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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: July 2004
Happy Birthday, Munin!
Today is Munin's birthday. Happy birthday, sweetie! Why don't you go over there and wish her a happy one too?
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"with her a happy one?" *snort* Kymberlie's flamboyant gay twin is coming out in her posts! ;)
Posted by girl at July 30, 2004 02:17 PM
Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes! *big squishy hugs*
Posted by munin at July 30, 2004 04:34 PM
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Vegas Bound
Last night I was headed out to meet my friend Mandy for dinner before going to one of the local clubs for a night of dancing. I called Christine for a quick chat where she made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
Chelsey, one of her best friends, is getting married next month. Her bridal party is going to Vegas on Sunday, but there's a snag. The other bridesmaid can't afford to pay and had to back out leaving Chelsey with the bill. Chelsey, knowing what a big fan of Vegas I am, asked Christine to check with me to see if I would go in her place if they could change the ticket to me.
To make a long story short, for under $300, I've now got a plane ticket and a room at Treasure Island with Christine. We're leaving early Sunday morning and coming back late Tuesday (at least I think that's when we're coming back). If you're going to be in Vegas at the same time, drop me a line. Maybe we can meet up.
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Vegas, BABY!!! VEGAS!!! Whoo hoo! We're going to VEGAS!!!
Posted by Christine at July 30, 2004 12:38 PM
Tiara Happy Hour and then Vegas! I think you should just stay up all night and sleep on the plane...
Posted by cybertoad at July 30, 2004 05:52 PM
sigh - Deputy and I were to be in Vegas this weekend. Have fun! I hope we get out there in September.
Posted by Susan at July 31, 2004 10:01 AM
Ohhhhh - that sounds like so much fun. I'm sure you're having a great time!
Posted by erika at August 2, 2004 01:18 PM
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Project Blog Raffer Winner
I put everyone's name in a hat (or rather a big plastic cup) today to draw the winner for my Project Blog sponso raffle and Marie's name came out. Congratulations, Marie! Send me your address and I'll get your Burn It CDs out to you right away.
Thanks again to all the sponsored me!
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OMG! Thank you so much Kymberlie. This is a totally unexpected surprise and a wonderful way to salvage what has been disastrous month. Thank you, again.
Posted by Marie at July 29, 2004 08:25 AM
free stuff is awesome. :-)
Posted by Rian at July 29, 2004 08:39 PM
I'm crushed, I so wanted to win... *sniff* I'm not sure I can go on. Well, maybe I can... but only if I go to the store and buy a pint of ice cream. Life is hard...
Posted by Michael at July 29, 2004 08:41 PM
I think the raffle was fixed. No fair ;-)
Posted by irfan at July 30, 2004 07:18 AM
M-A-R...Marie??! Are you SURE the winning ticket didn't say Mar..cus?
Sorry to question the results, Kymberlie. Just coulda sworn I was gonna win!
Congratulations, Marie!... (I guess)
Posted by marcus at July 31, 2004 01:13 AM
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PayPal Class Action Lawsuit
Turns out that there's a class action lawsuit against PayPal. If you opened an account between October 1999 and January 2004, you're eligible. To fill in a claim form, go here. Looks like the settlement's going to come to $50.00 a person.
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Shhhhh... don't tell everyone! I want to get more money! ;)
Posted by Christine at July 28, 2004 11:10 PM
I've mnever used Pay Pal. Where did you find that info?
Posted by Deb at July 29, 2004 06:53 AM
I signed up for it too. They screwed me over a few times now. They cann pay me back.
Posted by kat at July 29, 2004 12:06 PM
Not if you live in the UK, however :(
Posted by Somewhat at July 29, 2004 01:37 PM
Just $10, unless you have something showing where they messed you over, or blocked some of your stuff. :-)
Posted by Pam at July 29, 2004 07:49 PM
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Over $400
I have now raised over $400 ($403 to be exact) for my participation in Project Blog. My chosen charity was Heifer International. I went to see what that money could be used for and here's some of the answers:
- a buffalo and a llama
- a goat, a sheep, a pig, ducks, and geese
- bees, a pig, chicks, a llama, ducks, and some trees
There are many possibilities, though we don't have enough for a heifer. However, it's still not too late to sponsor me. Another $97 is all we need.
Thanks again to all the people that have sponsored me so far. It's been wonderful to watch the total grow and know that so many people are going to be helped simply because I stayed up and blogged.
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Congratualtions on raising so much money. I can't believe $400 will buy so much. I'm wish I had participated. Hopefully next year.
Posted by Deb at July 27, 2004 06:32 AM
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Stickers For Bloggers
Are you a liberal or anti-Bush blogger? Then go visit Stamp and Shout for a free anti-Bush bumper sticker, decal, button or sign. I got this one myself.
(Link courtesy of Christine).
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Good choice for stickers... I'm still torn on my vote this time around. I'm either a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal depending on how you look at it. This year though, I'm having a hard time deciding who the "lesser evil" is.
Posted by Michael at July 26, 2004 11:49 PM
Thanks! I am going to get mine now...
Posted by Gary at July 29, 2004 09:09 AM
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$10 To Go
I know I've been talking about Project Blog incessantly, but we're almost out of time to sponsor a blogger and I only need $10 more to break $400. Doesn't anyone want to push me over the mark? Pretty please?
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I had never heard of your charity before seeing it mentioned here on your site. I like their approach. I am impressed by your choice!
Posted by Kevin Ross at July 26, 2004 09:51 PM
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Anonymous Sponsors Can't Win a Prize
If you're sponsoring me over at Project Blog, make sure that you're not showing up as an anonymous donor. If you are, I can't enter you in the drawing. Remember, for every $5.00 that you pledge, you get an entry into the drawing for a complete set of my Burn It mix CDs, six discs in total.
It's still not too late to be a sponsor!
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Congrats on Project Blog! I hope your recovering well, and catching up on some well needed sleep! Have a wonderful Monday!
Posted by Pam at July 26, 2004 08:19 AM
since I already have copies of them all, feel free to give them to someone else if I win. :)
Posted by girl at July 26, 2004 10:41 AM
Kudos to you for participating in Project Blog.
Posted by kane at July 26, 2004 01:36 PM
Can you provide a link to where I pay my donation? Or did I miss it? Thanks
Posted by kim at July 26, 2004 01:42 PM
I just updated my info - I'm no longer anonymous. :)
Posted by Susan at July 26, 2004 09:52 PM
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$24,945.86 and Counting
Yesterday's Project Blog raised almost $25,000 - $24,945.86 to be exact. Donations are being taken through tomorrow, so it's still not too late to sponsor someone.
I will be doing a drawing after sponsorship closes for a complete set of my Burn It mix CDs, six discs in total. For every $5.00 that you pledge, you get an entry into the drawing. At last count I had raised $338 and I would really love to break $400.
As a reminder, you can read all my Project Blog posts here. Each post has at least one mp3 to download, but I will be taking them down in the next day or two, so I'd go get them now while the getting's good.
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Kymberlie, you did a great job on this project with your usual style. I just signed up as a sponsor. Better late than never.
Posted by Marie at July 25, 2004 11:19 PM
Awesome. Great job girl!
Posted by irfan at July 26, 2004 06:34 PM
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Thank You
Well, looks like I've done it - I've blogged every half hour for twenty-four hours straight to raise money for Heifer International. As of this post, I've raised $338, far more than I actually expected to, especially since this was my first time to participate in one of these blogging marathons.
I'd like to take a minute to acknowledge and thank all my sponsors: Wendy, Erika, Amancay, Noelle, Hugin and Munin, Kristal, Gary LaPointe, girl and boy, The Daily Meme, Irfan, Michael Brunk, Traci, Christine Murphy, Hip Momma, Sue Bailey, Kimberly McKinnis, Daria, Marcus, Pam B., Christine and Mike, Violet Fox, Tony, Steve, Regina Heater, and two anonymous donors.
All of these people are getting their name entered into a drawing for a set of my Burn It CDs, six discs in total. We'll be accepting sponsors until Monday, so I won't do the drawing until then. If you can spare a few dollars, please go sponsor me. Keep in mind that I put almost sixty songs up for you to download for free within these posts, so if you liked a few of them, sponsoring me would be a lovely thing to do.
Thanks also goes out to all the people that came by here and commented or sent me e-mails. It helped make the hours go by quicker and I really appreciate that as well. Thanks also to Wendy and Brent for organizing this whole thing and to C.J. for IMing with me and to Michael for all the e-mails.
With that in mind, the last two downloads should be self-explanatory.
Alanis Morissette - Thank U (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Dido - Thank You (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Hooray! You did it... now I'm bloody well turning in. It was great fun just surfing around seeing who was doing what, I'll definately sign up to blog next time something like this happens.
Congrats again on a job well done!
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 07:07 AM
Woo hoooo!!Congrats!
Posted by smoores at July 25, 2004 09:39 AM
Way to go girl!!! That is awesome.
[sorry we weren't around to give you loads of encouragement throughout, but have been traveling on bus with no internet access]
much squishy end of 24 hour cheering for you! *squishes!*
Posted by munin at July 25, 2004 09:48 AM
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Next To Last
I can't believe this is the next to last post in Project Blog. It seemed like it would never end, but in retrospect, it doesn't feel like I've been doing this for twenty-three and a half hours straight.
I couldn't post mp3s all night and not put something by Tori Amos up. I've been a huge fan of hers ever since Vern, the other art aide I worked with in high school, introduced her to me as we cleaned up crap in the art department together. I love so much of her stuff that I just grabbed three random songs of hers that I really like.
Tori Amos - Tear In Your Hand (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Tori Amos - Raspberry Swirl (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Tori Amos - Sugar (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Would You...?
I was listening to the WinAmp on shuffle when Touch & Go's "So Hot" came on. You might recognize it as the theme song to HBO's G-String Divas (not that I would, mind you). I immediately decided that it should be the next download (with another of their songs thrown in for good measure) when Joe Jackson's "Stepping Out" followed it, so it's going up too.
I've been having a great time talking to C.J. and checking out his cool flight blog and watching Wendy and I think about falling in love. I wish I would have had such a cool ideas for themes, but my way y'all get free mp3s, so I guess it works out.
I can't believe it. Only two more posts to go.
Touch & Go - So Hot (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Touch & Go - Would You...? (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Joe Jackson - Stepping Out (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I am making my last set of rounds...hope everyone makes it this last little bit. It was fun...and I hope everyone recuperates well!! (you would not believe how long it is taking me to type this out!)
G'night soooon! VERY SOOOON!
Posted by Cricket at July 25, 2004 06:20 AM
You made it!! Congrats! Now get to bed. :)
Posted by kat at July 25, 2004 06:33 AM
Your MP3's have been awesome! I swiped quite a few new additions to my own collection from the ones you posted! Thanks for doing that!
Posted by Wendy at July 25, 2004 06:40 AM
Posted by BILL at October 1, 2004 02:20 AM
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I have a real fondness for music of the 80s and 90s. One of my favorites from that time period is Information Society. Believe it or not, I actually saw them in concert twice (at Astroworld's Southern Star Ampitheater; free concert tickets with a season pass) and still have my Hack concert t-shirt with that weird looking car that said, "This is not art."
Since I love every track on that CD and we're coming to the end of Project Blog, you get *three* songs this time. Enjoy.
Information Society - Come With Me (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Information Society - A Knife and a Fork/R.I.P. (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Information Society - Mirrorshades (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 128 words at 05:34 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Got 'em... and I'm insanely jealous that you got to see them in concert... TWICE! I think "Seek 2000" is my favorite track from the Hack album.
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 05:44 AM
I wanna know ... what you're thinking ... tell me what's on your mind...
I LOVE Information Society! :D
Posted by Christine at July 26, 2004 12:34 AM
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Charity Links
Since this whole has been in the name of charity, I thought I'd post a few charity sites that you can visit every day.
.: The Hunger Site - one click here a day will help feed the hungry.
.: The Breast Cancer Site - one click here a day helps fund free mammograms.
.: The Child Health Site - one click here a day helps sick children.
.: The Rain Forest Site - one click here a day helps protect the world's rain forests.
.: The Animal Rescue Site - one click here a day helps feed homeless animals.
.: The Ecology Fund - has several different links you can click to help protect the rain forest, American wilderness, reduce air pollution, plant trees, and more.
.: Race For the Rain Forest - a click a day will help protect the rain forests.
.: Race For the Oceans - a click a day will help protect the world's oceans.
.: Race For the Big Cats - a click a day will help protect snow leopards, jaguars, and tigers.
.: Race For the Primates - a click a day will help protect primates.
.: Race For the Children - a click a day will help children in need.
.: Race For Pets in Need - a click a day will help pets in need.
.: Race to Stop Violence Against Women - a click a day will help protect women worldwide.
.: Care2 and The Breast Cancer Fund's Climb to End Breast Cancer - a click a day will help eliminate environmental causes of breast cancer .
We're getting close to the end of Project Blog (though it's not too late to sponsor me) and I know the next download will hit home with everyone.
Azure Ray - Sleep (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I've been over at Flying Arab (the site of my videographer, Tarek, from when I went skydiving) watching skydiving videos again. I just can't get enough of them. I must have seen every one of them a few times each now. Obsess much? Well, like I'm fond of saying, this site isn't called Neurotic Fishbowl for nothing.
The next song up for download is Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life." Why that one? Because it's the song that Tarek set my jump to on my DVD. Every time I hear it, I can feel myself going through the air. I just can't wait to jump again.
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Ok, I don't have to download this one either... ;-)
But hey, I'm not complaining... considering how much music you've posted there have only been TWO that I already had!
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 04:46 AM
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Spandex: It's a Privilege, Not a Right.
No matter how many people hate Hackers, I still love this film. Yes, the technology in it is crap, but who cares? The characters are great, the dialouge fun, and it's got a kick ass soundtrack. It's hard for me to pick just one song off of it, but this one is probably my favorite.
Underworld - Cowgirl (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Technically, it's got THREE kick-ass soundtracks. But no worries, they all contain thumpin' techno tracks. So anyway, I don't have to download this one because OBVIOUSLY... I have it already. My own favorite track is on my Burn It Summer 2004 disc... "Halcyon & On & On" by Orbital.
Hmmm, pondering here... I don't think I've ever met a woman who liked Techno *and* Hackers before. You're not normal... ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 04:09 AM
Hackers totally rocks. Yes, its a little cheesy but I can't watch it without wanting to throw on my roller blades, grab a laptop, and get geek. It is always an inspiration with the programming gets tough.
Posted by Doug at July 25, 2004 08:58 AM
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Adult Programming
Since it's late and all, I figured we'd have a little adult programming.
A pediatrician, a lawyer, and a priest were on the Titanic when it started to go down. The pediatrician says, "Save the children!" The lawyer says, "Fuck the children!" The priest says, "Do we have time?"
Thank you, folks. I'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitress and don't forget to try the veal.
Lords Of Acid - Pussy (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 03:36 AM
Ahem... I'll be saving this track for the "Songs you'll never hear played at a Church function" edition of Burn It ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 03:40 AM
You are so bad. That's why I loooove you.
Posted by Christine at July 26, 2004 12:36 AM
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A Love Affair To Remember
Wendy put me into her Sims game and for a little while it looked like we were going to hook up (after all, I did give her my number). I don't think romance is in the air for us, though, after our disastrous dinner. She didn't even have a dining room table and she never even got out of her pajamas! I just can't go for that.
In honor of our short but meaningful attempt at romance, the next song is dedicated to us.
Jill Sobule - I Kissed a Girl (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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A Special Request
Christine loves the video that Bill Clinton made for the 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely watch this.
Frank Sinatra's used in this video, but it's not my favorite of his songs. This one is.
Frank Sinatra - Fly Me to the Moon (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 02:31 AM
Insane giggling manic laughter. Ah, the memories of us watching this over and over! I love it! LOVE IT!!! "Hello, White House, please hold..."
I think I'm going to puke from laughing so hard!!! Mike hadn't seen this one either - he truly appreciate it too!
"Mr. President, you're wearing your pajama bottoms..."
"Wait! You forgot your lunch!"
Show me eBay! You're riding the wave of the future!
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 02:40 AM
Ok, that was very funny! Thanks for the pointer... hadn't seen that before!
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 02:45 AM
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How To Give a Project Blogger a Heart Attack
I was getting ready to make my new post, refreshed my site for a quick look, only to be greeted by a blank page. Luckily, Christine my friend and owner of Blogomania, where I host, had just e-mailed me, so I called her.
I deleted a few of the downloads (you snooze, you lose) and freed up some space, but I'm not sure if that's what did the trick of not since it still was blank for a bit. Either way, I'm back and it's time for a new download. No particular reason why I picked this one, I just like it.
Hed Kandi - Rainy Days & Mondays
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Random Shit
Random shit that I'm thinking about at 1:30 in the morning after blogging for eighteen hours or so:
- I must have peed forty times tonight. Of course, I've drunk like a thousand cokes, so I guess it balances out.
- Who the fuck was that that called me earlier?
- If only one of the people in the world that have more money than they can ever spend would give me $1,000,000, I'd be set for life.
- I really wish I could go skydiving again.
- I need a massage after sitting here for so long. My neck is killing me.
- That Hersey's Bar that's sitting on my desk looks really good.
- I wonder what's on the TiVo. Maybe I'll watch something and blog about it since I need blog fodder.
- Why won't Firefox keep all my cookies? I check that "remember me" box on websites for a reason.
- What the hell am I going to talk about for over five more hours?
And here's some random shit sitting on my desk:

And since the last download matched the post, here's another one of my favorite songs that does the same.
Filter - Take a Picture (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I see you! :D
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 02:02 AM
Yay Kymberlie... go Kymberlie... go Kymb.... yaaawwnnn... go Ky.... *snort*... go... ZZZzzzzzzz
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 02:24 AM
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Mystery Man
My phone just rang, so I glanced down at the caller ID to see which of my buddies were calling to offer their moral support, but I was thwarted in my attempt when the readout said private number. I pick it up and proceed to have a conversation with some guy in California who wouldn't tell me who he was. He knew about Project Blog and it sounded like he knew about Burn It, but I'm not sure who it was. It thought it was Don, but he denied that it was him (plus I don't remember giving him my number, but I was pretty drunk when we met). The caller was really nice, though he thought some of my musical offerings sucked (which ones? IMO they are all great).
So, Mystery Man, are you going to tell me who you are? Or do I have a mystery to ponder for the next six hours?
This is post thirty-seven for those of you keeping track at home, so the song to offer for download was obvious. It's probably the best themed one yet.
King Black Acid - Wake Up #37 (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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So far, of the songs I *hadn't* heard before I think this is my favorite. I'll have to check out more music by this band.
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 01:27 AM
here's your mystery caller
Posted by anagram100 at July 25, 2004 01:31 AM
By the way, Mike just sponsored you because I was ... well, too lazy to go get a credit card in case I needed it. So the sponsoring is from both of us. Hope it helps you reach your goal! And thanks for the cool music!
Now I'm off to read my virtual book tour book - I have to be ready by tomorrow afternoon! Augh!
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 01:36 AM
Hey, hows it goin' I am still here flyin' my butt off. Oh and it wasn't me that called. I am no where near CA!
Posted by C.J. at July 25, 2004 01:37 AM
aww, you thought of me! Nope, while I work in Arizona (kinda close to CA), I'm still an Okie (nowhere NEAR Cali).
Still, its the thought that counts. :)
Posted by don at July 25, 2004 01:18 PM
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I Have a Life, It's Just Simulated.
All of Wendy's posts about The Sims has just about convinced me that I need to buy the game. After all, Amazon has a rebate where you get a free expansion pack and I've actually got some gift certificates from there left. I don't really need even more computer crap to waste my time on, but it's not like I have a real life (obviously).
I wanted to post an INXS song since I loved them so much, but I was torn over which of their songs to share which means you luck out and get to download both of them.
INXS - Not Enough Time (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
INXS - Beautiful Girl (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Who is it that has no life? The woman who just posted about skydiving or those of us that just READ about it here? ;-)
The question of having a real life aside, The Sims is a cool game!
Posted by Michael at July 25, 2004 12:37 AM
You are doing so great!! :)
Posted by Susan at July 25, 2004 12:59 AM
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My First Download
Way back in the day (probably about 1997) I remember when I first started downloading music. Of course, I was on a dial-up so I was so excited if I came home and actually had one whole song! Things have definitely changed. Now I'm annoyed if I can't find a song and get it in under ten minutes.
The point of this post? Thought it would make a good segue for the next download, one of the first songs that I found online. Boy, was I excited since I love this mix of U2's "Desire" but could never find it for sale anywhere.
U2 - Desire (Hollywood Remix) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Oh, and I'm still screwing around with the TypoGenerator.


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A Refreshing Break
I just got done talking with Brent, one of the Project Blog organizers. It was definitely a nice break to the evening, especially since he was impressed that I went skydiving and have all these mp3s up for download. See? Neurotic Fishbowl is a cool site!
If you're up doing Project Blog and want to talk, send me an e-mail. My phone's got free minutes so it might be a good way to get some blog fodder.
Next up is a download by one of my favorite bands ever, Erasure. It's one of their newer songs and very danceable which is a good thing since I am flagging a little bit. Get up and move your ass, people!
Erasure - Make Me Smile (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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A Reminder and Shameless Begging
Just a reminder, but every post that I've made for Project Blog has at least one mp3 for download in it (please, be sure to do the right click and "Save As" thing). That's thirty-five songs, including this post's. (You can get all the entries on one page by clicking here.)
If you were to have bought all of these on iTunes, you would have paid almost $35.00. Instead, I've offered them to you for free. All that I ask is, if you have a few dollars to spare, that you go and sponsor me. For every $5.00 that you pledge, your name goes in a drawing for a complete set of my Burn It mix CDs, six of them in total. Plus, you get to feel good for helping support Heifer International, an incredible charity. That's such a deal!
The newest download is from an excellent CD inspired and produced by The Standard Hotel. It's a very sexy CD and this song was the opening track for last summer's Burn It CD the theme of which was music that made you want to get it on.
Llorca - The End (Hepop Original) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Strange Habits
Okay, I'm going to confess to one of my weird habits. When sitting around the house I'm usually in a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt. Nothing wrong with that pairing, right? Well, lots of times I add a pair of high heels (usually my Burberry ones that I got on eBay) and my Tiara Happy Hour tiara. Why? Well, why not? As a matter of fact, here's my new pair of heels that I just bought and am currently wearing.

The latest download is also from that Banana Republic compilation that I mentioned earlier. I'm putting it up because it makes me feel like dancing in my pretty new shoes.
S-Tone Inc. - Rendez-Vous A Minuit (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Thinking about new shoes, maybe I will get a new pair of Pastry shoes. I wish I was little because I think the Pastry Pop Stars shoes for babies are so cute.
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T-shirt and boxers... normal
Add the heals... a little eclectic
Top it off with tiara... full blown eccentric!
Mind you, I'm not saying that's *bad*... ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 10:39 PM
Posted by Cricket at July 24, 2004 10:44 PM
For some reason I can only think of that great old pick up line:
"Nice Shoes, wanna Fu.." well you get the idea.
Posted by C.J. at July 24, 2004 10:56 PM
OOOH LA LA! I love the shoes!! I usually hang out in a tshirt and hubby's pj bottoms. :)
Posted by Angela at July 24, 2004 11:11 PM
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Playing the Skins
Thanks to my latest sponsor Marcus, I found a good way to pass some time by playing a virtual drumset. Kind of cool since I played percussion all through middle and high school. I even marched the bass drum, one of about three girls during my four years in my high school and our sister school down the street.
Since I mentioned marching bands, I thought I'd depart from the kind of downloads I've been doing and put up a Drum Corp International show. This is Santa Clara Vanguard performing one of their 1987 show including such pieces as Russian Christmas Music and Lezghinka, pieces that I marched in 1991 at the Hoosier Dome during Bands of America Grand Nationals. If you ever have a chance to see a live DCI show, I highly recommend going.
Santa Clara Vanguard - Russian Christmas Music
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Bad Kitty!
While I'm not a huge PETA fan (they really do go over the top a lot), they do have some pretty funny ad campaigns. My favorite is Bad Cats.
If you watched the video, you know why I chose this song.
D-Cru - We Got It Goin' On (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Poor Mike had never seen the Bad Cats. We got it goin' on! Now he's cracking up as hard as I am!
Now can you find my favorite Bill Clinton video too? You know how I love it when he kicks the ice cream machine. And how about the boxes being thrown at the people on the treadmill? Just watch it, I'll perch like a gargoyle and throw boxes at you on the stairmaster! *giggle*
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 01:23 AM
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Bless Me, Father, For I Have Just Killed Quite a Few Men.
I'm a huge fan of both director Robert Rodriguez and Antonio Banderas, so needless to say, I loved the films Desperado and Once Upon a Time in Mexico (the extras on Once Upon a Time... were great, especially "The Robert Rodriguez Ten Minute Cooking School"). I thought casting Enrique Iglesias as a mariachi was pretty clever too, though I would totally get that mole removed if I were him. That Doritos commercial he was in where it looked like he was singing to that guy was pretty funny too.
You know, there was a point to this, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was. Oh, well. It's a good set up for the next downloads, another two for one special.
Los Lobos & Antonio Banderas - Cancion Del Mariachi (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Enrique Iglesias - Be With You (Thunderpuss 2000 Club Mix) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 157 words at 09:00 PM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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He did get the mole removed earlier this year...I think it was more to do with Anna than his lame excuse of "It may be cancerous in the future."
Posted by smoores at July 24, 2004 09:08 PM
"Once Upon a Time..." is one of my all-time favorite movies! "Three Kings" is on TNT right now, another movie I really like. I'm suprised I don't have it on DVD. I may have to do something about that this weekend...
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 09:13 PM
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A Heifer Success Story
Bernadina Maria Salgado had always struggled to help feed her family, especially after Hurricane Mitch destroyed her tiny community on the banks of Nicaragua’s El Zopilote River, forcing everyone to relocate.
But then Heifer came along, and Bernadina learned more than she ever imagined - and uncovered skills she never knew she had.
"Before, I had no way to help provide for my family, but today, I am the breadwinner!" said this grandmother of two young boys.
Bernadina and her grandchildren are one of several families – mostly headed by women – who are participating in a new Heifer project in Nicaragua. With the help of Heifer’s field staff (and one busy rooster), these women are learning how to turn the hen they received from Heifer into a major source of income.
From Devastation to Deliverance
After Hurricane Mitch flooded their homes in 1998, the women banded together to seek help. A Dutch relief organization, the Friends from Holland, helped them purchase six acres of land and build new homes. The Catholic Sisters of Carmen Laura in nearby El Viejo, and a group from Norwich, England, provided each home with a well, a sink and a latrine. And the Agros Foundation helped the community buy more land for farming.
A nearby sugar mill provides seasonal work for the men, but earns them less than $2 a day. So Heifer International got involved, with the goal not only to feed these families, but to provide another – more consistent – way for them to make a living.
That’s where the chickens come in. Chickens are perfect income-producing animals. By the time they’re six months old, chickens can lay up to 200 eggs a year; and their manure makes a great organic fertilizer for vegetable gardens.
As with every Heifer project, training and supplies were provided before a single chicken was distributed. The women learned how to build portable hen houses using local resources and how to feed and care for their hens.
"As Women, We No Longer Feel Alone"
Rosa Carmen Medina is another participant who’s proud of the skills she’s learned.
"Life has changed for women in many ways because of this project," she said. "Before, I did not understand things. The men were the breadwinners and said everything. But now the women are a part of the community. We are happy and more active with much more confidence. This project is not just for the women but the whole family. We are working together to make a difference."
And Rosa Maria Diaz Lopez feels blessed that her children no longer get sick.
“Thanks to God they are healthy because of these chickens," she said. "With the income we receive from the sale of eggs we buy soap and salt and things for our family. Without the project, we would have none."
"We eat 50 percent of the production and the other 50 percent we sell for profit," added Rosa Medina. "Most importantly, we can help others in our community who are having difficulties."
The participants meet regularly with Heifer staff and other experts for additional poultry management training, along with marketing and leadership-building workshops.
They agree that coming together to share their knowledge and resources is one of the best things about their new lives.
"As women, we no longer feel alone," said Bernadina. "Now we help each other the best we can."
Please go sponsor me so that more of these wonderful success stories can happen!
The next download is from Zero 7, another one of those lush, chill-out bands that I love so much. Their debut album Simple Things doesn't have a bad track on it, but this instrumental one is one of my favorites (another one of their songs made it onto last winter's Burn It CD).
Zero 7 - Likufanele (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Now that was a good idea for a post! No sign of weakening so far!
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 08:44 PM
I saw first hand what happened to Nicaragua during Hurricane Mitch... thank God for the Heifer Project, which enabled many Nicaraguans the opportunity to move beyond rebuilding to building toward their futures.
Posted by Zuly at July 24, 2004 09:39 PM
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A Long Way To Go
My mom came in a little while ago and asked me how many cokes I was planning on drinking. Since we're just over half way, I'm going to say a lot and then a lot more. The good new is, though, that I have a good chance of surviving this thing.
There's a 60 % chance that I'll survive the 'thon.
Will you survive the Blogathon?
I'm not sure what genre this next download belongs to. I would guess probably down tempo, but either way I love it. It's from the Animatrix which rocks for the storylines, the animation, and the music.
Peace Orchestra - Who Am I? (Animatrix Edit) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Considering I'm not doing the blogathon thing, I got a 50% chance of survival. Of course, the last time I stayed up for 24 hours, I was sixteen so I'm a bit out of practice. I wish you lots and lots of luck for the rest of the night!
Posted by Mariann at July 24, 2004 08:27 PM
Go Kymberlie Go Go!! You can dew-eeet!
Posted by smoores at July 24, 2004 08:30 PM
Good luck on your project blog. Last year I stayed up and blogged every 15 minutes for 24 hours.. the last two hours were the hardest..but I survived. Good Luck!
Posted by Pam at July 24, 2004 10:34 PM
if I drink 6 cokes I have a 50% chance...raise them cokes up to 19 and I am golden!
Posted by Cricket at July 24, 2004 10:45 PM
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Beauty In the Eye of the Beholder
The TypoGenerator is a random generator for 'typo posters' which is a poster, created from images (usually overlayed by some effects) and letters/text that doesn't have any sense, just to look good.


I love music from the 80s and for some reason, this song always sticks with me. The lyrics are probably cheesy to most, but I love them anyway.
Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Ooh... nifty! How many times did you enter your chosen text to get the desired effect?
Posted by Mariann at July 24, 2004 08:25 PM
Great. Before I know it, you'll post the "Nobody" song, won't you? Want me to sing it for you? Your nobody called today... she hung up when I asked her name...
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 01:25 AM
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Scary Story
This link reminded me of the world's shortest scary story, something I heard years and years ago:
The last man on Earth sat in his room. There was a knock on the door.
Do I really have to explain why I picked this song for the download?
Sting - Ghost Story (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I have a shorter scary story:
Ultra-conservatives in charge
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 07:11 PM
Its my first time here but I plan on catching up on all that you/ve been writing throughout the day. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Posted by Deb at July 24, 2004 07:35 PM
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Poker - One of My Other Vices
Figured since I'd been talking so much about drinking, it was time to bring up another vice of mine - gambling. You can't tell from this picture, but I'm about 300 out of 2,000 players right now. This isn't the big game I metioned earlier, though.

I love the movie Maverick. It's got gambling and Mel Gibson, so what's not to like? Plus it's got this great song on the soundtrack. Did you know that Clint Black was the gambler that got thrown overboard for cheating near the end of the movie?
Clint Black - A Good Run of Bad Luck (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 110 words at 06:38 PM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Good thing you have vices then isn't it... gives you extra stuff to blog about today!
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 06:47 PM
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Drink Me, Baby
Seems like all I talk about on here are drinks!
How to make a Kymberlie |
5 parts anger
5 parts arrogance
1 part beauty |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add sadness to taste! Do not overindulge! |
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
(Link courtesy of Kristy.)
Well, a river has water in it and you can drink water, so here's the next download.
The Talking Heads - Take Me To The River (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Better When You're Drunk
Continuing my things are "better when you drink" theme, Taco Bell definitely tastes better after you've had a few. Usually I get a few tacos on the way home from the clubs and they are just delicious. I'm eating one right now, though, and it's just barely passable. Definitely not food of the gods. My Diet Cherry Coke, however, is very yummy.
The next song up for grabs is "Spin Spin Sugar" by the Sneaker Pimps. Why? Because I like saying the word pimp. Well, that and it's an awesome song.
Sneaker Pimps- Spin Spin Sugar (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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DAMN! This one still links to the Hooverphonic song. And I really wanted to hear "Spin Spin Sugar"...
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 01:27 AM
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If Only I Were Drinking...
It is amazing how hard it is to come up with a post every half hour. I knew the staying up twenty-four hours wouldn't be a big deal since I routinely go without sleep for thirty hours or more (damn insomnia!) but this "plumb your mind for *anything* to talk about" shit is for the birds.
Of course, if I had a drink I'd probably feel better and the posts would get more interesting. Since I still have thirteen hours (!) to go, though, there'd be no way I could drink that long and not pass out in front of my computer before the twenty-four hours were up. Maybe the last couple of hours will be done doing shots or something.
So, since I'm longing for a cocktail (preferably an apple martini), there's only one song to offer up - Hooverphonic's "Club Montepulciano." But what the hell is a piccadilly whore?
Hooverphonic - Club Montepulciano (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I considered doing Project Blog myself..I couldnt because I needed to leave for part of today. But I tried to figure out what I would write over 24 hours. I have trouble making one daily enrty.
Posted by Deb at July 24, 2004 07:45 PM
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Happy Birthday, Anna!
Today's Anna's birthday, so I thought it only fair to dedicate a post to her. In honor of this momentous occasion, the download is The El Orbit's version of the birthday song.
The El Orbits - Deep In the Heart of Texas
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Fun With Physics
Time for another madlib! This time it's from Physics: Concepts and Connections by Art Hobson.
Person's name with -'s:
Abstract noun:
Plural noun:
Person's name with -'s again:
Verb ending in -ing:
Past-tense verb:
Noun from above:
Noun from above:
Noun from above:
Noun from above:
Here's another remix since I've already offered quite a few of these up for download.
Faith No More - Last Cup of Sorrow (Rammstein Remix) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Read more »
Einstein believed that person's name with -'s theory should, like all other laws of noun obey the principle of abstract noun. In other plural noun, person's name with -'s again noun should be adjective even within any verb ending in -ing reference noun. Since speed c is built into the laws of noun, Einstein past-tense verb that every observer ought to verb every light noun to move at speed c, regardless of the observer's noun. No matter how fast you verb, a light noun always passes you at speed c, relative to you. This is why the idea of verb up with a light noun seemed adjective to Einstein. If every observer sees every light noun move at speed c, then nobody can even begin to catch up with a light noun, much less catch all the way up with one and verb it at rest.
How it should read:
Einstein believed that Maxwells theory should, like all other laws of nature obey the principle of relativity. In other words, Maxwells prediction should be correct even within any moving reference frame. Since speed c is built into the laws of nature, Einstein concluded that every observer ought to observe every light beam to move at speed c, regardless of the observer's motion. No matter how fast you move, a light beam always passes you at speed c, relative to you. This is why the idea of catching up with a light beam seemed contradictory to Einstein. If every observer sees every light beam move at speed c, then nobody can even begin to catch up with a light beam, much less catch all the way up with one and observe it at rest.
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Me So Hungry
I'm starving. What I wouldn't do to be at a steakhouse with a medium rare filet, an apple martini, and a baked potato sitting in front of me. Yummy.
This download is from one of those bands that just kind of disappeared - Book of Love. I remember back when I was in seventh grade I won tickets to see them at Splashtown, the local waterpark. I didn't get to go, but that's not such a great loss.
Btw, if you're enjoying all these great downloads (eighteen of them at last count), why not sponsor me for a few dollars? Hell, it's cheaper than iTunes.
Book of Love - Modigliani (Lost in Your Eyes) [Single Remix] (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Hmmm... steak! Unfortunately, it's like a 1000 degrees in Seattle today, too hot to fire up the grill until this evening! I settled for whipping up a nice, cold, Chicken Caesar salad. Best steak I ever had was in Texas though... where do you like to go? (See, fodder for another post!)
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 03:36 PM
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Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War
I just called Mike and Christine to try and find some blogging inspiration and make reminded me of my irritation with our next door neighbors.
We live on a dead end street that's not part of a subdivision so there's no deed restrictions. Usually I'm more than fine with that, but the next door neighbors (compounded by the fact that they are my aunt's brother and his wife) have seven dogs. Seven. Wtf do you need that many dogs for?
These dogs bark all the damn time. And when one barks, they must all join in. It's a total cacophony and it drives me crazy. I'm a huge animal lover, but if I had a gun, I would cheerfully shoot every one of them.
Anyway, this download is a favorite that I just can't get enough of for some weird reason. I can listen to it on repeat for hours.
Icicle Works - Birds Fly (Whisper To A Scream) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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The people two houses over from me have at least 10 dogs (hunting dogs I believe). They bark and howl constantly. And to top that off...it's the mayor's house.
Posted by NinaKaye at July 24, 2004 05:29 PM
Can I just point out the irony I see in that you're blogging for an animal charity and yet you would shoot their dogs? Yeah, ok. I'm giggling just thinking about it! (Considering I know how you feel about hunting, I'm not going to take it too seriously!)
Posted by Christine at July 25, 2004 01:30 AM
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Since Wendy's making me jealous by having her Sim mack down with all these guys she's in love with, I figured I'd list, in no particular order, some of my crushes:
David Beebe of The El Orbits, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Tom Welling, Bruce Campbell, Sting, Goran Visnjic, Gary Oldman, James Spader, Michael Vartan, Hugh Grant, Hugh Jackman, Ewan McGregor, Seann William Scott, Colby Donaldson, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Jason Statham, and Edward Norton.
The download this time? Something to put you in the mood.
Outkast - The Way You Move (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Hey you forgot me on that list!
Posted by C.J. at July 24, 2004 02:40 PM
I agree with some of your crushes. I love Johnny Depp, Edward Norton, Matt Damon and Hugh Grant. My other all time favorite is Tom Cruise
Posted by Deb at July 24, 2004 07:30 PM
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My Favorite Joke Ever
One day a man with no arms was walking down the street and thinking to himself that he really needed a job. He was passing a monastery when he noticed a help wanted sign in the window. Curious he went inside to inquire about the job.
He found a monk and asked him what the job was. The monk said, "My son, it's a bell ringer's position, but I don't think you could do the job." The man replied, "If I can prove to you that I can handle the job, can I have it?" The monk agreed, so they went to the belfry.
The man looked at the bell, looked at the monk, and looked back at the bell. He went to the furthest corner from the bell and then ran at it as fast as he could. He head struck the bell sending forth a beautiful chime, so the monk told him he had the job.
For the next two weeks everything was great. The bell was always on time and the monk couldn't have been more pleased. One day, coming back to the monastery, the monk noticed a huge crowd gathered outside and police all over the place. He hurried over to one of the cops to find out what happened.
The cop told him that apparently someone had committed suicide and took him over to ground under the belfry. The monk looked down and saw the bell ringer, who had run at the bell, missed, and fell out the belfry to his death. The cop asked him if he knew who it was. The monk replied, "Well, his face kind of rings a bell."
The next download is by one of my favorite artists ever, Sting. I love him and find it a huge tragedy that we're not together in his castle in England.
Sting - She Walks This Earth (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Hey I just got to check out those skydiving pictures. I can't beleive you actually did that. I don't know if I could ever plumet to the groud at a million miles and hour and HOPE that the K-Mart Tarp opened above me. You have cohones girl... ummm... yeah... whatever. You know what I mean...!
Posted by C.J. at July 24, 2004 02:08 PM
Ah, yes, but you didn't add the crucial second part of the joke, wherein a couple of days after the armless man dies, his brother comes and asks for the same job. He ends up doing it the same way, running head-first into the bell, then, a few days later, accidently falls to his death. The monk is asked by the police what the new bell ringer's name was and the monk says, "I don't know, but he's a dead ringer for that other guy."
Posted by Violet at July 24, 2004 02:37 PM
See, this would have been funnier if I had not read that it said a man with no legs. So I spent the entire joke wondering how he was doing that running. Me thinks thy mind is breaking down...
Posted by AGK at July 24, 2004 04:11 PM
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A Picture's Worth...
Still running out of things to say, so I wandered outside to get the mail and see if there was anything worthy of taking a picture. I loved the way that this one (my TiVo antennae ball) turned out.

I'm starting to feel a little cranky, so I decided to put up one of those "explicit lyric" songs that I love so much. Enjoy.
Cake - Nugget (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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I'm not sure if it's safe to post a comment after listening to that track... ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 02:05 PM
What kind of tivo do you have? when did you get it? why did you get it? who did you first hear about Tivo from? (giving you post ideas)
Posted by don at July 24, 2004 03:09 PM
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CSI Stars Return To Show
I'm a big fan of both CSI and CSI: Miami. I was very sad to hear a few weeks ago that Jorga Fox and George Eads who play Sara Sidle and Nick Stokes (Mmmmm. Nick Stokes.) were fired after holding out for more money on their contracts. Luckily, though, they've worked out their differences and are coming back to the show.
Another great thing about both CSIs is the music. I've got the CSI soundtrack already and just added the CSI:Miami soundtrack to my wishlist. Saying that, the download for this post is a special two for one deal. The first one is Clinic's "Come Into Our Room", my favorite song, and John M. Keane's "Grissom's Overture", my favorite score element, from the soundtrack.
Clinic - Come Into Our Room (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
John M. Keane - Grissom's Overture (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Prepared Project Blog Participants
As you can probably tell from the nature of my posts, I didn't really start this off with any kind of plan and now I'm pretty desperate for topics to talk about. If you want to check out some prepared bloggers, see the cool things these people are up to.
.: Angela is posting movie trivia
.: C.J. is taking a simulated cross country flight and posting screenshots
.: Wendy (who organized the whole thing) is posting screenshots from The Sims
Next year, if I do this again, I will totally come up with a kick ass theme first.
The download for this post is Simply Red's "Fairground." I bought their greatest hits for the songs "Star" and "Holding Back the Years" and ended up falling completely in love with this one too. It's got a great beat - something to get your toes tapping.
Simply Red - Fairground (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Your theme can be music. Music from movies or just songs. Talk about the song you post etc. :)
Posted by kat at July 24, 2004 12:48 PM
OMG - the dude with the plane is amazing! (and Wendy needs to be ashamed of herself ;)
Keep the good music coming!
Posted by don at July 24, 2004 03:07 PM
I was going to be prepared too... was being the operative word! Oh well, there's always next year.
Posted by kristal at July 24, 2004 05:49 PM
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I am definitely low on things to talk about, so here's a picture of my dad's pug Roxanne taken with my Nokia 3650 camera phone and posted to my moblog.

The next download is one of my favorite examples of one group's lead singer (in this case Everything But the Girl) lending their talents to a different group. Everything about this song is incredible - the voice, the lyrics ("And save your line about needing to be free. All that's bullshit, babe. You just want rid of me."), and, most of all, the beat.
Massive Attack featuring Tracy Thorn - Better Things (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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You've got good taste in music! I really like this one... though they've all been good so far!
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 12:33 PM
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Six Feet Under Last Week
Did anyone else watch Six Feet Under last week? If so, what did you think of the episode? I really liked it, though I thought that it was going to end very badly for David. The only thing that bothered me is when that guy got out to dump the woman's body from the van, David should have floored it. Even though the guy had a gun he probably could have gotten away without getting shot.
The next song up for download is Thomas Newman's "Dead Already" from the American Beauty soundtrack and score. He also wrote the theme for Six Feet Under.
Thomas Newman - Dead Already (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 117 words at 11:32 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I am loving all these mp3s today. Thanks!
Posted by kat at July 24, 2004 11:36 AM
It was an excellent episode for character development with David. He needs to come to terms with this, as he's far too repressed. And hell, he's already come a long way from the beginning of the series. Having now been faced with death, maybe he'll start living more. And kick his brother's ass into doing the same :)
I noticed a lot of people on the 6FU forums did not care for this episode. Normally they don't spend so much time on one specific plotline, but I loved it.
Posted by kim at July 26, 2004 01:39 PM
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Madlib - Shakespeare Style
I shamelessly stole Emily's idea of yesterday and have put up a famous Shakespearen soliloquy as a madlib. Feel free to leave your answers in the comments. Don't click the "Read More" until you're done.
Plural noun:
Plural noun:
Plural noun:
Verb ending in -ing:
Same verb from above:
A large number:
A profession or status (i.e. butcher or son):
Same verb from above:
Same verb from above:
Same verb from above:
Plural noun:
Past-tense verb:
Keeping with the Shakespearen theme, here's Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18 put to music and sung by Bryan Ferry from the Diana Princess of Wales Tribute CD, another excellent compilation CD.
Bryan Ferry - Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18 (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
Read more »
To be, or not to verb, -- that is the noun;
Whether 'tis nobler in the noun to suffer
The slings and plural noun of adjective fortune,
Or to take plural noun against a sea of plural noun,
And by verb ending in -ing end them. To die, -- to verb, --
No more; and by a same verb from above to say we end
The noun and the a large number natural shocks
That flesh is a profession or status (i.e. butcher or son) to,-- 'tis a noun
adverb to be wish'd. To die, --- to verb,--
To same verb from above! perchance to same verb from above! ay, there's the noun;
For in that same verb from above of death what plural noun may come
When we have past-tense verb off this adjective coil,
Must give us noun....
It should read:
To be, or not to be, -- that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die, -- to sleep, --
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to,-- 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, --- to sleep,--
To sleep! perchance to dream! ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause....
« Hide it
.: 405 words at 11:02 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Ok, it is WAAAYYY too early to be thinking about Shakespeare!
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 11:26 AM
To be, or not to smash, -- that is the towel;
Whether 'tis nobler in the city to suffer
The slings and bananas of exquisite fortune,
Or to take puppies against a sea of restaurants,
And by bleeding end them. To die, -- to love, --
No more; and by a love to say we end
The sandwich and the 634,888 natural shocks
That flesh is a teacher to,-- 'tis a song
quickly to be wish'd. To die, --- to feel,--
To feel from above! perchance to feel! ay, there's the book;
For in that feel of death what lampshades may come
When we have melted off this majestic coil,
Must give us moon....
Posted by marcus at July 24, 2004 02:11 PM
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Movie Madness
As nuts as I am for movies, especially fun summer blockbusters, there's just nothing that I want to see at the theater right now. The only movies that I even want to see are Two Brothers and Spider-Man 2.
Speaking of movies, are there any that you love that everyone else just hates? Me, I'm a big fan of Natural Born Killers and even find it to be terribly romantic. That probably says something about me, though it might not be wise to figure out what.
The Natural Born Killers soundtrack is also a favorite of mine and this post's download is from it. Enjoy.
Leonard Cohen - The Future (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 117 words at 10:30 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I love that movie too. It's brilliant and like you said, romantic. I wouldn't let my kids watch it until they turn 40 but it's a great flick.
Posted by kat at July 24, 2004 10:46 AM
I'm a total movie fiend... I have a group of friends that I tend to watch with. We have marathons all the time. We pick a theme and then watch spend an afternoon watching as many movies as we can on that theme. Last one was a Bruce Campbell marathon. Next one is looking like a "Zombie" movie fest.
A movie I like that few other people seem to like? Boondock Saints... holy cow, just discovered via IMDB they're working on a sequel! ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 10:48 AM
I love Being John Malkovich but don't know of many who do.
Posted by Daria at July 24, 2004 11:10 AM
I like both Natural Born Killers and Being John M., but one of my all time favorite movies that no one else seems to care much about is Showgirls. Go figure.
Posted by Cricket at July 24, 2004 11:49 AM
NBK was filmed in my home town. When my sister and I went to see it - the whole audience laughed because some of the scenes were so silly that it had to be 'staged'. But the logcabin hotel - that comes from a landmark hotel.
Posted by Susan at July 25, 2004 10:27 PM
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Project Blog's Gold Box
I haven't posted the items in my Amazon.com Gold Box in quite some time, so here's the ones from today.
.: Tanita BF 578 Family Scale Plus Body Fat Monitor with Glass Base - I always love cool looking scales like this though I have no desire to see how much body fat I have right now.
.: Tanita BF679 Duo Scale Plus Body Fat Monitor - I guess they figured maybe a cheaper scale might work since I passed on the first one, but they're wrong.
.: Remington WDF-6000 Smooth & Silky Ultra Womens Shaver-Rechargeable - I must admit that I mulled this one over. Ever since I had to get off of birth control pills due to that pesky pulmonary embolism, I've noticed that it's harder to get a close shave on my legs (I'm guessing due to the fact that I have less estrogen). Since I don't have a jo, though, at $53.99 I'm just going to have to pass. Maybe some day in the future.
.: Nesco 4816-47-30 6-Quart Roaster Oven with Nonstick Cookwell, Millennium Silver - guess I need to learn how to cook before I invest in something like this.
.: Visioneer One Touch 9000 USB Scanner - very cool looking scanner at a really cheap price. Of course, I have a scanner now that I don't use, so not something I really need.
.: Black & Decker G48TD Grill and Waffle Baker - I won a really cool waffle maker over a year ago that I have yet to use, so going to pass on this too.
.: Linksys USBHUB4C ProConnect Compact USB 4-Port Hub - I've got no need for this right now though that's a hell of a sell price. Pass.
.: Freshwater Cultured Pearl 7.0-7.5mm Pendant w/ Diamond (.05ct tw) on 14k Yellow Gold Chain, 18" - not a big fan of pearl jewelry, the only exception being a black pearl and pink stone bracelet that I bought from Sibling Rivalry. Pass.
.: KitchenAid KTT340WH 2-Slice, Two-Slot Digital Toaster with Bagel and Warm Functions, White - I don't need a toaster, but this one in red is incredibly cool looking. Totally going to get a red toaster next time I need one.
.: Zojirushi NHS-10AW 6-Cup Rice Cooker/Steamer, Indigo Blue - again, not in need of any cooking supplies.
Nothing I needed in the Gold Box today. Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.
The song for this post is Calexico's "Close Behind." My old co-worker Dan used to play this on Friday afternoons. Just something about the song always makes me feel free and happy and it was the perfect way to start off the weekend.
Calexico - Close Behind (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Caffeine. Must Get Caffeine.
Geez. I can't believe it's only 9:30 here and I am already at a loss for words. Must find something to blog about. Maybe I'll go wander outside and see if there's something interesting to take pictures of though this early I might just burst into flame if I'm exposed to sunlight. Must drink more caffeine. This orange juice isn't doing it for me any more.
Just a reminder, that I'm blogging for Heifer International one of the most amazing charities out there. Go read their inspiring stories of helping individuals become self-sufficient and, in turn, help out their communities. Then feel free to go sponsor me. Don't forget that every $5.00 you pledge gets your name into a drawing for a complete set of my Burn It CDs, six in total.
This post's download is 50 Cent's "In Da Club" remixed with Nine Inch Nail's "Closer" (which made it onto last summer's Burn It CD). Enjoy.
50 Cent - In Da Club (NIN Closer Remix) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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You go Kymberlie! Cheering you on! :)
Posted by Susan at July 24, 2004 09:52 AM
I have already had an egg sandwich and a Diet Coke for breakfast and am sending hubby to the store for more supplies...CAFFFFFEEEEIIIINNNEEEE! It is gonna be a long day LOL
Posted by Cricket at July 24, 2004 10:26 AM
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Before I'm Gone
Cricket (another Project Blog participant) has come up with the idea to create a meme based on the 100 Things About Me list that everyone did (You can read mine here. Did you know I once laid on a bed of nails?) except this time it's about things you plan on doing before you die called Before I'm Gone.
Right now my list is pretty skimpy. At the top, of course, is to get certified for skydiving since I loved my first time so much. What would be on your list?
The next song before offered up for download is Caia's "Afterwards @ the Bar," another song from that excellent Banana Republic compilation.
Caia - Afterwards @ the Bar (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Holy crap, so this is what it's like at 8:30am on Saturday (I'm in a different time zone). Yaawwwnnn... anyway, I like this list concept. I'm going to have to give it some serious thought.
I know one thing definately on my list is to drive in a rally race. Motor screaming, car drifting, dirt and gravel flying, this gets my blood pumping!
Posted by Michael at July 24, 2004 10:25 AM
Thanks for promoting it for me!
And for everyone who sees it, if you submit your list to the webring today, you are entered to win a cool polar fleece scarf!
Posted by Cricket at July 24, 2004 10:28 AM
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Consumerism Compilations
I have a soft spot for compilation albums as evidenced by the fact that I own almost a hundred of them alone. One of my absolute favorites was picked up at Banana Republic of all places.
I was checking out when I noticed a jazz CD called Stir. I only recognized Moby and Llorca, but figured at $8.00, it was worth taking a chance on and I was definitely right. I've always wanted to like jazz, but it really wasn't until last year that I actually started to. Now, I love nothing more than being in a jazz bar (Sambuca's is a favorite) with an apple martini in hand, grooving to the music. Here's the first song from that CD, Yonderboi's "Pabadam." I love the song so much that I immediately put the entire Yonderboi CD on my my wishlist.
Yonderboi - Pabadam (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 151 words at 08:35 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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We're now an hour into Project Blog and I'm feeling alright depsite the fact that I only got like five hours of sleep after staying up all day Friday so I would be exhausted and go to bed early (yeah, that didn't work so well).
As you can tell from my Netflix page, I've just run through the first two seasons of Smallville and I really love the show, though the fact that Tom Welling is gorgeous doesn't hurt either.
Anyway, Smallville always reminds me of this great short story "Superman's Diary" by B. Brandon Barker that I read in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection. (I always have a softspot for that particular book in that excellent series since it was the first one I read. It had Stephen King's O. Henry winning story "The Man in Black" - the reason I hunted the book down to buy.)
"Superman's Diary" is about the dichotomy that Clark Kent/Superman must go through in his life. Superman's dating Lois Lane, but their relationship is based on competiveness. Lois, though, starts an affair with Clark and that relationship is based on love and tenderness. Clark/Superman is pulled between the two natures of his life and trying to decide what he's going to do about it. I always think of how great Smallville captures that dichotomy.
This half hour's download is my favorite of the Superman songs that seemed to come out at the same time, the one that captured that longing to be normal the best - Five For Fighting's "Superman (It's Not Easy)." Btw, their name comes from the hockey term, something Christine and I learned playing the Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture DVD Game one night.
Five For Fighting - Superman (It's Not Easy) (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
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Just stoping by to say Good Luck! (This is one of my favorite songs, btw. :-) Good choice.
Posted by JL at July 24, 2004 08:31 AM
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I Just Can't Get Enough
I'm finally starting to wake up a little, though I still don't know what the hell I'm going to talk about today besides these downloads! It's still too early to think.
This download is one I have courtesy of Mikey. It's become one of my favorites and it just might get me going this morning. Nothing like a Depeche Mode/Eminem mix to wake you up.
Freelance Hellraiser - Can't Get Enough Pills
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i'm glad SOMEBODY besides me likes that song... i mean, how could people not like it? it's so happy and vulgar!
Posted by mikey at July 24, 2004 05:29 PM
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Good Morning!
Good morning! This is my first post for Project Blog, the only reason that would make me get up this early that doesn't involve jumping out of an airplane.
As promised, here's the first of my mp3s for download, Fleetwood Mac's "As Long As You Follow." I've always been a Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks fan and this is my favorite song by Fleetwood Mac. Not only are the lyrics beautiful and poignant, but the melody always makes me wish I was dancing with someone I love. As always, do the right click and :Save As" thing please.
Fleetwood Mac - As Long As You Follow (Like it? Then buy the CD.)
.: 114 words at 07:07 AM in $entry_cats="Project Blog 2004, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I adore Fleetwood Mac. Probably my all time favorite. Last summer, I got to see them in concert twice. It was heavenly :)
And I don't care what anyone says, Stevie still sounds amazing, so they can stuff it!
Good luck today, hon!
Posted by Kelly at July 24, 2004 07:19 AM
Nice theme idea. I'll listen to the mp3 a bit later on ;) Anyway, congrats on raising $278. I'm sure your charity will appreciate that. Have fun!
Posted by Ash at July 24, 2004 07:20 AM
good morning, sunshine! (was that convincingly perky?)
Posted by Joelle at July 24, 2004 07:21 AM
Fleetwood Mac - God I love them! Saw them in concert this May. Stevie is a goddess.
Posted by Daria at July 24, 2004 07:23 AM
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Forty-Eight Posts? What Am I Going to Talk About?
Project Blog is now a little less than seven hours away and today it hit me that I have to make forty-eight posts and I have no idea what I'm going to talk about. I had planned on talking about how skydiving had affected me, but I've already done that. Hell, I've even already talked about my new shoes. I will be posting a new mp3 ever half hour (they'll be up for a limited amount of time; in other words, when I feel like taking them down, probably after a few hours of being up for offer), so I'll be sure to say a few words about the song and why I chose it.
So here's your chance to make suggestions about what *you* want to hear me talk about. Feel free to leave me a comment or send me an e-mail. All suggestions will be considered though if I don't want to blog about it, you'll have to pony up a serious donation to convince me otherwise.
Don't forget that for every $5.00 that you sponsor me, your name goes in a drawing for a set of my Burn It CDs, six in total. I would really, really, really love to hit $500, so please consider sponsoring me, even if it is just a few bucks.
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I won't be around to check in (goig on vacation)...but good luck! I'll read all about it when I return!
Posted by Christine at July 24, 2004 12:36 AM
I am no longer sure just what exactly I'll be blogging about, but I am having a hard time staying asleep tonight! I'm dreaming about missing my first post and nullifying all my sponsorships!
Posted by Daria at July 24, 2004 03:50 AM
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World Poker Tour Opportunity
I haven't talked much about poker on here, but I am still playing. As a matter of fact, last week I played in a 4,000 player free satellite (satellites are tournaments where you win a seat into a bigger tournament, usually at a very low price) and came in 72nd. By placing in the top two hundred, I'm in a tournament to win a seat to a World Poker Tour tournament (WPT is the poker show that's on Bravo).
While I doubt that if I do win a seat I'll go very far at the WPT (though stranger things have happened in the poker world), if I do win this tournament on Sunday not only do I get a seat in the tourney valued at over $5,000, I also get $2,000 spending money.
This tournament is going to be about 2,000 people, so cross your fingers that I'm the one that comes out on top. Would definitely make the weekend a good one!
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Good luck! :)
Posted by D at July 23, 2004 10:08 PM
Oh no. On Sunday? Like after Project Blog? You poor thing...
Posted by Christine at July 23, 2004 11:47 PM
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Stripey Sandals
Btw, remember those cute stripey sandals I blogged about last week? If you looked at the sidebar lately, you might have noticed that they made an appearance over in the Neurotic Fishbowl Moblog since I found them in my size and snapped them up (and they were on sale for $29.99).
I wore them out Monday when Katie and I met for dinner at the Hobbit Cafe before meeting up with Irfan at the Continental Club to hear The El Orbits (yes, I still have a crush on David Beebe).
I also wore them out Tuesday night when Mandy, Elaine, Kenny, Irfan, his friend Lee, and I saw They Might Be Giants at Meridian. TMBG totally rocked even though they didn't play "Istanbul, Not Constantinople," my favorite of their songs. My shoes are very comfortable, though not so much after jumping up and down through several songs.
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Wait, what happened to not having anything to WEAR with those stripey shoes? Women and shoes are an arcane science...
Posted by Michael at July 23, 2004 12:18 PM
comfort schmumfort. They are perfectly adorable!!
Posted by debutaunt at July 23, 2004 04:53 PM
Hello back fello project-blogger and good luck to us tomorrow ( Load the coffee makerrrrrrrr)
Posted by Jenny at July 23, 2004 05:09 PM
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As you probably know, I went skydiving last Saturday. It really has been a life-changing experience for me.
The last six months has brought a lot of bad luck my way - I went into the hospital with a pulmonary embolism that could have killed me, my boyfriend of six years decided that I wasn't ever going to be skinny enough for him and dumped me, I lost my job, and I got kidney stones during my best friend's wedding rehersal. Understandably, I've been in a funk for a huge portion of this time. While I've had lots of good evenings out, be it with friends or on dates, most of my time has been spent just kind of exisiting. Saturday, though, for the first time in a very long time I felt alive. I guess hurtling at the Earth at over 120 miles per hour from over two and a half miles up tends to get the adrenaline pumping.
Seriously, though, ever since I jumped it's been all I can think about. I've been watching videos over at Flying Arab pretty much non-stop with this goofy grin on my face. I'm completely in awe of how easy the experienced jumpers make it look. My favorite video is Van's AFF 1. (Quick note - AFF stands for Advanced Free Fall and it's what you do to get certified to jump. On the first three levels you jump with two instructors and they help you keep your form and guide you in by radio.) After Van pulls his chute, one of the instructors flies over to the videographer, Tarek the Flying Arab. They shake hands and then the instructor flips over going heads down.
Why I love this video so much is because they look so at ease doing all this - like you or I walking down the street. Doesn't matter that they're miles above the ground traveling at extreme speeds. The more videos I see (or the more times I watch the same ones over and over) the more I long to do this. To be at ease in the air. To jump and land by myself. When Eric (my tandem jumper) pulled the chute Saturday it was the most at peace I have ever felt. It was so quiet and so beautiful to be floating in the air. I knew at that moment why people threw themselves out of planes thousands of times. I know I could never get enough of that feeling.
Even before all the crap that I mentioned earlier, I had a lack of passion in my life (as I suspect lots of people do). Nothing really seemed to matter all that much and I never really wanted to get out and do anything. I remember being passionate about things like when I taught myself HTML way back in the day and again when graphics programs started to (finally) make sense to me. Dancing, to an extent, has also done that. Skydiving, though, has finally awoken something extreme in me. I yearn to be back up there, falling through the air.
This passion has made me feel like I'm finally starting to get out of my rut. I desperately want to find a job again (Know anyone that needs a project manager? My resume is here). It would be nice to be working again, but I must admit a big incentive of it is so I can get certified and buy my own gear. I'm making a promise to myself that I will be certified by this time next year even if I have to sell a kidney to do it.
I am so glad that Patience called and mentioned she was going skydiving. I feel kind of like a dork that it's made that big of an impression on me, but this really has brought to life something inside of me and for that, I am grateful.
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I'm so happy for you :) I hope things get better for you soon.
Posted by LT at July 22, 2004 09:11 AM
This is *very* cool... it's great that you've literally stumbled over something that can affect you this way! Sounds like a great goal to me... I think everyone needs something like this in their lives to keep things interesting. Sometimes you have to push the envelope a bit to make you appreciate living!
Posted by Michael at July 22, 2004 09:55 AM
You do sound inspired! And actually happy with a plan. :) And hell, you don't need that kidney anyway, it's been nothing but trouble to you.
Posted by Lisa at July 22, 2004 10:03 AM
Try firefighting now that is a rush... ;-) We had a call last night at 4:30 in the morning, the pager went off and you jump up and go not really knowing what is going to happen when you get there. Don't tell Mom but I think next year after fire school is over in Jan, I might leave work and try to do it full time.
Posted by Russell at July 22, 2004 10:18 AM
My station needs an IT person, which isn't the same, sadly, because we have at least three skydiving clubs.
Posted by Z. Hendirez at July 22, 2004 10:19 AM
you're not a dork; you just had, like, an epiphany.
maybe you should try firefighting? it's a rush and all...
Posted by mikey at July 22, 2004 10:27 AM
Kymberlie, I feel your fever and am very happy for you. Have you ever considered firefighting...
Posted by Marie at July 22, 2004 12:48 PM
After meditating on this most of the day (fortunately, I was in an all-day meeting that required no real cognitive function on my part, and I have a laptop and Internet connectivity)... I'm going to endorse fire fighting also. Thinking about it, it would be cheaper than sky diving and in a pinch, you can set the fires yourself, which is really convenient.
Posted by Michael at July 22, 2004 05:27 PM
Remember my birthday wish for you? It's coming true -- you're learning more and more about yourself. I have a feeling that by this time next year you're going to be amazed at what you've accomplished, but particularly by the path you've taken to get there. Oh, I'm going to love being along for the ride!!
Posted by Zuly at July 22, 2004 09:03 PM
That sounds absolutely wonderful! I've had some of those same "blah" feelings at various points over the past couple years, and I've wondered if there is some ritual, some experience, some spiritual awakening out there just waiting to change my life. I believe very strongly it's possible, and it sounds like you just found it. :)
Posted by Amy at July 23, 2004 11:50 AM
Yeah, sell your kidney. In fact, I might just buy it from you myself. Being a coffee addict, I'm sure mine has long since abandoned my body. Even if you sell me the one with the stones; I might even take that one. It'll be the closest thing to having bling-bling that I've come to in a while. ;-)
Seriously, sounds amazing! I still think you are absolutely insane (with all due respect) and that pretending to be someone else in front of a few people isn't nearly as brave as hurling yourself from an airborne object... You rock, girl!
Posted by redsaid at August 14, 2004 11:45 AM
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Project Blog Reminder
Just a reminder that Project Blog is this Saturday. Every half-hour for twenty-four hours straight I will be blogging for charity.
My charity is Heifer International. Heifer is a stupendous charity that gives people a gift animal like a goose or cow and teaches them to become self-sufficient by raising their own livestock. In return, the recipient must pass some of the offspring to others, perpetuating the gift.
For every $5.00 that you sponsor me, I will put your name in a drawing for a complete set of my Burn It mix CDs, six in total. Also, during the twenty-four hours, I will be putting up a random song from my 10,000 song mp3 collection for you to download. Each one will only be up for a couple of hours, so there's some incentive to come by and see what I'm up to.
Thanks to all those that have sponsored me already! Y'all rock!
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Skydiving - The Video
My skydiving videographer, Tarek AKA The Flying Arab, has put my video online. You can see from when I jumped out of the plane until the chute pull by clicking here. Be sure to visit his site, though, since he's got tons of other great videos and pictures. Honestly, jumping has really changed how I've been feeling and I've got a long post in the works about it.
If you missed it, you can get the full story of my day here along with pictures from the jump.
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I'll be interested in seeing your longer post about how you feel post-sky dive! I'm a big believer that trying new things can really knock you out of your routine and open up your horizons in ways you might not expect. It can give you a different perspective on things.
Posted by Michael at July 21, 2004 01:29 AM
I don't know if I could do that, I'd be so scared but it looks like so much fun.
cd's go out in the mail this Saturday...
Posted by Darren at July 21, 2004 09:53 AM
That was wicked cool girl. I could never do that. That looked wicked fun though. :)
Posted by kat at July 21, 2004 09:34 PM
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I Jumped Out of a *Plane* Today
I woke up at 6:00 this morning to jump out of an airplane. Nuts, huh? Maybe, but I enjoyed the hell out of my day.
My mom decided to go with me, so we drove out to Skydive Houston to meet my friend Patience, her brother Gabe, and Robin. After getting lost thanks to the crappy directions on MapQuest, we finally got there about 8:30. Since I arrived first, I watched a quick ten minute video about tandem diving (no way was I jumping out of a plane alone) and how it was invented. The rest of the group showed up and then we sat around and watched some other jumpers and everyone getting ready. Since all four of us wanted videos, we ended up having to wait a few hours and being split into two planes.
Finally, the time for Robin and I to jump was upon us. We got suited up, had some instructions from our jumpers, and headed out to the two propeller plane that takes everyone up.
I expected the ride to be pretty bumpy, but it was a really easy take-off. There were about fifteen people in there including me, Robin, our jumpers, and our videographers. All the people who were solo jumping were really nice and you could tell that they were happy for us that we were about to do our first jump. At 7,000 feet we finished suiting up and sat in their laps so we could get attached to their rigs. It was then up to 13,500 feet (just over two and a half miles) and time to jump.
When Eric (my jumper; he's jumped between 4,500 and 5,000 times) and I approached the door, I did the dumbass thing of looking down and my first thought was, "Oh, fuck. This is way too high." Since I was strapped to Eric who was about a foot taller than me and outweighed me by a hundred pounds or so, when he jumped, I went along for the ride.
Honestly, after the first shock of looking down, I wasn't scared at all. I can't really describe the feeling, but it was unlike anything I've ever felt. It wasn't like falling, which I had expected, but probably as close to flying as a person can ever feel, especially at 120 miles per hour.
The freefall was awesome, but the best part was after he pulled the chute. Suddenly, it was the most peaceful, quietest experience of my life. On the ground, there's always ambient sounds - the hum of the refrigerator and other electrical appliances, people talking, etc. Up in the air, though, there was nothing. That alone made it worth everything.
Landing was easy since all I did was tuck my knees up and Eric did the rest. Robin landed after me so I watched her come down. Patience and Gabe were in the next plane so we went in and got out of our suits and came back out to watch them. Patience brought along champagne, so we then toasted ourselves and agreed to make this our first jump anniversary and come out and do this every year around this day. All in all, I'm proud of myself and I am so doing this again.
You can see the video from when I jumped out of the plane until the chute pull by clicking here. Here's some of the pictures from the jump as well. These four are my favorites. To see the rest, click the "Read More" link. Click the thumbnails to embiggen.


Read more »
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That was absolutely awesome, wasn't it? I did that same thing last summer (and may very well do it again next weekend). The scare I had was the first 3 seconds off the plane, just as you did. Bunjee jumping? No. Parachutes? Absolutely!
Posted by ej at July 17, 2004 07:55 PM
looks like a hell of a lot of fun, but I think I'll pass. ;)
Posted by girl at July 17, 2004 08:23 PM
That is really way too cool!!!
Posted by Dell at July 17, 2004 09:04 PM
you are insane!!! but that totally ROCKS!!!
Posted by Darren at July 17, 2004 09:49 PM
That looks amazing! I wish I had the nerve to try it...
Posted by kristal at July 17, 2004 10:08 PM
You go girl! Looks like a blast! Looks like your jumper, Eric, had fun too! ;-)
Posted by Michael at July 17, 2004 11:49 PM
cool. so is bungee jumping next?
Posted by irfan at July 18, 2004 12:04 AM
ROFL! You had better stop smiling, you're going to get bugs stuck in your teeth! :D
I'm glad you had such a great time doing it. I will never join you, EVER, but I'm glad you had fun!
Posted by Christine at July 18, 2004 02:22 AM
That seems like so much fun. I've seen people jumping when we were flying by them, but I haven't jumped yet, myself. Thanks for the comment at my place, too. I really appreciate it.
Posted by Crankydragon at July 18, 2004 08:18 PM
ROFL! It looks like he's going to lick your ear in a couple of those!
Posted by Jennifer at July 18, 2004 08:48 PM
dude, that is so awesome! you're almost ready to go on The Amazing Race!
Posted by mikey at July 18, 2004 10:11 PM
That looks like so much fun!!!!
Your smile is terrific!!!
Posted by Christine at July 19, 2004 09:57 PM
Amazing! Gutsy girl, gutsy.
Posted by dtc at July 20, 2004 09:05 AM
Awesome! It looks like you had an amazing experience. If only Kenny and I can get the guts to do it (we both want to).
Posted by cybertoad at July 20, 2004 10:56 AM
Nice! I didn't get pictures when I went, but looking at yours makes me want to jump RIGHT NOW! It looks like you were digging the experience too. For those who know, it really is hard to describe with words... AMAZING! doesn't come close.
Posted by Oktober at July 20, 2004 08:30 PM
I love the 2nd photo, it looks like ya slapped the crap outta the fella behind ya. Heee, just lookit his face!
Posted by PromoGuy at July 20, 2004 11:10 PM
rock on! i did the same thing at skydive spaceland down south of houston two years ago and it was one of the best experiences of my life. the entire thing is such an adrenaline rush it's hard to really explain to someone that questions "jumping out of a perfectly good airplane" but i would do it over and over again if i could afford it.
good for you!
Posted by jen at July 21, 2004 08:29 AM
I jumped out of a plane a few months ago and it was AWSOME! I am trying to get my dad to do it with me next time. So much fun!
Posted by eve at July 22, 2004 01:00 AM
Wow! You are a lot braver than I am. I could never do that!
Posted by Ash at July 22, 2004 09:09 AM
Posted by JUSTIN at April 20, 2005 08:06 AM
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Project Blog Raffle
There are only nine more days until Project Blog and I am very far away from my goal of $250. To help encourage people to participate, I decided to do a little raffle. For every $5.00 that you pledge to sponsor me, your name goes into a drawing. The winner gets a complete set of my Burn It CDs including the Summer 2004 Edition that I'm working on. That's six CDs (this Burn's going to have two volumes) mixed by me. As anyone who's gotten my CDs in the past can attest to, they're pretty cool with snazzy labels and art work. You know you're dying to be the big winner, so go and sponsor me. Hey, it's only $5.00.
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I am going to sponsor you tonight!
Posted by irfan at July 15, 2004 07:31 PM
I was glad to see you on the list of bloggers at project blog. I haven't been by your site in forever... When I first started blogging, you were one of the first to sign my guestmap. I had almost no traffic on my site at all and it really meant a lot to me. Now Heifer International will score $10 from me ~ thanks!
Posted by kristal at July 17, 2004 05:13 PM
You are now $50.00 closer! I will be out of town and won;t be able to check in on yur progress...but I know You will do it! :-)
Posted by Christine at July 19, 2004 01:13 AM
Hey girl - it was good to see you last night! BTW, I've posted the info over at H-Town Blogs for you. Sorry I didn't think of doing that sooner!
Posted by cybertoad at July 21, 2004 04:24 PM
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Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears by Ellen Datlow (Editor) and Terri Windling (Editor)
Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears by Ellen Datlow (Editor) and Terri Windling (Editor): a collection of fairy tales written especially for adults.
Datlow and Windling are some of the best editors, especially in the horror and fantasy fields, that almost any book they put together is wonderful and this one is no exception. As Ellen Datlow herself says, there's nothing new in this collection in regards to the themes of the stories since in literary fairy tales, uniqueness and novelty are besides the point. However, even with nothing new, these stories are still amazing.
The stories themselves range from light fantasy to darkly horrific and are retellings of such well-known tales as "Beauty and the Beast," "Sleeping Beauty," "The Little Match Girl," "The Wizard of Oz," and more. Even though we may be familiar with these tales, the authors invariably give each one a bit of their own style or idea and it becomes something entirely different in most cases.
Personal favorites in this anthology included "The Beast," "Masterpiece," "Roach in Loafers," "Brother Bear," "The Real Princess," "The Huntsman's Story," "Match Girl," "Waking the Prince," "The Fox Wife," "The White Road," and "The Printer's Daughter."
(Finished on July 13, 2004 for Zuly's Reading Room.)
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No Matter What
Small said, "But what about when we are dead and gone, will you love me then, does love go on?"
Large held Small snug as they looked out at the night, at the moon in the dark and the stars shining bright. "Small, look at the stars, how they shine and glow, some of the stars died a long time ago. Still they shine in the evening skies, for you see, Small, love like starlight never dies..."
- Debi Gliori, No Matter What
.: 83 words at 07:53 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Where is the link supposed to go? It's going to a 404 page on your site right now. And is that a moon they are looking at?
Posted by Christine at July 15, 2004 01:07 AM
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Monday Night with The El Orbits
Last night I joined Irfan and a few of his friends at The Continental Club for a hell of an evening.
First up was The El Orbits, a group that I'd heard once over at Christine's. They were amazing. I love David Beebe's voice (and I must admit to developing a little crush on him as the evening wore on) and I am incredibly happy whenever I can sit back and listen to lounge music from the 50s and 60s, especially with a cosmopolitan in hand (Thanks for the drinks, Irfan!). They definitely would have made it on to my Burn It cover songs CD if I would have know about them then.
There's supposed to be free bingo every Monday night, but they're having a bit of a run-in with the Texas Lottery Commission and it's been put on hold for a little while. To help support their "Bribe the Man" fund, I picked up two of their CDs which, btw, absolutely rock.
After The El Orbits got done playing, a German band called The Twang took the stage. The Twang take (mostly) American pop songs and turn them into American country music. You've never truly appreciated The Bee-Gee's "Stayin' Alive" until you've heard it sung by a German as a country song. They're going to be at The Continental Club next Monday and, if you're in town, I highly suggest catching them live.
We then headed out to The Front Door Pub for a few drinks and some debate on whether people coming from another country should have to learn English. We closed the place down and I headed home to eat some cheap tacos and finish watching The 4400 which I enjoyed immensely and would suggest that you try and watch.
For your listening pleasure, I've got one of my favorite songs by The El Orbits and a snippet of one of The Twang's pieces. Be sure to do the right click and "Save As" thing. If you enjoy the songs, go and buy a CD either at their next live show or through their websites. Enjoy!
The El Orbits - Night and Day
The Twang - YMCA
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No problem. Thanks for coming out Monday night with us. You are an awesome knowledge database of songs and artists.
Posted by irfan at July 15, 2004 07:33 PM
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.: 5 words at 08:25 PM in $entry_cats="Hear My Voice..., ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Free Fall
Sunday my friend Patience called to talk. We started chatting about our plans for the upcoming week and she mentioned that she and her younger brother were going skydiving Saturday. I have always wanted to skydive but have never found anyone that wanted to go with me, so I quickly jumped at the chance (Get it? Jumped at the chance. Thank you, folks. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.) and invited myself along.
So, Saturday, at 9:00 in the morning, we will be going to Skydive Houston to throw ourselves out of a plane. It'll be a tandem dive since I don't completely trust myself not to screw something up and end up as a grease spot on the ground.
I'm actually pretty psyched about this. It kind of makes me feel brave and cool. I really hope that I enjoy it!
.: 147 words at 06:15 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Wow - go you! Very cool.
Posted by Lisa at July 12, 2004 06:29 PM
Go sky diving! Yippee ... You are braver than I am.
Posted by irfan at July 12, 2004 06:32 PM
How exciting! I can't wait to hear the details. :)
Posted by D at July 12, 2004 06:42 PM
Have fun! I've never jumped myself but have friends that have and they loved it! Can't wait to read about your adventure!
Posted by Michael at July 12, 2004 07:23 PM
I agree with the above -- you are SO much braver than I -- you go!
Posted by robyn at July 13, 2004 02:12 AM
I'm in :)
Posted by smoores at July 13, 2004 05:33 PM
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Heartstone by Phillip Margolin
Heartstone by Phillip Margolin: a mystery involving the murder of a young couple in 1960.
In November of 1960, Richie Walters and Elaine Murray are brutally murdered. Roy Shindler, one of the detectives on the case, is convinced that two brothers, troublemakers and gang members, are behind the crimes. It becomes his life's mission to bring them to justice, no matter what the cost. In the process, the lives of several people are changed irrevocably, most of them not for the better.
Since the novel is done as a flashback, we know that Bobby Coolidge, one of the brothers was brought to trial. This, however, just makes the journey that much more interesting, in my opinion, and I definitely was surprised by how the book ended. I always appreciate a book that can lead me down one path and still surprise me that way. I also enjoyed the trial, especially the glimpse into some psychological beliefs of the era.
All in all, the book was solidly written, the characters very believable, and the plot really well done. Well worth a reading.
(Finished on July 8, 2004 for Zuly's Reading Room.)
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition Final Sign-Up Day
Just a reminder, but today is the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition. Come read the rules and sign up. This Burn's going to be a lot of fun!
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I entered...hope I am in as I just finished making my entry for it!!
Posted by Darren at July 9, 2004 08:56 PM
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Cute But Psycho
After getting such a kick out of all the Happy Bunny stuff that I found online, I decided to whip up a new skin featuring Happy Bunny. Because if "cute by psycho" doesn't say Neurotic Fishbowl, I don't know what does.
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I like it! Mmmmm... happy bunny!
Posted by Michael at July 8, 2004 02:29 PM
Cute skin!
Posted by Carla at July 8, 2004 02:38 PM
Yeah...I like it!
Posted by MishMish at July 8, 2004 02:48 PM
I love it! I've got that T-Shirt
Posted by amber at July 8, 2004 02:50 PM
I loooooove it! I always wanted to make one, too... but you have so much more skill at it. It's beautiful :0)
Posted by the hippie at July 8, 2004 02:52 PM
*grin* I have cute little undies with this exact happy bunny. :-)
Posted by erika at July 8, 2004 03:27 PM
Very cute, I like it!
Posted by Lisa at July 8, 2004 03:28 PM
I love it! Wearing boyshorts with the bunny saying "I hate everything" today :D Yay for happy bunny!
Posted by Noelle at July 8, 2004 10:35 PM
Yaaaaay! I like the new skin!
I always wonder about copyright issues with things like this. I would love to make a Hello Kitty skin...maybe I should.
Posted by Meredith at July 9, 2004 07:53 AM
Very fun! Great work.
Posted by Lisa at July 9, 2004 09:42 PM
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Books For Soldiers
I stumbled across Books For Soldiers today and just about cried reading all the posts over there. If you have any extra books or CDs to spare, please go to the boards and get an address for a soldier that could really use a pick me up.
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Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition Reminder
Just a reminder, but tomorrow's the last day to sign up for Burn It - The Summer 2004 Edition. Go read the rules and sign up already! What are you waiting for?
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Project Blog - Heifer Organization
For the past couple of years, I've been a big sponsor of the Blogathon where, for 24 hours straight, bloggers blog every half hour for the accepting domations to go to charity of their choice. Blogathon is taking this year off, but Project Blog is, in theory, doing the same thing this year. Since I'm unemployed right now and consequently don't have as much money to give in support, I've decided to participate instead.
My chosen charity is Heifer International. I've been a big supporter of Heifer since I found out about their site around four years ago. They supply poor locations around the world (including here in the United States) with a gift animal - a goat, llama, water buffalo, rabbit, etc. The people of the region are then taught how to care for it. The animal supplies the people with food, (milk, eggs, meat, etc.) items like fur that can be sold or used to make clothing, and much more.
The best part is that the recipient of the animal are then required to give some of the offspring to another family or group of people in need. They in turn do the same and so on and so forth. By teaching people how to become self-reliant and having them help others, Heifer has assisted millions of people in becoming healthy, happy individuals that can stand on their own two feet. In essence, Heifer is the embodiment of the sentiment "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man, feed him for a lifetime."
If you can spare a few dollars, please go and sponsor me. It's a wonderful program and they can use all the help they can get. I will be talking more about Project Blog as the date approaches and I'm thinking of a few small things that I can give away (maybe Burn It CDs?) to help encourage people's support. I've never done this before so please be kind and sponsor me.
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Hi. Eat Me.
Is it totally wrong that I want the Happy Bunny "Hi. Eat me." belly button ring? I would love some of their t-shirts too, while I'm at it.
.: 29 words at 05:48 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'm wearing pink socks with the bunny saying "Crazy doesn't even begin to cover it" RIGHT NOW! I love happy bunny :D After I discovered it at torrid a few months ago my husband and my best friend keep bringing me little happy bunny presents like the spaz juice energy drink and lip balm that says "your lips are ucky", and a box of mints that say "have a mint since you already suck so much". I tell you what if I had a belly button piercing I would definitely get myself a Happy Bunny Ring :)
Posted by Noelle at July 7, 2004 06:35 PM
oooooooooooooh i looove happy bunny!!! and belly button rings but i'm too scared to get one... things that poke holes in me just sort of frighten me away... oh well.
Posted by elizabeth at July 7, 2004 08:04 PM
Oh! I have the same box of mints! I looooove Happy Bunny. Love the bunny. ;)
Posted by Christine at July 8, 2004 02:57 AM
Whee, I love It's Happy Bunny! Blackjack is just turning out all kinds of products now.
Posted by Meredith at July 8, 2004 08:59 AM
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Stripey Shoes
While out running errands today, I was at Dillard's checking out their shoe sale. They had these stripey shoes that I just adored, but I have *nothing* to wear them with (except for my stripey boxer shorts and panties), so they stayed on the shelf. Aren't they cute, though?

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I'm sure you could find *something* to wear these shoes with! A denim skirt and any colored top - blue, red, orange, green, purple...
Posted by cybertoad at July 7, 2004 06:42 PM
yes - or jeans. I certainly wouldn't wear them with something else that was stripey! I think they'd look GREAT with a demin skirt.
Posted by Ang at July 7, 2004 08:18 PM
too cute. they made me squeal, even. i would not have been able to leave them behind.
Posted by suzie at July 7, 2004 08:48 PM
I am always buying clothes to go with my shoes...
Posted by Adelle at July 7, 2004 09:16 PM
Yes, I was thinking jeans or a denim skirt as well. BUY the stripey goodness. :P
Posted by liz at July 8, 2004 05:32 PM
I agree with Ang...I would wear them to accent a basic solid color outfit. You would wear them with any of the colors in the shoes.
Posted by Berry at July 10, 2004 11:32 AM
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CSS Problems in Firefox
Ever since my IE got completely hosed by a trojan (Anyone know how to completely uninstall IE? Everything I've tried doesn't work), I've been using Firefox.
It's fine as a browser so far, but every now and then, I come to a page that has the funkiest text display. I've seen it on Lists of Bests and Wordpress. My guess is it has something to do with how Firefox reads CSS since my default fonts are Times New Roman and Arial.
I've got a screenshot so you can see what I see (to quote Johnny Smith from The Dead Zone). Anyone else ever have this problem? If so, how'd you fix it?

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nope- just you. :) I use Firefox, and it renders these pages just fine.
Posted by don at July 7, 2004 06:41 PM
IE doesn't completely uninstall if you're using any version of Windows beyond Win98, I think. Maybe even Win95... IE is integrated into Windows, which is one reason there was/is a lawsuit against MS. Sorry, you're stuck with it.
Posted by niki at July 7, 2004 10:23 PM
Wow, that is just BIZARRE. WP has *never* looked anything like that in my browsers.
I think you're just going to have to reformat. That bug you have is just evil.
Posted by Christine at July 8, 2004 02:59 AM
I've seen a similar problem at one point, but only on Linux :)
What happened is the website trying to use a font that's not installed on the machine, and it was then defaulting to the first one it found (which is some funky looking font that starts with an "A"). Check if the first alphabetlical font is that funky font. (Browsing to c:\winnt\fonts does it in win2k - don't know about winxp). If so, you might consider either trying to :
1) Play with Firefox's preferences - reset all the fonts, and save prefs
2) Make sure you have the font WP is trying to use.
3) Reinstall something ;)
Posted by conway at July 9, 2004 12:49 AM
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Trust No One by Harlen Coben
Trust No One by Harlen Coben: an intruging novel about a man who loses his wife only to find out that she might not really be gone after all.
Eight years ago, Dr. David Beck lost his wife Elizabeth when she was kidnapped from the cabin that they had gone to every year since they were teenagers. Ever since he’s been essentially just walking through his life in a daze, missing her every day and not moving on. Suddenly, out of the blue, he gets an e-mail containing references and phrases that only his wife would know. Who could send something like that? Could Elizabeth still be alive? If so, where has she been and why has she been hiding?
I enjoyed this book quite a lot. The characters were interesting (from his best friend - a lesbian fashion model who’s his sister’s domestic partner - to one of his patient’s drug dealing fater), the mystery puzzling, and the book was just generally well written, as you would expect from an Edgar winning author. I look forward to reading more of his books in the future.
(Finished on July 7, 2004 for Zuly's Reading Room.)
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Hung Like A... Well, You Know.
The first Russian erotic museum in St. Petersberg is displaying Rasputin's penis. (Probably not very work safe.)
(Link courtesy of Jen.)
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Posted by Adelle at July 7, 2004 07:35 AM
All I can say is..I pity the women in his life...Ouch!
Posted by Andrea at July 7, 2004 06:23 PM
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MT Blacklist
For some reason, I've always been under the assumption that your MT had to be a higher version that what I'm running (v. 2.62) to install MT-Blacklist . I finally went and took a look today only to find out that my version is compatible and I could have been running it since it came out! Needless to say, I installed it right away (took all of three minutes) and am now protected from MT spammers (I really hate those bastards. The trojan that I have on my machine right now is from accidetally clicking on one of their links. Fuckers.).
My black list is under The Fishkeeper sidebar if you want to add any of the people I've blocked. Here's hoping I get a lot less comment spam!
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If you upgrade to MT3, deactivate MT-Blacklist as they're not compatible. Personally, I found MT-Blacklist's handling of spam even better than requiring TypeKey registration or anything like that!
Posted by Meredith at July 7, 2004 08:20 AM
So why aren't you running the latest MT 2.x version? I don't think the upgrade to 2.661 is any harder than a plug-in install (it just always makes more more nervous). Just curious.
If not the scode plug-in has always solved all my spam problems (knock on wood). http://mt-plugins.org/archives/entry/scode.php
It uses those captcha prove you 're a human tests. http://www.captcha.net/
Okay, I digress...
Good luck on Project Blog!
Posted by Gary LaPointe at July 19, 2004 01:45 AM
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Burn It Participants
Due to a glitch with my e-mail, I lost any e-mail that was sent Wednesday morning between 4:00 am and 9:00 CST. Here's the current list of participants that I have. If you should be on here but aren't, please resend me your info. Thanks!
.: 80 words at 11:24 PM in $entry_cats="Burn It, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Me! :) I didn't e-mail you, but I told you on the phone that I wanted to sign up, along with my special request. *wink*
Posted by Christine at July 5, 2004 02:05 AM
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Ratings, Ratings, and More Ratings
You may remember that a while back I added a Netflix page that displays the movies I currently have out, have recently returned, and what's remaining in my queue.
Using a suggestion that I made, Oscar had modified the code so that it now displays what I rated my returned movies.
You can download the updated Netflix Suite MT plug-in here.
.: 62 words at 08:07 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Six Feet Under Opening Titles
I don't know about you, but I love Six Feet Under. It's got some of the best writing on television and the characters are just so real. Another thing that I've especially loved is the show's production value - it's always gorgeously shot with great music, especially the hauntingly beautiful opening credits with Thomas Newman's main theme (he did the American Beauty score which I plan on including on this season's Burn It).
Right now HBO's doing an in-depth look at the opening titles that's well worth checking out (did you know it's illegal to film true crows in the United States for commercial purposes?).
.: 107 words at 07:10 AM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I love that show. The first season I watched religiously, but since then I haven't been able to afford HBO, so I've missed it all. Sucks being poor.
Posted by NinaKaye at July 1, 2004 09:53 AM
You know, I was totally going to write about the crow thing the other day. You stole my entry! :)
Posted by nastybastard at July 1, 2004 04:35 PM
Six Feet Under is one of the best shows out there IMHO :)
Posted by david at July 1, 2004 11:25 PM
they mustve talked about that in an interview on the dvds or something... i know ive heard that before. i got HBO just in time at my new place for this season of six feet under. do you like techno? i have this mix of the six feet under theme thats phenomenal. hmm.. i wonder if i could do a theme of remixed movie themes for burn it.
Posted by kim at July 2, 2004 12:52 AM
I love it, too. Don't know how I feel about no more Lisa, but I imagine she'll make her appearances...
Also wasn't crazy about the Mena Suvari (sp?) character, but I don't think they should have celebrities on unless they're REALLY good, like Kathy Bates and Catherine O'Hara.
Posted by Pisser at July 2, 2004 01:58 PM
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