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if (time() > strtotime ("October 9, 2003 01:50 AM")) { ?>
Back to the Land of the Living
Slowly but surely, I've managed to become a bit more human this week. I've made it out of the house (with make-up and decent clothes on - a first in weeks!) to run a few errands, get bloodwork done, and I even made it into work for an hour or two today to see where all the projects stand. I'm going to work from home the next couple of days and start back partial days next week. Everyone at work was so understanding of my situation and I could tell that they were genuinely glad to see me doing well. Makes a girl feel good, you know?
Really, except for feeling really tired when I'm out even just for a few hours and getting short of breath if I have to walk too far, I feel pretty good. Like I told Steven today, today was a good day because I didn't die from a blood clot or suffer permanent damage. When I really think of what might have happened, it gives me pause and makes me realize how lucky I was.
I still haven't posted about my hospital stay, but I'm not sure there's much to say about it. I hated being there, disliked my doctor (guy was a major jackass with no bedside manner at all), and my poor arms look like I have a serious drug habit from all the IVs and blood that was taken while I was in there. The bruises are now a lovely yellow color and I wonder if people think junkie when they glance at my arms.
Also, while I was at work, I picked up a few packages that had arrived for me. Kim and Scott sent me Michelle Branch's The Spirit Room and Erin sent me Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married by Marian Keyes. Nothing like getting gifts to help your recovery, right?
Speaking of gifts, as soon as Christine gets me a list of all the people that participated in the Pamper Kymberlie in the Hospital Project (that's how I refer to it), I'll be sending thank yous your way as well. I cannot stress enough how wonderful it felt knowing so many people were pulling for me, thinking about me, and wishing me well. You never know how many people love you until something like this happens.
Speaking of people that love you, I just want to thank my mom for staying with me every day and every night while I was in the hospital. She only left for a few hours at a time to shower and get us food when the meals inside were way too nasty to eat. She slept every night in my room and was always there if I work up scared or if the 3:30 blood letting became too much to bear. I wish everyone had a mother like her in there life. I love you, Mom. Thank you so much for being there, even if I did get snippy and bitchy by the end of my stay.
Anyway, hopefully once I get a bit more rested and caught up on all the shit that's piled up while I was gone, blogging will be a bit more frequent here. At least now you know I haven't relapsed.
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Ping this post
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Welcome, welcome back!
.: :: jozjozjoz :: said on October 9, 2003 01:58 AM :: link it :.Your Mom rocks. You can tell her I said that - I think it's so wonderful that she stayed with you. I know you needed her. Yeah Mom! :)
Everyone is listed on the card, and I left the formal list at the office accidentally today - I'll send it tomorrow, promise!
.: Christine said on October 9, 2003 02:52 AM :: link it :.just glad you're back :) and it's always nice to get gifts and feel like you have stalkers (haha) hope you like the book, i love Keyes' work...
.: erin said on October 9, 2003 05:31 AM :: link it :.It's good to hear that you are back and alive.
I know how tough hospital stays are, and especially how tough recovering from something like that can be.
.: Brian said on October 9, 2003 06:50 AM :: link it :.Take it easy and go slow.. we don't want you having a relapse! (((BIG HUGS)))
.: Pam said on October 9, 2003 07:40 AM :: link it :.It's so good to see that you are up and moving. Don't over do it - but I know you know your limits! :) You have an awesome mom how cool for you! :)
.: Susan said on October 9, 2003 08:21 AM :: link it :.Cool moms like that are great!!!
.: Martie said on October 9, 2003 10:16 PM :: link it :.I'm so glad to hear that you are doing better!! Did you like the new Michelle Branch? I really think its beautiful! :)
.: kristine said on October 11, 2003 12:20 AM :: link it :.} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at October 9, 2003 01:50 AM to see this post.>
} ?>
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