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if (time() > strtotime ("May 18, 2005 01:53 AM")) { ?>
Yes, I'm Gonna Be a Star
There was an e-mail today in the Houston Metblog's list saying that a reporter from the Houston Chronicle was looking for people on the northwest side of town to talk to.
I e-mailed Kim (another Kimberly; we've been all over the place lately) and she immediately asked for my number. She called and basically I'm going to be in the paper, along with two other bloggers (probably) for a piece about blogging, why's it popular, what's my blog about, yadda yadda yadda.
They are even sending over a reporter tomorrow (have got to get my office cleaned before then) to take some pictures. My mom told me I should get dressed up, but honestly, I wasn't going to. I figured it's a story about normal, kind of geeky bloggers, so I'd just wear jeans and a t-shirt (maybe even my favorite TWoP one).
So, what do you think? Dress up or don't dress up? How I wish I had one of those "I'm blogging this" shirts so I could be *really* geeky.
.: Posted May 18, 2005 01:53 AM in $entry_cats="Fish Tales, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :.$blogid = "1"; //replace this with the blog_id of your blog $entry_id = "3083"; $pingcount = mysql_query("SELECT p.tbping_blog_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"); $count = mysql_num_rows($pingcount); echo ""; echo "Trackbacks on this post: ", $count, ""; $pingarray = "SELECT p.tbping_source_url, p.tbping_blog_name, p.tbping_created_on, p.tbping_excerpt, p.tbping_tb_id, t.trackback_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"; $resultping = mysql_query($pingarray) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultping)) { //set up the variables being used - the date can be configured below $url = ($row['tbping_source_url']); $blog = ($row['tbping_blog_name']); $date = date("F d, Y g:i A", strtotime($row['tbping_created_on'])); $excerpt = ($row['tbping_excerpt']); echo "
", $excerpt, "
Ping this post
$pingsent = "SELECT entry_pinged_urls FROM mt_entry WHERE $entry_id = entry_id and entry_pinged_urls !=\"\""; $pingsentcountresult = mysql_query($pingsent) or die (mysql_error()); $pingsentcountarray = mysql_fetch_row($pingsentcountresult); $pingsentcounts=explode("\n", $pingsentcountarray[0]); ?> if (!is_array($pingsentcountarray)) { echo "No URLs Pinged"; } else { $pingsentcount = count($pingsentcounts); if ($pingsentcount=="1") { echo $pingsentcount, " URL Pinged:";} else {echo "URLs Pinged: ", $pingsentcount;} } ?>
That's great! I'd say go HOTT and simple. Show them that we are geeky indeed and saucy!
Thats cool Dont forget to say i admire Yakdust.com (LOL) Hope your feeling better!
.: Terry said on May 18, 2005 07:08 PM :: link it :.I'd go dressed as usual, they could always use image manipulation software it they want to.
.: Mike said on May 20, 2005 01:54 AM :: link it :.I'd go casual. Have a good weekend!
.: Annie said on May 20, 2005 12:01 PM :: link it :.maybe go for the dress casual look
.: jr said on May 20, 2005 11:05 PM :: link it :.casual, definitely.
.: girl said on May 21, 2005 09:11 PM :: link it :.} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at May 18, 2005 01:53 AM to see this post.>
} ?>
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