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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: December 2004
Happy New Year, Everyone!
It's New Year's Eve and my plans for tonight include going to Katie and Chris's for a drink and then heading to a party some friends of theirs. Later, we're going to The Continental Club to hear The Allen Oldies Band and, my favorites, The El Orbits (maybe I'll end up near David Beebe at midnight and get a kiss. Hey, you never know. Stranger things have happened!). I get to spend the night, so drinking will definitely be commenced as soon as I get to their house.
Speaking of alcohol, I stopped by the liquor store to get some vodka and Rose's Cocktail Infusions (picked up all three - blue raspberry, apple, and cranberry). Since I was on the phone with Christine and had my hands full with four bottles, I sat everything on the counter, kind of near this cute guy's hand. There was another couple between us and they asked if we were together and the guy said, "No, I'm not that lucky." It was so sweet, it totally made my day.
I must get ready soon, but I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's. Here's to a wonderful 2005!
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Happy New Year! Stay safe and have tons of fun.
Posted by kimberly at December 31, 2004 06:30 PM
Have a happy new year Kimberly. :)
Posted by kat at December 31, 2004 06:46 PM
If only he had taken you up on that New Year's Eve offer... oh well. Here's to a fabulous 2005! Much love to you!
Posted by Christine at December 31, 2004 07:13 PM
Sweet! Happy New Year!
Posted by syd at January 1, 2005 10:17 AM
Hope you have a very very happy New Year!!
Posted by Peg at January 1, 2005 02:39 PM
Happy New Year!
Posted by Kelly at January 2, 2005 12:48 AM
Nice site! The editors at the ZardozZ News Portal occasionally search the web for interesting feed content and we came across your site today. We would like to invite you to add your site's url to our webring as your material appears interesting and aligned with our readership. If you are interested you can find further information at ZZ OpenRing and at the ZZ OpenWeb. This is not meant as spam but as an invitation. Hope you'll join us...
Posted by Z.Z.B. at January 2, 2005 08:23 PM
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Playing With Fire
My brother and five of his friends are over spending the night before they all head out to The Big Easy for New Year's. They went and bought some fireworks so we all headed out to light them. While setting them off, we noticed a car coming down the street (we live on a dead-end road, outside of a subdivision). We all back out of the road and comment that they seem like asses since they actually sped up to drive pass us.
The truck (one of those little F-150s) gets to the dead end and turns around. I was turning away from the road when I noticed a light, like they had tossed a cigarette out of their window at us. I thought, "How rude," and then something solid thumps into my back.
Those fuckers had tossed a lit bottle rocket out of the car at me. It hit me in the back (thank god I had turned around), fell to the ground, and shot off towards our house. My mom's SUV was parked right there with the back open, so I guess it's also a good thing that it didn't fire off into there.
Who the fuck drives around throwing light fireworks at people? I wish we could have gotten their license plate. I would have loved to have called the cops on them.
.: 227 words at 12:19 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Fuckers. (oops. Can I call them that? Feel free to edit away if needed. Jackmonkey is also appropriate.)
Posted by Christine at December 30, 2004 02:23 AM
In the NY Metro area, there have been two stories of teenagers throwing things at cars causing serious injury. In one case it was a frozen turkey, and the lady ended up in critical condition, with a tracheotomy and everything. And in a case the other night, it was a reindeer decoration thrown at a city bus, shattering the windshield and causing facial lacerations and glass to land in the driver's eye.
The news interviewed a couple of teenagers for their opinion and one girl said "If there were more things for teens to do in this town, things like this wouldn't happen." Seriously.
Posted by Sibeal at December 30, 2004 08:55 AM
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Hacking Your iPod's "Do not disconnect" Icon
If you've got an iPod (I have two now that my photo iPod has arrived), you're no stranger to the blinking "Do not disconnect." icon. If you're tired of that plain, boring icon, it's apparently pretty easy change it for an icon of your own choice (I personally like the slashed out RIAA icon that they've used). If you want to change yours up, instructions are here.
(Link courtesy of KB.)
.: 73 words at 10:13 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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"that they’re used" ... ???
Dude. Bad grammar will get you nowhere. ;) *giggle*
Posted by Christine at December 29, 2004 11:34 PM
he said " that they've used"
perfectly acceptable grammar
Posted by andy at May 1, 2005 01:51 AM
Dude. Bad grammar will get you nowhere. ;) *giggle*
Dude. Bad reading will get you even further from anywhere.
Posted by at August 27, 2005 12:04 AM
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Happy Birthday, LT!
Today is the adorable, smart, sweet, and wonderful LT's birthday. She turns the big 27, so go on over there and give her some birthday lovin'.
Happy birthday, sweetie! You rock my world! Love you bunches! *smooch*
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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! May your day be filled with nothing but love, happiness, and lots of presents!
.: 17 words at 04:17 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Happy holidays to you too!!
Hope it's everything you want it to be :)
Posted by Harmony at December 25, 2004 05:22 PM
Merry Christmas!
Posted by don at December 25, 2004 07:51 PM
Merry Christmas to you too!
Posted by heather at December 25, 2004 10:14 PM
Happy Holidays, Kymberlie!
Hope you have a wonderful season!
Posted by :: jozjozjoz :: at December 26, 2004 01:41 AM
I am a day late so I hope Christmas was wonderful.
Posted by Jay at December 26, 2004 07:46 AM
I hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend! :D *smooch*
Posted by skits at December 26, 2004 08:39 AM
I'm a day late too, Merry Christmas!!!
Posted by Katie at December 26, 2004 06:36 PM
Merry late Christmas to you. :)
Posted by Tricia at December 27, 2004 03:57 PM
A belated Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2005 to you!
Posted by Deb at December 28, 2004 06:56 PM
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Oh my god! It's snowing! It's not like real big flakes, more like hard rain, but it's really coming down! Wow! (Glad I'm inside in sweats, though.) Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
Edited: It sounds like it's raining, so the concensus is that it's actually sleet, not snow. It's still white and pretty, though.
.: 53 words at 04:24 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Oh no, there was definitely snow out there too! We got snow! We got snow! Yeah!!!
Posted by Christine at December 25, 2004 03:11 AM
I think it was sleet at the time of your post but when I was outside about two hours later it was definitely snow! I took pictures, maybe they came out, I'll see and post them if they are good!
Posted by Katie at December 26, 2004 06:33 PM
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Free Photo iPod - Delivered!
I'm over at Elaine's house and dogsitting while she is in Paris for Christmas. I called home and was talking to my mom when she noticed a DHL truck outside. I thought my 40 GB photo iPod from FreePhotoiPods.com might be delivered today and sure enough, that was it!
I really wish I was home now so I could play with it. Wheee! A new gadget just in time for Christmas!
.: 71 words at 11:12 AM in $entry_cats="Participation, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Wow!! You are so lucky!!! I'm jealous! I think I'm going to break down and buy myself a iPod after Christmas :-) Have a Merry Christmas!
Posted by Pam at December 23, 2004 12:29 PM
Oh how I wish this was open to Canadians! Congrats :)
Posted by kelly at December 23, 2004 01:16 PM
Nice! So does this mean your other one is for sale :-)
Posted by IgwanaRob at December 23, 2004 02:06 PM
Greetings from Paris! Hope the dogs are treating you nicely and thanks for watching the house for us! Merry Christmas!
Posted by cybertoad at December 24, 2004 07:53 AM
but will you share the IPOD with me????
: )
Posted by Jay at December 24, 2004 08:11 AM
Wow congrats! I'm deffinitely jealous, I am still trying for 3 more signups to finish off my old freeipod.
Posted by Pierce at December 24, 2004 05:44 PM
Wow, Paris in winter! I've never been at all but I'd love to go. I'm jealous of Elaine!
DHL delivered a holiday present for us, too: the digital cable box! We're happy about that too.
Happy holidays hon!
Posted by Meredith at December 25, 2004 02:10 PM
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Festivus Tiara!
Jay took some great pictures at the Festivus Tiara Happy Hour last Firday. You can see all the fun here.
My favorites are Pat and I (look at my eeeeeevil red eyes!), Kenny in his tiara and Elaine's scarf with me looking on adoringly, and Kenny in the same get-up plus cigarette.
Good times, good times.
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Posted by J at December 23, 2004 07:51 AM
These are great! Thanks for sharing...
Posted by cybertoad at December 24, 2004 07:55 AM
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A Little Bit of Free
Amazon.com has a pretty sweet little deal going on right now. Buy four $15 Apple iTunes prepaid cards and get a fifth one free. That's $15 worth of free music.
These babies make great little stocking stuffers or last minute gifts. Just use promotional code ITUNES544DEC at checkout. Better hurry, though. This offer expires January 2, 2005.
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I'm getting an error... what sort of restrictions are involved?
Posted by amancay at December 24, 2004 12:09 PM
never mind... you gotta have all 5 cards in your cart!
Posted by amancay at December 24, 2004 12:11 PM
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All Hail The Power of My Cleavage!
This past Friday was the latest Tiara Happy Hour (or Festivus Tiara, if you will). It was, as always, a ton of fun and I even brought Jay Lee (one of the hosts of KPFT's radio show Technology Bytes) along (after meeting up with him at Sambuca's for a few martinis first of course).
It was especially fun to visit with all the girls again that I so rarely get to see (Syd, Jen, girl, Pat, and Carmen). There was, however, this distraction that had us all (well, at least me) mesmerized - girl's boobs.
Turns out that she'd bought one of Lane Bryant's new Cacique Sensual Curves cotton cleavage-enhancing bras. These things are marvels of modern engineering, if you ask me. It definitely makes the cleavage most impressive.
I found myself at the mall Sunday after a delicious steak lunch with my family (Mmmmm. Steak.) and headed over to try one of those babies out.
Oh. My. God. My cleavage is amazing. I feel like I've acquired a new superpower (BoobGirl has a certain ring to it). I wore it out tonight in one of the new tops that I'd picked up (good thing I finally got a job since I just spent a big portion of my paycheck on Christmas sales. Really, though, I swear most of it was incredible deals that just couldn't be passed up with the exception of all the money I blew on MAC make-up. How come I can never get the stuff to look as good on me as when the cosmetic lady applies it? I swear, I must have missed girl class in school. Anyone really good at teaching someone how to apply make-up? I need help!).
As I was saying, I wore it out tonight and the consensus from Katie, Gil and Irfan was that my tatas (as Katie calls them) were awesome.
Girls, run to Lane Bryant and get one of these now. They're only $29.50 and then you get a second one for half price. It's a steal and you'll thank me for it once everyone begins paying homage to your cleavage.
(I just noticed that this paragraph has almost as many parentheses as an early Stephen King novel. Wonder if it's me paying subliminal homage to him.)
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I LOVE those bras! I got two of them back in November, and they make my boobs look great! I'm a DD, but I also have a large ribcage, so I don't have cleavage naturally. I'm hoping that Santa brings me a couple more of these...
Posted by amber at December 21, 2004 07:31 AM
As a nice man, I am willing to buy dozens for everyone! LOL
Posted by Jay at December 21, 2004 08:33 AM
I told you! yay boobies!
Posted by girl at December 21, 2004 09:23 AM
I'm writing the name of that bra down. Then as soon as I find a Lane Bryant store (since the one nearest here closed) I'm buying one!
Posted by NinaKaye at December 21, 2004 09:29 AM
You know, I've been needing to go bra-shopping lately, maybe I'll have to try them out. I've been eyeing them, but I haven't taken the plunge yet. Maybe I will this week :)
Posted by Alison at December 21, 2004 10:25 AM
Ohhh, I want one now! And I've been meaning to get some new bras, so I do believe I'll head for Lane Bryant next time i'm in the mall!! :) Thanks for the suggestion!!!
Posted by kristine at December 21, 2004 01:24 PM
How comfortable is it? I buy my bras from Lane Bryant, but have shied away from underwires because they hurt my boobies too much. I always buy these bras, and I love them.
But if this bra is comfy enough, I might get a couple for wearing with certain outfits. Thanks for the info! :-)
Posted by Christine at December 21, 2004 07:36 PM
Are we to just take your word for this? Iiiiiii think not.
Photos young lady, photos.
Posted by PromoGuy at December 22, 2004 07:45 AM
Christine, let me put it this way. they're a hell of a lot more comfortable than your standard push up bra. I never had to worry about bending over and having my tatas fall out either like I usually feel like in low plunge bras.
and promoguy - let your fingers do the walking, man. :P
Posted by girl at December 22, 2004 05:02 PM
Man, it's like I wasn't even there. I see how it is. Fine. ;)
I think it was just you that was mesmerized with Girl's boobage. Every time you said something, the rest of us groaned and said, "again! with the boobs!" Yeah, you. Not all of us. I am amused...
I've offered you girly makeup classes. You never showed up for them. Really, it's not that hard. The right colors and the right foundation (liquid, with powder) play a big roll...
Posted by Christine at December 22, 2004 09:13 PM
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Six Apart has just released the newest upgrade to Movable Type, v.314. It addresses the issue of extreme server load under spam attack.
Sounds like it's a fairly simple patch with lots of benefits, so if you're a 3.x user, I'd suggest getting the update.
.: 47 words at 02:25 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I may get Boy to upgrade us b/c we never upgraded from the old one when they started charging. but I see that they offer a free download now that just doesn't have all of the technical support perks (which we don't need b/c we have a million other people that are MT whizzes that can help us). and it lets us have 3 blogs, which is exactly what we have (main, music, and gallery).
Posted by girl at December 21, 2004 09:28 AM
A free version of MT 3.x has been available since day one. A lot of people got caught up in the licensing silliness and simply overlooked it despite the fact that Six Apart made it very clear. Ah well...
Posted by Jay Allen at December 21, 2004 11:12 AM
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Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball.
I just finished watching Far From Heaven, which I just loved. The acting was great, the cinematography was beautiful (I could have stared at the colors for hours), and the story was interesting and sad at the same time.
I was looking through the extra features and started reading the cast biographies when I had a sudden "Oh my god!" moment. Dennis Haysbert, President David Palmer from 24 (one of my favorite shows), he of the regal bearing and beautiful voice, was Pedro Cerrano in Major League. How could I have not known that?
.: 97 words at 11:57 PM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Yes. It is him. I was a little shocked when I found out.
Posted by Jay at December 19, 2004 07:50 AM
That's one of my very favorite movies. I absolutely love the way the movie was filmed re: the color.
Posted by mac at December 21, 2004 12:17 PM
Far From Heaven is a great movie indeed, and one of my beefs with the DVD is that it features Dennis Quaid as the co-star, not Dennis Haysbert. Quaid is great, but he is not the co-star.
If you like Haysbert, be sure to see Love Field , one of Michelle Pfeiffer's top films - perhaps the best one that she's ever made. Haysbert is tremendous too - once again paired with a pale, "defenceless" Caucasian woman.
And be sure to look at the Douglas Sirk movies of the Fifties that inspired FFH, especially All That Heaven Allows. It's in the Criterion Collection. You'll find that Todd Haymes did not invent his gorgeous palette.
Posted by R J Keefe at December 22, 2004 09:02 PM
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Sorry, Secret Santa!
I think I have an apology to make to my ThinkBlank Secret Santa.
After bitching yesterday that nothing had been bought of my wishlist and I thought I was going to get stiffed, I got a box from Amazon with a wrapped book inside it (I know it's a book because the note says, "I just finished reading this as well and enjoyed it alot. Hope you enjoy it too.").
I'm still not positive it's from my Secret Santa since the note doesn't indicate it, but I'm going to assume it is. I'm also not really sure how anything from my wishlist got here at all since it wasn't indicated that anything had been bought. Strange.
Anyway, if this gift is indeed from you, Secret Santa, sorry and thanks!
.: 130 words at 09:06 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I don't know if your wish list says this but mine says it doesn't show anything bought from Dec 1 - 31 so it's a surprise. I think if you sort your list by purchased it will show you though.
Posted by heather at December 18, 2004 11:16 PM
This is what my wishlist says :
To avoid ruining any surprises, we're displaying items people buy you from your Wish List from December 1 to December 31 as unpurchased. If you want to see what has been purchased, you can select "Only Purchased" or "All Items" from the Reveal dropdown menu above. Visit Wish List Holiday Preferences to tell us the special occasions for which you want this to happen or to disable this feature.
Posted by heather at December 18, 2004 11:17 PM
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Secret Santa, Where Are You?
I have a feeling that I'm going to get stiffed in the ThinkBlank Secret Santa gift exchange this year. The only thing purchased off my wishlist so far was for another exchange. You know, you are a complete scrooge if you don't follow through on something like that. Bah humbug! (Of course there's still nine days before Christmas is here, so maybe I'll have a Christmas miracle and get my gift.)
.: 71 words at 11:45 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I got stiffed the first (and, consequently, only) time I participated in one of those Secret Santa wishlist things. It really took the fun out of it. I hope your person comes through for you! :)
Posted by Trinity at December 17, 2004 02:03 AM
Looks like I also am getting stiffed. Oh well, I'm sure the person will get his "gift karma" eventually ;).
Posted by Howard Hill at December 17, 2004 07:05 AM
Maybe because your Secret Santa lives someplace like JAKARTA, like mine does...
Posted by Dell at December 17, 2004 07:12 AM
Yeah, mine is in friggin' Australia.
Yay shipping costs!
Posted by Christiane at December 17, 2004 10:36 AM
Yeah, same with me. I spent a good chunk of change (had to ship to Canada) to get a gift for someone through it (my own choice)...not that I minded spending the money, but to get stiffed just sucks when you've gone through with your end of the deal.
Someone should set up a Stiffed Secret Santa After Christmas Bah Humbug People Suck Exchange. ;)
Posted by Lisa at December 17, 2004 11:11 AM
I don't get it. If you can't afford, or don't want to buy a gift for someone, then DON'T SIGN UP! Sheesh, how hard is that to understand?
I once got stiffed on that Ornament Exchange thing...do they even have that anymore? But I took a chance and signed up for the ThinkBlank exchange, and bought the gift as soon as I got the e-mail saying who I got. Luckily, I did NOT get stiffed...I got my gift yesterday.
I hope you all get your gifts...and to those who stiff people...may the gift Karma come back to kick you in the ass!
Posted by Christine at December 17, 2004 12:03 PM
I'm sorry that it didn't work out for y'all. I bought the gift for my person on the day I got the email as well. I got my present today. Maybe the person that has you simply is delayed in buying it for some reason?
Posted by kimberly at December 17, 2004 01:14 PM
This is why I took matters into my own hands...
Posted by KB at December 17, 2004 02:03 PM
Don't worry - though I am no secret santa - you will receive something. : )
Posted by Jay at December 17, 2004 02:17 PM
oh, Miss Kymberlie. I got stiffed TWO YEARS IN A ROW! Can you believe it? And not only that, the person I sent mine to didn't even thank me :(
Posted by LT at December 18, 2004 10:37 AM
I got stiffed once, a couple years ago. I wrote him a very snarky email, which kind of made up for it, but not really. He wrote back saying that he didn't have money, bla bla bla, to which I basically replied "suck it jerk, you shouldn't have signed up then. I hope your free gift was nice, asshole. KISSES!"
If you get stiffed, feel free to write a biotchy email. If you can't think of anything, don't worry - I'll write it for you. I've got enough snark in me to make up for 10 people :)
I'll totally let you copy my snark-ass email
Posted by Alison at December 18, 2004 02:42 PM
I got stiffed the first year, so I don't do it anymore. I don't really care about getting a gift from a stranger, or sending one to a stranger (although that year I lucked out and got someone I know.) I would rather save the $20 and buy myself something - that way I know I get what I want.
I'm all for exchanges where people know each other, but I will never do another huge one again.
Posted by Christine at December 19, 2004 12:15 AM
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A Question For the Ages
Why do guys insist on putting a picture up on their personal ad with some animal that they've just killed? I'd have to think that even if a girl doesn't mind being with a guy who hunts she still doesn't look at that picture and go, "Oh! A dead deer! That's hot!" It baffles me.
.: 55 words at 05:59 PM in $entry_cats="I'm Looking For...., ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Hmm.. maybe its to make themself feel more manly :-) LOL. "I he-man, I hunt for you."
Posted by Pam at December 16, 2004 06:59 PM
I think it makes them feel a bit more like a male-though to me it signals that they have a ....shall we say a size deficiency. : )
Posted by Jay at December 17, 2004 09:37 AM
i know, right? and what about those guys that get like, naked women tattooed on their arms, chest, whatever... are there women that really find that sexy?
Posted by mikey at December 17, 2004 12:08 PM
I don't know what it is, maybe they are trying to ward off those vegan women, or as said earlier trying to show how manly they are.
What about the people that post a picture of what they looked like when they were skinny or from a long time ago and when you meet them you are they wooza. That is why I quick doing the online dating thing a couple of years ago after a couple of those incidents.
Posted by TG at December 17, 2004 03:48 PM
Ha! Men and their toys/dead animals/weapons/instruments. Impress me with some bling, that's what I say. You standing there in front of your porche sportin' some ice? That's what I'm talkin' about.
Posted by katie at December 18, 2004 07:52 PM
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The Song Meme-ory Game
I saw this over at KB's and I just had to play. Here's the rules:
Step 1: Put your media player on random.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly and give them credit.
As these songs get guessed, I'll put them up for download. Right click and save as on the song name. Don't cheat and use Google either!
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1. Sitting in an armchair with my head between my hands. Wouldn't have to be like this if only you'd understand. The Cranberries - Wanted; guessed by Syd
2. Just try to see in the dark. Just try to make it work. To feel the fear before you're here. The Cure - Close To Me; guessed by Somewhat
3. Two dozen other stupid reasons why we should suffer for this.
4. You've got to bet on yourself, now star, 'cause that's your best bet. 311 - All Mixed Up; guessed by KB
5. Miles and miles away from your touch, aching everywhere.
6. I believe that fate has brought us here and we should be together, babe. Macy Gray - I Try; guessed by Kelly
7. My heart is yours. It's you that I hold on to. Coldplay - Sparks; guessed by Rain
8. Softly in the distance nothing stirs about and the night is filled with the sound of a whipporwil.
9. Boy, you best pray that I bleed real soon. How's that thought for you? Tori Amos - Silent All These Years; guessed by Meredith
10. See the pyramids along the Nile. Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle. Bob Dylan - You Belong To Me; guessed by Mark Smith
11. When we make love it seems a little desolate. It's hard sometimes not to look away. Dido - Stoned; guessed by KB
12. It lit up the fish like rain and rained them down on me. The Cure - Hot! Hot! Hot!; guessed by KB
13. I'll take my chances, I'll take it day by day. Let the curtain fall I'm out of love that's all.
14. Don't you know, it's not easy when you gotta walk upon that line. INXS - What You Need; guessed by Pierce
15. I hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. Guns 'N Roses - Sweet Child 'O Mine; guessed by RedJen
16. Four in the morning, you're still wide awake. Just can't shake, shake, shake your headache.
17. I'm the chill that never left your spine in the building where you live and breathe. Quarterflash - Take Me To Heart; guessed by Kimberly
18. Your knees'll start shaking and your fingers pop like a pinch on the neck of Mr. Spock. Beastie Boys - Intergalactic; guessed by Meredith
19. I may not drive a fancy car or be a famous movie star, but all of that can fade in the morning light.
20. The telephone is screaming. Won't she leave me alone? The Police - Mother; guessed by Pierce
21. I scream long and hard, "Won't somebody help me?"
22. You've got your mother's cheekbones and your father's crooked smile.
23. Ain't nothin' better. We beat the odds together. Shania Twain - Still the One; guessed by KB
24. I know you really loved me but, you see, my hands were tied.
25. Who would of believed that you where part of a dream? Barry Manilow - Can't Smile Without You; guessed by RedJen
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.: 615 words at 06:43 PM in $entry_cats="Participation, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I know that #23 is Shania Twain's "Still the One" because I sing that one to the wife all the time.
OMG, #4 is 311's "All Mixed Up" (dunno what ta do... Love that album, actually I love the first two albums.
Posted by KB at December 15, 2004 07:35 PM
#9: Tori Amos, Silent All These Years
#18: Beastie Boys, Intergalactic
Posted by Meredith at December 15, 2004 08:24 PM
#10 You belong to me
Posted by Mark Smith at December 16, 2004 12:17 AM
#15 is Sweet Child of Mine - Guns 'n' Roses
#25 is Can't Smile Without You - Barry Manilow
Posted by RedJen at December 16, 2004 12:53 AM
14 What You Need by INXS
20 Mother by The Police
Posted by Pierce at December 16, 2004 03:01 AM
#6 is "I Try" by Macy Gray.
Posted by Kelly at December 16, 2004 10:47 AM
#1 is from the Cranberries, is it Linger?
Posted by syd at December 16, 2004 11:23 AM
Not linger, not linger, it's You wanted it all, by the Cranberries!
Posted by syd at December 16, 2004 11:25 AM
More time to look today. #11 is a Dido song. I hear her voice. I just don't know the name. And how can I miss The Cure! #12 is "Hot! Hot! Hot!" Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me...
Posted by KB at December 16, 2004 01:02 PM
#7 is Sparks by Coldplay. Neat game. [:
Posted by Rain at December 16, 2004 04:18 PM
Ooh, I know one!
#17 is Quarterflash - Take Me To Heart
I love that song!
Posted by kimberly at December 16, 2004 06:11 PM
Number two is The Cure, Close to Me. Love that song.
Posted by Somewhat at December 17, 2004 10:23 AM
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Happy Birthday, Elaine!
Today is Elaine's birthday. She also got offered a new job today. What a great gift, huh?
Happy birthday, Elaine! I hope more good things are coming your way!
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It's the Holiday Season
I am totally getting into the holiday season all of a sudden. I got my first Christmas gift, put up my Christmas tree, got a lovely new holiday skin, read Holidays on Ice, and just got done watching Elf (which I found to be totally hilarious. Will Ferrell was just so funny).
To help you get into the mood, here's some holiday music for you (don't forget to do the "Right click and save as" or I'll have Santa put you on the naughty list):
Rod Stewart & Dolly Parton - Baby, It's Cold Outside
The Jingle Cats - Carol of the Bells
The Jingle Cats - Dance of the Reed Flutes
The Jingle Cats - Silent Night
The El Orbits - Let It Snow
The El Orbits - Sleigh Ride
The El Orbits - The Christmas Song
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I'm not much of a Will Ferrell fan, so I have skipped this movie. I also thought it was ridiculous that the local Blockbuster put up *2* shelf sections of just Elf. Yikes!
However I will have to admit there are some movies that just need to be played this time of year. I have watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on TV, and Christmas Vacation last night. I have also seen Christmas Vacation 2. Now I need to work in A Muppet Christmas Carol, Die Hard & Lethal Weapon. Oh yea, and Scrooged.
Posted by Howard Hill at December 13, 2004 06:39 AM
I enjoyed Elf. I also am SO excited and have to say thank you for putting up that Rod Stewart/Dolly Parton song. I told Roger about it the other night and I can't wait to play it for him. I like it! They complement each other very well.
I must tell you, though - are you aware that your comments box input text is white? I have to highlight to see what I'm typing in your comment entry boxes. LOL! Interesting! Like writing in invisible ink that you have to highlight to decode! Other than that, I love the new skin!
Posted by Lisa at December 13, 2004 08:54 AM
I love the jingle cats!
Posted by heather at December 13, 2004 09:24 AM
Great music, thanks!
Posted by kat at December 13, 2004 06:40 PM
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Neurotic Fishbowl - Holiday Style
You might remember me mentioning a while back that I was getting a free skin from Ciao! My bella!
A few days ago Emily contacted me and asked me what I wanted. I had originally asked for an aquatic theme, but she suggested a holiday skin and I jumped all over that. She sent me a great layout and after a little tweaking of the colors, came up with a skin that I just love.
If you'd like to see the Neurotic Fishbowl all dolled up for the holidays, just click here.
Thanks, Emily! I love it! And here I was thinking that this place was never going to get gussied up right for the holidays!
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It looks great! My only comment is that the text in textarea boxes is still white, so I can't see what I'm typing right now. Other than that it looks great!
How'd you swing yourself a free skin?
Posted by Meredith at December 12, 2004 09:31 AM
lol. yeah, she's right. I have to highlight my text to be able to see what I just typed. good thing I'm a pretty good typist. ;)
Posted by girl at December 13, 2004 08:15 AM
Very nice.
Posted by Daphne at December 13, 2004 12:21 PM
This came out cute! I love that image.
Posted by Joelle at December 13, 2004 03:12 PM
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You're an Elf and You're Going to Wear Panties Like an Elf.
My holidays are never really complete without reading Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris.
The first story, "Santaland Diaries," is all about the time that Sedaris was an elf at Macy's in New York. It's by far, one of the funniest things I've ever read. Since I've worked retail at such places like a grocery store (and not a good one. We would have rats die in between the shelves in inaccessible locations and get such things as turtles in the refrigeration bay), a video store (I swear, it was just like Clerks), and Foley's (where the would have sold my kidney to the highest bidder if there was a way to legally do it), I can totally relate. If you don't know who David Sedaris is, you should really read him. If you know him already, this book is a delight.
You might also notice in the Moblog that I put my Christmas tree up. So what if it's less than six inches tall? It's still a tree, damn it, so merry Christmas!
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More Than Meets The Eye
So, is this an Autobot or Decepticon? Discuss.
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uh... autobot?
Which makes me wonder what kind of artist remix trax Optimus Prime or Megatron would dance to...
Posted by don at December 10, 2004 02:43 AM
I would think that any Decepticon would be too busy trying to take over the world to worry about learning to dance, so I would have to go with Autobot.
Then again, I feel most dance remixes are evil...
Posted by Howard Hill at December 10, 2004 06:16 AM
That is definitely an Autobot. Decepticons are evil and therefore wouldn’t take the time to learn how to dance (unless it was an evil dance).
Posted by Matt at December 10, 2004 10:37 PM
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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Today, despite the 72° weather (which I'm loving), it totally felt like Christmas to me.
Let me tell you why - I got my first Christmas present of the season. The wonderful, talented Mac sent me this pair of socks as a present!
I've been dying to get a pair of socks from her (even more so since I visited and watched her knit) and today my little holiday wish came true! Since I get to work from home (yipee!) I wore them all day, frequently putting my foot up in the air to admire the lovely stripes and feel the soft yarn (yeah, I'm a weirdo).
Thank you so much, Mac! They're the cat's meow and I love them (and you) so much!
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Happiness Is...
Happiness is a Sour Blue Apple Raspberry Martini in my beautiful Mikasa martini glass (notice my lovely little iPod too) while getting ready to watch Lost (man, do I love that show).
I haven't posted any this week, though I've got some exciting news. On Monday I started doing contract remote tech support for a very awesome company. I'm still learning the ropes, so I hope I can pick up enough quickly to be able to be brought on full-time in the future. It's an awesome gig and I'm very excited about it. Feels kind of weird, though, to be back on a schedule after being unemployed for some time. While it feels weird, it also feels kind of good. :-)
Here's to December starting off on a good note and hopefully only bringing even better things for the new year!

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Posted by LT at December 8, 2004 09:19 PM
Congrats on the new job!
Posted by Howard Hill at December 9, 2004 06:31 AM
I'm right there with you about Lost! Although I have to watch it on TiVo because if I have to wait through the computers I'll sit here going "omg. omg. omg" the whole time in suspense. :D
The martini glass is beautiful!
And I'm so excited for you that I just have to leave more :D :) :D smilies :)
Posted by kristine at December 9, 2004 11:41 PM
dude, you coming to Tiara next week or what? I need to know if I should bring my Burn It cd for you!
Posted by girl at December 10, 2004 08:42 AM
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Pinch Me
I've not been a very happy camper for the last couple of days. You might rememeber that I puppy sat for Katie a couple of weeks ago. While there I left, my pillow, the big one that I hold onto when I sleep. (I'm one of those people that cocoon themselves when they go to sleep; I've got pillows on either side of me.)
A few days later, my shoulder started to bother me. I figured it was because I didn't have the right kind of support and just dealt with it (even though I'm a big baby and whine when I don't feel well).
Earlier this week, I got a surprise when my free television from FreeFlatScreens.com showed up (my account still says, "Sent to vendor, waiting on product"). It's pretty heavy, so it took me, my mom, and my dad to move it upstairs.
I'm pretty sure that moving it caused me to get a pinched nerve in my arm or shoulder. Every now and then I'll move my arm and I'll get this tingly sensation running all the way down it. Yeah, not fun. I spent most of yesterday when the heating pad on my shoulder and it's feeling better, but still not perfect yet.
I'm actually about to get ready so I can head over to Christine's so we can go watch Mike perform with the Lager Rhythms. Should be lots of fun, so if you live in Houston and don't have anything to do tonight, why not join us up at The Mucky Duck?
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Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Mine has been giving me fits also lately. Try ice instead of heat. Also check out shoulder inpingement as that is what it is called.
Posted by Jeanette at December 5, 2004 11:44 PM
I used to have a lot of shoulder problems after a work injury (I displaced about 5 ribs in my back). at the moment I'm dealing with a pinched nerve in my butt/hip and it's very very unpleasant. I need to find another doctor to look at it b/c the one I went to a couple of years ago was a dick. he told me to lose weight. uh thanks.
Posted by girl at December 6, 2004 06:23 AM
How was it? Wish I could have gone.
Posted by syd at December 6, 2004 08:26 AM
Feel better!
Posted by Daphne at December 7, 2004 01:47 AM
Ouch! I hope you feel better soon!
On another note, holy crap, that is GREAT that you got a free TV! Merry Xmas, huh? :)
Posted by Tricia at December 7, 2004 10:59 AM
A free television?? That is so cool!! Don't think we get such great offers up here in Canada
btw...I'm so happy you stopped by my blog. Hope to see you again soon.
Posted by Maggie at December 7, 2004 01:30 PM
oh, that doesn't sound fun (shoulder, not the lager rhythms) - my mother was fighting a pinched nerve in her neck. i saw how much pain she was in so i can only imagine how you felt.
i hope you are feeling better soon!
Posted by MishMish at December 8, 2004 09:58 AM
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Holiday Sharing
It's time for the holidays (already!). Part of the most wonderful thing about the holidays is how people seem to want to help others more than usual. If you'd like to help out, why not give $6 to help Chinese students get eyeglasses? It's just a few dollars and it can make a real difference in someone's life.
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I usually donate my old glasses once the prescription is too old for me to use them.
Posted by girl at December 2, 2004 08:17 AM
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