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if (time() > strtotime ("July 29, 2002 05:50 PM")) { ?>
Monday Mission 2.30
Here's PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.30:
1. What is your favorite snack food? Does anyone you know have weird tastes in snacks?
I guess favorite snack food would have to be something mundane like chips. I love Doritos (both cool ranch and cheesy ones), French Onion Sun Chips, and Funyuns. Now the Funyuns might be a little strange...
2. Ever caught yourself saying "well it can't get any worse" and it does? What's the story there?
I feel like that all the time at work. Recently we had told a client that we would be finished coding her site by 8:00 at night and at 9:00 the problems with the code started multiplying. Luckily, we were able to get them fixed pretty quickly.
3. What's your attention span like and how has it served you?
My attention span is pretty good. As Chrsitine can tell you, I *hate* to have things on my plate just waiting to be done. I usually get things completed as soon as I can.
4. Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrials?
Yes. Seems silly to think that in the vast universe we are the only life.
5. What do you think of the whole "crop circles" phenomenon?
It's kind of weird, but when I was in Wales (or maybe it was Scotland, but I'm pretty sure it was Wales) in the summer of 1990 my aunt, uncle, and I saw one way the hell out in the middle of no where. It seems strange that someone would have tracked out to that remote farm to make one. I do know that some of them are fake, but maybe a few are strange, unexplained things. This whole question really makes me want to go see Signs even more now. :-)
6. Ever had a time where you begin visiting with someone you don't know all that well and just find you "click" like long lost pals? Tell me about how that came to happen, and who was it? What kind of things do you have in common?
At my friend Mita's wedding shower I really got along well with one of her friends (her name is Indian, so I can't spell it). We hung out at the mendhi ceremony and at the wedding and had a good time. I wish I would have stayed in better contact with her.
7. What funeral do you remember most vividly?
I suppose that would have to be my grandmother's (my dad's mom) funeral when I was about twelve. I remember how we got her tons of birds of paradise flowers because they were here favorite and how it was my cousin Marie's birthday. I remember everyone going to my uncle Whitey's house and my uncle playing Stairway to Heaven. I remember a lot more too, but I think that's all I'll post.
BONUS: How can I forget you, girl?
You can't forget me. It's impossible. :-)
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