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if (time() > strtotime ("May 13, 2003 07:30 AM")) { ?>
You bring me closer to god
This is a guest post by Nicole while Kymberlie is on vacation...
So it's your wedding day, you're all dressed in your $1,000 gown, all your friends and family are gathered, and you walk down the aisle of...an inflatable church?
The only way this could be a good idea is if the whole thing was like one of those big inflatable Moon Bounce things you see at carnivals...you know, take off your shoes and jump to your heart's content. Now that would be fun! Take your vows while doing backflips!
As is, though, this just screams shotgun wedding where the guests are all in overalls, sporting mullets: Put your keg of moonshine down and help me blow up this here wedding chapel, Cleetus!
Mr Gill told BBC News Online: "I wanted to launch it at the Christian Resource Centre so I could get the stamp of approval of the Christian sector.I'm not a religious person and I don't believe in the Christian version of things, but I'm assuming this guy is worried that people will see it as a joke, right? I mean, the kicker for me was the inflatable cross on the inflatable pulpit. That's comedy gold. All they need is an inflatable Buddy Christ and inflatable creche set with real mooing cows in the poofy barn! Oooo, and an inflatable cup and plate for the communion, and maybe even an inflatable pool for the holy water."That is key to the product and how it is perceived.
Orders for the church have been received from over 20 countries "It could have been easy to have upset a large part of the human race with this but the reaction so far has been absolutely phenomenal."
Yeah, I guess that could be considered a little sacrilegious. But the uniqueness factor is high. I mean, I would imagine that a wedding held in an inflatable church would make you the talk of the town for years.
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I love buddy christ.
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You're too early! Come back at May 13, 2003 07:30 AM to see this post.>
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