl? That's just creepy!
Okay, earlier in the video he was flapping his "wings" to fly, but now he's flying like Superman (in other words, just sticking his arms straight out).
Sexy Eskimo! Shake those hips, big daddy!
Lucky us! Now that he's in the background and the foreground, we get two Davids for the price of one!
Yummy! Raw fish!
I hope you enjoyed today's Neurotic Fishbowl version of Video MST3K. Keep Circulating The Tapes!
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Sunday Op-Ed
Time for Chris's Sunday Op-Ed!
1. Religion
What is something that I think the world could do without so much of? I think the world would be a lot better place if people focused more on spirituality than on religion and forcing their views on other people.
2. Politics
What is something that I wish I knew more about? I tend to go more with my heart on issues and should pay more attention to who's saying what and what people stand for.
3. Money
What is something that I wish I had more of and have been spending too much of lately? I can't wait until my salary adjustment goes into effect on July 1st and I start making more money!
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Eight From The Eighties
Deb's Eight From The Eighties were posted today, so here's my take on them. :-)
1) Do you be illin'? Not recently, except for a minor cold back in May that nagged me for a week.
2) Who's simply the best? Better than all the rest? Steven. He is wonderful and I am glad every day that we have each other. :-)
3) Do you want to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time? I used to, but come the weekend, I mostly want to sit home, drink raspberry piña coladas, and do nothing.
4) Are you a maniac? About some things, yes.
5) Do you believe in spirits in the material world? I do. I think there is a whole world that exists that we aren't aware of except for certain times.
6) I got my mind set on... my upcoming business trip to a very chic resort and the spa treatments we get!
7) Do you love dirty laundry? The gossipy kind - yes. The literal kind - no way.
8) Say, say, say what you want. My domino luck this weekend sucks! My rating has plummeted.
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Guest Blogging
PromoGuy has gone out of town for four days and is having a series of guest bloggers take over for him, one a day. Today's Sunday and it's my turn to post over at his place. If you get a chance, drop by and say hi.
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A Card A Day...
I forgot to mention it, but Friday when I came home from work I had a card in the mailbox from Jeanna, my best friend, just letting me know that she loves me and not to let things get me down. It was such a surprise and it really made my day. Thanks, Jeanna! I really appreciate it and love you lots. :-)
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Where To Live?
I saw the link for Find Your Spot over at Christine's blog, so I thought I'd see what are the top twenty-four places for me to live. They are:
1. Little Rock, Arkansas (Where America Comes Together)
2. New Orleans, Louisiana (The Crescent City)
3. Oakland, California (East Bay Living)
4. Long Beach, California (LA’s Ocean Playground)
5. Honolulu, Hawaii (America’s Tropical Paradise)
6. Monroe, Louisiana (Twin Cities of the South)
7. San Diego, California (California’s First City)
8. Orange County, California (Live The California Dream)
9. Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana (Cities of Three Flags)
10. Lafayette, Louisiana (The Heart of French Louisiana)
11. Las Vegas, Nevada (Entertainment Capital of the World)
12. Portland, Oregon (City of Roses)
13. Los Angeles, California (The Dream Factory)
14. Sacramento, California (The River City)
15. Alexandria, Louisiana (The Crossroads of Louisiana)
16. Baton Rouge, Louisiana (The Cajun Capital)
17. Fayetteville, Arkansas (Light of the Ozarks)
18. Washington, District of Columbia (The World's Greatest Capital)
19. San Jose, California (The Silicon Capital)
20. Ventura, California (The Buena Coast)
21. Houma, Louisiana (The Heart of Cajun Country)
22. Baltimore, Maryland (The Sparkling Harbor City)
23. Las Cruces, New Mexico (City of the Sun)
24. Albuquerque, New Mexico (The Pulse of New Mexico)
There's a lot of California and Louisiana entries in here, probably because I said that being near a beach is important to me. I really don't think I'd move to any of these places except Honolulu. :-) While Vegas is a great place to visit, I don't think I'd really want to live there.
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Portland is only about an hour from the beach! But the water is cold as hell! Still, I recommend Portland highly.
Posted by cordle at June 9, 2002 08:13 AM
Where To Live?
I saw the link for Find Your Spot over at Christine's blog, so I thought I'd see what are the top twenty-four places for me to live. They are:
1. Little Rock, Arkansas (Where America Comes Together)
No, "AMERICA", Meaning North and South, comes together in Panama City, Panama which lyes on the Panama Canal
2. New Orleans, Louisiana (The Crescent City)
If you can handle the crime, corruption, mosquitoes and hurricanes. But it does have potential.
3. Oakland, California (East Bay Living)
If you can handle the earthquakes.
4. Long Beach, California (LA?s Ocean Playground)
LA meaning Los Angeles County, and ditto for earthquakes, as well as crime and pollution.
5. Honolulu, Hawaii (America?s Tropical Paradise)
No, Hawaii is nowhere near "America", it's in Polynesia, and has trouble being able to handle all the people already there
6. Monroe, Louisiana (Twin Cities of the South)
If you're talking about Monroe-West Monroe, I can think of alot better candidates for that title, a few in Florida a few in North Carolina, etc not to mention Dallas-Fort Worth Texas.
7. San Diego, California (California?s First City)
Not as bad for Earthquakes I hear, but still has Southern California's water problems.
8. Orange County, California (Live The California Dream)
Again, the earthquakes.
9. Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana (Cities of Three Flags)
Can't say I know what that means, but there seems to be no problems there.
10. Lafayette, Louisiana (The Heart of French Louisiana)
If all the Haitians moving to Florida moved to that region instead, it could help to restore the linguistic culture.
11. Las Vegas, Nevada (Entertainment Capital of the World)
Sin City, needs a new water source
12. Portland, Oregon (City of Roses)
Name causes confusion with Maine's largest city, earthquakes, hailstorms (a minor inconvenience), and I never cared much for primate-border cities (I live in Louisville, Ky- the Goofy Metropolis)
13. Los Angeles, California (The Dream Factory)
Shootings, desolation, pollution, corruption, earthquakes, yadda yadda yadda
14. Sacramento, California (The River City)
Not as bad for earthquakes I hear.
15. Alexandria, Louisiana (The Crossroads of Louisiana)
I see no problems
16. Baton Rouge, Louisiana (The Cajun Capital)
Same as for New Orleans and Lafayette.
17. Fayetteville, Arkansas (Light of the Ozarks)
I see no problems.
18. Washington, District of Columbia (The World's Greatest Capital)
I hate when people call it "Washington", singly. That's in the Pacific Northwest for cryin out loud!
19. San Jose, California (The Silicon Capital)
Sprawl City.
20. Ventura, California (The Buena Coast)
Coastal Southern Cal, what can I say I haven't already? But I'd still pick there over the "City of Fallen Angels"
21. Houma, Louisiana (The Heart of Cajun Country)
Same as for Lafayette + plus a very vulnerable location. Hate to see what happens when the polar caps start melting.
22. Baltimore, Maryland (The Sparkling Harbor City)
Not everybody likes John Waters.
23. Las Cruces, New Mexico (City of the Sun)
24. Albuquerque, New Mexico (The Pulse of New Mexico)
I hear there's a seismic zone that runs along the Rio Grande's route into New Mexico.
There's a lot of California and Louisiana entries in here, probably because I said that being near a beach is important to me.
Louisiana has a minimum of beaches; mostly tidal flats.
I really don't think I'd move to any of these places except Honolulu. :-) While Vegas is a great place to visit, I don't think I'd really want to live there.
Hawaii has WAY too many people, and cows and pigs. Only indigenous Hawaiians deserve to live there, as well as people who can restore it's environment.
Portland is only about an hour from the beach! But the water is cold as hell! Still, I recommend Portland highly.
Would that be Maine or Oregon?
Posted by Shawn at September 13, 2003 03:43 PM
You want beaches? how about the Bahamas (possible future state?) Or Belize? They could use the economic boost.
And to my knowledge, Roswell N.M. is the city least at risk for both tornadoes AND earthquakes.
Posted by Shawn at September 13, 2003 03:49 PM
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