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if (time() > strtotime ("July 14, 2003 10:04 PM")) { ?>
Hunting For Bambi - The Degradation of Women
Today my buddy Dan sent me to a story on one of Las Vegas's news channels about a new sport they have there called Hunting for Bambi (link goes to the news story).
The premise is that men pay up to $10,000 to go into the desert around Las Vegas and hunt naked women with paintball guns. Safety is encouraged, but not for the women who are only allowed to wear tennis shoes. As the owner says, "I don't go deer hunting and see a deer with a football helmet on so I don't want to see one on my girl either." Keep in mind that these paintballs travel at about 200 miles per hour and usually draw blood when they hit their target. The owner encourages the hunters not to hit the girls above the chest, but he said that not everyone complies.
At the end, the hunter receives a video of his hunt, complete with the victor holding (and in the case of the guy on the video - fondling) their kill. The half-wit on the video completely sickened me by gloating how he got the one with the biggest rack and how he'd like to mount her.
I was completely disgusted that there is a market for this. One of the losers in the video kept talking about how this was just a game and good, clean fun, though I'm not sure how expressing violent actions against women was good, clean fun.
I went to the website for the "sport" and was horrified to see how violent and degrading their viewpoint really is.
Here are a few quotes from the site:
- Women are screaming with fear as our Team Bambi hunters track them down and blast them...
- This is our "Liars, Cheaters and Whore Bags" Photo Gallery. Every single "Bitch" got what she deserved!
- Here are just a few "Bimbo's" we shot and mounted. Then we hung them on the wall.....
- hunt one of our Bambi sluts
- Whether it is a fat ass cow or a perfect 10 we have an abundance of these beauties.
- ...shoot one of these nagging whinny bitches where it hurts and shut her the fuck up. Then mount her like a "Real Man".
- ...hunts that will shock you for life as well as give you a new outlook on women.
How can anyone think that something that espouses this kind of hatred and violence towards women could be a good thing? Is it any wonder that violence against women is so high in this country? Something like this goes beyond objectification and turns into dehumanization. How long is it before someone participating in this can't even relate to women as people any more?
As the creator of the "sport" says that the "goal is to be as true to nature as possible." How the fuck is this being true to nature? The pictures on the site show women men standing over women and firing their guns at them, pulling women by their hair, and women with fake (I hope) blood on their face. How can someone participate in this and think it's harmless? Think that this doesn't make a difference in how they look at women?
I truly do weep for humanity. Don't these people have wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, or friends? Would they want someone to do this to a woman in their life? This is some of the sickest shit I've ever seen and I hope that there's a nice spot in hell for the creator of this "sport." I pray that the psychologist on the video was wrong about this being every man's fantasy.
Oh, and speaking of the jackass creator, he hopes that he gets sued so that he'll get more publicity. Let's just hope it's not because someone gets killed out there, seriously injured, or raped.
.: Posted July 14, 2003 10:04 PM in $entry_cats="Rants, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :.$blogid = "1"; //replace this with the blog_id of your blog $entry_id = "2332"; $pingcount = mysql_query("SELECT p.tbping_blog_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"); $count = mysql_num_rows($pingcount); echo ""; echo "Trackbacks on this post: ", $count, ""; $pingarray = "SELECT p.tbping_source_url, p.tbping_blog_name, p.tbping_created_on, p.tbping_excerpt, p.tbping_tb_id, t.trackback_id, t.trackback_entry_id FROM mt_tbping p, mt_trackback t WHERE (p.tbping_blog_id = $blogid) and (t.trackback_entry_id = $entry_id) and (t.trackback_id = p.tbping_tb_id)"; $resultping = mysql_query($pingarray) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultping)) { //set up the variables being used - the date can be configured below $url = ($row['tbping_source_url']); $blog = ($row['tbping_blog_name']); $date = date("F d, Y g:i A", strtotime($row['tbping_created_on'])); $excerpt = ($row['tbping_excerpt']); echo "
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Did you see the cost???? That is so disgusting.
.: Susan said on July 14, 2003 10:27 PM :: link it :.I read that article a few days ago. Not so sure about that being "every man's dream". I don't see the appeal in it.
The more concerning thing is that the women subject themselves to it.
.: bolas said on July 15, 2003 12:46 AM :: link it :.Woah. That is waaaay out of line. If that happened in the UK the people running it might well be behind bars by now.
Comparing it with deer hunting is stupid. You hunt to kill the deer - would you do the same with women? I think not.
Though I have one question: since when was paintballing ever 'clean'?
.: Neil T. said on July 15, 2003 05:38 AM :: link it :.Oh yeah, and I'm a guy and I do not find that even slightly appealing, never mind it being my 'fantasy'. I agree with you - it's sick.
.: Neil T. said on July 15, 2003 05:40 AM :: link it :.I don't know what's worse, that someone thought of it, that they're allowed to do it, that people want to use the service or that women are actually working for this person.
I hope the pay is worth it.
.: Jessica Parker said on July 15, 2003 06:29 AM :: link it :.I don't see anyone forcing the women to do it, though.
.: trish said on July 15, 2003 07:56 AM :: link it :.I'm pretty sure this is a hoax.
The fact that it made Snopes site, makes me really think it is! At least I hope it is!
.: Southern Gal said on July 15, 2003 11:03 AM :: link it :.if it is true, the women are volunteering to do this, right? so they aren't victims and I think *they* are the sick ones for subjecting themselves to that...
.: yvonne said on July 15, 2003 11:37 AM :: link it :.I'm definitely not saying the women are victims here. My whole point is that by running something like this, it's making it okay to do some weird hatred shit towards women.
Could you imagine what would happen if this was a racial group? Like go hunt a black person or an Arabic person? People would completely freak out. My problem with it isn't the sex, it's the violence.
.: Kymberlie R. McGuire said on July 15, 2003 11:51 AM :: link it :.Darn, I hit cancel instead of post. Now I have to start all over. LOL!
The guy who runs that Hunting for Bambi thing was on Tom Leykus' radio show yesterday afternoon. They had several of the women in the studio with them, and they gave every indication that it's real. The prize is a date with the woman you "bag", sex not necessarily included. The women who spoke seemed to have every confidence in their ability to get away and not get shot. The area he said they "hunt" in is about 2 football fields in size and they set 2 girls out in the field somewhere. If the girl gets to the finish line before getting shot the hunter loses. Still seems kinda stupid, and I honestly do not see the appeal.
.: Hey Lisa said on July 15, 2003 11:59 AM :: link it :.I would hope that this wasn't real, but it seems that it is. I agree with what you say, but at the same time I cannot say these women are victims when they volunteer for it. I can't imagine being so depserate for money, though, that I would subject myself to this type of humiliation and pain. Scarier is the men who think it's fun.
.: MishMish said on July 15, 2003 01:14 PM :: link it :.Oooo... very interesting topic:)
.: Daphne said on July 15, 2003 03:59 PM :: link it :.you are a big feme-nazi! why do you have to be such a feme-nazi? i hate feme-nazis!! they should be shot with paint guns.
love always,
Dan, I love you too. Thanks for calling me my very favorite pet name!
.: Kymberlie R. McGuire said on July 15, 2003 04:40 PM :: link it :.dan? who's dan? me bubba! me hate feme-nazi!
I saw it on the news last night and was shocked. In addition to the things listed here already, it also made me angry that they're using paintball! My husband is a paintball ref on the weekend and has great respect for the sport. It already gets a bad name because of people misusing the paintball markers, not using appropriate gear, etc...and now this. What a shame.
But as far as I can tell, it looked real. It didn't surprise me that someone would pay for it, but it does surprise me that a chick would subject herself to it. I've been hit with a paintball marker with two or three layers of clothing on and it friggin' HURTS.
.: meg said on July 15, 2003 06:18 PM :: link it :.What bothered me (in addition to things listed here already) was that they're doing it with paintball, a sport that already gets a bad rap because idiots abuse the sport and the markers. My husband is a paintball ref on the weekend and we have great respect for the sport. These people on the tape weren't even using appropriate gear for the game (no masks!). I've been hit with a paintball pellet with two layers of clothing and it HURTS. I can't even imagine how someone could subject themselves to that.
.: meg said on July 15, 2003 06:21 PM :: link it :.I'm saving my pennies.
.: Geoffrey said on July 15, 2003 09:04 PM :: link it :.Where do I sign up?
.: Gordon the All Knowing and Self actualized said on July 15, 2003 10:49 PM :: link it :.Really, what's the big deal here? Some chick gets paid $2500 to run around half naked and avoid being shot by paint guns. Beats the hell out of stripping or working the streets like some whore doesn't it?
.: Gordon the All Knowing and Self actualized said on July 15, 2003 10:53 PM :: link it :.First time visitor....got here through another site and am glad I stopped by. Heard about this Hunting For Bambi as a promo for our local news but missed it. Wow! Hard to believe that these people can justify and rationalize such sickening behavior!
.: Kelly said on July 16, 2003 01:12 AM :: link it :.Gordon, since when is wearing nothing but tennis shoes considered half naked?
.: trish said on July 16, 2003 07:07 AM :: link it :.I agree that is is some very sick shit! We saw this on the news the other day, and Mike agreed that it was disgusting.
And he is an NRA member, who reads hunting magazines! No, he doesn't own a gun, nor does he hunt, mostly because of where we live...but if he ever did hunt, it would be for meat that we would actually eat...not sick shit like this! I fail to see how this could be compared with real hunting! Most real hunters would NEVER sanction this crap!
But the scariest thing of all is how these guys act like the women are all "bitches and whores", for them to do what they please with.
However, if the women who signed on for this knew exactly what they were getting into, I don't feel sorry for them, either.
.: Christine M. said on July 16, 2003 12:45 PM :: link it :.Just because someone gets paid for something does not mean the person paying can do whatever they want to them. This is violence against women. I've played paintball before, and those balls get going at high velocity and they HURT! You end up with big bruises, and normally you are required to wear goggles (and for good reason). If you look at official paintballing sites, you will see that those who know this sport find this outrageous and irresponsible.
.: Elaine N said on July 16, 2003 02:33 PM :: link it :.Check out www.snopes.com and click on Inboxer Rebellion. This is all a hoax. Click on www.huntingforbambi.com, and you will get the message "This is not a public server. Get Lost". Does that sound like someone who wants to make $10,000.00? This is just an elaborate hoax that was spoon fed to the media with amazing results.
.: Bridgett said on July 16, 2003 04:06 PM :: link it :.TWISTED!! HOW I SHAKE MY HEAD AT HUMANITY!! As I learned of the new predator-prey adult game "Hunting for Bambi", I was filled with sentiments of shock, horror, anger and even sadness. I was clinging to the hope that our society still had standards and a value system that was to be upheld and defended, but I guess that I was wrong. "Hunting for Bambi" is completely, without question, degrading, dehumanizing, and insutling to women. The women involved are consenting adults, however, the harm lies in the implications this hunting game holds for the experience of women in the broader context of society. This game reinforces the inequality stemming from the institution of patriarchy and reinforces the roles of male dominance and female subordinance. Reduced to prey and naked, women and their bodies are objectified. This works against all the efforts that have been made in bringing empowerment, dignity, and respect to the female image. The point was made on a radio program addressing this issue that I was listening to this morning, that, if any other group, say a ethnic, minority, or any type of marginalized groups was placed in the prey-role that these women are, then it would be considered politically incorrect and a public outrage. For example, place in the prey-role, Jews, or Blacks, Gays, or handicapped/disabled/disfigured people, and you can see the harmful social and political implications this game holds. Those same implications apply to women in this case!
.: Lauralee said on July 16, 2003 04:26 PM :: link it :.It's a sad comment on our world that everyone assumes something on the web is real... Never heard of parody folks? Irony? Performance art?
Seems not. Seems most folks are just waiting to be annoyed and outraged by whatever the media spoonfeeds them without engaging their critical faculties.
Once the blogsphere showed great promise, now it's a trash pit.
.: JDL said on July 16, 2003 07:29 PM :: link it :.Do you understand the concept of "hoax", "parody", or "satire"?
Jesus. Get your Bullshit Detector tuned up. Don't you think that would be a useful item to add to your intellectual toolkit, to be able to say, when a wet steaming pile of bullshit lands on your head: "My goodness, this appears to be bullshit!"
.: kitten said on July 16, 2003 09:36 PM :: link it :.c'mon even IF this were a "hoax" parody" or"satire", it is despicable &
dangerous.All indications are that it is real however. The victim could be injured & who knows about the psycho hunter one may show up with real bullets or try the game on the population at large kind of like another John Lee Malvo. What ever happened to cherishing a woman after all your mother is one, your sister, your daughter. And the girl who became your first love.
Somehow, I don't think there would be VIDEOS and TALKSHOWS with people who run this thing. If it's a hoax, how come they took my credit card number?
.: Toraton said on July 17, 2003 04:44 AM :: link it :.Wow--you guys who think this is a hoax are not only not very bright but you can't seem to navigate the internet--this story is all over the legitimate news sites and the repulsive pigs who came up with this also have a site--this is not a joke. You can sign up and order videos of this right from their site. You can also make reservations to play this "game" They also have an interview with the moron who came up with this on msnbc.com right now. I sent these idiots a nasty email from their ordering area-(one of many that have already been sent-no doubt) I suggest that angry women out there do the same-this will clog their ordering questions area and annoy them if nothing else. I guess that as long as we live in a society dominated by men, women will continue to be subjected to this kind of aggression--People can laugh and say it is "just a joke" but until the number of males that are raped and abused every day is equal to or greater than the massive numbers of women who are raped and abused every day a lot of men are never going to get why this kind of junk is serious. Try being objectified every day of your life--it is not a fun place to be.
.: lenore said on July 17, 2003 07:52 AM :: link it :.I cannot believe how shocked most of you are. Some to the point where there in denial and looking for some type of conspiracy for why this website is there. Yes it is real why is that so hard to believe? In todays day an age where men are being women women are being men. Men are marrying men women are marrying women. S&M clubs are popping up all over the country. And some of you are shocked about this? This has nothing to do degrading of women. First thing Women are no longer a minority. They are a larger group then any other. Now if the role was reversed here and it was women shooting men I don't think there would be any controversy here. Not one would be saying its degrading to men. They would look at it as a fun joking kinda sexual expierence. But when a man does it all of a sudden it becomes some midevil expierence and degrading. Get off your high horse. If this is what some want to do then so be it. I am sure they more then likely tune the cartridge shots down. If you looked at there legs there were no welts. Lauralee I really do wonder if you would be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed. I think many of you would be ok with it then.
.: Chris said on July 17, 2003 07:53 AM :: link it :.Gee, I am shocked that such typical and idiotic statement came from someone who cannot spell "medieval".
.: said on July 17, 2003 07:55 AM :: link it :.What a rebuttal you have going there for you? Yes I make spelling mistakes from time to time. I never claimed to be a typing major.
Still it remains the same if it were women shooting at men there would be no discussion here.
And how is that idiotic? Or is that you intend to put down my statement by putting down my spelling. Instead of having anything real to say.
I do not claim to want to particapate in this event. I have way better things to do with my time. But at the same time I do not see much wrong with it.
To each is own. Ok for all of you that ran straight to the worse part of this try looking at it this way.Maybe by some of these people living this fantasy it will release these feelings and prevent real harm from coming to others.
And if these women are ok with it who the heck do you people think you are to say anything against it. I am sure there are things some of you do that are shocking to others. Unless of course you have that holier then thou attitude mixed with self rightous.
.: chris said on July 17, 2003 08:24 AM :: link it :.Hoax? hmm, maybe. but i would find that a little hard to believe considering that leading and legitmate talk shows, radio programs, and television news sites have been covering the story. this is not something that we happened to stumble across through spam, splashed on the cover of the 'enquirer', or that was found through a pornography advertisment web link. this issue has been brought to legimate air waves, and we take other accounts that come from legitmate news anchors to be real, why not this? this is not to say that the news broadcasts do not shape certain news-worthy accounts to incite shock and other sentiments, however, despite how the media has shaped the coverage for "hunting for bambi", that fact that such a company exists to make the news at all, and that some serious effort and brainpower has been put into bringing such a service to the public, is unsettling to say the least.
As I mentioned in an earlier posting, if this company were to place any other group in the prey-role besides naked women, then it would be deemed a political and social outrage. Imagine the company allowed for children, disabled, handicapped, or naked ethnic groups or any other visible minorities to be hunted naked? would our complacency stick?
I can't believe that this kind of business could even get an operating license. How could society even allow this kind of obviously degrading "sport" to continue? The public wouldn't stand for this if the division between the "hunter" and the "hunted" was based on any other social difference than gender! How is this any different than allowing a bunch of white guys to dress up in camouflage and hunt down naked Africans, Arabs, or any other social group that they felt some "natural" aggression toward, natural superiority over, or entitlement to sexually violate? Just because the degradation is (systematically) occurring on a gendered plane doesn't mean that it is OK or not a violation of the human rights charter. Men’s “aggression toward women” (to quote the creator) is not natural nor is the clearly violent sexual connotations associated with this event natural. I'm ashamed to be a member of the same species as the animals that participate in this activity or anyone who fails to publicly speak out against it!
.: Jennifer said on July 17, 2003 10:33 AM :: link it :.I have reservations! Theres already an 8 month wait!
.: Gordon the All Knowing and Self actualized said on July 17, 2003 10:46 AM :: link it :.Another great sport for the All American male. Stop whining people...no one forces the ladies to do it!!!!!!
.: Don said on July 17, 2003 10:55 AM :: link it :.would you stop all ready that the women are not forced, I am a woman & I am doubly appalled that the dumb bimbos dont even have the smarts to take the game over for them selves & make ALL the money. Hell, the inventor is a man who is pimping these stupid women, just like "hooters" does, does the owner of that have hooters of his own??? No but he is right there to pimp those dummy women too.
A lawyer on tv said about this, that it could be stopped by referring to it as an assault. & nobody has the right to assault just because the victim is willing. EG, domestic abuse where the state prosecutes. But this is still a sick sick endeavor, Like that gross TV show the "chair "(it was on about a day and a half) where the "contestant" I use the term loosely had to answer asinine questions while doused in water or a temperature rise was created. What a trivialization of real victims of torture, just like this "game" can desensitize men to violence & battering of women & children that is practically a daily occurance in everybodys home town newscast. This "game" publicity juxtaposed to the creep assaulting 9 & 11 year old girls in stores or the Dad who murdered his 2 kids & took off to California just shows the turns that male aggression is capable of, it should frighten all of us. DEcent men should look for ways to control there testosterone mitigated anti social behaviors, "NOT" ways to act it out.
And "they" try to say women are irrational due to our hormones!!! Hell we dont even come close to being "ruled" by glands the way they are.
I think it's Sandy's time of the moon.
.: Gordon the All Knowing and Self actualized said on July 17, 2003 02:17 PM :: link it :.Gordo i can "guess" precisely why you are so mellow !!!!!
I masturbate to photos of preteen girls, then use said photos as target practice with my 9mm glock.
This is healthy, acceptable behavior, as I am releasing my inner rage, and am less likely to rape and murder than people who don't share my hobby.
Wouldn't you agree, Chris?
If my house caught fire, I would throw gasoline on the blaze. The fire would burn the gas instead of burning my house.
This makes sense, right Chris?
.: Andy Jens said on July 17, 2003 05:53 PM :: link it :.hell yhaa!
.: cc said on July 17, 2003 06:46 PM :: link it :.well well Andy... i don't even think your comments are deserving of a rationally-composed rebuttal nor a intellectually-supported arguement, therefore, I will leave you with this few words alone...... You're a sick fool! The fact that you attempt to justify your pornographic mind through the arguement of needing to release sexual aggression is nothing but a twisted excuse! Please do not take concepts of what is "natural" and "normal" and use them to defend your dispicable behaviour!
.: kyla said on July 17, 2003 09:23 PM :: link it :. all the hype is bullshit
A few facts!
1) This is held on private property.
2) These women and men are adults and have given consent.
3) Women today are so worried about being looked at any differently than equal to men that it sickens me.
4) It has been brought to my attention that Lesbian's have taken part in these hunts.
5) How degrading is it to see a very in shape young women and how sickening it is to see some fat out of shape female at a nudist colony.
6) Arrested? For what???? What is the difference between a regular paint ball game and these?? NO clothes and one is armed.
In closing let me say it seems that 90% of the men and women complaining are from those who either wish they were the ones doing it or they wish that men would pay to hunt them but can't due to being so out of shape and less than desirable to the opposite sex.
You liberal men and women should do something more productive with your time like read history confirming liberalism is responsible for more downfalls of America than cancer.
Get a grip! let adults be adults on private property. Outta sight outta mind.
Guys....try living in the body of an attractive woman for one day of your life, and maybe you'd get a clue as to why we're all so upset.
.: Erica said on July 18, 2003 03:52 PM :: link it :.EXCELLENT news to report !!!!!!!
Just read in Vegas Sun that this "outfit" is rife with license infractions!!!! They purported to be a video company doing legit "animal" hunting videos. (False premise)
They issued license to name that differs from current proprietor, reason to revoke.
Plus this is the VERY SAME sleezy outfit that sponsored that sick video of street homeless people fighting for money, that was NOT permitted & I think this will fall in the same category. I do not say it often but Hallelujah!!!!!
PS... Dave,Appropos of your disdain for a fat chick at a nudist colony.
I have seen shots about nudist camps on reg TV with the "parts" blurred & it was striking how EACH & EVERY man there had washboard abs, a full head of hair. & a fanny you could bounce a quarter off.Nothing dangled excessively either.... what do you make of that?
I dont blame many women for turning lesbo as I seriously doubt any lezsie would show up to mistreat a woman,& no woman gay or straight would be retarded enough to shell out 5 or 10 grand for the privelege, only guys pay for sex in any profitable way, women just dont there are statistics that prove that. That would never happen in fact gay women often hook up with women that have been abused by loser guys.
ooh davey-boy, your a REAL swift one...aren't ya?!? how did Harvard ever let u slip away?? shame shame..... p.s... suggested history topic for YOU to read would be, how the woman and her female image has been socially constructed (or should i say, disfigured?) from a long-history of patriarchy that has been embedded in our culture. i also find it rather interesting that you elevate this hunting sport to a harmless form of entertainment and fun... yet accuse liberalism (founded upon the liberal values of the 18th c. Enlightment which assert justice, equality, freedom, choice, and the rationality of the individual etc etc) to be the cancer of America... if anything, this sport is cancerous for justifying the implications of violence and abuse against women, and shrugging it off as mere entertainment....
oh, and dave, consent doesn't making things right, ppl can consent to bad and harmful acts and behaviour, but the consent itself does not "POOF" make that act/behaviour good and acceptable!
You guys might like this humor. Has anyone seen the Red Green Show? Well they have a mens club on it - The Possum Lodge. They recite their preamble before every meeting. ( Dramatic pause between each sentence) "I'm a man. I can change. If I have to. I guess." This sums it up nicely!
.: Gordon the All Knowing and Self actualized said on July 19, 2003 11:19 AM :: link it :.Gordon is that the show on which you became self actualized????
I guess the furor about this topic is diminishing, but here is just another angle of this sick game to consider.
Being an RN you always need to "think" ahead to the "what if" situation.
Here is a "what if" for that "let adults be adults " unfair hunt. So what if one is naked and unarmed like our friend Dave points out.
Lets assume one of the "prey" isnt even aware she is pregnant, she tells the pimp running the hunt that she is on the pill, but actually she is so out of cash that she hasn t had her RX filled in 3 months. So she is being pursued in this sick senario and really needs the $2500 so she exhausts herself & raises her anxiety level trying to not get shot, but eventually she takes a HIT & it is a hit to the tummy that knocks her over with its unexpected ferocity and she puts her arms across her belly defensively (even though it is too late)> She is surprised that she crumples to the rocky, hard ground in such pain. (I did this before she thinks to herself,
& it wasnt like this) As she is on the ground in a heap the "Real man hunter" is approaching this stranger he has treated as an animal for the previous hour. He knows nothing about her circumstances, he dosen t care. He was only interested in HIS FANTASY.
Running over he has a great grin on his face, he ll be able to check her out close up, what fun, she had a huge chest. (A bigger chest courtesy of the large amounts of estrogen travelling through the body of a mom to be)
But what greets our "real man hunter"
is a pregnant woman with lots of real blood between her legs. Congrats "real man hunter" you just caused that woman to mis carry.... Feels great huh? Not only did you bag a defenseless woman but a defense less baby too!!!
Don t think it could never happen I have worked in public health settings
and the pregnancies that were there in fact but did not exist in the mind of the mother are legion!!!
Something to think of real man before you indulge your fantasy on the body of a woman who may be desparate for that cash.
Sorry Sandy, but that's a stretch, and a really dumb one. How about this, it's much better.
Let's say that this woman, who was impregnated by aliens, participates in the hunt. While she's running, she stubs her toe and falls to the ground. The hunter shoots her, and she collects 1000 bucks. Then, a week later, the ingrown toenail that resulted from her stubbing becomes infected. The white blood cells react badly with the alien blood in her veins, and she develops a previously unheard of blood disease and dies. I'll bet those dang aliens are happy now.
.: Geoffrey said on July 19, 2003 10:57 PM :: link it :.Hey fella I have WORKED in human services as an RN. There are REAL people suffering out there every day & people like yourself who trivialize it with alien stories to make yourselves feel better are a huge part of the PROBLEM dear!!! Heck if you want alien stories then Homer Simpson's Maggie being fathered by aliens is the best laugh ever, but REAL MEN shooting paint balls at 18 yr old pregnant women STRANGERS is no stretch, buddy no stretch at all. Post us a little note when your period is 2 weeks late.
Or better yet when YPUR 16 year old daughter is 4 months late & you just found out about it.... and she ran away from home and you cant locate her
huh??? And she turns up in Las Vegas at one of these ranches & the dead baby is your grandson.... what fun huh??? Never happen huh??? I hope not but post here when YOU become a dad to a daughter & tells us then what its all about, man of the world!!!!
Sandy RN
in the real world
Then I guess the women should be a little more responsible, huh?
.: Geoffrey said on July 20, 2003 11:26 AM :: link it :.for sure... 16 year old girls are apt to be about as responsible as the "real men in search of fantasies or as responsible as Kobe Bryant"
The cost of a HOOKER could have saved him alot of misery.... another man run by his glands
16 year olds can't participate in the games, since they haven't reached the age of majority. The scenario you portrayed, which was a stretch to begin with, is now absurd.
If a women gets pregnant, and then participates in the game, I hardly see how that's the man's fault. Stop being a hater.
.: Geoffrey said on July 20, 2003 03:03 PM :: link it :. Sandy
1st Women do hire men for sex. Escort services work both ways. This Is the 21st century get out of the 1960's
2nd If you had bothered to goto the site take a look at the pictures. Do you see any welts. No why because more then likely they power down the paint guns to prevent real damage otherwise it would hurt way to much.
3rd If you have gone to the site you would see its not just any lady off the street earning some cash. They have a steady group. So stop going to the extreme with scenario's There also all above the age of 21. But you have given good reason why we should legalize prostitution. Then we could at least help stop spreading the disease and the age 's involved.
4th There are many sexual activities that are worse then this behind closed and open doors. And yes the women are just as bad as men. So dont try the well if it were women BS. The only difference is women hide it better.
5Th women arent run by there hormones. They why does the time of the month come into arguement play if your never run by it. How come a lady in NJ in 1996 was let off for murdering her husband because it was the time of the month. Why has female gangs begun to rise and more violent crimes are being committed by women? Why has the statistics today same more women are cheating on there spouses then men?
5th guess no more boxing, hockey. football. Soccer, rugby, or field hockey. For these are all sports that promotes violence of one human being towards another.
6th get rid of all movies in the theatre's for they promote violence and lust and theft.
7th get rid of video games for they promote lust and violence.
8th get rid of all female magizenes. vogue and such for they portray women to be thin . which creates more people to do drastic dieting.
I could go on and on. What it truly comes down to is people are in control of themselves. They choose what there going to or not going to do. Just like I own guns. Do I hunt? No Have I ever pointed my gun at anything but a tin can or paper. NO. Do I shoot my guns often yes. It relieves stress. My wife does as well and My daughter shows interest so when she gets older she will learn as well.
I could almost turn anything around and have a negative side to it and let you know of a negative effect of it.
The only thing I cant figure out is why no one has started the Hunting for buck. Im sure there would be a long list of women going to do that.
MMMM. This site is impossible to read, so I don't know if someone already posted this- isn't Bambi a boy?
.: Otto said on July 23, 2003 06:28 PM :: link it :.Guys - it was all a HOAX...
.: cybertoad said on July 25, 2003 04:32 PM :: link it :.} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at July 14, 2003 10:04 PM to see this post.>
} ?>
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