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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: February 2005
Over the past year, this blog has really gotten away from the personal tell-all that it always has been. A lot of it had to do with all the crap I went through from the end of September to the beginning of December in 2003. I spilled my guts in here and after the post I made in February about my best friend deciding to have nothing to do with me, most of my posts have been chronicles of the places I go, all the free stuff I've gotten, my obsession with The El Orbits, and various links.
A lot of it is because I've begun to feel very isolated again. Despite going out all the time, I'm so very lonely deep in my heart. I've never really gotten over losing Jeanna, my best friend, and I think I haven't let any get as close to me as I used to after that. Add to the fact that my boyfriend of six years left me just a few months earlier and I swear, as melodramtic and pathetic as it sounds, that I just cannot see why people would even want to be around me.
Realistically, I know it's not true (the fact that Katie, Irfan, and Gil hang out with me constantly and Mac always wants to know when I'm coming back to Philly mean that at least some people enjoy my company), but deep in my heart I've really begun to believe it.
I haven't wanted to post this because things have gotten better. I've got a job that I really like (and, as I got told this week, I'm kicking serious ass at). I've started going out more and even have become a regular down at The Continental Club. I've made new friends. But I'm still lonely. I miss having someone to be close to, like I was with Jeanna.
I watched The Village again this weekend and the scene where Ivy is at her sister's wedding and walking through the crowd with her hand outstrected, trying to find her way, and Lucius takes it, tucking it under her arm so he can lead her, made my heart yearn and ache for that. I want someone to be there to take my hand again.
.: 378 words at 02:39 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (11)
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I'd love to hang out with you but the whole me living in Webster and you in Spring makes that a tad bit difficult, unfortunately. we definitely need to meet somewhere midway one night though and just chill. I haven't had much girl time lately and I'm totally craving it.
Posted by girl at February 27, 2005 08:31 AM
You forgot about the constant open invitation at Chez Tremoulet. We both care about you. I keep trying to get you to come over (since December!) and you haven't yet. *sigh*
But I know that feeling that you're talking about. I hope you can find a way to heal it, and trust us. We do care about you, and I think I've been there for you every time you've needed me. (Well, except for when you call right when I'm eating. Just how do you manage that one so well?)
We've been through hell and back, more than once - and I'll be there for you again and again...
Posted by Christine at February 27, 2005 11:43 AM
Oh, and just an annoying observation from the outside - something to think about - were you really as close to Jeanna as you think? I mean, it seemed like you guys were really close, but then drifted away and then ... bam. I know how much it hurt you, and I definitely agree that it would have hurt me too - but it seemed like she was holding out on you before that.
I hate to see you feel so broken over these events because both of them built walls around themselves and kept you out - not out of rejection, but out of their own personal issues. I know it doesn't feel that way on your end - oh, how I know. But she pushed you away because of *her* issues - not yours. (He did too.) You can not be faulted for that.
You're beutiful. You're wonderful. And gosh darnit, I like you.
Posted by Christine at February 27, 2005 11:47 AM
Your a nice gal hope all is good soon for ya! Take it easy!
Posted by Terry at February 27, 2005 01:49 PM
Chin up kiddo. It's not as bad as it seems.
Posted by nastybastard at February 27, 2005 03:14 PM
I don't know what to say really, but I do think you're a very interesting and attractive woman. I'm glad that you found a job and are doing well there. I hope you can build your confidence back up.
Posted by Lisa at February 27, 2005 07:17 PM
You know what? I lost my best friend and I still feel a whole in my heart, no matter how busy I am, no matter how many friends I have all around me... and I have wonderful, amazing friends that I call BEST friends. And they truly are. But my best friend R. and I had times together that you can't recreate with anyone, like getting on a train to see Lord of the Dance at Radio City Music Hall and thinking we would ACTUALLY get tickets... so we got them from a scalper, fifth row, orchestra, 15 minutes before the show, and we spent the first half scared to death we were going to get arrested. My heart aches when I think of that, because now she has a child, and I always thought I'd tell her kids about the crazy times we had, and now I'm struggling with mental illness, and I always thought she'd be there for me through everything. And now she's not, AND I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY. Not really.
So I know where you're at, sweets. It hurts, and it especially hurts when you're at a time of year that reminds you of them. It's OK to feel sad for a little bit... and I've been around here long enough to know that you're going to get through this. Maybe, just maybe, you're soul is helping you reorient for something Really Great.
PS I believe in you.
Posted by Sibeal at February 27, 2005 09:38 PM
Thanks for ruining The Village for me. :-) It gets better trust me, just keep your head up and it will get better. It's like I told you this weekend inbetween the fighting over whether or not the Boy Scouts are the breeding ground of Satan (Satan as in the devil guy with the horns, not to be confused with your ex boyfriend who is just a dick). It could always be worse; you could have only one leg.
Posted by Russell at February 28, 2005 01:32 PM
next time i am in Houston we will hang, because i get tired of the boy on vacation.... and because it would be fun! fun! fun!
i lost a best friend, but its her own fault, she's making a lot of selfish mistakes in her life and basically turned her back on me, i am not sure why, but she did. whatever her reasons, its really shitty and to top it off we work together, right next to each other, but she has excluded me from her life for at least a year, if not more. and to top it off she was pissed because i did not jump up and down at her engagement news (which is probably the biggest selfish act of engagement i have ever witnessed... but thats besides the point). At first i was really angry because we did share a lot of great times together, but then i realised that if she is willing to act better than i am because she has a diamond and a loveless relationship, well, then she probably was never really a friend. My REAL best friend lives in Seattle, and thats the one that breaks my heart... and luckily i met my boyfriend and thats been going swell and we are getting closer every day of our relationship. I went through the whole funk thing, but its good that you are getting out, it will help you in the end... you will meet people and build bonds. and someday i might be a Yankee Texan and i will need all the friends i can get on my side! You are too sweet, it will all work itself out. and next time i come down there, you have to let me in on this El Orbits thing!
Posted by cat at March 1, 2005 11:12 AM
*hugs* thanks for your comment on my site too. It's tough being lonely.
Posted by syd at March 1, 2005 11:47 AM
I can totally relate to you here. I had someone I considered a good friend just up and decide she didn't want to be my friend anymore. No explanation, no nothing. She just got nasty and turned on me so fast it left my head spinning. Funny thing was, this was how she was with a mutual friend of ours before that. I don't know why I was so surprised, but it just hurt. I finally felt as though I had someone close to me again and bam.
I know in time you'll find your footing again. Until then, I hope you find some peace.
Posted by Daisyhead at March 1, 2005 12:50 PM
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Happy Birthday, Mac!
Today is the birthday of one of the most fun, craftiest (in more ways than one), coolest chicks that I know - Mac.
Hell, she's one of the few reasons that I would even venture out of the south up the frozen north.
So, happy birthday, Mac! I hope it's a fabulous day. I love you tons!
.: 58 words at 10:12 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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speaking of birthdays, are we gonna do a Tiara next month or not?! I'm itching to get out and party with the girls! we should do it on your birthday since it falls on a Friday (unless you already have plans, of course).
Posted by girl at February 26, 2005 09:43 PM
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Gratis Customer Service Comes Through
As many of your know, I've received items from FreeHandbags.com, FreeiPods.com, FreePhotoiPods.com, FreeiPodShuffle.com, and FreeFlatScreens.com.
Last week I was contacted by Sean from Gratis Customer Support. A magazine wanted to write an article about people's experiences receiving their items and since I had just gotten my purple Coach bag, he was interested in my story, good or bad.
Unfortunately for Sean, my handbag experience was by far my worst. It took several e-mails and six weeks to get credit for my offer, they put my account on hold for a brief period, and worst of all, put my brother's handbag and flatsceen accounts on indefinite hold because they suspected we might be the same person.
I told Sean all of this, being very polite and including the fact that I'd had other experiences with Gratis that were much more positive.
He got back to me right away, was very nice and apologetic for my problems, and offered to look into my brother's account. To make a long story short, Russell's accounts were taken off of hold, he received credit for his offer, and Sean is now my personal in with Gratis Customer Service.
I know some people have had problems with Gratis in the past, but I hope that this recent experience with customer support means that they listened to all the people who had legitimate complaints and will be more flexible in their hold policies.
As a matter of fact, I was so pleased that I went out and signed up for FreeGamingSystems.com, FreeMiniMacs.com, and FreePSPs.com.
If you haven't signed up for any of Gratis's offers (or OfferCentrics.com's either), you can get a complete list here. You can even e-mail me your own referral link (don't post them here; I will delete them) and get added to the conga line that I have going on.
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Happy early B-day
mine is March 26th (32)
Posted by Terry at February 22, 2005 10:06 AM
Oh! Did you finally use my link for the free MiniMac? If so, Mike owes you dinner! (If not... well, *pout*)
Posted by Christine at February 22, 2005 10:07 AM
It's refreshing to hear that your still having all the good luck with them! I'm hanging in there.. so many signups but only three follow-thrus. Congrats again!
Posted by Pam at February 22, 2005 09:56 PM
I'm still trying for that darn iPod for my boyfriend. Only one person completed an offer... a ton signed up, but just one completion. Nice to see that someone is making it work for them.
Posted by the hippie at February 23, 2005 10:20 AM
Very early happy b-day, mine is on the 18 also.
I am still working in my original iPod offer I need 3 people to complete offers. I really want to try the Mac Mini but i'm just imagining the issues I'll have getting that many sign ups .
Posted by Pierce at February 23, 2005 09:17 PM
I signed up at Freedesktoppc.com. After bugging all my friends and family to death, I finally got all 10 referrals completed. Suddenly my account changed to "hold" status, and gratis claims I have "multiple accounts"!? I honestly worked hard and put my reputation on the line, swearing to my referrals that this was not a scam. I don't have any way to contact the company other than through my in-account customer service, and they won't respond to any of my pleas for help. Could you assist me with information on how to contact gratis so that I can prove I am not "cheating"? They seem to be giving me the cold shoulder, and after all the work I put into this I don't want to just give up. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Posted by PJ at March 5, 2005 03:56 AM
Can you forward seans email to me?
I am on hold also and i just started up an online pettition for other people that were placed on hold for legit referals.
can u please help me out??
Posted by Sean at March 8, 2005 07:33 AM
i am having the same problem can someone pleas egive me the customer serfvice number. I have completed offer and so have my friends but only two got credit so i need to get hold of customer service number because i have tryed the internal one and have not been replied to.
Posted by max at September 27, 2005 07:53 AM
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Two Nights In, Four Night Outs
This has been another one of those crazy, busy weeks. I've got stuff I want to blog about (including my upcoming thirtieth birthday), but I have just been swamped.
Last Monday, even though it was Valentine's Day, saw me meeting up with Katie, Chris, and Irfan at The Continental Club for our requiste Monday night with The El Orbits. My brother, Russell, and Joanna even showed up in the limo that he had rented. Of course, he had to bum $20 off me to tip the driver, so I think his stopping by might have been motivated by that. ;)
Despite a late start, The El Orbits rocked, even playing their new favorite, the theme song to The Dukes of Hazard. That then segued into a true Houston classic, the theme song from the old Thunderbolt commercials ("If your transmission's got you down and your motor falls apart..."). It totally rocked.
The next night, I managed to get some free tickets to the Toyota Center to see the Rockets play the Washington Wizards. I took Irfan along with me and we were surprised to find out that his friend Josh and Melissa were going to be there for a late Valentine's Day celebration. We hooked up with them afterwards and went to La Carafe and Twelve Spot for drinks and conversation.
Wednesday Irfan's apartment complex was throwing a soiree at Sambuca and, not only was there free appetizers, The El Orbits were also playing.
We had made plans to meet Gil, Scott, Hollie, Martha, Don, and Pam there and as we were walking up, I thought to myself, "Man, I should have invited my friend Mandy. She would have loved this."
No sooner had I walked through the door when I saw Mandy walking up! She was there with her girlfriends Becky and Annette. As soon as she saw me, she said, "I was just thinking I should have invited you to meet us tonight! Look who's playing!" It was such a cool coincidence.
The party was upstairs, but I actually spent most of the night downstairs on the patio with Mandy, Becky, and Annette. Irfan, Gil, and most of the others also came outside to sit with us, as did this cute guy named Cash. Mandy had had a bit to drink, so when he walked by and smiled back at us, she yelled at him to come join us for a drink and he did. I was very impressed at her cojones.
I also accosted someone from the patio - Jim Henkel of The El Orbits! I've never actually spoken to him before, even though he's really good friends with Jay Lee, a new friend of mine. I'm fairly certain I didn't make too big an ass out of myself, though I did tell him we were car twins (we both drive silver Miatas).
We finally left when the place closed down, but since I'd had a few drinks, Irfan and I went to Katz's Deli for some food so I could sober up for the drive home. I had french toast and french fries (they don't really go together, but it's what I love) and I felt much better.
Thursday was a down day, but it was spent mostly recuperating from being out so late the nights before. Lots of television was watched.
Friday, it was Girl's Night Out with Mandy, Becky, and Annette. I met Mandy and Annette at Mandy's and then we went to Becky's for some pre-party drinks. We ended up swapping brother stories and talking about television shows, past and present.
From there, we walked over to Komodo's Pub. Komodo's is just a house in midtown; it's hard to tell it's a bar. If you drove past it, you would probably think, "Wow. Those people sure know how to throw a hell of a party!"
Lots of alcohol was consumed, a creepy guy that wouldn't stop touching me was fended off, and we eventually left to go to The Copa Room. Again, lots of alcohol was consumed and Annette saw this cute guy from Komodo's that had been totally flirting with her and they exchanged numbers. I'm betting he calls her Tuesday.
We left there, walked back to Becky's (me barefoot since my new boots where killing me), hopped into Mandy's jeep, and picked up Taco Cabana for a little late night snack. After eating, I totally crashed on Mandy's couch.
I woke up late the next morning and decided against actually getting dressed and drove home in my plaid housepants; putting on make-up and jeans seemed like too big a chore. I left, picked up lunch, and headed home to put in some time on the help desk (I have to put in five hours on the weekend to complete my forty hour week).
After working, I had just enough time to get ready to go to Katie's house so we could head over to The Continental Club (twice in one week!) to hear Dave Alvin play. The music was awesome, Jay Lee was there too, and once again lots of alcohol was consumed.
As is usually the case when I go to Katie's house on a weekend night, I crashed there and the next morning we went to Katz's for breakfast (lots of reoccurring themes in my week with double doses of The El Orbits, The Continental Club, and Katz's Deli).
I finally made it home at about 3:00 after running various errands at the mall and Wal-Mart. I'm telling you, I'd never been so happy to have a night with nothing planned.
Of course, it's now 2:30 and I'm still up. I'm now off to bed to get some sleep since I have a feeling I'll be going back out to The Continental Club again tonight to hear The El Orbits. I swear, it's like I'm stuck on a repeat button!
So, another chock-full, fun filled week in my life! Yeah for cool friends and cool things to do!
.: 1003 words at 01:38 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I haven't thought about those old Thunderbolt commercials in years!! That little diddy came right back to memory, though. What a classic!
I know how much you love free things, so might I recommend you pop over to my blog sometime this week? I'm doing tons of free giveaways to celebrate my blog's 5th year anniversary. I'm slowly rolling out the prizes this week...I haven't posted today's yet, but I'm about to announce a $10 iTunes gift certificate.
Posted by eliot at February 21, 2005 11:52 AM
Dude, that RED birthday countdown on top is about 20 shades of obnoxious. Turn down the lights! I promise, we won't forget! (It's been on my calendar since January...)
Posted by Christine at February 21, 2005 02:12 PM
my boyfriend (from houston) sings that thunderbolt song all the time in the car. all i have to come back with is the Midas tune, which might be country wide. you texans, i just love ya!
Posted by cat at March 1, 2005 11:19 AM
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Well, I am about to bite the bullet and upgrade this blog from Movable Type 2.62 (which was current probably like a year and a half ago) to 3.15.
I'm sick and tired of having to delete TrackBack spam by hand and look forward to doing it right from the MT interface itself.
So, if things are wonky around here, you'll know why. Cross your fingers for me. ;-)
Updated: All done! Now to see if anything is funky or doesn't work right. Please leave me a comment if you come across an error.
.: 94 words at 11:04 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I had to upgrade my mom's group website last week because old MT 2.62 was not behaving well anymore. Every time they hit "post" while editing an older entry, it would boot them to the login screen. I upgraded to the latest 3.x series without a hitch! The interface looks much happier and there was nothing to fix in the templates. What a relief.
Personally, I've switched to the more hip WordPress. MT's templating system is the major thing that I miss. Ah well.
Posted by eliot at February 21, 2005 11:50 AM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition CDs
Just a friendly reminder, but if you participated in the last round of Burn It, your CDs should have been mailed on Friday. If you're running late, that's cool, but it would be nice for you to let your group members now.
Don't be lame and not send your CDs out; it will get you banned from future Burn Its.
.: 61 words at 04:45 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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mine went out today. do you want me to mail yours too or just give it to you next time I see you? I burned you a bonus cd too b/c I think you'd probably appreciate it more than some of the others on the list. :)
Posted by girl at February 22, 2005 11:39 PM
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Mr. Blobby!
I think that Mr. Blobby (who's a Fathead, which is a species of fish found in the NorfolK Ridge) so needs to be a mascot for something. Can't you see that face (such as it is) on a t-shirt?
(Link courtesy of Katie.)
.: 44 words at 07:45 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Posted by Christine at February 15, 2005 09:15 AM
He does look kind of dignified in a slurpy slimey kind of way. I can see him on a t-shirt!
Posted by Khali at February 16, 2005 03:21 PM
My favorite quote from it is:
Note the parasitic copepod on Mr Blobby's mouth.
Posted by Katie at February 17, 2005 01:28 PM
That's just...
Posted by Lisa at February 17, 2005 03:06 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's have a big round of applause for the winner of the Ziggy look-a-like contest!
Posted by mikey at February 20, 2005 10:31 PM
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Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!
My dad just surprised me with a big bunch of beautiful roses, the yellowish-redish mix kind.
He called asking me what color I thought my mom would like. I told him I wasn't sure, so he asked me what kind I would like. I told him ones that are mixed are always pretty and he bought some that were exactly what I was describing.
When he got home, he showed them to me asking me if I thought mom would like them. I told him they were beautiful and then he gave them to me. And here I thought I wouldn't be getting any flowers at all!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
.: 111 words at 01:55 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Awww, that's so sweet! :) Happy valentine's day, darlin'!
Posted by kristine at February 14, 2005 04:20 PM
Little late but Happy Valentines Day Kim! :)
Posted by Terry at February 15, 2005 01:12 PM
Good Daddy! :)
Posted by kimberly at February 17, 2005 02:34 PM
That is so sweet. What a great dad.
Posted by Sheryl at February 18, 2005 01:07 PM
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Another Free iTunes Music Sampler
iTunes has released a second free music sampler. This one contains sixteen songs, including music by Death Cab for Cutie, Simple Plan, and Skindred. I have no idea how long it's going to be available, so get it while the getting's good.
(Link courtesy of iPod Lounge, a wonderful iPod resource.)
.: 53 words at 03:52 PM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Thanks for the heads up on this. There are some great tunes in there.
Posted by kimberly at February 17, 2005 02:35 PM
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Proper Attaire
You know what's a great feeling? Getting ready for a funeral and realizing you have no good funeral attaire. Gah!
.: 20 words at 11:48 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I hear ya there i went to a few funerals couple years ago and all i wear is t-shirt and jeans so that is what i wore! At least the t-shirt was a nice one not my danzig ones!
Posted by Terry at February 9, 2005 02:12 PM
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Name That Tune
For last year's Summer Burn It CD Swap, I received an awesome CD. Unfortunately, if it came with a tracklisting, it's been long since misplaced. The CD itself is orange with various euphemisms for sex (the theme that season was "music to have sex to"). It's cool, but does not have the maker's name or URL on there, so I have no idea who created it.
The whole point to this post is that I love the last song on there (actually, I love most of the songs on there. It's a really excellent compilation). I know the artist is Art of Noise, but I don't know what the song title is. Can anyone name that tune? (Right click and "Save As" please.)
Art of Noise - Unknown
.: 129 words at 03:31 PM in $entry_cats="I'm Looking For...., ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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It's called "Moments in Love". :)
I love that song. I hope that helps.
Posted by Miss Tay at February 4, 2005 04:56 PM
ha ha..as soon as you said art of noise i knew what song it was. that's a great fuggin song.
Posted by girlwodner at February 4, 2005 05:17 PM
your comments hate me. at any rate - the moment i saw art of noise i knew it was moments in love because well, that song is great for love.
Posted by girlwonder at February 4, 2005 05:25 PM
I put that song on one of my Summer Burn It CDs last year. Maybe it was mine!
Posted by KB at February 4, 2005 07:23 PM
That's 'Moment's in Love' by Art of Noise. Art of Noise
Posted by Lissette at February 4, 2005 09:16 PM
Yes, definitely Moments in Love. I rememebr I actually put that on one of the CD's I sent out for the exchange. *lol* Speaking of, are you still doing that? I would LOVE to participate in that again now that my home life has calmed down a bit. *(*(*hugs*)*)* and so sorry about your Aunt.
Posted by Tricia at February 19, 2005 07:42 AM
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Rest in Peace
My aunt Meleese just died. She was one of my favorite aunts when I was growing up. She was a Mensa member, read a lot, and could read palms. We'll miss her.
.: 32 words at 05:51 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'm sorry for your loss. Keep your happy memories of her near your heart. *hugs*
Posted by Trinity at February 3, 2005 06:10 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. Keep your happy memories of her near your heart. *hugs*
Posted by Trinity at February 3, 2005 06:11 PM
My condolences. She sounds like a great lady, and I'm sure she'll be missed.
Posted by amber at February 3, 2005 06:15 PM
Sorry for your loss. :(
Posted by Lisa at February 3, 2005 06:22 PM
I'm sorry to hear it sweetie.
Posted by syd at February 3, 2005 07:19 PM
I'm so sorry Kymberlie. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Posted by kat at February 3, 2005 07:27 PM
She sounds like she was an awesome woman. Mensa? Palm-reading? That's a really cool combination there, she must have been a blast to talk to.
I'll keep your family in my thoughts tonight.
Posted by skits at February 3, 2005 07:34 PM
I'm sorry. :(
Posted by heather at February 3, 2005 09:25 PM
Sorry! :(
Posted by Terry at February 3, 2005 11:23 PM
I'm sorry about your aunt. :(
Posted by nastybastard at February 4, 2005 12:42 PM
Oh, hon...I'm so sorry for your loss.
Posted by Lisa at February 4, 2005 01:45 PM
Hi sweetie! I just had to tell you again that I love you and I'm soooo sorry to hear about your aunt. Kathy & I found a present for you today, so we'll have to get together when I get home. Sending you lots of love...
Posted by Christine at February 5, 2005 12:17 AM
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Arrette ou je te fous une baffe.
I have a new favorite phrase: "Arrette ou je te fous une baffe."
It means, "Quit it or I’ll slap you." Isn't that great? I think I'll be using that one a lot.
.: 34 words at 05:48 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Dude, if I even attempted to say it ... I can't tell you how much I would butcher that phrase! (It's a miracle I can say "merci!")
Posted by Christine at February 1, 2005 08:54 PM
That is such a cute doggy. What is she? A beatle?
Posted by Sonia at February 2, 2005 02:58 PM
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Music in the Mix
Time for a music meme since Mike tagged me.
Random 10:
1. K Ci & JoJo - Tell Me It's Real.
2. Information Society - Ozar Midrashim 1.1
3. Mono - Slimcea Girl
4. Gipsy Kings - Solo par Ti.
5. Erasure - Always (Trance Mix)
6. Bananarama - A Perfect World
7. Hi-Five - I Can't Wait Another Minute
8. Gary Allan - Man Of Me
9. ABC - Blame
10. Trace Adkins - (This Ain't No) Thinkin' Thing
1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
56.05 GBs (if I did the math right) in various folders. I still need to sort through a little over half of that for duplicates, incomplete files, etc. Some day all my music will be cleaned up...
2. The last CD you bought is: Depeche Mode's Remixes 81-04 (limited edition three disc set)
3.What is the song you last listened to before this message?
The El Orbits - Night and Day
4. Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
The El Orbits - Talk To Me
Dido - See you when you're 40
INXS - Not Enough Time
Outkast - The Way You Move
George Michael - Cowboys and Angels
5. Who are you gonna pass this stick to (three people and why)?
- Mac because her taste in music rocks
- Christine because she made one of my favorite Burn It CDs of all time
- Promoguy because we talk about music (and all kinds of other things) a lot
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