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if (time() > strtotime ("March 10, 2003 10:58 PM")) { ?>
Kymberlie The Sickly
I went to work today despite still feeling bad and it wiped me out again. I came home and immediately went to bed and slept for a couple of hours.
I just feel exhausted all the time. When we went to Kaveh Kane's Saturday to watch my brother's band, it took all my energy to go upstairs, shower, go to the garage, and come back up. I literally had to sit down. Also the constant coughing is driving me up the wall. I'm starting to get stopped up sinuses as well.
If it doesn't get better by the end of the week, I'm going to have to go to the doctor. Just in time for my birthday too!
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", $excerpt, "
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Gosh, this is really lingering with you. I hope you feel back to normal before your birthday. Take care and rest...
.: Marie said on March 11, 2003 12:31 AM :: link it :.sorry to hear that you are still sick, on the bright side....I love that sick emoticon.
} else { ?>
You're too early! Come back at March 10, 2003 10:58 PM to see this post.>
} ?>
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