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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives by Category: Burn It
Burn It - Summer 2005 Edition Delay
I totally suck.
The latest Burn It CDs were supposed to be mailed this week, but I haven't even got the lists together, much less sent them to anyone so they can mail them out.
Tomororow, though, I am totally going to send them out. This means the date will have to be moved, so the new date to mail your CDs will be Monday, September 19th.
I'll mention all this in your e-mails, but if you've been wondering what's up, yeah, I just have had all this other shit to do (read partying like a rockstar and then going to bed the next night at like 6:30 to make up for it), but I swear we're going to get caught up.
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Happy last day of August from your Secret Blogger! I'm glad to see I'm not the only procrastinator.. uh..
... person who's way behind in the house ;-) Anyway, a goodie box
left from somewhere (althought I'm not sure from where) via post for you yesterday, & is on its way as fast as those little men in blue shorts & knee socks can carry it. I had lots of fun tonight shopping for you for later, too -- hope you like it! (um.. them)
Posted by Secret lil' ol' me at August 31, 2005 10:35 PM
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Burn It - The Summer 2005 Edition Extension
The sign ups for the latest Burn It CD swap was supposed to end last Friday, but I've been too busy to really hype the exchange like I should, so I'm extended the sign ups until next Tuesday (gives me a few days to recover from Blogathon).
So, you've still got a few days to go read the rules and sign up.
.: 64 words at 07:31 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It - The Summer 2005 Edition
I've been meaning to do this for like a month, but time has completely slipped away from me lately. Looks like this will be a sign up in summer, get your CD in the fall Burn, but what the hey.
The last Burn was a rehash of the very first theme (driving music), so I've decided to do another rehash this theme as well. It's probably my very favorite theme ever, so I hope you like it too.
The Theme:
I live in Texas and it is freaking hot outside. Driving to a friend's house yesterday I passed a digital thermometer that said 106°. That's freaking hot.
In honor of the blistering Texas heat, this Burn (appropriately enough) is about hot music. And by this I mean music so sensual, so sexy, so scorching (like all the s words?), that it makes you hot, just like you too were out in the Texas sun. This would be the music you would want playing in the background if you were really into someone to go with the sexual tension in the air.
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. This does not mean you'll be getting a CD from me. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I get at least a few CDs every Burn that have nothing on them at all. Let me repeat this again: Put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD. I swear, getting several CDs a day without this info makes me want to ban people. Be nice to your organizer and make it easier for her to keep track of you.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it; it's too hard for me to keep all this is one spot):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
- New requirement: If you want to be in one group or two. (You can send the same CD to each group. You don't actually have to create two different mixes.)
Sign-ups will continue through end of day Friday, July 29th. By Monday, August 1st, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group.
You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Wednesday, August 24th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page. Also, feel free to swipe one of the buttons here and link it to the category page here.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 1023 words at 10:37 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Yeah, I take it you decided not to come over to this friend's house yesterday? ;) We missed you. Seriously.
Posted by Christine at July 12, 2005 01:10 AM
The rules:
- If you’re not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don’t bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn’t send your CDs out, don’t sign up this time.
for this very reason, I'm going to opt out this time around. I'm kind of tired of putting forth the effort, only to be screwed over nearly every time. I may still make one and sent it to you, though, Kymberlie.
Posted by girl at July 12, 2005 09:32 AM
Every member of my group sent CDs last time, so I'm signing up again :)
Posted by smeg at July 12, 2005 11:14 AM
I didn't get a single CD the last time :( Not one. And I had a larger than usual group and theoretically a better chance of getting one. Of course, I did move, there is a chance that it didn't get through the mail, however, my brother lives at my old address and surely would have notified me if I'd gotten mail. I kind of agree with Girl. Maybe I'll sign up anyway and just leave it up to karma to balance out the universe.
Posted by syd at July 12, 2005 11:33 AM
I really want to participate, but I don't like the theme. Why does it have to be about sex? I don't have much "sensual, sexy, scorching" music, let alone 80 minutes of it.
Posted by Smooth Earl at July 12, 2005 01:56 PM
I got all my cds! All awesome ones, this theme seems tough! If i would of got Girls addy she would of got my 2 i did last time!
:) Sounds like fun!
Posted by Terry at July 12, 2005 08:29 PM
Hi Kim, count me in. Last one I did was lots of fun once I figured out what was wrong with my burner. Just got a new PC and that will make it much easier. =)
Posted by Christine at July 12, 2005 08:41 PM
Based on almost every past experience I have had with Burn-It in that I never get all of my CDs from my fellow participants, I should naturally back out on this one... (Esp. since I was part of a large group this last time and got, count em': 2 CDs) However, I cannot resist this theme. So count me in. I'll give it one more try. Crossing my fingers that I get into a good group this time where everyone follows through.
Posted by Traci at July 14, 2005 08:54 PM
Yeah, I think I got about 1/2 of the CDs I should have, but I will do it one more time anyway...
Fun Fun Fun :)
Songs that make ya hot...hmm...
Posted by John Hoke at July 19, 2005 03:02 PM
Did this ever happen? Are you still doing the Burn Its?
If not, would you consider a new home for it, as I would love to keep this going!
Posted by smeg at April 14, 2006 05:38 PM
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Burn It CDs Are Overdue
I should have mentioned this last week, but it slipped my mind. Whoops.
If you participated in the Burn It - The Spring 2005 Edition CD swap, your CDs were due out last Monday. I've gotten a ton of them for this Burn already (Yeah!), but we still have around fifteen or twenty people that need to send theirs out (Boo!).
If you've got a slacker in your group, feel free to e-mail them and ask them where the hell your CDs are, but in a nice way. ;)
.: 89 words at 09:25 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I got all of mine! I was in the good group of people :-) me and Rina gonna exchange again! :-)
Posted by Terry at May 21, 2005 10:04 AM
I got all of mine too :)
Posted by smeg at May 21, 2005 12:30 PM
I've not gotten all of mine, I actually haven't gotten one from you, Kimberly, maybe it got lost in the mail?
Posted by Michelle at May 21, 2005 07:47 PM
I actually am not in any groups; you just have to send me one so that I can verify that you participated. :)
Posted by Kymberlie R. McGuire at May 21, 2005 07:52 PM
I've only gotten 1 out of 3. I tend to get screwed over every time, but I still enjoy making them.
Posted by girl at May 21, 2005 09:12 PM
I've gotten two of mine ...
Posted by dvg at May 21, 2005 10:28 PM
I only got two of mine as well. One person in my group didn't send. That's ok...one person in my group sent two CDs, so I guess the third CD compensates for the person who didn't send. It's all peachy to me. :)
Posted by Timi at May 26, 2005 04:06 PM
I haven't sent out mine, but you know I always do even if I'm late... :)
Posted by nastybastard at May 29, 2005 12:18 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2005 Group Information
I sent out the group information for the latest round of Burn It, so if you signed up and din't get yours, e-mail me right away.
.: 27 words at 09:50 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I just got a CD burner, so I can participate in the next Burn-It!
Make it real soon, okay?
Posted by kimberly at April 17, 2005 12:22 PM
In case you check this before your email -
I was sending out my CDs today (yeah, last minute) and anyway, for two of the people in my group their adddress in your email to me is the same. I don't know if that' sright or if it's a copy/past error. I'd hate for one to get two packages and one to get none.
Anyway I sent you an email on it just now but this is just in case you check here before email. I want to get them sent out ASAP.
jason borneman
Posted by Jason at May 9, 2005 10:18 AM
I know the deadline for mailing our CDs is today, but I had some music on my hard drive at work that I couldn't get until today that I wanted to include.
I will mail mine tomorrow.
Posted by kimberly at May 9, 2005 11:23 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2005 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Spring 2005 Edition.
You can get all the information on what it is and how to sign uphere.
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Im In!
Posted by Terry at April 11, 2005 02:40 PM
I hope to be in, I've not heard back yet though
Posted by smeg at April 11, 2005 05:31 PM
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E-Mail Snafu
There was a snafu with my webmail today (if you're using Horde, I don't suggest trying to start a blacklist or filter; it totally fucked up my mail), so I lost all mail that I got today.
If you signed up for Burn It either yesterday or today (just to be on the safe side), please resend me your information. I'd hate to leave anyone out who had signed up. (Same goes for any personal mail that you might have sent me. Please resend.)
.: 84 words at 07:30 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Posted by smeg at April 8, 2005 12:11 PM
Just to let you know that as of today, the European version of Burn It is up and running, more info at http://midnightalchemist.com/?page_id=37
Posted by =bmd= at April 10, 2005 03:39 PM
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Burn It - The Spring 2005 Edition
It's hard to believe, but this spring marks the second anniversary of the beginning of Burn It, my seasonal mix CD swap.
Since this is a big anniversary, I've decided we're going to go back in time and redo the very first Burn It theme - the one that kicked it all off - driving music.
Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
Music that makes you want to roll down your windows/open your sunroof/put down your convertible top and sing along at the top of your lungs. It's spring time and I want music that makes you feel good. It doesn't haven't to be a happy song, but it does have to be great music to drive to.
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free or beg me. I'm not immune to a little begging if you really, really want to participate.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I get at least a few CDs every Burn that have nothing on them at all.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it; it's too hard for me to keep all this is one spot):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
- New requirement: If you want to be in one group or two. (You can send the same CD to each group. You don't actually have to create two different mixes.)
Sign-ups will continue through end of day Monday, April 11th. By Thursday, April 14th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group.
You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, May 9th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page. Also, feel free to swipe one of the buttons here and link it to the category page here.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 969 words at 07:11 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It is so cool you should really do it! I've gotten so many good mixes from my friends! Puleeze send your CDs if you sign up. We who actually make and mail our CDs appreciate it when we actually get CDs in return! It is a real let down to do all that work and not get CDs back. It is really not nice to not send CDs (unless you have a really good reason which someone in my group last time did).
Posted by katie at March 29, 2005 09:48 PM
I've gotten screwed over a couple of times too. not cool at all! but I still really like doing it.
Posted by girl at March 31, 2005 08:56 AM
Ooooh. Driving music! I haven't participated in the last swap or two because I didn't think I'd have time to put a decent CD together, but get this - just yesterday I heard a song, and I was thinking that I'd love to make a driving mix again. Today, I stop by here, and this! Yay! I'm SO in :) (I'll email you my contact info again from home later, I'm at work now, I know, I slack.)
Posted by Alison at April 1, 2005 01:00 PM
I've applied, haven't heard of this before, but read about it over on john.hoke.com :)
Posted by smeg at April 5, 2005 11:16 AM
Has anyone else had problems receiving the confirmation e-mail once inputting your e-mail address for the registration? I signed up yesterday, but have yet to receive the confirmation e-mail. I'd love to participate.
Posted by Jenn at April 6, 2005 08:13 AM
Jenn, I signed up for the mailling list yesterday and havent received a confirmation email either ...
Posted by smeg at April 6, 2005 08:55 AM
Did you know that in Europe we can burn cd's as well? And that we also have music?
And cars?
Posted by eric.s at April 6, 2005 05:23 PM
It's true, I also have a CD burner, blank CDs, music and a car.
I'd really like to do this. How about all us Europeans shamelessly steal this idea and pimp it throughout the EU?
Posted by =bmd= at April 7, 2005 02:08 PM
Hi! I just found out this site and I think it is a really cool idea! Too bad I do not live in the US our in Canada. I live in Portugal, but I would be really interested in participating. Is it possible, i there were people interested in shipping to portugal?
Posted by Leonor at April 11, 2005 12:00 AM
im in! my site is down yet :( so have to email me--I love to burn cds so person(s) will get um!
Posted by Terry at April 11, 2005 02:39 PM
this is badass
Posted by lucia at January 29, 2006 06:24 PM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition CDs
Just a friendly reminder, but if you participated in the last round of Burn It, your CDs should have been mailed on Friday. If you're running late, that's cool, but it would be nice for you to let your group members now.
Don't be lame and not send your CDs out; it will get you banned from future Burn Its.
.: 61 words at 04:45 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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mine went out today. do you want me to mail yours too or just give it to you next time I see you? I burned you a bonus cd too b/c I think you'd probably appreciate it more than some of the others on the list. :)
Posted by girl at February 22, 2005 11:39 PM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition. The theme this season is remixes, so there should be some interesting compilations created.
You know you want to join, so go read the rules and sign up!
.: 50 words at 11:50 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Aw man, I missed this burn it. I was just thinking about it yesterday too- wondering when the next one would be.
Ever think of setting up a mailing list or something of past participants who want to be notified of new swaps?
Will attempt to remember for the next one...
Posted by tristin at February 6, 2005 08:17 PM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition
Time for the next Burn It CD Swap. Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up! (And, yes, I know it's not 2004 any more, but with the new job and the holidays, this is a little late getting out.)
The Theme:
One of my favorite things, at least musically, is a good remix. Remixes are amongst some of my very favorite songs, so it's high time that I feature them as a theme. So, dazzle me with your favorite remixes by creating the Best Remix CD Ever.
I've had a couple of people ask me exactly what a remix is According to Dictionary.com the definition is: To recombine (audio tracks or channels from a recording) to produce a new or modified audio recording: remixed a popular ballad and turned it into a dance hit. With that in mind, I don't think covers should be considered remixes.
Ultimately, though, Burn Its have always been about making an awesome CD that you love and want to share with other people. So, if not every track that you put on there isn't strictly a remix, the world won't fall apart. Just make a good CD and actually send it out to you group members (lots of people have been bailing on their groups. Don't be That Guy).
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
- New requirement: If you want to be in one group or two. (You can send the same CD to each group. You don't actually have to create two different mixes.)
Sign-ups will continue through end of day Thursday, January 20th. By Monday, January 24th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Friday, February 18th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page. Also, feel free to swipe one of the buttons here and link it to the category page here.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 1031 words at 12:31 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (11)
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Interseting theme, but alas one I cannot participate in. I have all of 1 remix song. Guess the remix craze is lost on us old farts ;).
Posted by Howard Hill at January 12, 2005 06:33 AM
as usual, i'm in! emailing you my details shortly...
Posted by tj at January 12, 2005 08:27 AM
Maybe I'm just an old fart, but what's a remix? How is it different from a cover?
Would it be like the songs of the group Big Daddy (http://www.bigdaddyfan.com/), who took songs and put them to a new beat? Or something else?
Posted by Julia at January 12, 2005 04:13 PM
damn you, Kymberlie! I told myself that I wasn't going to do this one b/c I always procrastinate and send my cds out late. but you had to go and pick my favorite thing in the world. this is going to be one kick ass cd with the collection that Boy and I have, I assure you. I may even have to do 2 cds to fit everything I want to use.
Posted by girl at January 13, 2005 07:14 AM
OK, dang it, I'm in. I can't pass up remixes!
You should maybe expand your definition to include Mash-Ups (they are a form of remix, yes?). Though you then may need to explain what a Mash-up is....
Posted by PromoGuy at January 13, 2005 12:32 PM
This is good, but can I suggest that you include people from Europe. We can be in our own groups. The only (small) thing will be that we will have to post one cd to the US (yours). I don't see why it would be a big deal.
Posted by bbm at January 13, 2005 06:46 PM
You know I'm in.
Posted by nastybastard at January 16, 2005 12:05 AM
Fundamentally, yes a remix is a song with a different beat. Many times they will take the song as it was originally done and put down some dance beat stuff to make it more appealing to club goers for dancing.
Posted by Howard at January 16, 2005 08:37 AM
There's more fun with Mix CDs over at the Mix CD Exchange... http://www.fiveandtwenty.com/cdx/ ... come on by...
Posted by Spike at January 19, 2005 12:00 PM
Timing kinda bad right now...and my only remixes are of Britney and some other pop princesses, lol! Can't wait to join the fun next time.
Posted by KP at January 26, 2005 11:59 AM
damn... too late?
Posted by Liz at February 2, 2005 02:04 PM
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Burn It - The Fall 2004 Edition Sign-Up Extension
I've decided to extend sign ups for Burn It - The Fall 2004 Edition until tomorrow, November 2nd. If you haven't signed up yet, go read the rules and send me your info!
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Burn It - The Fall 2004 Edition
Time for the next Burn It CD Swap. Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
It's fall and that always makes me think of school, so this theme is all about music that makes you think of school days. It can be songs that came out while you were in school, songs that make you think of school (whether it was out at that time or not), or songs that make you feel like you're back in school.
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
- New requirement: If you want to be in one group or two
Sign-ups will continue through end of day Tuesday, November 2nd. By Thursday, November 4th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, November 29th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page. Also, feel free to swipe one of the buttons here and link it to the category page here.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
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I want to participate. :)
Posted by Carla at October 30, 2004 09:47 PM
Count me in!
Posted by M E-L at November 1, 2004 10:49 AM
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Incentive Winner
I've been woefully negligent in mentioning the incentive winners from the last Burn It CD swap (and also woefully negligent in making my own CD of movie music. I plan on starting it really soon, I promise!). As you may recall, the group or groups that get all of their CDs to me first wins a copy of my own CD.
This time we had three groups get their CDs into me all on the same day so the winners are as follows:
.: Traci
.: Vicki
.: Darren
.: Michael
.: Christine Murphy
.: Amber
.: Julia
.: Jay
.: Leah
.: Katie
As soon as I make my CDs, your copy will be on its way to you. Thanks for getting your CDs out so promptly!
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Hey I had singed up for this but never got any email about it.
Posted by Xerxes at September 10, 2004 06:20 PM
Wow! I feel a lot less bad about getting my CDs out late....
Posted by Gary LaPointe at September 19, 2004 02:24 AM
Hey, Kymberlie...did you ever make that CD? If so, I never got my copy. :)
Posted by Julila at October 15, 2004 08:11 AM
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition Final Sign-Up Day
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition. Come read the rules and sign up. This Burn's going to be a lot of fun!
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I entered...hope I am in as I just finished making my entry for it!!
Posted by Darren at July 9, 2004 08:56 PM
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but tomorrow's the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition. Go read the rules and sign up already! What are you waiting for?
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Burn It Participants
Due to a glitch with my e-mail, I lost any e-mail that was sent Wednesday morning between 4:00 am and 9:00 CST. Here's the current list of participants that I have. If you should be on here but aren't, please resend me your info. Thanks!
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Me! :) I didn't e-mail you, but I told you on the phone that I wanted to sign up, along with my special request. *wink*
Posted by Christine at July 5, 2004 02:05 AM
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Burn It Group Question
I know that several people have expressed interest in being in more than one Burn It group so that they can get more music. I may change the group sizes depending on how everyone feels, so take a minute to vote and let me know how big you want your Burn It group to be.
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personally, I feel that if some people want to participate in more than one group then that's their prerogative. but if I get put in a group with 6 or 7 people, spend the money to send that many cds out and still receive only a couple of half-assed cds b/c everyone else is too lazy to do their part, I'll be pissed. I hope I'm not the only one that feels that way. it's just a real waste of my time and money if people aren't going to participate after they sign up.
Posted by girl at July 1, 2004 12:24 AM
I would prefer larger groups, because in the end you only get 3 CDs. (It would be different if everyone got your CD too - send 4, get 4 back.) I still think that people should be allowed to sign up for 2 groups though, if nothing else.
Posted by Christine at July 2, 2004 12:43 AM
Ditto what girl said. For the last 2 Burn-It's, I haven't received all my cd's but I'm still eager to participate. I'm hoping bigger groups will be the answer this time around...
Posted by Carla at July 3, 2004 11:16 PM
32 votes so far. 14 say stay. 18 are for higher and of those 11 are for at least 2 more. Interesting.
It might just be easier to let people sign up for 2 groups OR pick how many they want to exchange with? (I don't know how this interferes with you keeping track)
Posted by Gary LaPointe at July 4, 2004 01:20 AM
you know... i agree with mail 4 get 4 back... last time i mailed 4 and got two back, and one of them didn't even follow the rules. i am going to bow out of this burn it, only because i am not big into soundtracks and scores... but i definitely think you should get back as many as you mail out... and kim, if you have everyone mail one to you, then you can maybe mail a random one to someone whose group failed to meet the rules? just an idea.
Posted by allie at July 6, 2004 02:16 PM
I think Allie has a great idea with mailing a random one. Kymberlie, if you need help with this, I'd be glad to help.
Posted by Carla at July 6, 2004 02:21 PM
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition
Time for the next Burn It CD Swap. Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up! Also, take a minute and place your vote on group size.
The Theme:
Since it's summer time and summer always means big blockbuster movies, this theme is all about movie music, both scores and soundtracks. CDs can either be a mix of both soundtracks and scores or can be either or. Feel free to make a CD of both if you like.
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
Sign-ups will continue through Friday, July 9th. By Sunday, July 11th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Friday, July 30th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
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I meant to tell you, I only received 1 CD from the last one.
Posted by Carla at June 29, 2004 01:30 PM
i'm down.
Posted by al at June 29, 2004 04:28 PM
i'm in like flynn. oh wait, flynn hasn't signed up yet.
Posted by tj at June 29, 2004 05:18 PM
I'm in again. :)
Posted by Lisa at June 29, 2004 07:50 PM
Count me in; I sat out the last round, but have been in on the three before that. I'll send a confirming email anyway.
Posted by Joni at June 29, 2004 08:28 PM
I'm in, as always... Love this concept!
Posted by Traci at June 29, 2004 11:06 PM
I loved the Spring Burn It-got all my CDs. Sign me up again.
Posted by Junebugg at June 30, 2004 03:02 PM
I'm in, even though I only got one CD from the last batch. I still have some faith in the system! I do hope you got the two I sent you.
Posted by Julia at June 30, 2004 05:09 PM
*insert obligatory "me too" comments here*
I got all mine from that last round (which was also my first), and I hope to repeat that with this one. But movie scores and soundtracks? I hope I can fit everything I pick onto one CD.
Posted by Joe Kaczmarek at July 1, 2004 07:04 PM
Oh! Is it *only* movie soundtracks, or can we do plays too? I just need to know how tightly I need to restrict my list.
Posted by Julia at July 2, 2004 01:28 PM
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love soundtracks and scores! I could probably do several cd's. Anyhow, this sounds awesome, count me in!
Posted by jana at July 3, 2004 09:29 PM
I live in the UK, but I really want to join!!! NOT FAIR!!! I would happily post to the US, but I suppose its not really very fair. Please please please please please let me join if you get enough people.
Posted by scarlettholly at July 4, 2004 05:59 PM
Yeah, I'd like to include stuff from some Broadway plays/musicals too.
Posted by Lisa at July 4, 2004 08:57 PM
Does this include the soundtrack for your life? Thank you American Gigilo.
Posted by Katie at July 6, 2004 05:18 PM
I sent you my info, I think??? Anyway, I am in and already have my playlist ready. I will be on vacation during the last week of July, so mine will go out early.
Posted by Christine at July 8, 2004 01:36 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Incentive Winners
Today I received Jay's Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition CD. Since I'd already received Katie's, Howard's, and Joe's, they are the winning group for this burn's incentive. Way to go, y'all!
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I still haven't gotten cds from 2 people in my group. I don't know that I'll take the time to do this again if other people aren't going to do their part. oh well.
Posted by girl at June 16, 2004 09:36 PM
I'm in the same boat, girl. ;)
Posted by nastybastard at June 16, 2004 09:48 PM
I've gotten all but one and will definitely do this again. It's fun getting random music.
Posted by Lisa at June 16, 2004 10:57 PM
Shucks! I was just about to send mine out tomorrow..promise..really..I am.
Posted by smoores at June 16, 2004 11:22 PM
whew! Got mine sent out on Monday (1st class) - they were scheduled for delivery today....
I'm missing a couple from my group, but seeing how I was slacking - I'll cut them some...
Posted by don at June 17, 2004 12:06 AM
Awww maaan. Everyone in my group already received all their CDs days/weeks ago. I posted that I got my last one on the 12th. I guess the copy didn't make it to you though. Oh well....
Posted by Icyshard at June 17, 2004 12:27 AM
Yes, but do you like the cds. LOL. As if one theme wasn't enough, I restricted myself by adding another one, eh?
Posted by Jay at June 17, 2004 07:48 AM
Hey Lady,
Got very busy in between moving and school...I have looked all over Japan and outlying areas and areas that carry Japanese stuff for a PINK maneki nekko. I can't find one. The most popular colors seem to be white and gold. IS there anything else that you want? Of course I will keep looking for the cat, but I just wanted to give you an update! :)
Posted by Alex at June 19, 2004 07:23 PM
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Burn It Incentive
I know a lot of people have complained that they send out their Burn It CDs only to never receive anything from anyone in their group. Since I've started requiring people to send me a copy of their CD as well, I've noticed that more CDs are being sent out, but it's still not 100% (and honestly, with Christine and Mike's wedding, getting kidney stones, and getting prepared for job interviews, I haven't sent mine out yet).
Today, while noting whose CDs came in the mail, I came up with a little incentive that might make people send their CDs out quicker. What I'm going to do is this - the first group that I receive all four CDs from gets a copy of my CD. (This obviously leaves my group out, but if they get theirs to me quickly, I might send them an older version. We'll see.)
Hopefully people will be so psyched about getting the organizer's CD that they'll rush to the mailbox as soon as they get their mailing list. Okay, so I'm delusional, but it was the best thing tht I could come up with. :-) So far no group's gotten all of theirs to me, though I have three out of four for four groups. If you haven't mailed your Spring 2004 Edition out, get cracking; maybe you'll get an extra CD!
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With all my boy drama, and having been out of town last weekend, and just being very slacktastic all week, mine just went out today. I didn't send them media rate, so they should get to everyone by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. *hugs*
Posted by D at June 4, 2004 08:05 PM
hmmm - but since ALL of us have you in "our group", how would we know that we were the lucky ones - as opposed to just a member of your group?
(yeah, I'm trying to hide the fact that mine are sitting in envelopes in a stack by the door...)
Posted by don at June 4, 2004 11:47 PM
gah... sorry. i was bad this time. the cds have been burned for weeks but i need to buy cases. my only excuse is that i just moved across the country (pittsburgh to san francisco) and everythings a mess as i haven't quite settled in yet.
Posted by kim at June 5, 2004 04:27 AM
You sure know how to make a girl wish she had a CD burner!
Posted by Meredith at June 5, 2004 08:26 AM
I think that's a cool idea!
Posted by Susan at June 5, 2004 10:10 AM
I hope you got mine, Kymberlie...I mailed them over a week ago. I mailed an extra copy to a friend in California, the same day I mailed all the others, and she told me she got it.
I completely understand about yours and the new Mrs. CoffeeCorner's CDs...I'll get them when they get here! :-)
Posted by Christine at June 5, 2004 08:36 PM
So when is the *next* one? I signed up too late for this most recent one and am raring to go!
Posted by Michael at June 6, 2004 12:48 AM
woot! i got two of my cd's... but i definitely like your idea! (and i felt bad because i didn't mail mine out until june 1st!!!) ;)
Posted by allie at June 7, 2004 03:26 PM
guilty as charged. mine have been burned and i printed the covers today, but i still need to find the mailing envelopes. they should go out by the end of the week. but i still have only received one other CD from my group!
Posted by p at June 7, 2004 11:42 PM
Hey, I really want to sign up for a CD swap! What do I do? Can somebody please email me and let me know where to start? Thanks! :) ncradit@cityofclare.org
Posted by Nate at June 10, 2004 10:51 AM
Today I finally got the last one from my group, and I sent mine out a few weeks ago, so our group is complete! Did you get all of ours? Do we get to be the grand prize winners?? :)
Posted by Icyshard at June 12, 2004 03:06 PM
i suck this time. i'm usually really good about it, but i've been so busy. but FINALLY i've got them all printed, burned, addressed and ready to go to the post office tomorrow. :-(
Posted by tj at June 16, 2004 06:50 PM
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Burn It FYI
Just an FYI, but music overlapping on Burn It CDs isn't a big deal. Make your CD the way you want it and if there's overlap, that's fine. The whole point of Burn It (for me anyway) is to make a CD that I enjoy and share it with others. If it's stuff that people have heard before or already have, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. :-)
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I received Donna's CD a few days ago, but refrained from opening it, just because I didn't want her choices to affect mine. I didn't want to feel I had to leave something out because someone else had it in their mix. I wanted to do the mix my way.
My playlist is now all set to go, and only then did I open and listen to Donna's CD. No overlap there!
But I agree with you, Kymberlie. If we don't feel free to put what WE like on our own mixes...there is really no point in doing the swap at all. I love compiling my own mixes and sharing them, and it's cool to find that some people like the same stuff that I like!
Thank you for having this exchange!
Oh...and my CD's will be mailed out on Friday!
Posted by Christine at May 20, 2004 12:16 AM
Thanks for the advice, in addition to your email. I did realize it didn't technically matter that some of my songs match yours because you're not in my group. But, you WILL be getting a copy, and I just thought it might not be as much fun if you got almost identical CDs. You're right though, it should be about what WE like, so I did wind up leaving a few overlaps on there. Only 2 out of my 24 songs though, not bad.
I just finished burning one copy and I'm testing it out in my car to make sure it all turned out ok. If so, I'll probably have the CDs mailed off by this weekend! :)
Posted by Jennifer at May 20, 2004 10:34 AM
Yeah, but I'm neurotic about things like that. While composing my mix, I don't want outside influences. Just because I know it will make me change something in mine.
On a separate note, why on *earth* did you call me at 2:22 in the morning last night?!? (I guess I have to listen to my voice mail to find out, huh? Bah.)
Posted by Christine at May 21, 2004 07:08 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Playlist
Thanks to Acoustica MP3 CD Burner, I was able to do cross-fading on my Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Playlist and get it to fit onto one CD.
This CD really ran the gamut. It starts out with Tori doing Bruce Springsteen's I'm on Fire accompanied only with her piano and ends up with Less Than Jake doing a punk cover of I Think I Love You. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
01 Tori Amos - I'm on Fire (03:06)
02 Gary Jules - Mad World (03:07)
03 Sting - Ne Me Quitte Pas (03:33)
04 Don Henley - Come Rain or Come Shine (03:40)
05 Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart (03:38)
06 Aaron Neville - Crazy Love (04:30)
07 Rod Stewart - That Old Feeling (02:55)
08 Karl Zero - (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons (02:23)
09 George Michael - Desafinado (03:20)
10 Dalaras Giorgos & Sting - Trelos Gia Sena (Mad About You) (03:42)
11 Gypsy Kings - Hotel California (05:47)
12 The Mavericks - Here Comes My Baby (03:09)
13 Big Mountain - Baby, I Love Your Way (04:24)
14 Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind (03:53)
15 Erasure - Take a Chance On Me (03:45)
16 Tom Jones & The Cardigans - Burning Down the House (03:37)
17 Sugar Ray - Abracadabra (03:42)
18 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Love Rollercoaster (04:34)
19 Reel Big Fish - Take On Me (03:02)
20 Limp Bizkit - Faith (02:26)
21 Bowling For Soup - Summer of '69 (03:05)
22 The Goops - Build Me Up Buttercup (02:39)
23 Less Than Jake - I Think I Love You (02:03)
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Great songs! We have a few that overlap, and it's not the obvious ones... very cool! :)
Posted by D at May 17, 2004 04:14 PM
man, i didn't even THINK to put on that pet shop boys song. that is one of my favorites. i am still working on mine... but i just realized i have A LOT of cure, weezer and pixie covers. :)
Posted by allie at May 18, 2004 09:22 PM
man. all of my songs must be huge b/c I could only fit 14 and a little clip.
Posted by girl at May 19, 2004 12:38 AM
I'm gonna have to go hunting for some of these songs soon.
Posted by Z. Hendirez at May 19, 2004 09:21 AM
Hmm, I've got 4 that overlap. Maybe I should try to be creative and find a few alternatives.
Posted by Jennifer at May 19, 2004 11:28 AM
Crud... i've got 3 that overlap. i went for an entirely punk feel.
Posted by kim at May 19, 2004 05:24 PM
We only have 2 that overlap and since I'm visiting/housesitting, I don't have access to my music library so you're gettin' 'em again!
Posted by Lisa at May 19, 2004 08:11 PM
I didn't have any that overlapped. I rule! ;-)
Posted by girl at May 19, 2004 11:38 PM
I rule because I can gar-un-tee that nobody will have any of the cover songs that I have. :-P
I even have an amazing solution/idea for the insert. Those in my group will either be pleasantly surprised or at least appreciative of my efforts.
Posted by Jay at May 28, 2004 08:45 AM
Not worried so much about overlap, just find it amusing that songs I thought were obscure were on your list too - Gipsy Kings' Hotel California didn't seem like something others would have! And Gary Jules...I should have figured that one would be popular, but I still like it.
Huh. I didn't even realize I had that Sugar Ray song. I probably would have put that on, too.
Posted by Julia at June 1, 2004 03:03 PM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Group Information
I just sent out the group information for Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition. If you signed up and didn't get your information e-mail me right away. Now get burning (and mailing!) those CDs!
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Final Reminder
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition CD swap (and I really mean it this time). Come join the fun. We've got almost fifty people signed up already.
.: 41 words at 08:44 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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if I have the time I may burn a bonus cd of funny live covers b/c I have quite a bit of those too. I think my favorite is definitely Dave Grohl doing "Arms Wide Open."
Posted by girl at May 11, 2004 06:50 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Extention
I've had several people ask to join Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition even though the sign-ups have ended. I've decided to go ahead and extend them through Monday, May 10th, so if you wanted to join, now's the time to do it. FYI - the date to mail the CDs out (Monday, May 31st) is the same.
.: 59 words at 05:16 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Oh my gosh. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. I went to the post office today and had an awesome package with some very awesome burn it CD's! I am so excited! I owe you big. What do you want from Japan?
Posted by Alex. at May 7, 2004 03:01 AM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition. Go read the rules and sign up!
.: 28 words at 07:07 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I already have all of my songs picked out! I should have a copy ready to give you at Tiara. :)
Posted by girl at May 3, 2004 11:08 PM
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Burn It - The Spring 2004 Edition
I know that this edition is really close to the last one, but I want to get the editions closer to the actual season they're supposed to represent (Nothing like doing the winter one in March!). Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
At the last Tiara Happy Hour Emily gave me the perfect theme - cover songs. Any cover of any kind of song by any band works for this. Update: if you don't have 80 minutes worth of cover songs, it's perfectly acceptable to fill up some of the space with the original version of the song and then the cover. If you're looking for ideas of songs to use, tj pointed out The Covers Project which has a ton of information on covers.
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
Sign-ups will continue through Monday, May 10th. By Thursday, May 13th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, May 31st. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 897 words at 05:40 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (22)
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you don't have to tell me twice, i'm in ... cover songs are some of my favorite!
Posted by tj at April 18, 2004 05:56 PM
oh yeah -- i'm in!
Posted by P at April 18, 2004 09:06 PM
I'd like to play too! :)
Posted by Lisa at April 18, 2004 10:49 PM
Fun idea... I can't wait to get started!
Posted by oktober at April 19, 2004 12:26 AM
hmm. I just may have to sign up for this one. I am such a cover song whore. I could come up with one hell of a mix.
Posted by girl at April 19, 2004 01:31 AM
hey, this is for everybody who's interested in this season's burn-it. there's a site (www.coversproject.com) that has a pretty big database of songs and artists and who's covered them.
in case you need any help. :-)
Posted by tj at April 19, 2004 08:14 PM
i'd very very much love to play along :)
Posted by girlwonder at April 20, 2004 09:57 PM
I'm in again for this one!
Posted by Traci at April 20, 2004 10:27 PM
I'm in :)
Posted by smoores at April 21, 2004 08:44 AM
sign me up too, thanks
Posted by Emily at April 21, 2004 02:37 PM
Holy crapolla! Finding the songs and creating a play list was a lot tougher than I tought! I'm finally finished, just need to burn baby burn.
Posted by smoores at April 22, 2004 02:08 PM
you know i'm in :)
Posted by Shawn at April 23, 2004 08:33 AM
Sign me up. 
Since it's Love-In Day, I thought I'd share the love. :) I love reading your blog even though I lurk around.
Posted by Carla at April 25, 2004 05:24 PM
You know I'm in again...
Posted by nastybastard at April 26, 2004 02:48 PM
Hi, I'd really like to try this, but how do you make sure that nobody from the RIAA gets in here...I have no raging desire to be bitchslapped to the tune of hundreds of thousands of bucks for distributing copyrighted material.
Sorry to be a lil black cloud.
Posted by ASB at April 30, 2004 06:25 PM
count me in again...
I swear, my CDs will be in the mail this week (for the last swap) ;-)
Posted by jason at May 3, 2004 09:34 PM
I am in like Flynn! ;-D
Posted by ej at May 5, 2004 05:05 AM
I am so all over this! I love cover songs!
Posted by Ginger at May 5, 2004 10:55 AM
I SO want to participate in this, but since I don't yet have a CD burner I will have to wait until the next one. Keep me on the list because I think this is an awesome idea!
Posted by kdeweb at May 5, 2004 01:55 PM
Sorry for the multiple trackbacks. Glitch/feature of MT3.
Posted by ej at May 7, 2004 11:10 PM
Man.. I am so bummed I missed out on this.. I have a ton of really great covers I'd love to compile and share. Ah, well.. I'm looking forward to the next round. :)
Posted by Alena at May 27, 2004 03:48 PM
join this i did
Posted by larissa at September 8, 2006 02:06 AM
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Burn It Reminder and Sign Up Form
Just a reminder, but your Burn It CDs for the Winter Edition should be mailed out tomorrow afternoon (mine are going to be a bit late, but I promise to send out both this and the last group's very soon). Also, if you'd like to sign up to be notified when I'm going to be doing the next exchange (it should be pretty soon), be sure to enter your e-mail address in the space below.
.: 92 words at 05:48 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I signed up. I will be expecting junk emails, adult porn, get rich schemes soon.
Posted by irfan at March 28, 2004 10:58 PM
Mine were all mailed out on Friday!
Posted by Christine at March 29, 2004 03:31 PM
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Burn It - The Winter Edition Group Information
I sent out the group lists for Burn It - The Winter Edition this morning, so everyone should have their groups shortly. Have fun creating your CDs and don't forget to mail them out by the end of the day Monday, March 29th. Remember to send me a copy as well so I can put a check by your name and let you participate next time.
.: 66 words at 10:45 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Drat, I just missed the cut-off! Can I get on the list to participate next time if I send a CD of SAD music to you?
U2- If God Will Send His Angels
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia
RENT - One Song Glory and I'll Cover You
more if you want...
Posted by PG at March 6, 2004 12:30 PM
having SUCH a hard time cutting songs. hee hee.
and i just CAN'T send out 3 cds ... nobody would listen to them all. *sigh*
Posted by tj at March 9, 2004 01:30 PM
Didn't seem to get mine. Could you please resend to the address on this comment? Thanks!
Posted by Billy Rhythm at March 10, 2004 01:16 PM
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Burn It - The Winter Edition Playlist
It's some kind of miracle, but I've already completed my CD for this edition of my Burn It CD exchange. Since I still haven't mailed out my CDs to my last group, they'll get a copy of this CD too.
If you're interested, here's what went on the CD. It came to 79:56, leaving only 4 seconds of blank space. Not bad, huh?
01 Hed Kandi - Rainy Days And Mondays (5:42)
02 Zero 7 - In the Waiting Line (4:33)
03 George Michael - Cowboys and Angels (7:15)
04 The Passengers & Pavarotti - Miss Sarajevo (5:22)
05 kd lang - Love Affair (4:41)
06 Tears For Fears - Woman In Chains (6:30)
07 The Cure - Pictures Of You (4:49)
08 Don Henley - The Heart Of The Matter (5:22)
09 Sting - Shape Of My Heart (4:40)
10 Eve Cassidy - Fields of Gold (4:43)
11 The Cranberries - Ode to My Family (4:31)
12 Brooks & Dunn - Neon Moon (4:22)
13 Vince Gill - Worlds Apart (5:44)
14 Wild Colonials - Victim (5:59)
.: 178 words at 01:14 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I've already completed mine too (although I didn't get my distribution list yet. It's ironic that I was going to put two of the songs you have on yours (George Michael & The Cure) but changed my mind. I'll be mailing yours tomorrow. When are you sending out the lists?
Posted by KB at March 3, 2004 02:15 PM
My track listing went way too dark. (lol) Yours sounds lush and dreamy, while mine sounds like ode to death.
Posted by Taylor at March 4, 2004 04:02 PM
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Burn It - The Winter Edition Final Day
Don't forget that today's the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Winter Edition, my latest CD swap. Go read the rules and send me your info if you'd like to participate.
.: 36 words at 08:31 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It Reminder
Just a reminder, but Monday is the last day to sign up for this round of my Burn It CD swap. You can get all of the information here, so go read up on it and sign up!
.: 39 words at 05:09 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Hey Kymberlie, just FYI - you linked to the edit page for the swap entry - so we're getting sent to the MT login page :) You did the same thing over on Erika's site, I don't know if you can log in again to fix it, but I just thought I'd let you know :)
Posted by Alison at February 27, 2004 06:43 PM
Hey there...just checking out your site and it looks great. I love it. WOuld you mind if I added you to my people list on my site? Thanks and keep smilin'!
P.S. Happy early Birthday! Enjoy to the fullest!
Posted by Jesi at February 27, 2004 09:52 PM
Happy birthday:) I just came across the site also, and thought I'd say hi and that it looks great.
Posted by Hot Abercrombie Chick at February 28, 2004 02:50 PM
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Burn It - The Winter Edition
I finally decided what theme I wanted to use for this edition of Burn It, so sign-ups begin now. Please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
I was thinking of making this theme all about melancholy music (winter being a time when lots of people get the blues). tj suggested making it a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) mix which fits both the melancholy music and the season. So, for this theme, music that you listen to when sad or music that makes you blue should be what you're shooting for. It could be the lyrics or just the way that the song sounds.
Here's how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use cda or wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information:
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
Sign-ups will continue through Monday, March 1st. By Thursday, March 4th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, March 29th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 858 words at 11:19 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (11)
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I'm in!
Posted by KB at February 16, 2004 12:12 PM
I just signed up!
Posted by Christine at February 16, 2004 10:27 PM
Me too! I'm excited!
Posted by Wendy at February 17, 2004 09:33 AM
Signed up! Great idea!
Posted by Jezebel at February 17, 2004 01:40 PM
well, you KNOW i'm in!
Posted by tj at February 17, 2004 07:40 PM
Just sent my email!
Posted by Billy Rhythm at February 20, 2004 04:55 PM
Just signed up... Love this idea!
Posted by Traci at February 27, 2004 10:32 PM
I would be in but I'm in the UK :(
Posted by Trixie at February 28, 2004 10:04 AM
Just missed it, well, I say just, but it's closer to the end of March than the beginning. I will be in on the next one, oh yes, I will.
Posted by Alex Ezell at March 18, 2004 11:14 AM
If you do another one, please include the UK - I'd love to do this, and i'm sure i have a few friends who would too!
Posted by Dave at March 18, 2004 03:24 PM
Sounds cool, I'll watch out for the next one!
Posted by Tom Young at March 19, 2004 01:54 PM
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Give Me a T-H-E-M-E!
If I was to do the winter Burn It (my seasonal CD swap. You can view all related entries, including rules and such, here) in the next few weeks, what would be a good theme? Last spring was driving music, summer was "hot" music (sexy music, basically), and fall was Free For All Fall where there was no theme (and those that were in my group, I still need to mail your CDs out; I know, I suck). What's a good winter one? I had envisioned doing a kind of melancholy mix, but I'm just not in the mood for it. So, come on and give me some good ideas! (Btw, it doesn't necessarily have to relate to winter, but it can.)
.: 123 words at 02:16 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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how about a move your a$$ theme? No really, something that makes you want to get up, dance and sing really loud. ?
Posted by liz at February 3, 2004 08:01 AM
i think another "hot" theme ... but more like a "thaw" theme. something that will "thaw your ass". hehe.
or maybe "seasonal affective disorder (SAD) mix". kinda like your "melancholy" mix, songs that you listen to when you're blue.
Posted by tj at February 3, 2004 09:47 AM
Maybe you could make it a sad/SAD theme, then people could interpret it as they wanted - songs that they listen to when they're sad, songs that make them sad, songs that chase sadness away...
Posted by srah at February 3, 2004 12:08 PM
How about a soundtrack theme? Like your favorite songs from movie soundtracks?
Whatever theme you decide on, put me in a group that actually sends out CD's. ;)
Posted by nastybastard at February 3, 2004 12:35 PM
I like the move your a$$ theme. :)
Count me in!
Posted by Kara at February 3, 2004 01:11 PM
I was just about to make a Soundtrack mix...another great idea someone suggested to me was a mix of only track 5s from different albums.
Posted by Andrea at February 3, 2004 04:28 PM
I've done a mix of songs with colors in the titles (nothing about "blues" - that's cheating) and another mix of songs with people's names in the titles. But for winter, I think a slow, sit-in-front-of-the-fire-and-drink-wine mix would be nice.
Posted by Empress at February 4, 2004 01:39 AM
Winter sucks ass around here, so how about an *upbeat* theme? I guess the *Move your a$$* idea would be along the same lines!
Posted by Christine at February 4, 2004 02:31 AM
"Favorite Soundtrack songs"
"Favorite sad songs"
"Driving Music"
And this is one I have been working on for a while. "Your own personal soundtrack"
You can only put songs it on that describe you. What "you" feel. What beliefs "you" have. They have to be songs where you say to other people "That is MY song!".
Posted by Taylor at February 5, 2004 03:20 PM
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Burn It - The Fall Edition Delay
Understandly, I've had no desire to do much with the last Burn It exchange over the last few weeks. At this point, I've received a ton of the discs (I'm still getting my mail from Steven, so if you have yours to send to me, go ahead and send it to the Sugar Pine address for now), but I haven't gone through and checked off who's sent one and who hasn't. I'll probably do that this weekend, but no promises.
However, I don't think that I'm in any kind of mood to make a mix for this exchange, so those of you in my group will be receiving two discs - my Spring and Summer editions instead. Again, I can't promise that this will be ready this weekend, but I'm going to try.
Like I said in this post, I've got to start moving on and keeping busy with other stuff, so I will try and work my way through the 80(!) discs or so that showed up. It may be a while before I listen to them, though. Sometimes music is just too unsafe when you're feelings are freshly raw.
.: 192 words at 12:36 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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"Sometimes music is just too unsafe when you’re feelings are freshly raw."
*her best pa grape impression* Ain't dat, da truf!?
Posted by amancay at December 5, 2003 06:26 PM
If you need help - let me know. Whatever I can do, I don't mind!
Posted by Christine at December 6, 2003 01:36 PM
Pa Grape rules!!
I totally agree on the music thing! Its best to stick with safe standbys lest a song unexpectedly snag the scab and make things raw again.
Posted by don at December 6, 2003 09:44 PM
kim, if you need any help organizing the next swap, please, please let me know. they are so much fun, and i don't want you to get overwhelmed.
separations and divorces are miserable in their own right (been there, done that), without thowing more stress into your life.
you are always in my thoughts and prayers, hon.
Posted by webgrrlie at December 19, 2003 09:13 PM
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Burn It - The Fall Edition Group Information
All of the group information for Burn It - The Fall Edition has been sent out, so keep an eye out for your group. Let me know if it doesn't show up so I can double check your e-mail address.
.: 40 words at 07:38 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Hmm, odd.. I didn't get my email yet..
Posted by Christine at November 1, 2003 10:54 PM
Odd this is. Received my e-mail, I have not ;)
Posted by webgrrlie at November 2, 2003 03:35 AM
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Down the Wire...
Just a few more hours until Burn It - The Fall Edition CD Swap is over. Better hurry and sign up!
.: 21 words at 07:43 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (0)
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Last Day To Sign Up
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Fall Edition CD Swap. If you want to participate, read the rules and send me your info before midnight tonight. We already have sevnety-five participants, so let's see how many more we can get!
.: 51 words at 12:29 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It - The Fall Edition Extension
I decided to extend the sign-up period for Burn It - The Fall until Monday, October 27th. You've got until then to sign up. After that, you're out of luck.
.: 30 words at 02:55 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'm officially bowing out of the fall cd swap since I've lost all my music to trade. I actually made my mix the other day but I didn't burn a copy yet, bad Adam very very bad! I lost 2 hard drives totaling 140 gigs with 50 of those being my music collection, so no cd to trade. I'm so sad :(
Posted by Adam at October 25, 2003 02:18 AM
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Burn It - The Fall Edition
Thanks to my hospital stay, I'm a little late getting this up, but it's time for another Burn It CD swap! The rules are a bit different from last time and there's a new theme, so be sure to read carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
I was thinking of making this an anything goes theme (in other words, just pick whatever songs you want - no overall theme required) and Jenna came up with the perfect title: Free For All Fall. So this editions theme is no theme - just burn whatever you want.
Here's how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use cda or wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information:
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
Sign-ups will continue through Monday, October 27th. By Thursday, October 30th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, November 17th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 838 words at 06:44 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (10)
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I'm in! Sounds like fun. I loved all the CD's I received in the last burn. :)
Posted by *Dee* at October 11, 2003 08:33 PM
oh yeah ... you KNOW i'm in!
Posted by tj at October 12, 2003 01:24 PM
This sounds like so much fun, and I look forward to um, enlightening others with my sense of good music.
I'm in!
Posted by Annessa at October 13, 2003 08:11 AM
Woohoo! Sounds like a blast. I'm in! Glad you're feeling better, too. Sending you email in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...
Posted by Crankydragon at October 13, 2003 06:36 PM
the last one was so much fun! i got music from bands and artists i'd never heard of before. count me in!
Posted by webgrrlie at October 13, 2003 07:53 PM
As if you had to ask - count me in (again) girl!
Posted by gingersmack at October 13, 2003 08:02 PM
Sounds like fun, can I join? I never said thank you for your CD Kymberlie. :) I'll send you one of my slow jams one if you give me your address once more. ;)
Posted by Carla at October 21, 2003 11:05 AM
Count me in! BTW, I did a share the music weblog and a sharethemusic essay . I'll publicize the event on my own blogs.
Posted by Robert Nagle at October 23, 2003 11:13 AM
I am gonna love this. I found out about it kind of late, and mistyped the email address and all the other blunders, hopefully i made the list...
I got some nice fun cds to make if I do.
Posted by Level 13 at October 28, 2003 12:06 AM
please let me burn my CD on internet with music of my choice
Posted by aurere at May 8, 2005 02:12 AM
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Burn It Success
The Burn It - Summer Edition swap really seems to be quite a success! I don't make it mandatory that you send me a thank you/finder's fee CD, but since I've received over twenty CDs, my guess is that most people sent theirs out. Here's a list of all the people that I've gotten CDs from already (* means they were in one of the two groups I was in):
Thank you all so much! The next swap should be coming up towards the end of October, so keep an eye out for notices!
.: 121 words at 09:54 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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you're welcome!! Hope you enjoy the carefully hand-selected hot-sexy tunes! :)
Posted by dawn eileen at August 13, 2003 10:39 PM
i hope you liked your cd :)
Posted by ruthie at August 13, 2003 11:45 PM
I hope you liked the CD. :) I had so much fun making the CD labels. :)
Posted by Mandie at August 14, 2003 09:23 AM
I'm glad you liked em...
Posted by KB at August 14, 2003 07:01 PM
hrm. you didn't receive mine? that's not good. let me know, and i can send another copy. i'm still short one from my group, but i'd better check and make sure everyone else got mine too.
Posted by kimmie at August 15, 2003 02:35 PM
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Burn It - The Summer Edition Done
I finally finished my own Burn It CD today. They're about half way done burning and all the CD covers and booklets are printed, so I should be completely done pretty soon. If you're interested to see what music that I consider make-out music, keep on reading for my track list.
Read more »
01 Llorca - The End (Hepop Original) (05:34)
02 Enigma - Principles of Lust (03:09)
03 Dido - Take My Hand (06:43)
04 Richard Marx - Touch Of Heaven (04:53)
05 Maxwell - Ascencion (Don't Ever Wonder) (05:47)
06 Monifah -Touch It (Dirty Version) (04:46)
07 Nine Inch Nails - Closer (06:27)
08 Billy Idol - Flesh For Fantasy (04:38)
09 INXS - Need You Tonight (03:05)
10 George Michael - Spinning The Wheel (06:09)
11 Meredith Brooks - What Would Happen (05:19)
12 Sophie B. Hawkins - Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover (05:24)
13 Lenny Kravitz - I Belong To You (04:18)
14 Tori Amos - i i e e e (04:08)
15 Garbage - #1 Crush (04:47)
16 Tom Jones - You Can Leave Your Hat On (04:27)
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.: 182 words at 10:07 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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My brothers have a cd burner, but i've never used it for fear of messing something up. :D good job on you getting it all working.
Posted by Mariela at August 4, 2003 05:17 PM
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Burn It - The Summer Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but if you're participating in Burn It - The Summer Edition, this weekend is the last weekend to work on your CDs. They're supposed to be mailed out by the end of the day Monday.
If you didn't get to participate this time, never fear. I'll do one of these in a few months for the fall (and I've already got the theme picked out!).
.: 69 words at 03:58 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Burn It Delay
I left my file with the groups at work last night, so I wasn't able to send out the Burn It - The Summer Edition group information last night. Unfortunately, I probably won't be home until very last tonight, so you'll probably get your group information early Saturday. Sorry for the delay, everyone!
.: 53 words at 11:41 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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No worries:) Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by Daphne at July 18, 2003 11:48 AM
I was surfing through and took a glance at your Winamp list and saw "Touch Of Haven" on it. I just had to say, good taste! :)
Posted by Shawn at July 18, 2003 10:34 PM
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Last Day to Burn It
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Summer Edition. We've got over fifty participants already and there's always room for more!
.: 32 words at 11:37 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I want to see more pictures on picturefish!
Posted by Kristina at July 15, 2003 12:12 PM
dang! i missed it!! :( oh well, i suppose there's always next time, eh? ;)
Posted by azure at July 16, 2003 11:58 AM
hey, i had sent an email and left a comment to sign up ... are you going to email everybody? or did i get lost in the shuffle? :-(
Posted by tj at July 18, 2003 08:05 AM
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Burn It Reminder
Just a reminder that the deadline to sign up for Burn It - The Summer Edition is coming up (next Tuesday is it). Don't forget to join!
.: 27 words at 11:43 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i put togther the design for my cd covers tonight - looking forward to it!
Posted by P at July 11, 2003 12:13 AM
How many participants are you up to, so far?
Posted by srah at July 11, 2003 03:36 PM
I'm a bit confused about what kind of songs you want this time. Songs that make you hot (love songs/ballads)? or songs that make you sweat (upbeat/suitable for aerobics)??
Let me know, I'm going to BURN IT (them) this weekend!
Posted by Joni at July 12, 2003 11:26 AM
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Burn It - The Summer Edition
It's time for another Burn It CD swap! The rules are a bit different from last time and there's a new theme, so be sure to read carefully before signing up!
The Theme:
It's summer time and I don't know about where you live, but here in Texas it's hot - real hot. With that in mind, the theme for this swap is music that makes you hot. Music that makes you sweat. Music that turns you on. Here's your chance to make a make-out CD and share it with others.
Here's how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 4 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use cda or wav files.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information:
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
Signups will continue through Tuesday, July 15th. By Friday, July 18th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, August 4th. This gives you at least a full two weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 737 words at 01:58 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (12)
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I'm in. 
Posted by Carla at June 27, 2003 10:31 AM
me too!
Posted by P at June 27, 2003 10:47 AM
Count me in! I had so much fun last time that I think I will be a regular.
Posted by ginadapooh at June 27, 2003 12:46 PM
I'm on my vacation around that time and don't have a CD burner, but I'm going to plug this on my blog, cause it sounds like a good idea =)
Posted by Eva at June 27, 2003 04:01 PM
I emailed you too, definitely in, again.
Posted by gingersmack at June 28, 2003 12:44 AM
I would looove to do this... but unfortunely I'm broke city. But I would like to know how often it is that you do these? Once every month? Every 2 months?
Posted by java at June 29, 2003 03:13 PM
i'm SO in! i'll email ya too.
Posted by tj at June 29, 2003 07:07 PM
ohh, I've been thinking about starting up something like this. I am so in.
Posted by smash at July 1, 2003 05:49 AM
I'm in - I just sent you the email:) Thanks!
Posted by Daphne at July 14, 2003 09:55 PM
did you get my email?
Posted by erika at July 17, 2003 07:28 PM
Still have room???
Posted by Adelle at July 30, 2003 02:16 PM
Posted by tyler at September 6, 2005 12:40 AM
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Burn It - The Summer Edition Notification
I'm going to start Burn It - The Summer Edition (follow up to Burn It - The Spring Edition) in about two or three weeks, so if you want to be notified when it's time to sign up, send me an e-mail (it's over in the sidebar).
Hopefully this will help cut down on the people who missed sign ups last time.
The CDs that I got were really great, so be sure and sign up this time. The theme is going to be great!
.: 86 words at 10:03 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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sorry, somehow pings are going through without my mt registering them! grr
Posted by amancay at June 20, 2003 01:16 AM
I'm in.
Posted by Carla at June 20, 2003 12:13 PM
I'm TOTALLY in! Yeeeeahhh!!! I'll e-mail you from home to sign up sometime in the next couple of days. No, no, I'm not reading blogs at work. Never would I dare do such a thing! (hehe)
Posted by Alison at June 24, 2003 02:13 PM
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Burn It Complete and Mailed
Last night I finally got done with burning my Burn It - The Spring Edition CDs and I mailed them off this afternoon. Nothing like waiting until the last minute on your own CD exchange!
I was so impressed with the CDs that I have received so far, that I was inspired to print booklets and matching labels, so I hope everyone likes what I got out. I myself really liked how they came together.
Btw, if you want to read what went on the CDs, click the little "Read More" link. I'm going to put the list in the extended entry box so that if you're getting a CD and want the tracklist to remain a surprise, you can.
Read more »
Burn It - The Spring Edition
01 Dwight Yoakam - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
02 Blessid Union of Souls - Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me)
03 Nelson - (Can't Live Without Your) Love And Affection
04 INXS - Disappear
05 The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
06 The Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind
07 Londonbeat - I've Been Thinking About You
08 UB40 - Higher Ground
09 Harry Belafonte - Jump in The Line
10 Art of Noise featuring Tom Jones - Kiss
11 Green Day - Baset Case
12 Everclear - Local God
13 The B-52's - Rock Lobster
14 Erasure - Stop!
15 Simply Red - Stars
16 The Las - There She Goes
17 Talking Heads - And She Was
18 Tori Amos - Raspberry Swirl
19 Postal Service - Such Great Heights
20 US3 - Cantaloop (Ultimix)
21 DJ Sammy & Yanou featuring Do - Heaven
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.: 277 words at 02:59 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I am in serious need of a CD burner. I've seen what people have been sending out for this thying, and I so wished I could participate!
Maybe nezxt time! :-)
Have a great vacation!
Posted by Christine M. at May 9, 2003 10:57 PM
I never received any group names....
Posted by Joni at May 12, 2003 10:08 AM
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Burn It Info on its Way!
I just finished sending out all the group information for Burn It - The Spring Edition, so watch your inbox for it. Thirty-eight people signed up, so I just may make this a seasonal thing.
If you signed up and didn't get your info, e-mail me and I'll look into it. Happy burning!
.: 53 words at 10:17 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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DOH! I knew I forgot to do something yesterday!
Is it too late for me to participate?!?!
Posted by :: jozjozjoz :: at April 23, 2003 12:47 AM
JozJozJoz... if it is, I will send you one of mine from the group. No problem, babe.
Kym, let me know, I'll send multiple if it'll make up... just give me enough notice, K?
Posted by gingersmack at April 23, 2003 03:22 AM
lol my best friend and I got added to the same group!
Posted by Mandie at April 23, 2003 06:40 AM
I'll be happy to send one to JozJozJoz, too... let me know! :)
Posted by Meredith at April 23, 2003 08:13 AM
Thanks for organizing this! In fact, you should let all 37 other people send you copies of their mixes, kind of as a finders fee ... !
Posted by brykMantra at April 23, 2003 11:40 AM
that's a good idea!
Posted by Mandie at April 23, 2003 07:28 PM
Too late to play? I just saw this. Damn, I'd hate to hafta wait till the next go-round.
Posted by Buzz at April 23, 2003 07:42 PM
brykMantra - that is a good idea.
Kym, i'll add you to my list if you send me the address.
Posted by P at April 23, 2003 11:23 PM
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Last Day to Burn It
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Spring Edition. So far we already have over thirty participants, so get your information in and join us. In case you missed it the first time around, here's the info again.
I've noticed how a pervasive theme out in the blogosphere right now is how everyone is enjoying the weather, putting down their sunroof, windows, or convertible top, and blasting their music while they drive. I've always loved having good driving music, so inspired by some spring weather and Alison's CD Swap, I've decided to do one of my own: Burn It - The Spring Edition.
The Theme:
Music that makes you want to roll down your windows/open your sunroof/put down your convertible top and sing along at the top of your lungs. It's spring time and I want music that makes you feel good. It doesn't haven't to be a happy song, but it does have to be great music to drive to.
Here's how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 4 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use cda or wav files.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information:
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
Signups will continue through Monday, April 21st. By Thursday, April 24th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, May 12th. This gives you at least a full two weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 771 words at 10:48 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (1)
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This sounds like such a fun idea. Hopefully there is still room for me.
This is what I get when I don't get a chance to visit my favoritest blogging haunts. :D
Posted by Tricia at April 21, 2003 04:22 PM
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Burn It - The Spring Edition
I've noticed how a pervasive theme out in the blogosphere right now is how everyone is enjoying the weather, putting down their sunroof, windows, or convertible top, and blasting their music while they drive. I've always loved having good driving music, so inspired by some spring weather and Alison's CD Swap, I've decided to do one of my own: Burn It - The Spring Edition.
The Theme:
Music that makes you want to roll down your windows/open your sunroof/put down your convertible top and sing along at the top of your lungs. It's spring time and I want music that makes you feel good. It doesn't haven't to be a happy song, but it does have to be great music to drive to.
Here's how it works:
After the signup period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 4 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but since this is the first swap, I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use cda or wav files.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information:
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
Signups will continue through Monday, April 21st. By Thursday, April 24th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Monday, May 12th. This gives you at least a full two weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
.: 723 words at 12:24 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (15)
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Sounds like fun.. I don't have a cd burner. :(
Posted by susan at April 10, 2003 06:29 PM
everytime i try to ping this entry for trackback, it's timing out. i'm not sure if it's my server or what. but i linked you :P
Posted by kimmie at April 10, 2003 09:50 PM
wow this sounds like a great idea... dammit I so wish I had a cd burner!!
(by the way... LOVE the selection of smiley's!!!)
Posted by Eva at April 10, 2003 10:02 PM
Hey! I just remembered.. I have a cd burner at work.. I want to play! :) (shhhh don't tell anyone that I'll be doing fun stuff at work!)
Posted by susan at April 11, 2003 12:54 PM
Just sent you my info. YaY!
Posted by liz at April 11, 2003 01:37 PM
Info coming at ya. Great idea!
Posted by Merrin at April 11, 2003 02:37 PM
Count me in Nigel! Having problems pinging this entry btw!
Posted by Sian at April 13, 2003 05:25 PM
This is SUCH a great idea!
Posted by Jennifer at April 14, 2003 03:26 PM
What a great idea!
Posted by :: jozjozjoz :: at April 14, 2003 04:32 PM
Hey! Just commenting to make sure that you got my signup e-mail, I sent it a couple days ago. I've been having issues with my e-mail. It should have gone through, but I'm not 100% sure
Posted by Alison at April 14, 2003 06:41 PM
I really want to do this. I'm hoping I can get access to a burner (mine just died). I'll definitely let you know by the deadline.
Posted by EC at April 14, 2003 08:27 PM
Oh girl, I'm in!
Posted by Jaime at April 15, 2003 10:44 AM
This is a great idea, I'm in.
Posted by Dax at April 16, 2003 11:48 AM
Hey sounds great Mandie passed it along and I will do the same.
Posted by Bernie at April 16, 2003 02:55 PM
This is perfect timing! The weather is warming up nicely and the windows are going down in the car! We all need some new music!
Posted by aithne at April 19, 2003 07:52 PM
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