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if (time() > strtotime ("October 27, 2003 08:03 PM")) { ?>
If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say...
As you've probably noticed with my constant references to BookCrossing, I've become really involved in the whole thing. I've even started over ten Bookrings/rays (a list of people sign up for a book, one reads it, passes it to the next, and so on and so on).
I sent out my first ring way back on September 6th. I even included two of my Burn It CDs as thanks since that person was the first to sign up for any of my rings. I never heard an acknowledgment of them, much less a thanks, which I thought was kind of rude, but I let it go. I've also sent this person three books off my shelf with no trade required simply because they asked and I'm a nice person.
That person's had my bookring for just about two months now and there are almost thirty people behind them on the list. I sent an e-mail saying, "Sorry to bother you, but when do you think you can pass it on? There are lots of people behind you and I'd like to keep the ring moving. Thanks!" I get back this in reply, "Hmm... Well, when I don't have two tests to study for or a book to read or a course packet to read or a report to do or a job to find or a cat to find, catch and take to the apl.... then I will attempt to finish the extremely boring book you sent me."
How fucking rude can you be? I send you this book (and others) for you to read, state in the sign up rules to feel free to take your time with the book, but make it reasonable, and you jump on me about the book being boring and you'll get to it when you can? If the book's so fucking boring, send it to the next reader. They had actually requested more books from me, but I'll be damned if they get them or get put on another ring of mine.
I've had such amazingly positive experiences at BookCrossing and I'm pissed that this person has sullied it. Ungrateful fucker.
.: Posted October 27, 2003 08:03 PM in $entry_cats="Rants, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :.$blogid = "1"; //replace this with the blog_id of your blog $entry_id = "2482"; $pingcount = mysql_query("SELECT p.tbping_blog_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"); $count = mysql_num_rows($pingcount); echo ""; echo "Trackbacks on this post: ", $count, ""; $pingarray = "SELECT p.tbping_source_url, p.tbping_blog_name, p.tbping_created_on, p.tbping_excerpt, p.tbping_tb_id, t.trackback_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"; $resultping = mysql_query($pingarray) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultping)) { //set up the variables being used - the date can be configured below $url = ($row['tbping_source_url']); $blog = ($row['tbping_blog_name']); $date = date("F d, Y g:i A", strtotime($row['tbping_created_on'])); $excerpt = ($row['tbping_excerpt']); echo "
", $excerpt, "
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What an ass... if they were so damn busy, why would they want to be a part of the ring???
.: Adelle said on October 27, 2003 08:10 PM :: link it :.Maybe I'm just confrontational but I'd ask for them to just pass it on then, but I'd have an annoyed tone. Don't let 1 person ruin it for you though.
I'm so sorry you've had such a horrid experience... I openly admit to holding on the a bookring way too long, however I hope and pray I've been gracious, obligatory, and quick to plead extensive forgiveness in every communication!
some people just have no idea how to communicate themselves properly, let alone cordially!
Hi. I randomly stumbled across your blog because I'm a dork and looked up my own last name on google. I'm glad I did though, I love the book crossing idea. Nice to meet you, fellow avid reader(s)
.: Katie said on October 27, 2003 10:10 PM :: link it :.Eww! What a turd! I can't believe that person actually had the audacity to say something like that. I would have just apologized and sent it on to the next person if it was such a boring book. And if it is boring, what the heck is the hold up?
.: Josie O said on October 27, 2003 11:11 PM :: link it :.Some people are just asses. As my grandmother says, Don't let one bastard bring you down. They'll find someone worst than them for the return.
Ooo, grrrrrr! Man, that makes me angry. Make me want to go to your bookshelf, figure out who the jerk is, and send nasty thoughts their way. Don't worry, I won't say anything to them, but there will be much glaring at the screen. What a flibberty flibbin fracka fracka ... *censored*
How horrible! You're doing them a favour and they have the nerve to be rude about it.
Post their name on forums so others are warned about adding the ungrateful biatch to bookrays/rings.
Stupid Bastage!! I hate that people have to be so rude! You are to sweet of a person to deal with such crap. If you sent me a book I would promise to be nice to you!
What an asshat. Can I ask what the book was?
.: Danelle said on October 28, 2003 10:29 PM :: link it :.(in best tough guy voice)
You want I should beat him up for you?
} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at October 27, 2003 08:03 PM to see this post.>
} ?>
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