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The Neurotic Fishbowl Archives: August 2002
Rabbit Rabbit!
I've been forgetting to do this lately (maybe that's why my card luck has been so bad in poker), but I am going to remember to say "Rabbit rabbit!" in about half an hour. "Why?" you may be asking. If the first words out of your mouth on the first of the month are "Rabbit rabbit!," you will have good luck for the whole month with bonus luck if it's your birth month. Well, it can't hurt. :-)
.: 78 words at 11:35 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Hmmm... I *thought* about Rabbit Rabbit ... and it's my birth month. Do you think that counts?
Posted by Christine at September 1, 2002 10:19 AM
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Looks like everybody is having a hell of a time at Robyn and Todd's. Be sure to stop by and check out the party cam.
.: 26 words at 11:15 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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(Gold) Boxing Day
Nothing that I wanted to buy in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, but I was offered a cool computer product for once.
.: Caleca Original Italian Marirose 16-Piece Dinnerware Set, Service for 4: I don't know why, but I kind of liked these plates.
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.: 150 words at 10:57 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Better Than I Thought...
Well, these results turned out better than I thought they would. I think, however, that the paranoid and histrionic scores ought to be higher.
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Curious how you'd do? Find out here.
(Link courtesy of Michelle)
.: 57 words at 03:14 AM in $entry_cats="Quizzy Stuff, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Came out better than mine... of course... you should:-)
Posted by Anne at September 1, 2002 12:32 PM
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Kitty Thanks
I just wanted to thank everyone who's either left me a comment or sent me an e-mail about Bella's litterbox problem. I read a few articles today and just found out that we're supposed to dump the old litter even though the LitterMaid automatic litterbox scoops all the clumps out. She may have just hated how it smelled even though the actual waste was gone. We've changed the litter and bought some of the enzyme stuff to erase her odor out of the carpet so I'm crossing my fingers that maybe the issue might get solved.
.: 96 words at 02:37 AM in $entry_cats="Kitty Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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That's partly why we never tried the Littermaid thing...even though it was offered to me a hundred times in the Amazon Gold Box! Around here, Mike is the one who cleans the litter boxes, and he does a much thorough job than the Littermaid thing (or even I) could ever do. We use litter boxes with a sifting system...Mike has a rather complex cleaning system that I can't even describe, but it works well, and we often find cats have been *holding it in* until box cleaning time.
I think that what you are doing will help...good luck!
Posted by Christine at August 31, 2002 03:45 AM
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Saturday Scruples
Time for Phoxxe's Saturday Scruples!
The couple in the next apartment is brawling. Later, you speak to the woman who has minor bruises. She asks you not to call the police. Do you call them? Yes. At the very least, it will start a paper trail showing his behavior. Maybe by talking to someone, she might see that she should leave too.
A member of the school board is convicted of shoplifting. She is a competent official. As a parent, do you support demands for her resignation? Probably not.
You're shaken up in an auto accident. Your lawyer can get a large settlement if you exaggerate your aches and pains. Do you? Man, that is tough. On one hand I would love to because I could use the money. On the other hand, it's insurance fraud. I would probably exaggerate some, but not to a major degree.
.: 148 words at 12:58 AM in $entry_cats="Saturday Scruples, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Mine are not up yet... it is not officially Saturday here. :) I hit your blog several times a week and it's always a good read.
Posted by pero at August 31, 2002 01:45 AM
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Money Back at Amazon
I do most of my shopping through places that offer you either money back or points for shopping through them (it's the reason I get most of my gift certificates in the first place).
This week Ebates picked up Amazon as a partner, so if you do a lot of shopping there like I do, go sign up at Ebates. Not only will they give you $1 extra after you make your first purchase, but you can get cash back at places like PetSmart as well. I've gotten about $50 back from them already. Shame Amazon wasn't a partner when I dropped $400 there on my camera.
.: 108 words at 08:45 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I tried to sign up and refer you at ebates, but it complained about your email address. I haven't signed up yet, so please let me know if I should put something else in for your email address.
Posted by Lisa at August 30, 2002 10:20 PM
Ok, I see what it is. There's a space encoded in the 2nd link to ebates. I removed it from the form and all is good. Off to spend some birthday money!
Posted by Lisa at August 30, 2002 10:22 PM
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Cat & Fish
I put a ton of new pictures up over at Picture Fish. They're divided between some new shots of Bella and some kick-ass lionfish and a sea horse that we saw at the big fish store today. Oh, yeah. And one of the side of the road. Enjoy!
.: 49 words at 08:30 PM in $entry_cats="Picture Fish Update, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Those are some of my favorite photos yet! Bella's tongue is soo pink! Too cute.
Posted by Cis at August 31, 2002 12:31 AM
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Friday in The (Gold) Box
Nothing that I wanted to buy in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, but I was offered a cool computer product for once.
.: Palm IIIxe Personal Handheld Organizer: I already have a Palm V, so I'll pass.
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.: 148 words at 06:58 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Fishy Friday
Steven took the day off with me and we ran some errands and then went to Aquarium World - Buy Anything Fishy. They are a huge aquarium store (I simply call it "the big fish store") over on 290 that we've gotten some beautiful fish from before. They had pearl scales (these fat little fish that look like golf balls with fins) and panda moors (the fish with the big eyes that are black and white). I liked the pandas, but they didn't have one as striking as Groucho, so we just got a pearlscale. On the way home we stopped at PetSmart and got some enzymatic cleaner to get the smell out of the rug to help encourage Bella not to go there anymore and bought a very pretty black moor. So, two new inhabitants in the Neurotic Fishbowl. I'll try and get some pictures later.
.: 149 words at 06:26 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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today i bought a little panda moor and a black moor! it was the 1st time i have seen a panda moor sold in this store! they normaly jst sell the black moors and chocolate orandas....they are both home and happy swimming around there new pad! ......i jst dont no wat to call them!
Posted by charlotte at August 4, 2005 12:32 PM
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Friday Five!
And now, time for today's Friday Five!
1. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own? Probably my new cotton blue jean shorts. They're kind of low ride and they have a cool belt with a pink and red star made out of jewel-like stuff.
2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire? I always want thigh-high black suede boots even though I have nothing to wear them with.
3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why? A Guess? t-shirt with the British flag in sparkly stuff on it even though it's like three or four years old.
4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in? Tailored tops and short skirts.
5. What has been your biggest fashion accident? Perms. Never again.
.: 138 words at 02:09 PM in $entry_cats="Friday Five!, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Bad Kitty!
Bella just took a giant shit in front of the bathroom door upstairs in our bedroom. She was outside for like two hours and was only in the house for about ten minutes when she let loose. I don't know what the fuck is the matter with her, but I have got to figure out a way to potty train her or she's not going to be able to stay here. She knows where her litterbox is and was using it and will use it when she's in the bathroom, so I don't know what's wrong with her. She knows she did something wrong because as soon as I came upstairs, she started to try and go downstairs. Anyone have any ideas what her issue might be or how to train her? She did this at Christine's, but she thought it was because she didn't like to share a litterbox. Arggh!
.: 152 words at 02:37 AM in $entry_cats="Kitty Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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your cat and my dog should get together (she just started messing on the floor again, and we hope to be moving to the house - ie. all brand new floors put down - in a few weeks). Eek.
Posted by erica at August 30, 2002 02:49 AM
Where is the litter box? Try moving it and also try switching kitty litter from clumping to clay or vice versa. Cats can be so irrational sometimes!
Posted by Lisa at August 30, 2002 08:07 AM
When my cat did that they vet did say to move the litter box to another location. We did and no more problems.
Posted by sandy at August 30, 2002 08:36 AM
Did it begin at Christine's house? Maybe she's still angry? Maybe she needs her nosed rubbed in it and then her little fluffy but gently dropped into her litter box to make a point.
Posted by Anne at August 30, 2002 08:46 AM
the 'just came in from outside' part worries me -- could be your cat's like a dog i once had that preferred carpet to any other pooping venue. not grass, or dirt, or linoleum, or newspaper -- you could cover the whole house with newspaper and he'd find the one little spot that we missed.
i hope you find a way to convince kitty to go in the box, because otherwise he will be the kitty called "out! get out!".
Posted by kd at August 30, 2002 06:16 PM
Nose rubbing has never helped - she knows it's wrong. I don't know about moving the litterbox. *sigh* Keep me posted. I'll find her a new home if need be so you don't have to worry about it. But ... it's still frustrating because I thought that (1) having the box to herself and (2) the perfectly clean box would make her happy and there wouldn't be any problems. And I know you love having her.
Maybe it's an issue with clumping litter? With the fancy litterbox, do you have to use the clumping kind?
Posted by Christine at August 30, 2002 06:31 PM
I just dealt with this with one of my cats. While I'm sure that your problem isn't the same as mine (her issue was that my 10 month old kitten was pouncing on her while she tried to use the box, so she would go in hidden places so the kitten couldn't see her), I did visit a vet specializing in behavioural issues so I can share what he said.
First try changing the litter. If that doesn't work, lock her in the bathroom (or another small room with easily cleaned floors) with a sparkling clean litterbox for a week. Don't let her out at all. Try and go in and give her lots of attention though. She should use the box because she won't like the smell if she goes on the floor and has to stay in the room with it. After a week, let her out and if she starts again, talk to a vet. If that doesn't work, it's either a medical problem, or if it's not, they can prescribe behavioural adjusting drugs (it's a temporary thing, not a drug they have to be on permanently). Good luck! I've been battling with my girl for quite some time now.
Posted by Karla at August 31, 2002 12:15 AM
I have two 5 month old kittens and one of them will refuse to poo in the kitty litter. she used to go in it all the time but now she shits near it and the smell in the room is disgusting and i have tried sprays and perfumes everything. does anyone have any advice on how to stop her from doing it.
Posted by Lizzie at February 6, 2004 03:45 AM
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Happiness Is...
Happiness is a Thursday night when you don't have to go to work tomorrow and have a four day weekend ahead of you. Happiness is buying twenty purple roses on your way home from work for less than $15. Happiness is placing in the money in a poker tournament. Happiness is tonight.
.: 53 words at 10:37 PM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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ugh. everyone i know is taking tomorrow off. (except me) enjoy sleeping in!
Posted by jeff at August 29, 2002 11:32 PM
Now you got me signed up, but there is no way that I am playing for money.
Posted by melly at August 30, 2002 02:10 AM
damn ... you have to play for money.
Posted by melly at August 30, 2002 02:12 AM
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Thursday's Gold Box II
I guess the Amazon is trying to make up for all the days that the Gold Box disappeared. Here's my second Amazon.com Gold Box Offers of the day.
.: Barbie Airplane: when are they going to stop offering me toys?
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.: 154 words at 09:29 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Hmmmm, I just checked out my gold box and they offered me a lot of power tools... hehe, I'd probably cut an arm off with those! Oh well.
Posted by jana at August 30, 2002 11:01 AM
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Save Sea Turtles and Manatees in Puerto Rico
Mega resorts in Puerto Rico are threatening to develop some of the last stretches of tropical coastline, publicly owned land known as the Northeastern Ecological Corridor (NEC). The NEC is home to sea turtles, manatees and rare tropical birds, but it is not a nature reserve protected by Puerto Rico's government. Please urge the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, Marriott International, Scotiabank and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya not to build more unnecessary tourist resorts.
.: 74 words at 09:17 PM in $entry_cats="Take Action!, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Texture Pictures
Today's Theme Thursday was texture, so I uploaded a few pictures to Picture Fish that express some neat textures that I found at work. If I get home in time tonight, I'm going to try and take a cool photo of Bella's fur. Of course, if you're using the new Picture Fish Skin, you'd already know that Picture Fish was updated. :-)
.: 63 words at 05:38 PM in $entry_cats="Picture Fish Update, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Thursday Threesome
Time for Deb's Thursday Threesome!
Onesome. Double. If you could have a clone of yourself, what thing would you most want that clone to do so you don't have to? Work! My clone could go to the office for me every day.
Twosome. Bubble. Anyone you know live life in a bubble? Who? And do you wish they'd snap back to reality? Honestly, most people live in a bubble. There are about three people, though, without naming names, that I wish would wake the hell up.
Threesome. Bubblegum. Willy Wonka talks about chewing gum to be a nasty habit. What's your worst habit? Do you wish you could give it up? Drinking far too many Cokes and not exercising as much as I should. Yeah, I wish I could kick the Coke addiction, but I doubt I ever will.
.: 140 words at 05:36 PM in $entry_cats="Thursday Threesome, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Thursday Thumb-Twiddler
It's time for Dave's Thursday Thumb-Twiddler!
1. You're helping raise money for a charity, and someone pledges a very large contribution if you'll perform, on stage, at the upcoming fund-raising show. There will be about 1,100 people in the audience. Would you be willing to perform? If so, what sort of act would you prefer to do? I can't honestly think of anything that I could do that would be very good, but I would be willing to for charity. At least, I think I would. I do get stage fright, so I might chicken out, but for a large amount of money, I would definitely try hard. I guess I would do some singing, but only if backed with music and I could pick the song.
2. Have you ever cheated in a game (like a card game) for money? No. It's too hard to do in Vegas and you can't really do it online in the tournaments I play in.
3. If you could go back in time and relive any moment in your life exactly as it happened, what event would you choose to experience again? How about I be really hokey and say my first date with Steven? It was a great date.
.: 208 words at 05:35 PM in $entry_cats="Thursday Thumb-Twiddler, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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H-Town and a Blogging Question
Steven and I had a great time last night at Star Pizza with all the H-Town Bloggers. I met Elanie, Hanna, Adriana, Kathy, Alex, Erica, Ted, and Marcus. You can see a picture of everybody here.
It was kind of funny because Steven was the only significant other there. Several of the people mentioned that their SOs thought the whole blog thing was "weird" (which I also hear at work. Like they can talk with the EverQuest addictions!). It made me stop and think for a second, but Steven has never found the amount of time or my blogging to be a strange thing. What does your SO or family think of it? Do they find it weird?
.: 128 words at 05:34 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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well, my hubby thinks it's weird simply because he just doesn't understand why people want to do this... he doesn't mind me doing this... he supports me 100%... in fact, he's like the only person that does... well, maybe other than his dad, but i cut his dad out of the loop a while back; i might let him know i started up my blog again (they're very open minded, the two of them). i think Tom (my hubby) thought it was weird because when he came to the first happy hour that i attended, everyone was talking geekspeak and he just couldn't get into it. he's a geek, too (LOL) but not in that way. he's more of a game-type geek... so he knew all the TI games you were talking about... (i just had to share that with him.)
Posted by Kathy at August 29, 2002 06:58 PM
Shana is online as much as I am. We each have our own PC on our network and sit in the same room together. We even email each other when one of us is concentrating on something and doesn't want to be disturbed! Of course we play online games together too. So... I guess you can say my SO is way cool with it. LOL!
Posted by cpowers at August 29, 2002 07:59 PM
Well, we all know what the Insignificant Other thought of it. Mwuhahahaha! Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Posted by Christine at August 30, 2002 06:34 PM
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Thursday's (Gold) Box
I guess the Gold Box is here to stay. Here's today's my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Riedel Vinum Syrah/Rhone Wine Glasses, Set of 6: we don't drink wine, but the glasses were nice.
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.: 153 words at 05:33 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Happy Birthday, Todd!
Today is Todd's thirtieth birthday. Happy birthday, Todd! I hope it's a wonderful day!
.: 14 words at 08:52 AM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Happy Birthday Todd... my hubby turned 35 on the 25th this month and I turn 30 myself in January! It's a beginning, really, not an end:-)
Posted by Anne at August 29, 2002 01:37 PM
Thank you very much!!! {{{{hugs}}}}
Posted by todd at August 30, 2002 01:23 AM
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Thinking of You
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you, Lee. Hurry back soon.
.: 16 words at 11:17 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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The Gold Box Returns II
I guess Amazon is trying to make up for all the days I didn't get a Gold Box by offering me two Amazon.com Gold Box Offers today.
.: Delta 22-540 12" Portable Planer includes Extra Set of Knives: it just wouldn't be a real Gold Box day without a power tool in the $200+ range.
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.: 152 words at 10:24 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Off For Pizza
Steven and I are off to meet the H-Town Bloggers at Star Pizza for yummy pizza and to finally put some faces to the URLs. Ought to be a fun night.
.: 31 words at 06:39 PM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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it was great to finally meet you, Kymberlie!!! loved your nails! and you're so nice to talk to!
Posted by Kathy at August 29, 2002 09:21 AM
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Just An Observation
Steven and I were watching CSI last night and one of the people was using fingerprint powder and tape to lift a shoe print from the floor causing me to remark that I could never do that job because the tape would always be stuck together and I'd mess up the print. I am a disaster when it comes to using tape. Ask Christine; she's seen me wrap packages before.
.: 71 words at 06:21 PM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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*snort* Oh my. Yes, you should *NEVER* take that job! Never! (Shouldn't?)
Posted by Christine at August 28, 2002 11:48 PM
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The Gold Box Returns
I didn't find anything of interest in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, but I was glad to see them show up again. I know; I'm a dork.
.: Flowtron MT-150 Mosquito PowerTrap: we don't have a yard and I never spend any time outside. So don't need this.
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.: 141 words at 06:20 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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It's a Group Thing XXVI
I was looking for today's "It's a Group Thing" term when I came across one for turtledoves. One of my nicknames from Steven has turtledove in it, so I just had to use it. Today's term is:
A True Love of Turtledoves
.: 42 words at 09:39 AM in $entry_cats="It's a Group Thing, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Picture Fish Skin
I've always loved the way Christine shows off the last images from her photolog Pixelog, so I copied her idea and with a little help from Kristine created a skin that shows the last ten images from my photolog Picture Fish. Go ahead and test it out!
.: 50 words at 12:21 AM in $entry_cats="Skinning the Fish, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I liked it so much, I set it as my skin. :)
Posted by Mandie at August 28, 2002 10:21 AM
i like it allot. very nice indded.
Posted by kat at August 28, 2002 02:51 PM
I like it, too. I was using the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish skin (I think about you every time one of those commericals comes on!), but I switched to the new one, just for a change.
Someday I am going to have to learn to do the skinning thing!
Posted by Christine at August 29, 2002 02:38 AM
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No Rest For the Weary (or Wicked)
Between Steven snoring because his sinuses are clogged, the cat wanting loving some where between 3:00 and 4:00 am, and me getting a headache around that time, I am bone-weary and just want to go back to bed. Let my mantra for the day be, "I only have to make it until Thursday. I only have to make it until Thursday. I only have to make it until Thursday."
.: 69 words at 08:36 AM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Awww, hang in there, Kimberlie! Only two more days to go, you can do it! :)
Posted by Meike at August 27, 2002 11:30 AM
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Just a Reminder....
Just a reminder, but this is the last week for voting and I'm up for a couple of Bloggys. If you're so inclined, please go give me a vote. :-)
.: 31 words at 12:59 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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This-or-That Tuesday
I couldn't get to Chrstine's to do This-or-That Tuesday, but Kelly already had them answered, so here we go!
- Sesame Street or Captain Kangaroo?
Hmmm. I used to watch both, but I would say Captain Kangaroo.
- Muppet Show or Fraggle Rock?
Muppets for sure.
- He-Man or Jem?
I liked both of these too, but He-Man had the cooler toys.
- The Smurfs or Muppet Babies?
Muppet Babies.
- Archie or Josie & the Pussycats?
Josie & the Pussycats. I used to *love* that show.
- H.R. Pufnstuf or The Banana Splits?
H.R. Pufnstuf.
- The Partridge Family or The Brady Bunch?
The Brady Bunch.
- Happy Days or Welcome Back Kotter?
Happy Days.
- Punky Brewster or Small Wonder?
Punky Brewster.
- The Facts of Life or Silver Spoons?
Both, but probably The Facts of Life more.
.: 130 words at 12:36 AM in $entry_cats="This-or-That Tuesday, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I apologize for the site being down...seems the server went down about three seconds after the *This-or-That* was posted, and the notifications went out.
It was back an hour later. Still, talk about poor timing! :-(
Posted by Christine at August 28, 2002 01:40 AM
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It's a Giant Beaver!
Steven's watching The Discovery Channel in the other room and they're showing a special on giant beavers. It may be immature, but it makes me giggle. Giant beaver. :-)
.: 29 words at 11:24 PM in $entry_cats="Entertainment Value, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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LOL!! wasn't there a song about someone named Wynona and her big brown beaver??
Posted by Camille at August 26, 2002 11:38 PM
I think a gal in High School had that same nickname....
Posted by Promo at August 27, 2002 09:50 AM
wide open beavers inside!
Posted by mikey at August 27, 2002 11:48 AM
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Star Pizza, Here We Come!
I had mentioned to Steven that the H-Town Bloggers were getting together Wednesday night at Star Pizza and since I'd never been there, wouldn't it be fun to go? He agreed (color me surprised!), so it looks like we're going to be meeting the gang on Wednesday night for pizza. It ought to be a good time and I'll finally be able to put some faces to some URLs, though I heard Lawrence isn't going to be able to make it.
.: 81 words at 11:04 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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woohoo! we finally get to meet you!
Posted by Kathy at August 27, 2002 08:38 PM
Cool! I have a commitment already so I'll be a little (1 hour at least) late, but I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone.
Posted by matt at August 28, 2002 01:26 AM
... the commitment ran waaay over. I'll make it to one of these things eventually. Blah.
Posted by matt at August 28, 2002 11:36 PM
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Participation Postitives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- This week is going to be a short week because I'm taking Friday off (well, more than likely)
- Next Monday is a paid holiday
- I got first place in a poker tournament yesterday effectively doubling my meager accoutnt
- I got told I was fabulous today
- Polish It is all set up, even if no one wants to blog with me :)
- We have a new The Dead Zone episode to watch
- I love and am loved
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Came by through Robyn! I love your blog. Purple... fish... wow!!! Hope you don't mind if I stop by again.... :)
Posted by Christi at August 26, 2002 10:20 PM
A great place to play in a poker tournament is Alamo Poker, www.alamopoker.com
Posted by AG at August 12, 2005 09:28 AM
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You Are Fabulous!
Christine and I went to Fazoli's for lunch today. The guy who took our orders came by later in the meal to make sure everything was okay (you get asked like forty times, "How was everything? Did you enjoy your meal? Can we get you anything else?"). I told him everything was fabulous and he said, "Why, yes. Yes, you are!" Very funny since it was while leaving Fazoli's that we heard the "You little hottie!" commercial. Looks like we've got a new phrase now!
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Monday Mission 2.34
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.34:
1. What do you do to make things better when you feel sad and/or lonely?
I cuddle with Steven, pet Bella kitty, or talk to friends.
2. Are you a "touchy-feely" person? That is, do you like to touch people you don't know that well? And on the flipside of that, do you like being touched by someone you aren't close with?
I used to be much more "touchy-feely" but I'm not really that way anymore. It bugs me with most people, unless it's subtle things like touching my shoulder or arm.
3. Do you like to have "me" time, time to yourself to be alone and relax? Or do you prefer to just do your own thing with someone else in the room? When was the last "me" time you got and what did you do?
I like "me" time. It works out well that Steven plays poker every Thursday - I can use that time to catch up on Tivod stuff, read, play on the computer, whatever. Since the computer and the tv with the Tivo are in different rooms, Steven and I do have "me" time apart while together. I wouldn't like it, though, if he was gone all the time.
4. Generally speaking, how do you feel about the concept of marriage? Are you the marrying type? Do you think the act of getting married means something today or is it simply just "a piece of paper?"
I am the marrying type. I think it does mean something, but only if the relationship is worth-while. People that get married just to be married don't have anything sacared. I do think, however, that you don't have to be married to have a relationship that's based on love and trust.
5. That said, as many as 25 states have passed legislation regulating who they believe should be the "marrying type." What are your thoughts on the banning of same-sex marriages?
I think it's stupid to ban same-sex marriages. Letting people who are gay express their love in a ceremony doesn't hurt anyone. I know people claim that then people will marry anyone for things like health insurance benefits, but come on, be real. Why shouldn't they marry? I've never heard one convincing reason.
6. If there was one law you had the ability to create or change, what would it be?
I would let gay people adopt children (take that, Florida!).
7. What would you like someone visiting your Blog for the first time to know about you? Now is your chance!
I'm a slightly neurotic geeky girl who spends too much time on her computer and her blog. Being neurotic, though, makes for a good read.
BONUS: Can you hear them?
Yes, but that's why I take my medicine.
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Sunday Op-Ed
Time for Chris's Sunday Op-Ed!
1. Blood
What is something that I, like most people, don't like to see? There's a reason I'm not a doctor.
2. Sweat
What is something I plan on doing a lot more since I'm going to start StairMastering forty minutes a day three times a week.
3. Tears
What is something I cry a lot of when I get drunk on Friday nights and listen to mp3s? Sad, but funny, I know. :-)
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i didnt see a guestbook, but i wanted to say i like your site. the name is so cute.
Posted by alexis at August 25, 2002 11:10 PM
First visit to your blog. This is great! I've got you bookmarked now. Love the pic on the right:-)
Posted by purpleluna at August 26, 2002 09:35 AM
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Kitty Problem
For the last five nights or so, we've been leaving Bella out in the house with us when we went to sleep. Last night and the night before she used the bathroom in my computer room and in the hallway in front of it. She's been using her litterbox since the first day we got her, so we're not sure what the problem is. She would use the bathroom on the floor at Christine's house, but she thought it was because she didn't like to share a litterbox with the other kitties.
Anyone have any ideas on how to discourage her from using the bathroom on the floor? I know a lot of bloggers have cats, so I would love to hear any suggestions. Thanks!
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You mention your kitty, up until now, has used the litterbox in your home. The first thing I would do, is rule out any type of bladder, and/or urinary infection.
In my experiences, kitty beginning to use the floor around the house, rather than their litterbox as usual -- has been a way to get me to realize something was not right with kitty.
Rule it out first - because all too quickly, an infection gone untreated , can wind up damaging their kidneys.
If it comes down to a behavior issue, here is a site with helpful information:
good luck =)
Posted by LillyQ at August 25, 2002 04:19 PM
My advice is to spray something really noxious on the areas she's been using as a bathroom. Our cats didn't like the smell of lysol and they wouldn't go near it again.
Posted by Jason at August 25, 2002 06:49 PM
Make sure to clean up the mess as well as possible and then put nasty smelling stuff on it. Ours kept messing on the floor because they could smell the previous mess.
Posted by erica at August 25, 2002 11:12 PM
If she is just peeing and not pooping, it could be a urinary tract/bladder infection, as LillyQ said. Once that is ruled out, you might want to check out a product called Feliway. I had problems with cats being stressed out and peeing where they shouldn't, and this helped a lot. You don't have to buy it from the website...if you are in a hurry to get it, they have it at stores like PetsMart.
If there is poop involved...well, the only times this happens is right before the boxes need to be cleaned (we thoroughly clean them every other day)...someone was pooping in the bathtub for a while (never figured out who), but this hasn't happened in over six months now.
Hope this helps!
Posted by Christine at August 26, 2002 12:34 AM
the only time I had issues with Teenie, was when Sara was living here... I had first thought it was because I had let the litter box get to yucky... alas, since then (Miss Sara having already moved out) it's been yuckier, and she didn't go anywhere else...
anywho, to get to my point, I second the notions to get her checked first and foremost. Then the erase smells & emote other noxious ones... (they don't seem to like citrus smells)
You could also make sure that she has a clear path to the potty (maybe even a little light) 'cause contrary to popular belief, cats can't see in utter darkness!
have I babbled enough?
Posted by amancay at August 27, 2002 01:26 AM
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Happy Birthday and Congratulations, Michele!
Not only is today Michele's fortieth birthday, she's also marrying Justin, the love of her life. I wish them more happiness than they have now (if that's possible) and lots of hot monkey sex. Congrats and happy birthday, my friend! :-)
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How wonderful!! =) Congratulations to Michele & Justin- and Happy Bday!
Good News =)
Posted by LillyQ at August 25, 2002 04:24 PM
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Saturday Scruples
Time for Phoxxe's Saturday Scruples!
1. You're an M.D. A patient asks you for a sick note. She took time off work to visit a daughter who just had a baby. Do you provide the note? Unless we were good friends, no. On the other hand, though, if the people in her office were real assholes about it and she could lose her job, then yes.
2. In a supermarket, you send dozens of packages tumbling into the aisle. No one sees you. Do you tip toe away? No, I would probably pick them up.
3. A colleague is out of her office. You notice her paycheck stub on her desk. Do you glance at it? It would be hard not to, but I probably wouldn't. Well, unless all I had to do was look over there and not move anything. Then I just might.
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Incredible Wallpapers
Thanks to the always wonderful Kristine, I was introduced to some fabulous wallpapers at Liquidsoft.com. They are gorgeous and I downloaded a bunch of them. Thanks for the link, sweetie! :-)
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Always glad to share good links with you, my friend!! :) {{{hugs}}} Thanks for your sweet email the other day. You are such a dear!
Posted by kristine at August 23, 2002 09:09 PM
Thanks for the link :-) I've been looking for good wallpapers these last days and I haven't seen anything that I really like. I decided to do the last one I have, he!
And also, thanks for the comment you left in my blog. Have a good weekend!!
Posted by Bea at August 24, 2002 12:23 AM
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Friday Five!
And now, time for today's Friday Five!
1. What is your current occupation? Is this what you chose to be doing at this point in your life? Why or why not? Currently I am a project manager at 4 Guys Interactive. I like it, but I'm having some frustrations right now. When I was younger, I thought I'd be doing research in psychology (after all, that's what my degree is in), but I am definitely much happier being in an environment that deals with the web.
2. If time/talent/money were no object, what would your dream occupation be? Professional Texas Hold 'Em poker player or a digital photographer.
3. What did/do your parents do for a living? Has this had any influence on your career choices? My dad is a lather (a type of construction worker) and my mom works in the MIS department in a local school district. My parents always stressed that I needed to go to college and get a good job. Their belief in me that I could do or be anything definitely had an impact on my career choices, encouraging me to leave a secretarial job that I got right out of college and get into the tech industry.
4. Have you ever had to choose between having a career and having a family? No.
5. In your opinion, what is the easiest job in the world? What is the hardest? Why? Hmmm. That job where all you do is taste ice cream for a living has got to be the easiest. As for the hardest, I can think of a lot that are hard for different reasons. Doing manual labor in the Texas weather is hard, but so is being a doctor. Personally, one of the hardest jobs would have to be being an ER doctor where you only have seconds to make a decision that could kill or save someone.
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Happy Friday!
Posted by photomatt at August 23, 2002 08:50 AM
Very interesting. Nice site.
Posted by claudia at August 23, 2002 09:16 AM
I agree with the being an ER doctor, but equally as hard would be the judge ruling for the death penalty or the one administering it. As far as easiest, maybe a movie critic?
Posted by Anna at August 23, 2002 10:56 AM
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Over 200 Images
I just posted eleven new pictures over at Picture Fish. A couple are my Theme Thursday images, but they also include various animals seen during my trip to PetSmart with Christine, a few more mirror images, and a funny pose by Bella. This brings the total images in Picture Fish to over 200 in just under two months.
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Banned Books Project
This week is Banned Books week. Out of the 100 most frequently banned books I've read at least thirty of them and The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood is one of my favorite books of all time. Please visit Michele's Banned Books Project and offer her your support.
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you should read Starhawk's The Fifth Sacred Thing. A lot of it is based on THT -- I've taught the both of them together -- THT first, then TFST -- such an incredible combination.
Posted by erika at August 24, 2002 06:00 AM
Handmaid's Tale is one of my favorites, too. Funnily enough, I checked out almost all of the books I've read from there at my school's library when I was in High School, Handmaid's Tale being one of them.
Others include: Earth's Children Series, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Light in the Attic, James and the Giant Peach, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, Lord of the Flies, and Summer of My German Soldier.
Some of them were even required reading. :)
Some of that just doesn't make any sense. 'Where's Waldo?', 'A Light in the Attic?'. What are people thinking?!
Posted by Stacy at August 24, 2002 06:18 PM
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Night Moves by Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band always makes me feel melancholy no matter how many times I've heard it.
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Help Prevent Amina Lawal Kumari's Stoning Sentence
An Islamic court in Nigeria rejected an appeal from a single mother, Amina Lawal Kumari, who was sentenced to death by stoning. She was found guilty of adultery last March after giving birth to a child outside of marriage. The courts have decreed that as soon as her child is weaned, the sentence is to be carried out. Please urge Nigerian officials to prevent the courts from killing her.
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while i do think we should try to save amina, i was chosen to debate the reasons why the united states should just stay out of it and other cases of extreme injustices like it. i'm having a very hard time finding information to support my arguement, so could someone please help me out?
Posted by liane at September 21, 2002 07:03 PM
I am not sure what I can do to speak out against Kumari's death sentence. A friend of mine told me that she was already executed, so that shows how difficult it is even to obtain correct information. I wrote to congress, but I want to do more. Does anyone have any suggestions? That is, if the death sentence wasn't already carried out.
Posted by Elizabeth Blight at October 8, 2002 05:04 PM
Posted by TINA at November 16, 2002 03:25 PM
Amina Lawal has been sentenced to be stoned to death for having a child outside marriage, for giving life to a human being, what kind of justice is this? The decision of her destiny will on March 25, 2003.
We can avoid this extreme atrocity with Amina Lawal and women in general and we must do it. Here's a site where you will find resources to help save her; addresses to send faxes and emailsto Nigerian authorities,banners, how to donate, a FREE software to promote this site, and more. You'll find also anti war resources here.
Posted by Alicia Montes at March 16, 2003 08:37 PM
Itâ™ s to hard to believe that a woman who gives life to a child would actually be senteced in death because she is not in marriage. In my country this is a crime. I know that the laws in Nigiria are different and we have to respect them but this has nothing to do with justice. I am really sorry for living these situations in our days.s
Posted by liana at June 10, 2003 07:09 AM
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Thursday Thumb-Twiddler
It's time for Dave's Thursday Thumb-Twiddler!
1. If you were to discover that your closest friend is a heroin dealer, what would you do? I would try and get them to stop dealing. If I couldn't, I don't think I could remain friends with them, but I doubt I could turn them into the police.
2. Having learned to a moral certainty that the world is going to end in six months, what one thing would you do for the first time? I would travel to Greece and Italy - two places that I have to go to before I die. I would also try skydiving.
3. If you could create a memorial to yourself in a city park, what would it be? A koi pond filled with fish. It would have benches around it and lots of trees so people could sit in the shade and people-watch, read, or whatever makes them happy.
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Thursday Threesome
Time for Deb's Thursday Threesome!
Onesome. Small. Is it a small world? In how many miles of space do you live your life? Pretty small space, actually. I live less about seven miles from my office and I usually have lunch within a mile or two of work. Most of the time when Steven and I go out to dinner on the weekends, we go to one of several restaurants nearby. We used to go out more often, but the older I get (yeah, because I'm so old at twenty-seven), the less I feel like going out on the weekends.
Twosome. Spiral. Ever felt as if you were on a downward spiral? How did you pull out of it? About seven years ago or so my ex-fiancee and I broke up. He was my high school boyfriend and we'd been together for five years. I was very devastated. Luckily I had some good friends who helped me through it all by just being there for me. I will always be grateful to them for all of the support they gave me.
Threesome. Notebook. Notebooks and pens and crayons and glue...when you think about school supplies, what do you most remember? Crayons. I love crayons. I used to just look at all the pretty colors in my box of sixty-four crayons and just sit mesmerized. Jeanna gave me a coloring book of sea life that works like stained glass and I need to get some crayons and start coloring.
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To Do List 082202
I've been a slacker big time over the last few weeks and haven't done anything that I should. Here's the latest list of things I need to do.
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To Do List
- Download all of my e-mail
- Post my Theme Thursday pictures over at Picture Fish
- Clean up my office at home
- Read the Cisco book Brian loaned me and decide if I want to learn it
- Finish Ernie's site
- E-mail Judith to see how she's doing
- E-mail my aunt Susan
- Send Heather an e-mail
- E-mail Sheila
- E-mail Justin
- Make a skin featuring images from Picture Fish (Thanks for the code, Kristine!)
- Make an exercise mp3 list for when I StairMaster
- Organize all my mp3s
- Get rid of all the p tags I have randomly interspersed through my code
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Gold Box?
Has anyone else not been getting their Amazon.com Gold Box Offers for the last few days? I haven't been offered any for at least the past two days.
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I haven't had any since Monday or Tuesday...
Posted by robyn at August 22, 2002 03:27 AM
Haven't seen mine either, not that it ever has anything I like, but I like the little thing.
Hope you are feeling better. Hug!
Posted by cpowers at August 22, 2002 07:15 AM
i haven't either
Posted by Camille at August 22, 2002 08:15 AM
I was always surprised that you got so many gold box offers, because I only get them once or twice a week.
Posted by Patty at August 22, 2002 09:31 AM
did they stop doing them? the last few i got were things i was slightly interested in. i havn't seen any since last week.
Posted by jeff at August 22, 2002 10:38 AM
I was reading about this over at Jish's. I went and checked mine, and it looks like the little gold box has gone bye-bye.
I guess Amazon was upset that no one seemed to buy anything. Maybe if they offered us stuff we were actually interested in, we would have bought stuph???
Still, I'm gonna miss it.
Posted by Christine at August 22, 2002 08:32 PM
I haven't seen mine recently, either. I hope to god they bring them back...'bout a month ago, I was just absentmindedly flipping through them, and I was offered an Olympus Camedia D-40 4.0 megapixel camera for the totally ludicrous price of $250. Their regular price is currently $549. I can't find it *anywhere* on the web for less than about $450. I swear it was a mistake, but that didn't stop me from jumping on it, anyway. Receipt available for inspection!
Posted by Chris at August 25, 2002 11:47 AM
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Quick Note...
Man, I was exhausted today and not feeling all that well, so I came home and napped on the couch. I'm still feeling kind of crappy, so now that I've posted today's images over at Picture Fish I am back off to the couch to watch some Tivo with Steven and relax. Everyone have a pleasant evening!
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It's a Group Thing XXV
As Camille has pointed out, I am always with my camera in case a perfect picture opportunity pops up. With that in mind, today's "It's a Group Thing" term is:
A Necklace of Cameras
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aha! i got the answer right! i am really digging this 'who said what' blog game.
Posted by kd at August 21, 2002 07:21 PM
Interesting. I'm about to check out all of your Group Thing terms. Sounds like an interesting book. Oh, and thanks bunches for the plug! :)
Posted by Camille at August 21, 2002 10:23 PM
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Name That Blog!
Looking for something to do? Try playing Name That Blog!
(Link courtesy of Kristine)
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I know this one...just read it over at Jennifer's about an hour ago!
Posted by Christine at August 21, 2002 03:40 AM
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Back From Yoga
I'm back from my first yoga class and so far, I think I like it. We mostly laid or sat in the floor and practiced breathing and then did some candle-gazing meditation at the end. I wasn't really sure what I was going to get from this, but thinking about it on the way home, I came up with a couple of answers.
First of all, my lower back hurts a lot and I tend to slouch. By doing all these stretches and strengthing the muscles, hopefully I'll see some improvement there.
Secondly, and probably most importantly, I tend to stress over a lot of stuff (gee, wonder why I have gastritis and stomach problems?) and worry. I'm hoping that by learning how to get more balance into my life, I can stop killing myself from stress.
Anyway, like I said, I think I like it so far, but it's too early to tell how beneficial or how much I'll end up liking it. I do know that it's not as easy as I thought it would be! Keeping my legs extended in the air for several minutes is pretty challenging! Boy, do I need to get back in the gym!
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i really am looking forward to your comments on your yoga class. i've heard it was pretty tough, but i still think i'd like to try it someday.
Posted by Camille at August 21, 2002 12:31 AM
That sounds really cool :) I'm glad you are getting to go. I got a Yoga DVD when I first started getting sick, but there's just too many positions that I can't do now. :( So its waiting for me when I'm better. The breathing reminders really did help, though, so turning on calm music and just sitting here and breathing is something I need to do more :)
Posted by kristine at August 21, 2002 08:07 AM
yoga is really great and if you have a good instructor, they will tell you not to force the positions, go as far as you can until you feel a pull and hold for as long as you can. don't be embarrassed if you cant do them all or cant hold them long enough at first. no one got them right their first time. yoga is great for the mind, body and all this stomach problems you talk about. can't wait to read how you do. =)
Posted by kat at August 21, 2002 08:53 AM
take it from a hardcore gym rat... yoga is a good workout! i've been meaning to go more often, but the only class my gym offers is on Sunday, which is my day off (from the gym). plus, i'm usually too lazy to get off my butt on the weekends. ok no more excuses i'm gonna start going... next week (;
Posted by mikey at August 21, 2002 12:33 PM
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Yoga Yoga Yoga
I'm leaving soon for yoga. Here's hoping Jeanna and I don't laugh hysterically at every thing and get seperated from one another. :-)
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This-or-That Tuesday
Time for Christine's This-or-That Tuesday:
- CandyLand or Chutes and Ladders?
CandyLand. We used to play this all the time when we were kids.
- Barbie or GI Joe?
GI Joe. I never was one for dolls.
- Play-Doh or Silly Putty?
Silly Putty.
- Lincoln Logs or Tinkertoys?
- The Game of Life or Monopoly?
- Etch-a-Sketch or Lite-Brite?
Both, but Lite-Brite was better.
- The Slinky: metal or plastic?
- Easy-Bake Oven or Sno-Cone Machine?
Sno-Cone Machine.
- Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars?
Hot Wheels.
- Spirograph or Paint-by-Numbers?
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Poker Rant
Just ignore this if you don't know the terminology:
Argh! How can you call with third pair all the way down to catch a card on the river? How can you call with NOTHING on the flop to catch runner runner for a flush? How can you be so stupid and so lucky? Die, you idiot fucking players, die!
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No shit, online poker is freakin rediculouse. I'm coming off of 15 consecutive bad beats which knocked me out of tournaments, the likes of my 10 10 vrs 9 9. Preflop i make a reasonable raise, this loose moron goes all in. He just throws it in and everyone folds to me. I've seen him do this on 7s and any ace before, so I make the call. I've got him dominated, pot's as good as mine...right? WRONG ! 9 on the turn gives him the win. ANY other cards won me the pot, only ONE card could win for him... no problem. This same situation happened 3 of the beats i had. Others inclucded clasic AK suited undone by A6, all-in on the flop with a pair of aces, no straight no flush he gets a 6 for the win. ONE CARD could help. I've lost so many 15-to-1 Encounters I can't even keep track of em anymore. How do people call these? And HOW ... HOW do they actually win?
I should love these people, right? These are the suckers, the sitting ducks we all read about and make a profit from, they can't possibly be this lucky consistantly. Well let me tell you friend, Luck is REAL. I can tell you that from the other end of it, my luck is so bad that i can lose with any two hand /flop combination out there, and I've done it. I bet the odds and i CONSISTANTLY get screwed. Theres no payout over time, just eventual bad beats that screw everything. In real life this is not NEARLY so bad and another part of the problem undoubtedly is that I play at the micro-limit levels. I dont live near a casino and I'm too poor to go to one so I guess I'll never get a bank roll. So long, dreams of poker stardom.
Posted by Mine at July 9, 2005 02:32 PM
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Jeanna and I are starting yoga tomorrow. I thought it would be a good idea to start since I've been having anger management issues, but I wonder if I'll be able to keep a straight face tomorrow when we learn how to breathe. Anyone take yoga? Fun? Boring? Stupid? A good idea?
.: 52 words at 07:49 PM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i've always wanted to take yoga. i can't wait to hear your about your experiences. maybe it'll get me into a class.
Posted by Camille at August 19, 2002 07:53 PM
the first time i went, i laughed at the breathing and some of the positions but by 3rd time, i was totally at ease and at peace. you get into the rythym of breathing with everyone else and it is very soothing and relaxing. it is great for your back and stomache muscles. i need to start doing it again myself. let me know what you think. the standing dog hold is laughable all the way... =)
Posted by kat at August 19, 2002 10:16 PM
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If you've ever been to my photolog, you can tell that I am obsessed with mirror images. I got one today that I am particularly proud of - Cruising.
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that is funny. you are just like my husband. he takes his camera everywhere. we're thinking of getting another one, so i can have one on me at all times.
Posted by Camille at August 19, 2002 07:56 PM
Great shots! BTW, have you bagged and sleeved you comic yet? *g*
Posted by cpowers at August 20, 2002 10:20 PM
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MT Manual - PDA Version
I know that I haven't read as much of the MT User Manual as I should have, but Jason has converted the MT User Manual so that you can read it on a PDA. Go get it here.
.: 39 words at 06:02 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Now I just need a PDA so I can carry it with me everywhere ;) I'm actually getting to where I can answer some of the hard forum questions w/o it, but its still a frequently clicked place from my portal!!! :)
Posted by kristine at August 19, 2002 06:49 PM
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Participation Postitives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- Bella spent her first night out with us and not in the bathroom and she didn't get into anything
- I StairMastered for forty minutes both Saturday and Sunday and feel that this is an easy extra step I can add to lose weight
- We have a new The Dead Zone episode to watch
- I'm still taking and posting one picture in Picture Fish every day. Plus, I think I've gotten some great pictures.
- I used my credits at SnapFish and got ten free pictures
- Jeanna and I are starting yoga tomorrow
- I love and am loved
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Monday in The Box
Once again, nothing even vaguely tempting in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Hamilton Beach 04161 TrueAir HEPA Air Purifier with UV Germicidal Light: I don't have any allergies, so I've never felt compelled to buy one of these.
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Monday Mission 2.33
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.33:
1. Many children have blankets, or a favorite nubby stuffed animal that
they like to keep near them for security. Do you recall what you had for
your "security blanket" as a child? When did you finally give it up? What
brought that about?
I had a satiny soft blanket that had nursery rhymes and little blue bears
all over it. I think my mom still has a corner of it in my baby book. I
can't remember when I gave it up, though, or why I did.
2. Now that you are a big kid, what do you have to give you that same
sense of security?
Probably nothing, unless you count Steven as my security blanket.
3. With a little over four months left in 2002, have you accomplished
everything you wanted to for the year? Is there anything that you would like
to accomplish before the year is over?
I would like to lose five or ten pounds, learn Cisco, and win more poker
4. What modern convenience, if any,
do you think it would be good for children today to do without? What would
they gain?
This is a tough one. I personally played a lot of video games when they
came out, but I think kids today are definitely too dependent on things of
that nature for their entertainment. I think if they read more, they would
be smarter and hopefully they'd do more physical activity and be healthier.
It's appalling how unhealthy kids have become in this society.
5. Many of us have one thing in which we believe we excel. What do you do
better than most?
Does reading count as a special skill? I read really fast and have great
retention. Otherwise, I have no idea. Boy, I feel like a big loser!
6. What High School "clique"
did you find yourself in? Was it by choice or did it just happen? Did you
look down on other groups? (Aw it's ok, it was/is High School, we all did
dumb stuff)
I was a band geek, a good kid, and a brain, but I never really looked down
on other people and I had friends in all kinds of cliques. I guess since I
was in advanced classes and spent all my time at band, I just sort of fell
into the groups I was in.
7. (it begins) I have great news! I won the contest and we now have plane
tickets to anywhere in the world. The bad news is we have to pick a place
now and leave in the morning. I can't decide where to go, so you get to
pick. Where should we go, and what is the first thing we should do when we
get there?
Let's go to Italy! The first thing we should do when we get there is find a
little Italian cafe to have some pasta and marvel at our fortune!
BONUS: Must I beg you?
Well, depends on what you want. ;-)
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The Bloggys
I'm nominated for several different categories over at The Bloggys, so if you're so inclined, please go vote for me. Thanks!
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Minor Temptation in The Box
A few camera items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers gives me hope that maybe something will be worth buying eventually.
.: Wooden 3-in-1 Toybox: nice looking, but I've got no kids.
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.: 180 words at 07:05 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I get offered various hammock assessories *all the time.* It's absurd. They must have a massive amount of hammocks overstocked. I keep waiting for something ... anything of interest ... but no. Nothing. It's becoming a cruel joke! ;)
Posted by Kelly at August 18, 2002 09:38 PM
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Sunday Op-Ed
Time for Chris's Sunday Op-Ed!
1. Elementary School
What was an okay time, but I don't really remember a great deal of? I do remember that I was picked on a fair amount, but nothing too bad.
2. High School
What is a pretty good time in my life? I was in band and we kicked ass, I had some really good friends, and I was generally pretty happy.
3. College
What is something that I regret all I did was work and study while I was there? I never went to parties or had any fun in college. Shame I didn't take advantage of that when I could.
.: 110 words at 06:24 PM in $entry_cats="Sunday Op-Ed, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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24 Hours
The tv show 24 will show each episode back-to-back over the Labor Day weekend. If you missed this show last season, here's a perfect opportunity to see it all. I was hooked on this show the first time I started watching it and can't wait to see what happens next season.
.: 52 words at 05:53 PM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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woohoo!!! i'll be taping all the episodes or as much as i can.....thank goodness for a multiple vcr house!!! i wanted to watch the show but could never get the day or time straight and i didn't want to start watching mid-season!! thanks a bunch, kymberlie~~
Posted by danni at August 19, 2002 05:06 AM
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Saturday Scruples
Time for Phoxxe's Saturday Scruples!
1. Your boss demands to know what a co-worker is saying behind her back. It's not flattering. Do you say? Probably not. I would maybe give a vague reference, but directly tell, no. I would tell her to address it with the co-worker. Unless, of course, she's massively vindictive. Then I might tell.
2. You pick up a lottery ticket for yourself and a friend. Your friend's number is drawn before you can deliver her ticket. Do you switch tickets? I don't know if there is anyway of knowing who's ticket is who's, and in most of the cases like that, I would just treat it like it was a pool and split it.
3. You've been pounding the pavement looking for work. A company where workers are on strike offers you a job. Do you take it? Depends on why they're striking. If it's because the company is completely evil, I don't think I'd want to work there anyway. If it's a stupid reason *cough* baseball *cough*, I would probably take the job.
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Gold Box Today
A few camera items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers gives me hope that maybe something will be worth buying eventually.
.: Delta 22-580 13" Two-Speed Finishing Planer: a power tool for almost $400. Gee, I haven't seen a million of these already. Pass.
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Food Images
Lots of new images up at Picture Fish, most of them dealing with what I had for lunch today.
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Black and White
I just posted all of my photos for this week's Theme Thursday at Picture Fish. This week's theme was black and white, so I got to try that setting out on my camera. Put several new photos up including a series of black and white mirror images taken in Christine's car.
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Now I feel like an eeeediot because I don't even know if my camera HAS a b&w setting -- and I've had it almost a year!
Posted by robyn at August 16, 2002 01:45 AM
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Expensive Tool Box
Tons of expensive tools in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Oxford Garden Designs Chadwick Collection 42" Dining Table: I just would not buy a table from Amazon site unseen.
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Young Arthur and the Witch
I got an e-mail forward today from my friend Perry that I thought was really funny. It's pretty long, so if you want to read it, use the "Read More" below.
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Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him, but was moved by Arthur's youthful happiness. So he offered him freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer; if, after a year, he still had no answer, he would be killed. The question was: What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. Well, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end. He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everybody: the princess, the prostitutes, the priests, the wise men, the court jester. In all, he spoke with everyone but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. What most people did tell him was to consult the old witch, as only she would know the answer. The price would be high, since the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.
The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no alternative but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer his question, but he'd have to accept her price first: The old witch wanted to marry Gawain, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest friend! Young Arthur was horrified: she was hunchbacked and awfully hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage water, often made obscene noises... He had never run across such a repugnant creature. He refused to force his friend to marry her and have to endure such a burden.
Gawain, upon learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He told him that nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table. Hence, their wedding was proclaimed, and the witch answered Arthur's question: What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life. Everyone instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared. And so it went. The neighbouring monarch spared Arthur's life and granted him total freedom.
What a wedding Gawain and the witch had! Arthur was torn between relief and anguish. Gawain was proper as always, gentle and courteous. The old witch put her worst manners on display. She ate with her hands, belched and farted, and made everyone uncomfortable. The wedding night approached: Gawain, steeling himself for an horrific night entered the bedroom. What a sight awaited! The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen lay before him! Gawain was astounded and asked what had happened. The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her (when she'd been a witch), half the time she would be her horrible, deformed self, and the other half, she would be her beautiful maiden self. Which would he want her to be during the day and which during the night? What a cruel question!
Gawain began to think of his predicament: During the day a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his home, an old spooky witch? Or would he prefer having by day a hideous witch, but by night a beautiful woman to enjoy many intimate moments? What would you do? What Gawain chose follows below, but don't read until you've made your own choice.
Noble Gawain replied that he would let her choose for herself. Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time, because he had respected her and had let her be in charge of her own life. What is the moral of this story?
The moral is that it doesn't matter if your woman is pretty or ugly, smart or dumb, underneath it all, she's still a witch.
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.: 687 words at 05:22 PM in $entry_cats="Entertainment Value, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i don't think that's the real moral of the story but i like it better..lmao
Posted by kat at August 15, 2002 06:41 PM
Interesting. That story was originally a myth about Ragnell and Arthur's heir Gawain. (Sorry for it's length)
At the beginning of the tale, Arthur goes hunting, and shoots an animal protected by the Gromer Somer Jour. In payment, the God demands Arther's life. Arthur demands another way out of the mess he's found himself in, and GSJ offers that should the young king be able to tell him what it is that women want the most, he shall go free. Unable to answer, Arthur asks for time. GSJ agrees, and gives him one year - but should his answer be wrong, his life is forfeit.
As Arthur returns home, he comes across a hideous woman who tells him that she will answer his question but that should he use it, there will be a price. Knowing that should he fail, and die, that the land of Britain would die as well (for in those days the health of the land was entwined with the health of its king), he agrees to whatever she asks: to marry Arthur's heir, Gawain.
Arhtur and Gawan spend the next year talking to women throughout the kingdom, and compile two books with the answers. Arthur is confident that on the day he meet's GSJ, he will have found the answer and will not have to face Ragnell again.
Yet the day arrives, and GSJ leafs through the books and tosses them aside in disgust, the answer is not within. Desperate, Arthur blurts out the answer that Ragnell had given him and is allowed to go free.
He returns to his castle, and is stopped on the way by Ragnell, come to claim her reward for her help. Arthur leads her to Gawain. She demands a full wedding feast, and is married within days.
That night, Gawain leads her to their bridal chamber and when asked, kisses her lovingly on her hideous lips.
Magically, the the disfigured women transforms into a beautful maiden.
"Know that I was under an enchantment until I could find a man willing to wed with me with no thought for the loathsome form which I have had to wear. And you, my friend, are that man." Ragnell declares, now turned into a true form of a beautiful woman.
"There is yet one more choice for you to make, my husband, if the spell is to be truly broken. For the rest of your life, will you have me fair by night and foul by day? Or, will you have me foul by night and fair and fair by day? The choice is yours."
"Lady," Gawain said, "there is but one answer to given, the choice must be yours!"
"You have done it, husband!" Ragnell cried. "The spell is truly broken and I am able to be fair or foul as I choose, when I choose! I choose to be fair with you. For you have give me what every woman – indeed, husband, every man as well – desires most, the right to choose for myself who and what I am to be."
On a side note, this pre-Christian Arthurian myth was told around Yule, the Winter Solstice. The conflict between Gromer and Arthur is played out each and every Midwinter, as the seasons change, with the Oak King (Arhtur) earning the upper hand against The Holly King (GSJ).
Posted by kelly at August 16, 2002 08:56 AM
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An Unexpected Surprise
I was talking to my manager today when the boss came into the room with an Amazon box. He went and set it on my chair, which I thought was odd since I hadn't ordered anything from them that hadn't already arrived. I open it up and found Batman: The Killing Joke, a comic from my wishlist. Chris sent it to me out of the blue, and after the terrible last couple of weeks I've been having, it was a great pick me up. Thank you so much, Chris! I really appreciate it!
.: 94 words at 11:07 PM in $entry_cats="Entertainment Value, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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That is so cool! Ya gotta love 'prizes!!
Posted by Camille at August 14, 2002 11:14 PM
Glad it came at such a needed time. Take care!
Posted by cpowers at August 16, 2002 07:22 AM
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Wednesday in The (Gold) Box
Another day of passing on my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, but at least a few of them were interesting.
.: Lentek PR20C PestContro Ultrasonics 2000: I honestly wouldn't mind having one of these. We get sugar ants in the house and it bugs me. (Bugs me. Get it? I kill myself.)
.: Calphalon Commercial Hard Anodized 12-Quart Stockpot with Lid: I wonder if Steven could use one of these. He doesn't make stock, but that doesn't mean he might not want to in the future.
.: Hewlett Packard 10BII Financial Calculator: I've still got my old TI-81 that I bought for calculus in high school. I'm a geek, but I love that calculator.
.: Black & Decker FP1400 Quick N' Easy Plus Food Processor: Steven has never shown any interest in these. Pass.
.: Bosch 1587AVSP Progressor Top-Handle Jig Saw Kit: man, I thought I was going to luck out and not get any tools. So close.
.: 163 words at 11:03 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I love a good pun! I had a TI82 for a little while but I upgraded to the TI89 and haven't looked back since. If you're ever in the market for a new calc check it out.
Posted by matt at August 15, 2002 02:01 AM
I could use that stockpot. The season for homemade soup is just around the bend.
Posted by that tart at August 15, 2002 08:41 AM
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The Passionate Ailurophile
Christine of Christine-Murphy.com has a new home at The Passionate Ailurophile (Greek for lover of cats). I can't think of a better domain for her. Plus, I've always loved that word. :-) Welcome to the new digs, Christine!
.: 38 words at 10:59 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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It's a Group Thing XXIV
Since I've been considering doing that new group project, I thought it was fitting that today's "It's a Group Thing" term reflect it. Therefore, today's term is:
A File of Manicurists
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Two Movie Reviews
I've been meaning to put a couple of movie reviews on here for quite some time now, but I always forget. To make up for that, here's a review for both Road to Perdition and Signs.
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Road to Perdition
I liked this movie a lot. I don't think it's the best movie I've ever seen (as some of the reviews rave), but I do think it's a great film. The characters were well done. It's hard to feel sympathy for the hit man most of the time (well, I did in The Professional, but that's another review), but I did in this case. The acting by the young Mike Sullivan was excellent as well. Lots of times when kids are in movies and required to act extremely well, they just look like they're trying not to laugh in front of the camera. The cinematography was excellent as well. Ditto for the direction. Particular scenes (the car in the middle of the road scene, for example) were amazing. All in all, hell of a good film and well worth seeing.
I love M. Night Shyamalan's work. He is such an awesome director and has the ability to make you frightened even when there is nothing on the screen to be scared off. He has the ability to build scenes like almost no other director. The performances of the leads - Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix - are also absolutely incredible. Gibson is winderful as the father trying to keep his family together despite horrible tragedy. Phoenix proves again how talented he is in just about any role as well. The only thing that I found just slightly off about the movie was the end when they're outside (no spoilers here; won't say what happens). It seemed like Shyamalan tried to force his views just a little too hard. Do try and see this film in the theater if you can. Hell of a good flick.
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.: 327 words at 01:41 AM in $entry_cats="Media Consumption, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i really liked signs too. haven't seen road to perdition yet but would like to. thanks for the reviews =)
Posted by kat at August 14, 2002 07:28 AM
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Possible New Group Project
As you may be able to tell from pictures here and at Michele's, I love polished nails. I actually registered a domain today toying with the idea of setting up a photoblog where people can show off their nails (polished, unpolished, short, long, male, female, etc.). It would probably end up being some kind of group blog, though I may just run the thing to begin with. Anybody game? Would you like to participate? Would it just be me showing off my dragon lady nails all the time? Raise your hands, class, and let me know what you think.
.: 100 words at 01:18 AM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I'd be a regular reader, but I can't say that I'd contribute.
I've got no nails, I keep 'em short short short.
But yours are always nice, so seeing other manicures/peducures would be fun.
Posted by Promo at August 14, 2002 10:44 AM
I am so bad - I bite my nails so short that I rarely put nail polish on them. I've got a couple longer nails right now, but I don't think you want pictures of 2 or 3 long nails :giggle: BUT, I have been known for my beautiful nail polish colors - Purple and lavendar, of course ;)
Posted by kristine at August 14, 2002 11:07 AM
As a guy I don't often use nail polish, but I still enjoy going in to get my nails done sans polish every once in a while. It's my vice of choice :) Also as a musician I find people look at your hands a lot when I perform.
Posted by matt at August 15, 2002 02:03 AM
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Happy Birthday, Cis!
I heard it was Ciscley's birthday, so happy birthday, Cis!
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"Aaron Burr!"
I was reading Mikey's site when I came across his post mentioning the "Got Milk?" ad where the guy tries to say, "Aaron Burr!" I love that ad! I hadn't seen it in a long time, so I went and hunted up a link for it. You can watch it here.
.: 52 words at 12:04 AM in $entry_cats="Entertainment Value, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Neutral Good Elf Bard Thief
If I was a Dungeons & Dragons character, these would be my attributes:
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I Am A: Neutral Good Elf Bard Thief
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Secondary Class:
Thieves are the most roguish of the classes. They are sneaky and nimble-fingered, and have skills with traps and locks. While not all use these skills for burglary, that is a common occupation of this class.
Oghma is the Neutral Good god of knowledge and invention. He is also known as the Binder of What is Known, and is the Patron of Bards. His followers believe that knowledge reigns supreme, and is the basis for everything else that is done. They wear white shirts and pants, with a black and gold braided vest, and a small, box-like hat. All priests of Oghma are known as Loremasters. Oghma's symbol is a scroll.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail)
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.: 285 words at 11:45 PM in $entry_cats="Quizzy Stuff, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Nrtesn Nyarlahotep
Be sure to read Tales of the Plush Cthulhu. You never know when He From Beyond the Stars will show up and demand to be worshipped. Best to be prepared and read His tales.
(Link courtesy of Kelly)
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New Pictures Up
Lots of new pictures up at Picture Fish for your enjoyment.
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Happy Anniversary, Kristine!
Today is Kristine and Eric's second anniversary. Happy anniversary, you two! Here's to many, many more. Love you, Kristine sweetie!
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Thank you, thank you!!! :) Its all so exciting - and definitely fun to be able to say we made it through the first two years and are still as happy as the day we got married :)
Posted by kristine at August 14, 2002 08:21 AM
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Another Box, Five More Passes
Another day of passing on my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Bosch 3725DVS 5" Random Orbit Variable Speed Dustless Sander/Polisher: what the hell would I do with all the tools they keep offering me? No more! No more!
.: Animal Planet Radio Control Wooly Mammoth: very bizarre. They offered me this already. I passed then, and I pass now.
.: SanDisk 128 MB Cruzer Data Storage Device: I just don't need one of these. No thanks.
.: Farberware Nonstick 4-Cup Egg Poacher: I don't think Steven eats poached eggs and I certainly don't.
.: Farberware Classic Sonoma 2-1/2-Quart Whistling Stainless Steel Teakettle: never would use this. Pass.
.: 113 words at 05:57 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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This-or-That Tuesday
Time for Christine's This-or-That Tuesday:
- Dr. Seuss characters: the Cat in the Hat or the Grinch?
The Grinch, but not the annoying Jim Carrey version. Original cartoon only!
- "Anne of Green Gables" or "Little Women"?
If you can believe it, I never read either, but I liked the movie "Little Women" so I'll pick that one.
- Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys?
Nancy Drew. Smart women rule!
- Winnie the Pooh characters: Tigger or Eeyore?
I love both of them, but since Tigger was my nickname when I was a kid (I loved to bounce on things!), I'll choose him.
- Which author: Judy Blume or Beverly Cleary?
Judy Blume.
- Roald Dahl books: "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" (Willy Wonka) or "James & the Giant Peach"?
Never read either and only seen Willy Wonka, so I'll pick it.
- "Harry Potter" or "The Wizard of Oz"?
As much as I like "The Wizard of Oz" I have got to say Harry Potter. They are absolutely some of the best books I've ever read hands-down.
- Curious George or Madeline?
Curious George. My favorite one was where he swallowed the puzzle piece and had to go to the hospital. I loved that book.
- "A Wrinkle in Time" or "Little House on the Prairie"?
I loved both of these series as a kid, but if I had to pick a favorite I would say "Little House." I read all of those books multiple times. Wonderful books.
- Dr. Seuss again: "Horton Hears a Who" or "The Lorax"?
The Lorax!
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A Cool Thing in The Gold Box
Well, at least one of my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers was for something really cool.
.: Philips FW-i1000 Internet Audio Compact Stereo System: amazing! Something cool in my Gold Box! Not really in the market for one, so I'll have to pass, though.
.: Jet 709055 Super Fast Jointing Clamp (Pair): this thing looks like a torture device of some sort or some strange body piercing thing.
.: Tender Vibes Soothing Mattress - [Baby Product]: once again, no more baby products, please!
.: Harley-Davidson Barbie #4: this is just weird. A $60 biker Barbie. Very strange indeed. If you look at the close-up they have of her, she looks drugged. Very scary eye make-up too.
.: Porter-Cable 97366 6" Variable Speed Sander Kit with Dust Collection Hood: another tool (of course). Pass.
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Monday Mission 2.32
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.32:
1. If I could guarantee that the Fashion Police would not lay the smackdown on you, which favorite out-of-style article of clothing do you wish you could wear right now?
Hmmm. I don't really have any out-of-style clothes that I would like to wear.
2. In your opinion, who is famous but shouldn't be?
God, this list is long. How about Kato Kaelin, Jim Carrey, any pro wrestler, and Denise Richards?
3. Are there any new movies or TV shows that you are forward to this fall?
I think CSI: Miami and MDs look good. New shows that already started that are great are The Dead Zone and Monk.
4. If you had a time machine that you could use only one time (there and back), where would you go and what would you do?
Tough question. I really have no idea on this. Maybe I'll think of something later.
5. What cologne of perfume do you like to wear? Which brand do you prefer that your partner wear?
I wear Realm and completely love it. Steven wears Polo Crest, but I think it's been discontinued. I love how it smells, though.
6. Do you recall your first "French kiss?" Tell me about how that felt, and how it came about. Do you like them?
I was fifteen, a freshman, and he was a junior. He was in my Spanish class and offered me a ride home, but first he had to stop at his house and change for work. Nothing more than the kiss went on, though! I was so nervous. It was kind of weird, since it was my first, and it was the only time I kissed him. What's not to like about a good French kiss?
7. Excluding your partner...If you had the opportunity, who would you most like to French kiss?
I'll be trite and say Brad Pitt. He is just so damn good looking.
BONUS: Can't you see that it's late at night?
Yeah, but since I never go to bed before 2:00 or 3:00 am, that's no surprise.
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I sure hear a lot about Monk, but from the promos on ABC I just can't see what the big deal is. Worth watching?
And Denise Richards? How can you say that? She was so good in "Wild Things." And who can forget her performance in "Starship Troopers?" Riveting!
Posted by Promo at August 13, 2002 08:34 AM
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Participation Postitives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- Our new cat Bella is a great addition to the family. She's so sweet and I just love her to death.
- My chiropractor moved me to a vist every ten days instead of once a week
- I've been on the StairMaster every day for the past three days and I look and feel better
- We have a new The Dead Zone episode to watch
- I've still managed to take and post one picture in Picture Fish since July 21st
- I became a Happy Munkee
- I love and am loved
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Variable Gold Box
Lots of variation in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers today, but nothing that I had to have.
.: Bathing and Grooming Kit: I don't have a kid, so there is no reason for me to buy a baby bathing and grooming kit. When will they catch on to the fact that I don't have any kids?
.: L.R. Nelson 1855 Mini Rain Traveling Sprinkler: I don't have a lawn, so no need for a lawn sprinkler.
.: Apex AD-800 Progressive Scan DVD Player: Steven and I have a DVD player, but it's been acting very temperamental for the last several months. I wouldn't mind getting another one, but the reviews on this one weren't so good. I'm going to have to pass.
.: Polder Cooking Thermometer with Timer & Clock: I think Steven could use of one these, but the reviews were mixed making me not want to spend my money on this one.
.: Omni Swings n' Things 510 Rope Hammock Chair, Natural: I would like to have a hammock, but until we get a house and I have some place to put it, I'm going to have to continue passing on these.
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Happy Blogiversary To You!
Today is Robyn's one year blogiversary. I know when she started she was worried she wouldn't have anything to talk about except painting her toes, but look how far she's come! Happy blogiversary, kiddo!
Btw, Christine and I are going to get to meet her and Todd in person soon. Are we lucky or what?
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Thank you so much! And I can't WAIT! I just refuse to blog it 'til we're packing so we won't jinx it this time... ;-)
Posted by todd at August 12, 2002 12:11 AM
That's so cool! I wish I could be planning to meet all 4 of you guys too!!! :)
Posted by kristine at August 12, 2002 10:24 AM
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Bella Update
As you may have read, earlier this week Steven and I adopted Christine's cat Bella.
I am pleased to report that things are going great with her and she's become a wonderful addition to our little family. She's absoultely the sweetest thing. She purrs all the time, loves to sit with you and be petted, and has just the nicest disposition.
She's started getting into things that she shouldn't (getting behind the bar, on top of the entertainment center, playing with the fringe on the rug), so we've implemented the "spray bottle of doom." When we catch her doing any of that, she gets told, "No!" and sprayed with the water bottle. She seems to know she's done something bad, so hopefully we can cure her of these issues.
You can see all the pictures I've taken of her here.
Thanks to everyone who's wished me well with her and sent in advice!
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If you shake it first and then squirt, you'll eventually only have to shake something with liquid to get her attention. Congrats on the new addition.
Posted by Lisa at August 11, 2002 08:38 PM
Wanna trade? My cat digs in the carpet and then looks at you like you're stupid.
Posted by Anna at August 12, 2002 07:45 AM
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Sunday Op-Ed
Time for Chris's Sunday Op-Ed!
1. Canoe
What is something that I've never been in and probably never will be? I'm not exactly what you call an outdoors type and I don't really know how to swim.
2. Books
What is something that there is no way I could live without? I read constantly and usually finish a book or two a week. I spend a good portion of my spare or down time reading and there is no way I could give books up.
3. Vodka
What is the one hard liquor that I like? My favorite type of vodka, though, is vanilla vodka. That stuff rocks!
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I'm a Happy Munkee!
Today I became a Happy Munkee! Want to share happiness and love? Come be one too!
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Sunday Offers
More items to pass on in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: JET JWTS-10JF / 708301GK 10" Table Saw with JETFence includes 10" Carbide Blade a $40.00 Value: good Lord! Another $500 tool. Pass, pass, pass.
.: Zojirushi BBCC-V20 Home Bakery Traditional Breadmaker: I've always kind of thought that it would be cool to have a breadmaker. I've heard that they're easy to use, even for people with no cooking skills like me. Maybe some day I'll get one.
.: Panasonic SL-SW895 Shockwave Portable CD Player: is it just me or does this thing look like that old electronic game Simon?
.: Little People Press 'n Go Remote Control Vehicle: still don't need any toys, especially one that got ratings as crappy as this one.
.: Porter-Cable 352VS 3" x 21" Belt Sander with Dust Bag: another freaking tool. How many ways can I say no to these things?
.: 155 words at 04:11 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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MT Hack to Get a User
PromoGuy wrote his first MT Hack. It gives you the ability to view your user's IP info and takes about five seconds to add. Interested in how to do it? Go visit Promo to find out how!
.: 37 words at 04:03 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Aw thanks for the note. Hope folks find it useful.
Posted by Promo at August 19, 2002 04:23 PM
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Steven & Bella
I haven't missed posting a 1000 Words a Day since I began doing them July 21st. Today's post is of Steven and Bella and it's a cute one.
Steven fell asleep on the big comfy chair we have in the computer room and Bella jumped into his lap and curled up on his chest. He had said so many times in the past that he dislikes cats and we could never have one, so to see him sleeping with her sitting on top of him is just priceless.
.: 88 words at 05:07 PM in $entry_cats="Picture Fish Update, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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my dad swore up and down for most of my life that he was allergic to cats. my brother snuck one into the house 10 years ago, and now they have five. and all of them curl up with my dad.
great pic.
Posted by erika at August 11, 2002 07:10 AM
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Saturday's Box Part II
I got two Amazon.com Gold Box Offers today, but didn't find anything to buy in this one either.
.: Oneida Bancroft 20-Piece Stainless Steel Flatware Set, Service for 4: nice enough pattern, but not particulary impressed by it.
.: Storm 2000 Monsoon Force 4: now that we have Bella, our new cat, I've had people tell me that getting a squirt gun is a good way to discourage your cat doing something you don't want her to do. This seems like it might be overkill, though.
.: Vornado 610W Whole Room Air Circulator, Whitestone: have no need for one of these.
.: Fein 9-11-20 Wet/Dry 6-Gallon Vacuum: still not in the market for a vacuum.
.: Bob the Builder Workshop: no kids, no need for this.
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Saturday's Box
More stuff in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, some of it kind of interesting.
.: Zojirushi EJ-PC50 Gourmet Food Steamer: I think this is one of the few kitchen tools that I've been offered that might actually be useful to us.
.: Fiestaware Cobalt 831 4-Piece Place Setting: more cool Fiestaware, but I like the Cinnabar color better.
.: Leatherman 70202003 Juice S2: another tool that I'm going to pass on.
.: That Wine Is Mine "Vineyard" Wine Glass Charms, Set of 6: neither Steven or I drink wine. Pass.
.: Black & Decker FT1000 FlexTube Blower/Sweeper: another tool I don't need.
.: 108 words at 01:34 AM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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I stumbled across your site a while ago and decided this morning that it was time to check back in to see what new scruples were being tested and if there were any more “group thingsâ€.
For some reason, I had trouble getting through and got a Check Your Connection message from my browser.
I was worried.
I was considering sending an email to see if the page was moved or abandoned. Then for whatever reason the page came up normally after one more try. I was relieved and clicked on Amazon.com Gold Box Offers just to see what I would see and there was this novel:
"The Lovely Bones
On her way home from school on a snowy December day in 1973, 14-year-old Susie Salmon ("like the fish") is lured into a makeshift underground den in a cornfield and brutally raped and murdered, the latest victim of a serial killer--the man she knew as her neighbor, Mr. Harvey."
"Salmon Like the fish", I thought as I returned to the bowl and my own neuroses kicked in. I thought about how I was worried when the page didn't load. For a moment, I was sort of annoyed with myself for letting my imagination run away with me as if “Mr. Harvey†might have had something to do with my crappy browser but then I realized it was really an amazing phenomenon.
I’m really glad that I was worried about you when your page didn’t load. I hope nothing bad ever happens to you.
I wasn’t worried about the fictional Salmon girl in the book but in some weird way, this Internet technology, your weblog, Amazon’s Gold Box and two sets of memories of childhood Ukrainian nesting dolls enable some crazy international, transcontinental sympathy.
It’s just nice to realize that it is possible to care about people half a world away whom I have never met. A thought like that this early in the morning sort of renews my sense of hope for humanity.
Thank you for giving me that thought.
Have a nice day and take care.
Posted by Lan at August 10, 2002 04:38 AM
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Saturday Scruples
Time for Phoxxe's Saturday Scruples!
1. In a "must win football game, your coach tells you to target the rival quarterback's recent knee injury. Do you obey? No way. A game is not worth possibly injuring someone for life.
2. Your cool new look gets you nowhere because your best friend looks like trailer trash. Do you avoid being seen with him/her? No, but if we were going somewhere really fancy, I might suggest that they dress a little nicer.
3. When a young waitress leans forward to wipe tables, you have a magnificent view not meant for you. Do you keep looking? I must admit, I probably would. Terrible, I know.
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Telegram From Hell
Am having the worst day possible. STOP Head is killing me. STOP Cannot stand people right now. STOP Thank god it's the weekend. STOP Must begin drinking soon. STOP
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Help Stop Ocean Floor Strip Mining
Thanks to destructive fishing practices like bottom trawling, we're destroying ocean habitat faster than it can possibly regenerate. Please take a moment to urge your representative to co-sponsor the Ocean Habitat Protection Act. This bi-partisan bill will restrict the use of commercial fishing gear that demolishes vital habitats, and will encourage the use of more sustainable fishing gear.
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Thursday Threesome
I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday, so here's Deb's Thursday Threesome a little late.
Onesome: Blue - what is it that bums you out and makes you feel blue? Lately, it's been work-related issues, but I don't feel like going into them.
Twosome: Light - what is the light at the end of your tunnel? Usually the weekend! :-) More specifically, though, Steven, my friends, and my family.
Threesome: Special - who is that special someone who has seen your bluest of blues and your light of the tunnel? Probably both Steven and Jeanna. They've been there for me when I've needed people badly and I love them for it.
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Thursday Thumb-Twiddler
I was really busy yesterday, so here's Dave's Thursday Thumb-Twiddler.
1. You are a state legislator. An industry group offers you a sizable, but legal, political donation, "no strings attached," while you have a bill they favor up before you. Do you accept the donation, or reject it? I would accept it more than likely, but I wouldn't let it influence my vote. If I didn't believe in the bill, I wouldn't vote for it.
2. While reading a new book by a famous scholar, whose previous work you've very much admired, you come across multiple passages that seem familiar. You do some digging around and find where the scholar has lifted, almost verbatim and without credit, all those passages from an obscure work by another author. What, if anything, do you do? Honestly, I'm not even sure who you would contact in that case. Maybe send a letter to both the author and his publisher and the author that was plagiarized to begin with and see if they would give proper credit.
3. If you were to be forced to have the same thing for dinner every night for a month, what would you choose? Hmmmm. Tough one. I would pick fajitas from Lupe Tortilla's! Yummy yummy!
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A Few More Temptations
A few interesting items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers for once.
.: Astonica 50120003 Cast Swivel Bar Stool: this is kind of pretty, but I don't know if I would spend $90 for a bar stool. Plus, it doesn't go with out decor.
.: Olympus Stylus Epic QD CG Date 35mm Camera: I wouldn't mind having a regular camera, but I'm not sure if this is the one I would choose.
.: Euro-Pro Shark EP76 Compact Bagless Canister Vacuum: still not in the market for a vacuum.
.: Fiestaware Cinnabar 831 4-Piece Place Setting: I've always liked Fiestaware and this is a cool color. If I was in the market for new plates (just bought some not too long ago), I would seriously consider these.
.: Ryobi GS12V - 12-Volt Cordless Grass Shears: again, I don't have a yard so therefore I don't have any grass.
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MT Survey
Just in case you are a MT user and you missed the news, Ben and Mena would like you to take a quick survey so they can estimate how many people are using the system. They are giving away five recently updated keys to random users who filled out the survey.
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Friday Five!
And now, time for today's Friday Five!
1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it? It's a 1999 silver Mazda Miata.
2. Do you drive very often? Every day to work and then to places like the store, meet friends, etc. I don't usually drive on the weekend, though. Steven does most of the weekend driving.
3. What's your dream car? A Dodge Viper. I love those things.
4. Have you ever received a ticket? Yes, twice. Once in high school and once in college.
5. Have you ever been in an accident? A few times, actually. In college, while in stop and go traffice, I dozed off and rear-ended a van in front of me. Very minor damage. Also while in college, I hit a car in the college parking lot when coming around a blind corner. Right after I graduated, a woman pulled in front of me trying to cross 1960 and I hit her (totally her fault). Then, two years ago, my car got totalled when a Tahoe in our condo complex backed out into the roadway and I hit him (his fault). Wow. When you list them like that, that's a lot of accidents!
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Theme Thursday - Taste
Today's Theme Thursday was "Taste" so there are new pictures up in Picture Fish featuring my visit to the local Japanese restaurant.
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Kitty Cat Love
Today Steven and I adopted Christine's cat Isabella (Bella for short). She was originally going to be an outdoor cat, but was so miserable outside. I had decided to take her back to Christine and brought her in the house until we could leave. Steven has never been a big cat person, so I was surprised when he started talking about keeping her.
Bella is absolutely the most mellow and sweet cat I have ever met. She spent the night sitting on the edge of our loft's railing watching us, sitting quietly on the floor, or following us around. At one point Steven and I were on the couch and she jumped up to sit with us. She sat on my chest purring and loving it when I pet her. She did the most amazing thing then. She put her paws around my neck and hugged me. I have never had a cat do that before and it kind of surprised me. She then went to the other end of the couch where Steven was laying and did it to him!
It's amazing how much Steven likes her. He's said to me many times in the past that we would never have a cat because he didn't like them. It looks like Bella has totally won him over. He's been petting her, talking to her, and even had her come jump up on the chair to sit with him.
Bottom line: Steven and I both are just in love with her. The only thing that I'm worried about is that she might scratch the furniture up. We bought a really nice leather set this year and it would be terrible if it got ruined. I noticed a couple of times tonight that she kind of pawed the ground. I couldn't really see if her claws were out, but I'm going to try and go to Wal-Mart and get her a cat scratcher that I saw that lays on the floor and see if she likes it.
I put some pictures of her up at Picture Fish so swing by and see what the newest member of our family looks like!
.: 360 words at 01:19 AM in $entry_cats="Kitty Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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she is really beautiful. she looks to be a cross between a maine coon and a domestic longahir. very beautiful.
Posted by kat at August 8, 2002 06:05 AM
It there anything cuter that a happy cat in the sink?
Posted by Michelle at August 8, 2002 06:54 AM
she's beautiful!! but what ever happened to that stray kitty??
Posted by danni at August 8, 2002 10:33 AM
I suggest investing in a cat scratching post tall enough for her to stretch up to use. They also seem to like the kind with the rope wrapped around and a platform to sit on.
They like to be up high, but being higher than you is a dominant thing.
My cat only scratches one junky chair that I keep in the laundry room. He has never touched my suede furniture.
Posted by pero at August 8, 2002 10:37 AM
She's beautiful, Kymberlie! Great pics!
I would get both the tall post and the one that lies on the floor...my cats like both. Sometimes they do like to stretch up, as Pero said.
These usually come catnip-scented, but it wears out. They make catnip spray in cans, that you can spray on the posts (not in front of the cat, as some cats are afraid of spray cans), and this will maintain her interest.
Congratulations on your new family member!
Posted by Christine at August 8, 2002 11:33 AM
Awww..she's a total cutie!!
Posted by jenni at August 8, 2002 12:43 PM
Word, if I may say so, on the tall scratching post - we got one last year at PetSmart, and our cat loves it. You can also use the dreaded "spary bottle of water" to train her gently away from behaviors you want to discourage. :) Congratulations on the adoptee!
Posted by Donna at August 8, 2002 03:33 PM
My husband also doesn't like cats...however the two we have love him the best so he came around ;)
Posted by sandy at August 8, 2002 07:27 PM
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Disappointment, Thy Name Is Gold Box
Another day of disappointing things my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Wagner Power Products 290 Wide Shot Power Painter: why can't they see that I will never buy a power tool from them and quit offering them to me?
.: Lifetime Folding Picnic Table for 4, Bronze/Sage: sold out. Wasn't interested anyway.
.: I-Cybie Electronic Dog: Gold: maybe it was just me, but I thought this thing was kind of creepy looking.
.: Simplicity SA200 Pioneer II 18 Stitch Function Sewing Machine: I have no domestic skills to speak of, so I'm going to pass on this.
.: Delta 11-990 12" Bench Drill Press includes Flexible Lamp and Tool Tray: another freaking expensive tool. No thanks!
.: 122 words at 06:28 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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My Gold Box offers were so lame yours sound cool. I haven't been offered power tools yet, but then perhaps they've heard about me.
Posted by Andrea Harris at August 9, 2002 01:28 AM
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Save the Tongass National Forest
America's last great temperate rainforest - Alaska's Tongass National Forest - is once again under assault from the timber industry and its allies. Please take a moment and go sign the petition and save this valuable natural resource.
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It's a Group Thing XXIII
I was browsing through my book looking for today's "It's a Group Thing" term when I came across one that made me think of my physics class in high school. Since I slept through it all the time, I thought I should honor the memory of my classmates and Mr. Mosley and use it for my term. Today's term is:
An Ohm of Electricians
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Spam Spam Spam Spam
I swear, I am getting ready to block all yahoo and hotmail e-mail that comes to my e-mail account. Almost all the spam I've been getting lately is coming from one of those two domains. I've gotten spam from murray1425321211@hotmail.com, murray1426992757@hotmail.com, and murray1428607247@hotmail.com. Also from pitster261210743@hotmail.com, pitster262253146@hotmail.com, and pitster265170903@hotmail.com. Gee, think these are the same people signing up for a new account after they get blocked? I'm thinking so. In this day and age with hosting so cheap and better services than yahoo and hotmail, I don't know why people haven't upgraded. I'm so sick and tired off all the spam from those domains that, if you're a buddy of mine on one of those services, I'll give you one of my e-mail accounts to use for free. Just let me get rid of all this spam. Man, I wish all fucking spammers would just DIE!
.: 146 words at 12:31 AM in $entry_cats="Rants, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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The minute you change email and put it somewhere on the web, a sniffer will scan it and add it to some database. Then you're screwed all over again. Although I set my hotmail to only receive mail from those in my address book, and a few selected domains (Hotmail not included). But I never use it anyway, I am just hogging the name (kardyak) so nobody can "steal" it.
Posted by Torgny at August 7, 2002 01:50 AM
I'm waiting for the karma to kick in too. Now that i have hair, and my non-existant penis has grown 3 inches, I've started sending spam to myself.
Today i got a lovely cascade of internet porn--and apparently i sent it to myself. The evil bastards have a new trick!
Castration seems a fitting punishment doncha think?
Posted by fish at August 7, 2002 09:00 AM
I HATE spam! Well, not the canned meat, although that's not high on my list either, but I am so sick and tired of it. I don't even leave my domain email addy when I comment on people's sites anymore. I use a robot.txt file to keep robots out of my domain although I noticed that there are a few that ignore that and come on in any way. I'm tired of having my privacy invaded! Dammit! It should be Liberty and Spam-free email for ALL!
Okay, rant done. =)
Posted by jenni at August 7, 2002 10:40 AM
Just because you're a 17/f horny cheerleader doesn't mean I want to see your damn nudes. If I want to look at an athletic body I'll just look at my own when I get out of the shower.
Posted by Anna at August 7, 2002 12:56 PM
Invest in a good anti-spam program like McAfee's SpamKiller.
Posted by Jason at August 7, 2002 02:40 PM
unfortunately, even if you report it to hotmail or yahoo - they will tell you that it didn't come from them. :) I just hope for the best. I hate spam, but then on most message boards and such I use a yahoo rather than my real email address.
Posted by pero at August 8, 2002 04:25 PM
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Calendar Archives
Thanks to the ever-amazing Kristine's post at Scripty Goddess on how to display all your calendars in an archive template you can now view The Neurotic Fishbowl Main Calendar Archives. It's amazing to see that the only day I've missed blogging in three months is the day my old computer bit the dust.
.: 54 words at 09:20 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Yay! Looks fantabulous, dearie! :)
Posted by kristine at August 6, 2002 09:47 PM
I wonder if I did that with my posts how long that page would take to load on a Netscape 4.x (since it takes forever to load tables in tables in NS)? I have archives dating back to 1996, which means there'll be quite a few calendars on the same page. :)
Posted by Torgny at August 7, 2002 01:52 AM
I think the archive looks swell, Kymberlie! And if someone's still using Netscape 4.x, Torgny, you could humbly suggest they upgrade...
Posted by Donna at August 7, 2002 11:11 AM
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This-or-That Tuesday
Time for Christine's This-or-That Tuesday:
- What's your personal clothing style...trendy or classic?
Probably neither, but more trendy I guess.
- Do you shop for designer names or stick with the more generic brands?
Designer names.
- Work clothes: dressy or casual?
Casual. Big time.
- Days off style: dressy or casual?
Casual. Bigger time.
- High heels or flats?
High heels.
- Do you have a large wardrobe, or just a few carefully selected pieces?
I don't know if I would call them carefully selected pieces, but I definitely don't have a large wardrobe.
- Do you shop for clothing at stores or from catalogs/internet?
Almost always stores. I sometimes get t-shirt, jeans, and undies from Victoria's Secret though.
- Are most of your clothes dry-clean only or machine-washable?
- You buy an article of clothing and realize it is all wrong for you when you get home. Return or keep it?
Return it.
- Hats: yes or no?
For me, no. But I do like them on others.
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(Mostly) Toy Box
More kids stuff, tools, and other assorted items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Hamilton Beach 38510 StepSavor Jumbo Griddle: I don't need one of these, especially one this big.
.: Fuji Industrial Spray Equipment HVLP Super High Volume Low Pressure Sprayer: what the hell would I do with this? Pass!
.: Animal Planet Radio Control Wooly Mammoth: wow! Who wouldn't want a wooly mammoth? I am going to pass, though.
.: Microsoft B75-00057 Intellimouse Explorer: I already have this mouse. I totally love it. Well worth the cost.
.: Bow Wow Buddies: Golden Lab: this thing got terrible ratings at Amazon. No thanks.
.: 111 words at 06:45 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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your "toy box"... ok, add that to the list of "things that make me snicker"...
Posted by mikey at August 7, 2002 04:35 PM
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I'm Getting Christine's Kitty
As you may have read a few weeks ago Steven and I adopted a stray kitty but it disappeared. Christine got busted for having too many cats. Her pet lease didn't cover them all since she adopted Isabella Muffinchops, a stray, last year. She was going to have to get rid of her, so I asked Steven if we could take her. He said yes, so tomorrow after work Miss Isabella Muffinchop is coming home to live with us. I am so excited! You can see what a pretty kitty she is here and here. How wonderful to be getting a kitty!
.: 103 words at 05:37 PM in $entry_cats="Kitty Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Congrats! I personally think that cats are the best pets. I just hope she gets along with all your neurotic fish ;).
Posted by matt at August 6, 2002 07:29 PM
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Nothing Good In The Box
More kids stuff, tools, and other assorted items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers.
.: Great States 1204-14 14" Deluxe Hand Reel Mower: I don't have a yard, but even if I did, I certainly wouldn't buy a push mower!
.: Grow-with-Me Gentle Vibrations Bouncer: what don't this people get about I don't have any kids?
.: Panasonic EW176 Portable Oral Irrigator: I just like saying "oral irrigator."
.: Hello Kitty Best Friends Game: again, no kids.
.: Delta 17-965 16-Speed 16-1/2" Floor Drill Press: man, no more tools already!
.: 96 words at 10:27 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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hah! "oral irrigator" - that's just funny. i can hear my husband now saying, "I got your oral irrigator". he tends to be a perv like that.
Posted by Camille at August 5, 2002 10:44 PM
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Monday Mission 2.31
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.31:
1. Ever considered just deleting your Blog and not doing it anymore? What prompted that and what stopped you?
No, but I've been blogging since late January, basically February. Maybe if I do this for a lot longer I might get to that point.
2. How about a quick review of the last movie you saw?
Christine and I saw Men In Black II. Quick review: pretty good; not as good as the first one; cute dog; loved Lara Flynn Boyle; thought it was really short; worth a rental for sure and probably worth seeing in the theater.
3. What's your favorite gadget? Are you lusting for any new ones? Will you ever be satisified???
Lately it's my Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P71; I've turned into quite the shutterbug with it as you can tell at Picture Fish. I'm not currently lusting for anything, but I will never ever ever be satisfied. I must always have more!
4. What "table game" do you enjoy playing most with other people? Have you played it lately?
Lately it's Mexican Train dominoes. I love playing it! Whenever we go to my parents' house I make everyone play. It's been a while, though, since we broke out the bones. Maybe it's time to go over there for a game.
5. Have you ever been obsessed with something so much that it was close to causing you physical or mental harm? If not, have you known anyone else who has?
Probably the closest I've come is being obsessed with Civilization II when I was in college. I was known to skip class to play. Bad girl!
6. Did you grow up in a family or community that displayed racist or prejudice attitudes? Did it influence you in any way, either toward or away from those views? How did you manage to avoid it, or did you?
Some, but nothing too extreme. It did influence me by teaching me that racism, sexism, or any other type of prejudice is wrong and I won't put up with it in people.
7. Good grief, I am starving! You got anything to eat around here?
I wish! I just got off the StairMaster and I could eat a horse!
BONUS: What did you tell them?
I told them to back off and leave me alone - it's Monday!
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Participation Postitives
It's Monday, so time to start the week out right with Jess's Participation Positives!
- I finally achieved Master rating at Pogo.com in Dominoes
- I've still managed to take and post at least one picture a day at Picture Fish since I started doing the 1000 Words a Day project
- I got as much done on Ernie's site that I could and he's really happy with it
- I lost an earring on Friday and today it turned up on Christine's desk
- I am completely mesmerized with Burnt Offerings, the lastest Anita Blake novel, and I can't wait to see what happens
- One of the programmers at work is borrowing my Anita Blake novels and he gave me Laurell K. Hamilton's newest books to keep because he knows how much I'll like them
- Steven and I had fun at the Dubai Reunion
- I got cool post delay script from Scripty Goddess to work
- Jeanna and I are going to go see Signs Thursday night and I can't wait to see both it and her
- My back and neck feel so much better and the chiropractor says I'm improving a lot
- We have a new The Dead Zone episode to watch
- I love and am loved
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Happy Birthday, Mikey!
Today is everybody's favorite nerd boy's birthday! Happy birthday, Mikey! May you see lots of naked women and have a grand old day!
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Massive Amounts of Images
I have added a massive amount of new images to Picture Fish. They are mostly from stuff I took during the Dubai Reunion, but there are a few other things added.
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To Do List 080402
With being out of the house most of Friday and Saturday and a good part of today, time to make a To Do List so I can get organized and get some things out of the way!
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To Do List
- Download all of my e-mail
- Implement Kristine's cool little calendar archive
- Clean my desk at work
- Clean up my office at home
Update Michele's new project's thumbnails page
- Finish Ernie's site
- E-mail Judith to see how she's doing
- E-mail my aunt Susan
- Send Heather an e-mail
- E-mail Sheila
- E-mail Justin
- Make an exercise mp3 list for when I StairMaster
- Take the pictures from this weekend off my camera and put some of them into Picture Fish
- Organize all my mp3s
- Get rid of all the p tags I have randomly interspersed through my code
- Maybe make a new skin with one of the three ideas I have
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.: 147 words at 04:22 PM in $entry_cats="To Do Lists, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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a list like that would send me straight to the couch, where i'd curl up in a little ball. wait. that would explain why i spent so much couch time this weekend, eh?
Posted by kd at August 4, 2002 09:27 PM
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Sunday's Box
A few cool items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers, but nothing I would really buy.
.: Linksys WCF11 Wireless Compact Flash Card Type 1 (802.11b): cool product, but I don't really have a use for it even though I have a Palm Pilot.
.: Thermos 4656110 Grill-2-Go Gas Grill Manufactured by Char-Broil: we already have a grill, so I think it would be overkill to get this too.
.: Philips "Sweet Dreams" Cradle Player: as I've mentioned a million times, I have no need for kid stuff.
.: Freud FT2000EP 3-1/4 HP Electronic Variable Speed Plunge Router includes Deluxe Edge Guide: another tool. Pass.
.: Minolta Maxxum QTsi 35mm SLR Camera Kit w/ 35-80mm Lens: looks like a cool camera and as much as I would like to have a traditional camera to go with my digital, I'm not sure if this would be the best one.
.: 154 words at 04:18 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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My Pedigree
Wonder what your blog's family tree would look like? You can view mine here. While you're at it, why not find yours out too?
(Link courtesy of Christine)
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Movie Symbolism
what movie symbolism are you?
find out!
(Link courtesy of Kristine)
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Wedding Day
My brother's roomate from college Garett is getting married today. If you have a couple of bucks and want to help him celebrate, why not go donate a little money to help his wedding? Btw, congratulations, Garett! May you and your bride have a wonderful life together!
.: 47 words at 06:48 PM in $entry_cats="Linky Love, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Saturday Scruples
Time for Phoxxe's Saturday Scruples!
1. You manage a TV station. Your female news anchor doesn't look the way she did 15 years ago. The ratings are falling. Do you replace her? Hmmm. I would love to say no, but since I'm in business to get better ratings, I guess I would have to. I wouldn't fire her, though, and I would try and find her another position or slot that she would be happy with.
2. You're traveling in Uzbeckistan when you're invited to a feast by shepherds. You're given the sheep's eyeball, the greatest delicacy. To refuse it is the greatest insult. Everyone's watching. Do you gulp it down? Blah! I would try it, though, since I would hate to insult anyone. Maybe they'd have pity on me when I threw up. :-)
3. After months, the charge for your new TV doesn't show up on your credit card statement. Do you report the oversight? Nope. I sure wouldn't.
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Crap In The Box II
I got Amazon.com Gold Box Offers twice today for some reason.
.: Oregon Scientific BAR338PA ExactSet Projection Clock with Cable Free Weather Forecaster: why would you pay $62 for a clock, even if it did tell you the weather? What a waste of money!
.: Porter-Cable 352VS 3" x 21" Belt Sander with Dust Bag: how many times do I have to pass on tools before they stop offering them to me?
.: Omni Swings n' Things 536 Yucatan Mayan Hammock, Festive Multicolor Stripe: same as the power tool thing above - I've passed on a million of these products. Stop offering them, already!
.: Logitech 961189-0403 ClickSmart 310 (USB): since I just bought a $400 digital camera from them, you wouldn't think they'd offer me a little crappy $50 one.
.: Memorex Travelview 43055 Mobile VCR with 9" Color Screen: I drive a Miata. Somehow I don't think this would fit in my car.
.: 160 words at 04:56 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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OMG! It's a miracle, but I finally obtained Master rating in Pogo Dominoes! Probably a silly thing to be excited about, but I have been trying to get rated that high forever! Yeah, me!
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Weekend Update
Steven grew up in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates where his father was a geologist for Conoco. This weekend is the Dubai reunion where all the people that grew up in their community get together. It takes place at the Westin Galleria hotel and we'll be staying the night there, so I won't be online much this weekend. I hope everyone has a nice weekend!
.: 66 words at 04:24 PM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Crap In The Box
More crap in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers. I did see my first almost $1,000 item, though.
.: Sabatier Laguiole Opener Set, Black: very nice set, but I don't drink wine. I can think of a friend, though, who would love it.
.: JET 708750G 18" Woodworking Bandsaw includes 1/4", 1/2", and 1" Blades over an $82.00 Value: why in God's name would they think I need a big ass, $990 saw? Pass! Pass!
.: Riedel Vinum Port Glasses, Set of 6: once again, I don't drink wine.
.: Leatherman 69010103H Pulse: this is the most bizarre looking tool. It looks like a dental torture device.
.: RCA DS4220RE Dual-LNB DIRECTV System with Free Pro-Installation *(see Terms and Conditions): very strange that Amazon would sell this, at least strange to me. We can't have satellite systems here at the condo complex.
.: 148 words at 02:29 AM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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FYI Federal law has made it legal for anyone in a condo complex to mount a satellite dish under 1 meter in diameter. See the fcc ruling here And have fun at the reunion!
Posted by wendell at August 3, 2002 04:57 PM
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A Scene From Life
The Scene: Christine and I walking into the office after lunch. All the doors are propped open. The maintanence guy is standing outside smoking.
Me (to Christine): The air must have gone out.
Maintanence Guy: No, we had an electrical fire. The doors are open to air out the building.
Much more comforting, no?
.: 54 words at 03:52 PM in $entry_cats="Daily Ramblings, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Oh yes, that was such a comforting moment... *wink* I'm glad he didn't actually say that it was the elevator or I would never be able to rid them again - and with the laptop I can't walk down the stairs because I'm afraid I'll go flying down them!
Posted by Christine at August 3, 2002 10:29 AM
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Hot Dog

"A two-month-old puppy takes a nap on a bottle of cold water to cool off from the summer heat in Beijing, China Monday, July 29, 2002. (AP Photo/Str)"
How's that for cute?
(Link courtesy of Robyn)
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Isn't it the cutest thing? Makes me want to go get another one... ;-)
Posted by robyn at August 2, 2002 03:25 PM
Pretty damn cute if you ask me! :)
Posted by Torgny at August 2, 2002 05:30 PM
OMG. How adorable. I just love the little puppy belly!!
Posted by Kelly at August 2, 2002 07:52 PM
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Automatically Back-up MT Templates
I was reading PromoGuy's list of handy little MT tweaks and loved The Girlie Matters's tip to back-up MT templates with "link this template" feature in four easy steps.
1. In each of blog directories, create a folder called "templates" and set the permissions to 777.
2. Pulled up each template for editing and assign a linked file to each one. Example: for Main Index Template link to a file called "templates/mainindex.tmpl".
3. Saved the template, which generates the necessary back-up file in the templates folder.
4. Download all the template directories to your local drive so you have a copy if something happens to your site.
As easy as pie and saves all the trouble of copying and pasting each template to a text file, which is what I had been doing. Since I currently have nine different skins and some of them have different templates from others, that could take a while to do. Kudos on a quick and easy way to do back-ups.
.: 166 words at 12:44 PM in $entry_cats="Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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*blink blink*
You can also save them in one single folder outside your servers WWW scope, if you have FTP access. Then you can download the entire folder instead. Well, I suppose you'd have to make sub folders to accomodate for all your skins, though.
Posted by Torgny at August 2, 2002 02:30 PM
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Items in The Gold Box
Another day of nothing in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers worth getting, but I did get to see my most expensive item yet.
.: Hatteras Hammocks SW-GTX Green Swing Stand: as I've mentioned several times previously, I don't have a yard or a hammock. I so don't need one of these.
.: Eastman Outdoors 38110 36-Quart Stainless Steel Pot with Lid: I don't think we need one of these, plus it's kind of expensive at $50.
.: Eastman Outdoors 38080 Stainless Steel Fish Fry Pot with Lid and Basket: in the five years we have been together, I have never seen Steven fry a fish. Pass.
.: Generac Portable Products 1417 2500 PSI, 3 GPM Pro Series Pressure Washer: OMG! This thing is on sale at $674.99! And what the hell would I do with it anyway?
.: Oxford Garden Designs Chadwick Collection Armchair Cushion, Green: I have no armchairs, so not exactly something I need.
.: 161 words at 11:01 AM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Friday Five!
And now, time for today's Friday Five!
1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from? On my father's side I'm Scots-Irish (can't tell with a last name like McGuire, huh?) and on my mother's German.
2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit? Well, I've already been to Scotland and while I'm not sure if we're Scottish or Irish, I'd love to go to Ireland.
3. Which would you least like to visit? Why? Since I've been to Scotland and want to go to Ireland more, I guess this would mean Germany would be my least favorite of the places to go, but I would love to go there too.
4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage? Nope, but my birthday is March 18th, the day before St. Patrick's day, so it's like my birthday is my celebration of my heritage.
5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country (parents, grandparents, etc)? I have no idea on my dad's side, but on my mom's I think it was my great-great grandpa, but I'm not positive. We have a book that gets put out every few years by one of her relatives with everyone's family tree, so it wouldn't be too hard to find out.
.: 221 words at 02:12 AM in $entry_cats="Friday Five!, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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i thought st pats day was on March 17?
*raises a pint'o'kilkenny to you*
Posted by pure at August 2, 2002 10:09 PM
Massive generalization #7394
You are more likely to be Irish as Mc is Irish and Mac is Scottish.
Posted by missx at August 3, 2002 07:13 AM
Missx, I've often thought that too, but then I wondered if maybe, when my relatives came over to the country, their last name got changed from Mac to Mc. It was so common for people to either misspell of change names completely.
Posted by Kymberlie R. McGuire at August 3, 2002 03:12 PM
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Theme Thursday - Adornment
Today's Theme Thursday was "Adornment" so there are new pictures up at Picture Fish of my body piercings, jewelry, and my new blonde hair.
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(Gold) Box Assortment
An eclectic collection of items in my Amazon.com Gold Box Offers today, but I am going to pass on all of them.
.: Fashion Snap Doll (Blonde): they either offered me this doll before or offered her to me as a brunette. Once again I have no kids and am not interested.
.: Caleca Original Italian Amalfi 16-Piece Dinnerware Set, Service for 4: maybe it's just me, but I thought these plates were ugly.
.: Oxford Garden Designs Classic Collection Sidechair: I am so not buying a $120 chair from them site unseen.
.: Mikasa Garden Harvest 5-Piece Stoneware Place Setting: I didn't like this patern at all. Thought it looked kind of cheesy.
.: Riedel Vinum 4-Piece Wine Tasting Set: Steven and I both don't drink wine, so this is pretty much an automatic pass.
.: 141 words at 01:52 PM in $entry_cats="The Gold Box, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :: Link :: Pings
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Why am I the only Amazon user in the world who has yet to see a gold box? How do I get it? Where is it? Why me? Whyyyyyyyy?
Posted by michele at August 2, 2002 10:39 AM
Michele, you have to have bought stuff from them, plus you have to be logged into your account. The Gold Box icon can be found on the upper right hand corner of Amazon's main page.
Kymberlie...I agree about both those sets of dishes...fugly!
Posted by Christine at August 2, 2002 04:08 PM
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CEDAW Thanks
Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If you urged your senators to vote for (CEDAW), why not take a minute and thank them for their support?
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Oppose the Nomination of Anti-Choice Justice Priscilla Owen
Are you pro-choice? Take a moment to go urge your senator to oppose the nomination of anti-choice Justice Priscilla Owen.
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Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice shouldn't matter. What matters is Judge Owen's judicial qualifications. I haven't been able to find anything about the ABA opposing Owen. By bet is they found her "well-qualified" but the media won't report on that.
Posted by Jason at August 3, 2002 09:51 PM
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Second Evil Head
Mike's Hard Lemonade has had some pretty fun ads, but I love the new one for Mike's Hard Ice Tea where the guy grows a second evil head. I swear, though, the ad I saw had the evil head making eyes and hitting on her at the end of the commercial. The first time I saw that commercial I was laughed so hard. Steven said that the fact I find this so funny shows that I am a twisted human being. I agree.
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jay and I both love those commercials... my favorite was the one where he got the speared by the beam. :-)
Posted by erika at August 1, 2002 09:52 AM
Best recent ad has been the M&M color selection one where the boomerang comes back and whacks Red on the back of the head.
Posted by Laurence Simon at August 1, 2002 10:13 AM
My favorite of the M&M commercials was the one with the Oriental baby that crawled towards the balls they had representing the different colors. That baby was so cute and I liked the music.
Posted by Kymberlie R. McGuire at August 1, 2002 01:56 PM
That commercial IS funny, but I actually find that second evil head *really* scary and disgusting looking! I think that whole series of mike's ads is funny.
Posted by Kelly at August 2, 2002 07:56 PM
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