Neurotic Fishbowl: Tivo Modem Problems

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strtotime ("May 2, 2004 04:40 PM")) { ?>

Tivo Modem Problems

We had a really big storm here in Houston Sunday morning and it appears that the modem in my TiVo has been blown yet again (this happened about two and a half years ago and when I left Steven's house, I forgot to get my surge protector. Oops!).

Does anyone know if it's easy to replace the modem if you're tech-savvy? My brother's roommate is pretty good at stuff like that, but since the modem's on the motherboard (at least I believe it is), I don't want to have him mucking about in there if it's something that's pretty difficult to do.

.: Posted May 2, 2004 04:40 PM in I'm Looking For...., ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :.

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Kymberlie, Before I sent my Tivo back I opened up the case and if my memory serves me correctly, the modem is on the motherboard. If you don't want to go through the pain of sending it back, you might want to go this route:

.: nastybastard said on May 3, 2004 08:27 AM :: link it :.

For the cost of fixing the modem, I would consider a refurb Tivo Series 2. Although you have the lifetime subscription, so that might make it worthwhile to get it fixed.

Have you tried "rebooting" the Tivo? I left mine off for about 8 hours, and that fixed a problem I was having years ago.

.: Christine said on May 3, 2004 11:04 AM :: link it :.

Holy smokes. I didn't even think about the Tivo blowing out. I shoulda been worried all weekend. Note to self: make sure it's in a surge protector.

.: Jenn said on May 3, 2004 01:36 PM :: link it :.

I would strongly oppose buying a refurbished Tivo. Although it's a great deal, it's really Russian Roulette. I didn't even have the refurbished Tivo a month before it totally went apeshit on me.

.: nastybastard said on May 3, 2004 03:13 PM :: link it :.

I love my refurbed tivo. no problems with it.

.: emily said on May 3, 2004 04:41 PM :: link it :.

go with the refurb - or get the PCI card so you can get all your programming over the Internet. (I've got a wireless card in mine - bye bye modem!)

.: don said on May 3, 2004 05:47 PM :: link it :.

I got a really cheap external modem and hooked it up. It works like a champ!

.: Ash said on May 4, 2004 11:05 AM :: link it :.

You're too early! Come back at May 2, 2004 04:40 PM to see this post.

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