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strtotime ("February 28, 2002 08:14 PM")) { ?>
I Hate Telemarketers!
‹rant›I'm sitting here doing my online focus group and already three telemarketers have called. The last one kept asking when Steven would be available and would not let it go. Has anyone tried The Telezapper? If it works, I would buy one in a heartbeat. We stay up really late during the weekends (well, all the time really, but I digress), so if you call my house before noon, I want you dead. Don't call me! Ever!‹/rant›
.: Posted February 28, 2002 08:14 PM in Rants, ";print substr($entry_cats, 0, -2); ?> :."..."
I called you during the flood - but I figured you were up or you should be warned to be careful with your car! Who loves you, baby?
.: Christine said on March 2, 2002 07:41 PM :: link it :.Hate telemarketers? Here's the number for one. They won't stop calling even though I've asked for our number to be put on their DO-NOT-CALL list.
Give them a call and let them know how you feel about their intrusions.
.: TickedOffConsumer said on February 26, 2004 04:39 PM :: link it :.I found a way to stop telemarketers in their tracks. It is an audio call screener called SelfAnnounce. It requires callers to announce themselves over a loud speaker so you don't have to get up to answer the phone if you don't want to. Haven't had one commercial interruption since I got it. Read all about it at SelfAnnounce(dot)com.
.: phil said on March 1, 2004 04:02 PM :: link it :.Want to get revenge. Call these guys over and over again. They sell the equipment to the companies that do telemarketing:
Alpha Omega Systems
18333 Egret Bay Blvd
Houston, TX 77058
You can email also to the owner:
Paul Candelaria
glad to read that about alpha omega systems! i was looking for info on the company before submitting a resume. it sounded like a valid company, but the listing was a little too "check it out! great opportunity!" kind of thing for me to be sure. Someone's gotta sell the stuff, but it doesn't have to be me!
.: Fay said on January 7, 2005 07:49 PM :: link it :.I don't get it? You guy's are a bunch of wusses!. I have been selling on the phone & in person for over 20 years & I too get telemarketing calls for all kinds of stuff but I politely say no & hang up. Nobody wants to be bothered but everybody likes new Ideas. Well, you have look through a lot of dirt to find gold. Quit Whining & grow up!
.: Roy Gustafson said on April 28, 2006 06:36 AM :: link it :.You're too early! Come back at February 28, 2002 08:14 PM to see this post.
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