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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: January 2005
A Week in Review: Light Rock, Piercings, Cirque, Poker, and Sickness
I've been meaning to blog for days, but throw in a very busy schedule and being sick, and it all leads to this blog not being updated for about a week. So, here's another playing catch-up entry to keep you informed of my weekly happenings.
Wednesday night, I had an appointment for a cut and color with my new stylist, David Michael. Several of my friends use him and I've loved how their hair looks after seeing him, so I made an appointment. The color is gorgeous and it's nice to not have so much hair, though it's still halfway down my back. You can't really tell how it looks from this picture, but it's the only shot I have of it right now.
After that it was off to Katie's to hang out in the Technology Bytes IRC chat as we do every Wednesday. We bailed a bit early, though, so we could catch The Light Rock Express.
LRE consists of three of The El Orbits band members (The Dazzling Pete Grey, Jim Henkel, and Paul "The Kid" Beebe) and a drummer whose name I never caught. They play nothing but 70s light rock tunes ("Escape - The Pina Colada Song," "Afternoon Delight," "Stayin' Alive" and other classics) and it's a blast. It's amazing how The Kid can sound like just about any 70s band.
Anyway, we had a great time. Tricia, our dancing waitress from The Continental Club, was there and she even baked cookies. Jay Lee also showed up, which was nice since we hadn't seen him in a while.
The highlight to the evening (aside from Katie and I singing "How Deep is Your Love?" to each other), was the girl who got (semi) naked. LRE has this tank and panties set they sell for $10 that says "Light rock is for lovers" on it. They're super cute, but I don't think they sell very well. However, this one girl bought a set, went and changed into it, and then came out and danced to a song in it. Jay took pictures of the evening and this one of the dancing girl and Pete is my favorite.
Thursday I started noticing that it hurt to breathe in really deep. Ever since I had that damn pulmonary embolism a little over a year ago, I'm always a little worried that I'm going to get sick again. PEs are about the least fun thing in the world to go through and I never want to have another one again. Since my PE was originally misdiagnosed as pneumonia, the painful breathing made my brain scream, "Pulmonary embolism!" so I called the doctor and scheduled an appointment for Monday afternoon. Of course, since I'm neurotic (as I always say, this site ain't named Neurotic Fishbowl for nothing) I called back and moved the appointment to Friday since I kept thinking, "That's five days away. You could be *dead* by then!"
Friday, I went to the doctor and it turns out that I don't have a pulmonary embolism or any fluid around my lungs. I was running a slight fever, however, so the concensus was that I was probably coming down with something like the flu. Fun.
Around 6:00 that evening I headed back to Katie's since Todd was in town and staying with her for the weekend. His cousin and her fiancee had extra tickets to the Cirque du Soleil show, Varekai and he'd thoughtfully invited me along.
Veraki was good (especially the magician/lounge lizard guy doing "Ne Me Quitte Pas"), but it's not my favorite show of theirs which is, and probably always will be, "O" at The Bellagio in Vegas. Afterwards we went to Casa Manhattan for dinner. It's in between The Copa Room and Red Door and while waiting for our car, I saw Matt Clegg, a guy that was a few years behind me in school. Random, huh?
On the way home, I noticed that a new body piercing/tattoo palor was still open, so I swung in and got a hoop through the top of my left ear. I've always wanted one, but every time I've gone to get it done, I can never find a place open. It looks pretty cool, bringing my total piercings up to three in one ear, four in the other, and a belly button ring. I'm pretty sure I'm done with piercings at this point.
Saturday I was supposed to go to Elaine, but I still wasn't feeling very well and ended up working a few extra hours. It was then back to Katie's so we could go to Kevin and Kimberly's. All the girls went on a martini tour except for me. I stayed there and played low-limit poker with all the guys, drinking Sour Blue Apple Raspberry Martinis most of the evening.
I lost about $10 playing, which is about what I expected since the players were all very new, which is the hardest kind of game for me to play in, mostly because it's so hard for me to put anyone on a hand. In most games I play in, people know that K-5 offsuit isn't a calling hand. Hell, Chris had flushes twices without even knowing what they are. Beginner's luck, indeed! ;-) We left around 2:00 and it was back to Katie's for some sleep.
We woke up around 8:30 to go meet everyone for breakfast at House of Pies. Their minimum table service sign really tickled my fancy and their french toast and bacon really hit the spot.
I then went home after a quick stop at the mall to pick up some face powder. I also found these boots for about $45, so I picked them up since I've been desperately needing a pair.
I spent most of the rest of the day sleeping and just sitting in front of the television. I thought I was just tired from not getting enough sleep this weekend, but I just took my temperature and it read 100.7° (keep in mind too that my body temperature is actually a little cooler than 98.6°; it's usally more like 97.8°) so no wonder I'm so tired and it's really hard to make sense out of questions and the like.
I'm now headed off for bed, so here's to feeling better when I wake up. It's Monday, so that means that The El Orbits are playing. I'm supposed to be meeting some people there, but I guess it's really going to depend how I feel tomorrow if I can make it out or not.
Good night, all! Thanks for reading all of this!
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:: All the Voices Say... (3)
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Dude, for being sick - you did an assload of stuff. Silly girl, you're supposed to REST when you're sick! And not hang out with other people to give them your cooties!
However, I'm feeling ditched. You never come and stay with us anymore. We miss you at Chez Tremoulet. (I did finally take the Christmas tree down though - it couldn't wait any longer!)
Posted by Christine at February 1, 2005 09:01 PM
As soon as I read, "hurt to breathe deep" I thought, "OH NO! NOT AGAIN!!"
I am sooooooo glad it's NOT AGAIN, even if it does suck to be sick. I was so worried about you when you had the PE and I never ever want you to deal with either that or a kidney stone EVER again.
Posted by Sibeal at February 1, 2005 10:59 PM
isn't that Ang, the waitress from The Saucer in one of those pictures?
Posted by girl at February 3, 2005 07:59 AM
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How Deep is Your Love?
I love this ad (Come on, could you guess what it was really for? I know I couldn't), especially since Christine and I already have a dance routine worked out for the song.
(Link courtesy of Kristin.)
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How ... Deep ... Is ... Your ... Love ...
Posted by Christine at January 25, 2005 10:17 AM
At first before they should the plane i thought it was for Vodka!
Weird one! LOL
Posted by Terry at January 26, 2005 09:22 AM
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Happy Birthday, Trinity!
Today is Trinity's birthday. She's a delightful person, a wonderful friend, and I love her to pieces. Go give her some birthday lovin', alright?
Happy birthday, hon! Hope it's the best one yet!
.: 33 words at 05:35 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Playing Catch Up
I seem to be doing this a lot lately - not blogging for a while and then making a super long post to catch everyone up with what's been going on. I guess I ought to reward you if you make it the whole way through, so I'll put a download up for grabs in the "Read More" section. Don't say I never gave you anything.
So, two Fridays ago, Katie IMs me. We had talked about going to see Molly and The Ringwalds that night at The Continental Club (The El Orbits are playing there again Monday and I've invited quite a few people to join the Monday Core Group, consisting of Katie, Irfan, Gil, and I, so if you want to come out, send me an e-mail and I'll get you the details), but she suggested dinner at Pei Wei and going to see Sideways instead.
I haven't been to the movies since last May (I much prefer movies at home to theaters filled with screaming babes and cell phones), so I readily agreed, especially since I adore eating at Pei Wei's.
I met her and her husband Chris over at their place and we headed out to eat. The food was delicious (Mongolian beef for me with crab wontons and lettuce wraps as appetizers) but after we got done eating, we found ourselves with over an hour to kill before the movie. Since Kimberly and Kevin (friends of Katie and Chris) don't live too far away, we headed over there to kill some time.
After chatting and having some black cherry Effen vodka (it's really called Effen vodka; isn't that great?) with cranberry juice, we left for the theater on River Oaks. It's an older theater without the super huge screens and stadium seating and it reminded me so much of all the times I'd gone to the movies in high school with a group of friends. Funny how things can make you nostalgic out of nowhere, huh?
Back to the movie - Sideways was great. It was funny, witty, interesting, and I just loved it. It started off a little slow, but quickly picked up. It had some absolutely hysterical scenes along with touching, heart-felt moments. It's great and I highly recommend checking it out.
The next day I headed back out to Katie and Chris's. Their friend Fred was having his fortieth birthday at Farrago, a restaurant I'd never been to before. It was a lovely place with food to die for. I had the pepperoni pizza and shared Kevin's old fashion dark chocolate cake with creamy chocolate frosting, raspberry sauce and fresh raspberries. They also make a pink lemonade martini that I have simply got to get the receipe for. The drink menu said it had pink lemonade, vodka, and grenadine, but I have no idea how many parts of each to use. Guess I'll be schmoozing the bartender next time I'm there.
It was then back to Kimberly and Kevin's for lots more alcohol (more Effen vodka and cranberry juice in my case; wine and champagne for everyone else) and lots more conversation. I remember Katie and I towards the end of the evening drunkenly making plans to build our own computer and moding it out so it would be the coolest computer ever. Ah, when geeks drink. ;-) I also remember all of us singing to Al Green's "Let's Stay Together" off of the Pulp Fiction soundtrack in the car on the way home. Good times, I tell you.
The next morning, just slightly hung over, we met everyone at Mission Burritos for breakfast. I'd never been there before either (I swear, after living in Houston all my life, I'm just now going venturing out. Better late than never, I guess!) but the food was delicious. They've got the best fajita beef tacos I've ever had, especially considering two tacos and a coke only cost me about $5. I swear, betwen Pei Wei, Farrago, and Mission Burritos, it was the best food weekend I've ever had.
After breakfast, I left Katie's and went back to my house. I'd been thinking about getting a new desk since I'd been using a incredibly tiny one only really big enough for my monitor and a few books. Now that I'm working from home, it was just not conducive to getting anything done. There was just simply not enough room. My mom had mentioned that Sam's Warehouse had a nice U-shaped workstation so she and I headed over there to check it out.
I feel in love with the desk right away, so after getting some more office supplies (paper clips, a desk calendar, highlighters, etc.) and checking Office Depot in case there was anything I liked better, we went home, got my uncle's huge ass truck, and went back and bought the thing (a steal at $376 in my opinion).
The next two days were spent hauling the desk (The World's Biggest Desk is what I christened it) upstairs and putting it together. I was so stiff this entire week. We got it together pretty quickly considering it was just my mom and I working on it and you can see the pictures here. I also bought a beta fish (and named him Spike since all my betas are named Spike or, if they're red, Flame; I just think they're great fish names).
Wednesday was a H-Town Happy Hour at Onion Creek. I met Kimberly at 7:00 so I could sell her my 20 GB iPod. She's delighted with it which makes me happy. Nice doing business with you, Kimberly! ;-)
While initially, it didn't look like too many people were going to show, we ended up with a pretty big turn out. As far as I can remember, here's all the bloggers that showed: Robert, Elaine, Kathy, Jon, Sketkar, Katie, Laurence, Ted (and his fiance Leslie), Gary, and Jason (but I can't remember their URLs. Next time, I'm brining a sign in sheet!). If I left anyone out, sorry!
We also had a special guest, Dwight Silverman. He's online news editor of the Houston Chronicle, who also writes the computing column that appears every Tuesday.
Dwight was going around asking us what our blogs were about (and I should have brought up BiblioBlog, my book review site in hindsight. Of course I'm currently five books behind over there. Must do those soon!). I started with the "random stuff from my life, whatever I feel like, blah blah blah" spiel when Elaine mentioned all the free stuff that I've gotten (at current count, I've gotten the iPod, the iPod photo, the Sony Wega 27" television and placed my orders for the iPod shuffle and the Coach handbag. I'm also pretty close to getting some cash from the various 4Free.com sites - the DS4Free.com one in particular - so feel free to sign up for any of them). He was really interested in the story and suggested that it would make a great feature to the news guys, so hopefully I'll hear from them. It would be pretty cool if that made it into the paper.
Friday, Kathy invited several of us over for pizza, conversation, and to watch Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (the Unrated Extended Edition). While I totally could have lived without the "Battleshits" scene, I thought the rest of the movie was great and just really funny. The special features, though, sucked. What's up with that?
I didn't get home until after 3:00 in the morning, didn't actually go to bed until almost 6:00 AM, and since I got up around 11:00, I was pretty well exhausted this afternoon (been going to bed way too late during the week and haven't slept more than six hours on any given night). I caught up on some stuff on the TiVo and crashed hard around 6:30. I woke up a little after 10:00 (and panicked because I thought it was a work day and I'd overslept) and I'm going to read for a little bit and then go back to bed.
So, there's everything that's been going on with me for the past week. I've been really busy, work's going pretty well, and I've been having the greatest time hanging out with my friends.
Thanks for reading this far. Don't forget the free music in the extended entry.
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Ulrich Schnauss - On My Own. (Right click and "Save As" please.)
This is part of this month's music mix at Nike Women. Click on Workout and Get Music to get the rest of the tracks. They're updated monthly, so check back every month for more cool tunes.
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.: 1466 words at 03:12 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
:: All the Voices Say... (7)
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whoo! That wore me out! Sounds like you had a blast, sorry I couldn't make the happy hour, I'll make the next one.
Posted by syd at January 23, 2005 01:15 PM
wow sounds like you had a fun week! :) that nikewomen thing is cool, i think i will go back every month to see whats up! :)
Posted by becca at January 23, 2005 03:09 PM
Wow! That was a lot! Did you get your cat, yet? Should be coming soon, if not!
Posted by Alex. at January 23, 2005 04:00 PM
I just saw White Castle tonight. Who made you king of the forest?
Posted by nastybastard at January 23, 2005 11:53 PM
Now, I'm multi-tasking so I don't remember if i hit post on my comment or not. i'm confused.
Posted by supergirlwonder@gmail.com at January 25, 2005 03:59 PM
Now, I'm multi-tasking so I don't remember if i hit post on my comment or not. i'm confused.
Posted by supergirlwonder@gmail.com at January 25, 2005 04:00 PM
okay i didn't - so what i was intending to say before i double commented (sorry about that) was i need that fishbowl. now, i don't have a fish just yet, but that's arbitrary.
that really is the mother of all desks, but it looks like such an efficient workspace.
Posted by girlwonder at January 26, 2005 09:49 AM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition. The theme this season is remixes, so there should be some interesting compilations created.
You know you want to join, so go read the rules and sign up!
.: 50 words at 11:50 AM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Aw man, I missed this burn it. I was just thinking about it yesterday too- wondering when the next one would be.
Ever think of setting up a mailing list or something of past participants who want to be notified of new swaps?
Will attempt to remember for the next one...
Posted by tristin at February 6, 2005 08:17 PM
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Black Cat Bone
Monday night, a couple of my friends and I headed out to The Continental Club for our weekly fix of The El Orbits.
We got there, only to find that a birthday party was going on for the guy that used to own Rockefellers. I was a bit sad to find out that it wasn't going to be an El Orbits night like it generally is and wasn't looking forward to the other bands (though, to be honest, I didn't even know who was playing).
Boy, was I in for a treat. The first band that was up was Diunna Greenleaf & Blue Mercy. They were incredible. Diunna is this awesome, sexy as hell, blues singer. As Katie put it, it was like we got a birthday present, it was so amazing listening to her sing.
It turns out that Diunna & Blue Mercy are having a CD release party in Humble this Saturday, which is pretty close to where I live since I'm stuck out in the suburbs in Spring. Here's the info from the website:
Twin Oak Tavern
211 E. Main St.
Humble, TX 77338
Release party starts at 9:00
Like I said, she was awesome, so it would be well worth checking her out if you can. According to her site, there isn't another Houston show scheduled for months. Anybody want to join me? It would be a great little mini-blogger get together!
.: 239 words at 08:07 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Funny, I never realized how close I used to live to you. My parents still live in Spring, but now I live in Plano.
Sounds like some cool partying!
Posted by eliot at January 14, 2005 11:35 AM
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Free iPod Shuffle
I wasn't going to sign up, but Christine begged me to, so I registered for a free iPod Shuffle at FreeiPodShuffle.com.
It's a Gratis Network site and since I've got a free iPod, a free photo iPod, a free designer handbag, and a free flat screen TV, I know it's not a scam. You only have to get three users for the iPod Shuffle, so it should be easy enough to do.
They are so cute. You know you want one, especially for free. So go sign up here.
Just as a reminder, the complete list of free stuff that you can get (includes flat screen televisions, Nintendo DSs, TiVos, photo iPods, and more) can be found here.
As always, don't put your own referral links here. I will delete them!
.: 134 words at 11:19 AM in $entry_cats="Participation, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'd sign up - but I already did the thing for Christine! BUT, you can help me get a free !!
Posted by don at January 13, 2005 12:09 PM
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Burn It - The Winter 2004 Edition
Time for the next Burn It CD Swap. Sign-ups begin now and, as always, please be sure to read the rules carefully before signing up! (And, yes, I know it's not 2004 any more, but with the new job and the holidays, this is a little late getting out.)
The Theme:
One of my favorite things, at least musically, is a good remix. Remixes are amongst some of my very favorite songs, so it's high time that I feature them as a theme. So, dazzle me with your favorite remixes by creating the Best Remix CD Ever.
I've had a couple of people ask me exactly what a remix is According to Dictionary.com the definition is: To recombine (audio tracks or channels from a recording) to produce a new or modified audio recording: remixed a popular ballad and turned it into a dance hit. With that in mind, I don't think covers should be considered remixes.
Ultimately, though, Burn Its have always been about making an awesome CD that you love and want to share with other people. So, if not every track that you put on there isn't strictly a remix, the world won't fall apart. Just make a good CD and actually send it out to you group members (lots of people have been bailing on their groups. Don't be That Guy).
Here's how it works:
After the sign up period, people will be put into groups of 4. You will then receive an e-mail from me telling you the names and addresses of the people in your group. You burn 5 identical CDs. Keep one for yourself and send the other three to the other people in your group and one to me. New Rule: Since so many people have been complaining that they haven't gotten CDs from people in their group, I am now requiring that you send one to me so I can keep track of who sent them out and who didn't. I hate to do this, but it seems the best way to keep track. You should then receive three new CDs from the other three people in your group.
The rules:
- You should have a blog. I would like this to be a fun way to connect people in the blogosphere. If you don't, go over to Diaryland or Blogspot and start one for free.
- If you're not going to follow through and make your CDs, please don't bother signing up. It would be a shame if one or two people ruined this for their group. If you signed up last swap and didn't send your CDs out, don't sign up this time.
- You must live in the US or Canada. If there's a intrest in this in other areas, I may do a swap at some point down the road that includes other countries, but I'm going to limit it to the areas where I know most of you guys live.
- If you live in the US, you should be willing to ship to Canada. If you live in Canada, you should be willing to ship to the US. The postage is a teeny bit more, but nothing that's going to break the bank.
- Remember that most people can't play mp3s in their car, so make sure they're something that will play in a standard car stereo. I tend to use .cda or .wav files. I have put together a list of Burn It resources for those not familiar with making CDs.
- Please be sure to put your name, URL, or e-mail on your CD somewhere. I got several last time that I liked, but have no idea who sent them.
Guidlines on creating your CDs:
- Include a track listing. If someone like an artist, they might want to buy more music by them. Let us know who it is.
- Fill up the CD as much as you can. There's 80 minutes on a blank CD. Don't half-ass it and make a 30 minute CD.
- You should definitely use a jewel case when sending your CDs to protect it during mailing. You can get them cheap anywhere.
- I know a lot of people are graphically inclined, so feel free to make your CD a work of art.
- Don't be afraid to put on "cheesy" music. If you like it, others probably will too.
- Don't be afraid to put on music that no one has ever heard before either. Billboard or MTV may never have known this music, but you did, so that's what counts.
If you've gotten this far and you still want to sign up, send an e-mail (change the AT to an @ in my e-mail address) to me and make sure you reference the swap in the subject line. You must include the following information (please send your info even if I already have it):
- Your name
- Mailing address
- Your blog URL
- Your e-mail address
- New requirement: If you want to be in one group or two. (You can send the same CD to each group. You don't actually have to create two different mixes.)
Sign-ups will continue through end of day Thursday, January 20th. By Monday, January 24th, I will send e-mails to everyone letting you know who is in your group. You should have all of your CDs burned and in the mail NO LATER THAN Friday, February 18th. This gives you at least a full three weeks to create and ship CDs to your three group partners and me.
Please spread the word! More people equals more music! Just be sure to link to this URL, because eventually this entry will cycle off the main page. Also, feel free to swipe one of the buttons here and link it to the category page here.
If you have any other questions, you can e-mail me or leave a comment.
Special thanks goes out to Alison for both the inspiration and allowing me to use most of her rules and guidelines.
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:: All the Voices Say... (11)
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Interseting theme, but alas one I cannot participate in. I have all of 1 remix song. Guess the remix craze is lost on us old farts ;).
Posted by Howard Hill at January 12, 2005 06:33 AM
as usual, i'm in! emailing you my details shortly...
Posted by tj at January 12, 2005 08:27 AM
Maybe I'm just an old fart, but what's a remix? How is it different from a cover?
Would it be like the songs of the group Big Daddy (http://www.bigdaddyfan.com/), who took songs and put them to a new beat? Or something else?
Posted by Julia at January 12, 2005 04:13 PM
damn you, Kymberlie! I told myself that I wasn't going to do this one b/c I always procrastinate and send my cds out late. but you had to go and pick my favorite thing in the world. this is going to be one kick ass cd with the collection that Boy and I have, I assure you. I may even have to do 2 cds to fit everything I want to use.
Posted by girl at January 13, 2005 07:14 AM
OK, dang it, I'm in. I can't pass up remixes!
You should maybe expand your definition to include Mash-Ups (they are a form of remix, yes?). Though you then may need to explain what a Mash-up is....
Posted by PromoGuy at January 13, 2005 12:32 PM
This is good, but can I suggest that you include people from Europe. We can be in our own groups. The only (small) thing will be that we will have to post one cd to the US (yours). I don't see why it would be a big deal.
Posted by bbm at January 13, 2005 06:46 PM
You know I'm in.
Posted by nastybastard at January 16, 2005 12:05 AM
Fundamentally, yes a remix is a song with a different beat. Many times they will take the song as it was originally done and put down some dance beat stuff to make it more appealing to club goers for dancing.
Posted by Howard at January 16, 2005 08:37 AM
There's more fun with Mix CDs over at the Mix CD Exchange... http://www.fiveandtwenty.com/cdx/ ... come on by...
Posted by Spike at January 19, 2005 12:00 PM
Timing kinda bad right now...and my only remixes are of Britney and some other pop princesses, lol! Can't wait to join the fun next time.
Posted by KP at January 26, 2005 11:59 AM
damn... too late?
Posted by Liz at February 2, 2005 02:04 PM
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Happy Birthday, Matt!
Today is the day that Matt finally turns twenty-one! It's a shame that he no longer lives in Houston so I could take him out for a drink!
Matt, as soon as your back in town, let me know! I promised you a drink in a jazz bar to celebrate your birthday way back in the day (man, like a year ago maybe?), and if you have any free time, I'd love to uphold that promise!
Happy birthday, Matt! You are a wonderful, talented, sweetheart of a guy and I hope you have a wonderful day!
.: 96 words at 01:55 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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The Song Meme-ory Games Answers
I just realized I never posted the answers to the Song Meme-ory that I posted last month. Sixteen songs were guessed correctly, leaving nine of them unguessed with KB getting the most correct with four right answers.
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1. Sitting in an armchair with my head between my hands. Wouldn't have to be like this if only you'd understand. The Cranberries - Wanted; guessed by Syd
2. Just try to see in the dark. Just try to make it work. To feel the fear before you're here. The Cure - Close To Me; guessed by Somewhat
3. Two dozen other stupid reasons why we should suffer for this. Harvey Danger - Save it For Later
4. You've got to bet on yourself, now star, 'cause that's your best bet. 311 - All Mixed Up; guessed by KB
5. Miles and miles away from your touch, aching everywhere. Drill - What You Are
6. I believe that fate has brought us here and we should be together, babe. Macy Gray - I Try; guessed by Kelly
7. My heart is yours. It's you that I hold on to. Coldplay - Sparks; guessed by Rain
8. Softly in the distance nothing stirs about and the night is filled with the sound of a whipporwil. Shenandoah - Sunday in the South
9. Boy, you best pray that I bleed real soon. How's that thought for you? Tori Amos - Silent All These Years; guessed by Meredith
10. See the pyramids along the Nile. Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle. Bob Dylan - You Belong To Me; guessed by Mark Smith
11. When we make love it seems a little desolate. It's hard sometimes not to look away. Dido - Stoned; guessed by KB
12. It lit up the fish like rain and rained them down on me. The Cure - Hot! Hot! Hot!; guessed by KB
13. I'll take my chances, I'll take it day by day. Let the curtain fall I'm out of love that's all. Nelson - I Can Hardly Wait
14. Don't you know, it's not easy when you gotta walk upon that line. INXS - What You Need; guessed by Pierce
15. I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. Guns 'N Roses - Sweet Child 'O Mine; guessed by RedJen
16. Four in the morning, you're still wide awake. Just can't shake, shake, shake your headache. Ivy - Lucy Doesn't Love You
17. I'm the chill that never left your spine in the building where you live and breathe. Quarterflash - Take Me To Heart; guessed by Kimberly
18. Your knees'll start shaking and your fingers pop like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock. Beastie Boys - Intergalactic; guessed by Meredith
19. I may not drive a fancy car or be a famous movie star, but all of that can fade in the morning light. Donny Osmond - If It's Love That You Want
20. The telephone is screaming. Won't she leave me alone? The Police - Mother; guessed by Pierce
21. I scream long and hard, "Won't somebody help me?" The Motels - Shock
22. You've got your mother's cheekbones and your father's crooked smile. Her Space Holiday - Something To Do With My Hands
23. Ain't nothin' better. We beat the odds together. Shania Twain - Still the One; guessed by KB
24. I know you really loved me but, you see, my hands were tied. Leonard Cohen - Waiting For the Miracle
25. Who would of believed that you where part of a dream? Barry Manilow - Can't Smile Without You; guessed by RedJen
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Netflix Friends
Netflix has just created a new service that allows you to see what your friends have rated called, appropriately enough, Netflix Friends. If you're a Netflix member, leave me your e-mail address so I can see what movies you liked.
.: 41 words at 03:43 PM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'm movies@andshesaid.com. :)
Posted by Carla at January 8, 2005 04:01 PM
I thought they had that a long time ago? I know they had it when I signed up a few months ago. (I'll send you my address once I figure out which one I used. *grin*)
Posted by Christine at January 8, 2005 04:48 PM
Mine is howard_hill @ bigfoot.com. I just got my invite to do friends today as well.
Posted by Howard at January 8, 2005 04:59 PM
My Netflix address is hawthorn62@hotmail.com
Posted by amber at January 8, 2005 07:25 PM
Feel free to add me as NetFlix friend!
Posted by Chris at January 8, 2005 10:22 PM
Iv bene using this since it was beta and I love it so fat I just dont know alot of people that use netflix.
my email is xerxes@notlife.net
Posted by Xerxes at January 9, 2005 08:40 PM
Posted by syd at January 10, 2005 11:52 AM
Posted by jon at January 11, 2005 03:15 AM
mine is monkeygirl1975@earthlink.net
woo hoo!
Posted by cat at January 11, 2005 02:24 PM
Posted by kimberly at January 11, 2005 03:59 PM
Feel free to add me.
Posted by Stephen Virgilio at August 13, 2005 09:23 AM
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Free iTunes New Music Sampler
Apple has a somewhat hidden free thirteen song 'iTunes New Music Sampler' album available to new iPod owners, those who restore their device, or those who simply click here.
(Link courtesy of iPodlounge, an excellent iPod resourse.)
.: 39 words at 04:38 PM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Uh, yeah. Easier said than done. I can get it in to the cart, but how the heck do I download it? Shouldn't there be a "checkout" button somewhere? *sigh*
Posted by Christine at January 8, 2005 11:50 AM
Thanks for the link! Downloaded and in my library!
Posted by eliot at January 10, 2005 03:43 PM
woo! thanks for the link!
Posted by don at January 11, 2005 03:09 PM
can some one help me please? i clicked on the link at the top for the new ipod owners for the free songs and im on my itunes player and its accesing into the store but then it says that the request could not b preformed! because it's says that the item i've requested is currently not avalablie in the US store!
Posted by Lissa at January 24, 2006 07:58 AM
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Delurking is Delightful!
A few weeks ago, Sheryl approached several bloggers, me included, about have a Delurking Day. Since I had missed the one that was done previously, I jumped right on the bandwagon.
Now, I know that lots of people read this site. However, my comments don't reflect that at all. I know many people don't like to leave comments if they feel they have nothing significant to add to the conversation, but I say if you think it or feel it, it's significant, so speak up!
With this in mind, leave me a comment. I don't care what it's about. It can be about what you got for Christmas, what you hope happens for you (or to you) in this new year, what color your nails are painted, what color your underwear is - whatever. Just leave a comment. Now that I'm working from home and not surrounded by office mates, trust me, I appreciate every contact with human life that I can get. ;-)
If you'd like to jump on the bandwagon too, go here to swipe your own nifty little button and declare it Delurking is Delightful Day on your blog too!
.: 194 words at 01:19 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Posted by Lisa at January 5, 2005 01:33 PM
I almost always comment if I have a thought. But there are times when my only comment could/would be "uhhh..."
Posted by NinaKaye at January 5, 2005 01:45 PM
I just never have anything to say. When you struggle to maintain the brainpower to breathe, commenting is a big stretch!
Posted by vern at January 5, 2005 01:59 PM
I read your blog and an coming out of lurk mode to say howdy...
Posted by Michael at January 5, 2005 02:10 PM
you know I'm here... and when need be, I'll be making comments!
Posted by amancay at January 5, 2005 02:34 PM
I really enjoy your site. Thanks for participating. *disappears back into the woodwork*
Posted by Sheryl at January 5, 2005 02:46 PM
Leaving a comment. Grabbing a buttton from the link. Saying Hello.
I have a lot of lurkers too. When I asked them, a few of them said they didn't feel like part of the group so they were reluctant to comment. All I had to say about that is - well if you never leave a comment, you'll never feel like part of the group!
Don't tap the glass. It stresses the fish.
Posted by pero at January 5, 2005 03:03 PM
Okay, am delurking.
I should really do this on my blog - I never get any comments and I would dearly love some - just to connect in some way. I know I have one or two people that pop in - but I am not too good at pushing the blog forward! Maybe because I don't comment often myself. (shame on me)
Posted by Harriet at January 5, 2005 03:06 PM
Posted by Rebecca at January 5, 2005 03:47 PM
I am wearing blue plaid undies. How bout you?
Posted by mace at January 5, 2005 04:20 PM
De-lurking...I read you all the time but I think I've maybe commented once or twice...a while back.
Posted by allie at January 5, 2005 04:23 PM
Well I like your idea and I think I'm gonna swipe it. In a friendly, paying homage way, of course. Thanks.
Very nice smileys too!
Posted by Deb at January 5, 2005 07:17 PM
this is my generic de-lurking comment: hello my name is girlwonder and i'm a lurker.
Posted by girlwonder at January 5, 2005 08:00 PM
I'm stopping by to say hi since it's de-lurker day... so hi and Happy New Year!
Posted by Carla at January 5, 2005 09:47 PM
My nails are painted clear, but the acrylic goo has teeny colorful glitter in it that's really pretty.
Happy de-lurk day. :)
Posted by Lisa at January 5, 2005 10:49 PM
Dude, I just wish your site would remember my contact info and that there was a scroll bar in your comment window to make it easier to get to the comment box. (Firefox, in case you wondered.)
Otherwise, I comment all the time. Where are my comments from you? Huh? Huh? Do you have an illness? ;)
And I'm not wearing an underwear. Thanks for asking.
Posted by Christine at January 5, 2005 10:51 PM
What they hey, I'll throw in my 25 cents worth (I value my opinion).
Just for something a little different here in NE Ohio we are having what is being labeled "a wintery mix" weatherwise. This means snow, sleet, freezing rain, and some regular rain just for fun. Between the overflowing creeks and the downed trees & powerlines life is not dull in my little corner of the world.
Posted by Howard Hill at January 6, 2005 06:57 AM
I posted about delurking after reading this and I realized I hadn't left a comment!
Posted by kimberly at January 6, 2005 11:39 AM
Had to say hi and if your not busy can you shovel my sidewalk? We just got 8 inchs of snow here! White Fruit of the loom undies here lol!
Posted by Terry at January 6, 2005 12:03 PM
Better late than never, I guess... Happy New Year!
Posted by Karla at January 6, 2005 02:38 PM
Posted by Harmony at January 6, 2005 09:21 PM
Happy late de-lurky day, dearie!
Posted by kristine at January 6, 2005 09:34 PM
Answers to questions -
1) iPod, new computer, hella clothes
2) Hopefully, I'll find a better job and perhaps become filthy rich.
3) Nails - natural
4) Underwear - black.
Feel better??
Posted by Christiane at January 7, 2005 09:03 AM
i read you...i'm a little late on commenting, just getting around to the blogroll again.
Posted by lyn at January 7, 2005 04:57 PM
I'm not exactly "delurking" since this was the first time I'd read your blog, but I thought I'd say "hi" too!
Posted by Bev at January 8, 2005 09:11 AM
on in to tell you that I still read your blog, even if I don't comment so much anymore.
Posted by Daisyhead at January 10, 2005 07:36 PM
I'll come out of lurk mode too. Hiya.
Posted by Khali at January 13, 2005 12:45 AM
My toenails are a bright metallic beige/neutral color. I don't like it much and the polish is chipping so I think I'm going to go for a rust color.
Posted by srah at January 13, 2005 02:34 PM
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iPod For Sale
Since I got my new photo iPod, I need to sell my 20 GB 4th Generation iPod.
Edited: I have a buyer for the 20 GB 4th Generation iPod itself, but the Sonic iSkin (selling for $25; regular price is $30, plus $7.50 shipping) may still be available. Contact me if interesting.
Edited again: Sold!
.: 57 words at 06:14 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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damn, pictures and music? what else does it do?
next version of the iPod will vibrate, i swear...
Posted by mikey at January 3, 2005 06:25 PM
I'll give you $20 for it. Hey! You said best offer! (Sorry. It's my illness and all that...)
Posted by Christine at January 3, 2005 10:02 PM
$25. It's the best offer I can do and considering you got it for free...
I know you just replaced your cars roof but to sell something at almost retail value that you got for free, well, to me and this is just my opinion, is icky.
Sorry. :(
Posted by kat at January 4, 2005 07:06 AM
The case looks interesting, it has a belt clip?
Not sure I can part with $25 for it though.
Posted by PromoGuy at January 4, 2005 03:56 PM
Kat, no offense or anything, but how do you think ebay works? Most of the "new" stuff on ebay is sold by people who got the stuff incredibly cheap (or free) and then resell it at full retail, if possible. everyone's out to make a profit. it's called capitalism.
Posted by girl at January 4, 2005 04:34 PM
Wish I could make an offer -- hope you get one! Have you seen the iPod socks?? Too funny...
On a side note, I'm a finalist for a BoB award AND it's my birthday!
Will you go vote for me today as my birthday present?? :)
Make sure to cast your vote for Barefoot Principessa!
I know it's shameless to beg, but hey -- that's the whole point of the category I'm up for!
Fabulous!! Thank you!!
Posted by Principessa at January 4, 2005 04:53 PM
Girl, no offense taken. Like i said, it was just my opinion.
She could auction it off on ebay and probably get what she's asking for. What I'm saying is that a) it's scratched b) it says right on it, freeipods.com so we know the person didn't pay anything for it and c) it comes fully loaded with music the seller likes yet she's asking for close to full retail.
It's just an opinion, not meant to inflict harm or insult, just pointing out the facts as I read them from her description so to me it's not worth $250 at all.
Kimberly, I wasn't being mean as other people may be thinking. I am just stating my thoughts and no one elses.
Posted by kat at January 4, 2005 04:54 PM
Im interested, please email me
Posted by F at April 13, 2005 04:29 PM
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