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strtotime ("August 11, 2005 07:40 PM")) { ?>
After listening to Dwight talk about how much he loves Konfabulator (especially now it's free), I jumped on the geeky bandwagon and downloaded it.
However, there are almost 800 widgets available, so finding the ones you can't live without is a little daunting.
If you run Konfabulator, which widgets are the ones you have to have?
.: Posted August 11, 2005 07:40 PM in Geeky Things, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :."; echo "Trackbacks on this post: ", $count, ""; $pingarray = "SELECT p.tbping_source_url, p.tbping_blog_name, p.tbping_created_on, p.tbping_excerpt, p.tbping_tb_id, t.trackback_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"; $resultping = mysql_query($pingarray) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultping)) { //set up the variables being used - the date can be configured below $url = ($row['tbping_source_url']); $blog = ($row['tbping_blog_name']); $date = date("F d, Y g:i A", strtotime($row['tbping_created_on'])); $excerpt = ($row['tbping_excerpt']); echo "
", $excerpt, "
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I never used it to its fullest potential, but when I used it (back when we had to pay for it), I used mini-weather and the mini-calendar the most. Yeah, I know. A whole two widgets. Heh.
.: niki said on August 12, 2005 12:21 AM :: link it :.I have just downloaded it myself. I have the weather, scribbler & picture frame setup at work. I have a calculator loaded up to quickly load in - it is quicker than going through the Start button. If I had something shipping I would use the shipping tracker, but the nice thing with widgets is you can easily hide the ones you don't need immediately.
The one thing I would like to see is a favorites list so I could drop in the calculator and a few others that I don't use that often but I want quick access to without any worry of them falling off the recent list.
.: Howard said on August 12, 2005 06:56 AM :: link it :.Downloaded it, tried it, ditched it. It just felt like one more thing to clutter up the pc with. Eh.
.: LittleKenny said on August 12, 2005 06:40 PM :: link it :.I installed it, loved the idea (I love widgets on the mac) ... couldn't work out why their CPU meter said I was using 50 - 70% usage when idle, when I know it should be much lower ... task manager agreed with konfabulator.
Turned Konfabulator off and suddenly cpu usage wasn't a problem any more. Oh dear :( It'll stay off for now.
Love the idea though, I really want to love it :)
.: smeg said on August 12, 2005 08:27 PM :: link it :.I use the widgets on my mac for this purpose and my fav things that you might be able to find on konfabulator: weather for any city (I have 3 screens right now, Vancouver, Portland (to see diff across river), and Loma Linda (in-laws) - I swap that last one with whatever I'm watching at the time.) My very fav one is a TiVo now playing list that tells me everything that's on my TiVo w/o me turning it on. And there's a del.icio.us poster that detects the webpage I'm on and fills in the info to post. Oh, and some clocks for diff time zones. :) Helps when working with people in all areas!
.: kristine said on August 15, 2005 10:36 PM :: link it :.You're too early! Come back at August 11, 2005 07:40 PM to see this post.
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