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if (time() > strtotime ("April 23, 2003 06:11 PM")) { ?>
Worst Headache Ever
I've got a terrible, terrible headache right now. You know the kind that makes you feel sick to your stomach and like your head is going to explode? Yeah, that's how I feel right now. I'm not sure if it's the Paxil, PMS, or both, but it sucks.
In other news, I have something that I'd really like to happen, so cross your fingers for me and wish me luck.
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dang, sorry to hear about your headache (I read about it on WanderLust right after I posted my update -- I said, 'Hey, I know her!').
Your headache almost sounds like caffeine withdrawal ... at least that's how it is for me ...
.: brykMantra said on April 23, 2003 06:27 PM :: link it :.You know, I learned growing up with my sisters that it is never wise for a guy to provide advice on any headaches related to the female body functions,
Instead I'll just think good thoughts and hope you feel better.
Oh, Good luck with what you are hoping there to happen. :D
.: fran said on April 23, 2003 06:30 PM :: link it :.*hugs*
is that better?!
.: :: jozjozjoz :: said on April 23, 2003 06:50 PM :: link it :.My wife gets migraines every now and then (which is what this sounds like) and she sometimes feels better when she puts a warm washcloth over her eyes and just lies back and relaxes. Either that or a good stiff....drink. Just a thought.
.: Buzz said on April 23, 2003 07:34 PM :: link it :.I'll give you the penny I picked up today - it was heads up when I found it - which is extra good luck - I'll share it with you if it'll help.
.: eve said on April 23, 2003 10:26 PM :: link it :.Ooooh, a migraine. I get those every month like clock-work...with my PMS. Mine is Birth Control Pill induced. I had a migraine that lasted 2 days once. OIY! I did not begin migraines until I got on BC pills. I hope your head will get better soon.
.: Rilana said on April 23, 2003 11:36 PM :: link it :.I remember awhile back, when Mike was taking some pills for depression. They bothered him, causing headaches and tummyaches, so he stopped taking them. I will have to ask him what pills they were.
In his case, the depression was caused by outside sources, and those have pretty much been eliminated, so now all he needs to do is come home and pet cats.
If this keeps up, go back to the doctor. You don't have to live in pain!
Oh...and good luck with whatever it is you are hoping for! I hope it happens...I'll be thinking of ya!
.: Christine M. said on April 24, 2003 02:53 AM :: link it :.Poor you! Hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs, Lil x
.: Lil said on April 24, 2003 07:08 AM :: link it :.Fingers crossed over here!
.: Lisa, Gal of Unix said on April 24, 2003 09:56 AM :: link it :.fingers crossed for what it is you want to happen aswell as feeling better soon.
Two sets of fingers are crossed. One for the headache (and associated symptoms) being over quickly, and one for whatever you want to happen.
Feel better soon (((Kym))) and...
*fingers crossed*
.: gingersmack said on April 24, 2003 04:33 PM :: link it :.keeping fingers, toes, eyes and all other appropriate appendages crossed for you! Hoping you feel better soon. *hugs*
.: munin said on April 24, 2003 04:38 PM :: link it :.Ugh....that definitely sounds like a migraine. I get those. When you can't even THINK about having light around, because your eyeballs might fall out of their sockets. Where sometimes, if you just go ahead and make yourself vomit (yeah, yeah, i know), you will feel infinitely better almost immediately. soon girl.
And good luck with whatever it is. :D
Much luck and love back at'cha! I hope you start feeling better soon.
.: Lisa said on April 25, 2003 05:18 PM :: link it :.} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at April 23, 2003 06:11 PM to see this post.>
} ?>
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